
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
东南亚自贸易区ASEAN Free Trade Area
中国证券自流通指数China Securities Free Floating Index
价格自涨落uncontrolled fluctuations in price
企业流出的自现金流free cash flow from firm
公开自流通public free float
卖方理seller's argument
购买者接手的贷款assumable mortgage
可自交易的委托discretional orders
可自兑换性free convertibility
可自兑换的货币convertible currency
可自兑换货币贷款convertible credit
合法理lawful excuse
自取de son tort demesne
在亲属间高收人者借给低收人者此贷款方式是由美国芝加哥的企业巨头哈利・克郎(Harry Crown)创建的crown loan
大摩MSCI中国外资自投资指数MSCI China Free Index
大摩新兴市场外资自投资指数MSCI Emerging Market Free Index
大摩新加坡自投资指数MSCI Singapore free index
客户自信贷余额customer's free credit balance
市场自liberalization of market
本地银行支付的凭证document payable through local bank
投资自决定权investment discretion
损失发生的缘losses occurring basis
摩根士丹利国际投资的新兴市场自指数Morgan Stanley Capital International Emerging Markets Free
新兴市场自指数摩根士丹利公司开发的一种有关墨西哥、泰国、智利等国家股票市场的股票指数emerging markets free index
无正当理without justifiable reason
无理的索赔要求unjustified claim
无自处置权的委托non-discretionary trust
无自处置权的账户non-discretionary accounts
本通知本交易所负责解释interpretation of the notice resides in the Exchange
流向企业的自现金free cash flow to firm
独家的自裁量权at sole discretion
上向下合并merge down
下而上的策略bottom up
下而上的股本管理方式bottom up equity management style
于付款不足而退票dishonour by non-payment
企业合并而造成的减资capital reduction due to merger
……提出的股票报价stock quotes offered by...
法院判决的清算judicial settlement
生产要素价格决定的成本explicit cost
第三人担任保管机构third party custodian
股票和债券主导的养老金基金组合stock-and-bond-dominated pension fund portfolios
调控资本所产生的量化约束quantitative constraints generated by regulatory capital
货主负责的风险owner's risk of damage
贵方承担风险at your risk
风险投资驱动的driven-by venture capital
短期自裁量权short-term discretion
经理自裁量权限manager's discretionary limits
股权自现金流量free cash flow to equity
上涨股价突破阻力线涨至新高位free wheeling
交易所off floor exchange
余额可支付普通股股息的公司收益free surplus
信用余额free credit balance
债券交易活跃债券free crowd
储备金金融机构的准备金超过法定准备金的部分free reserves
发行便利free issuance facility
发行安排free issuance facility
定价模式free pricing model
市场利率open market rate
日元存款free yen deposit
格式记账free-form entry
汇率floating rate
流通股票free float
浮动汇率体系free floating exchange rate system
现金流倍数free cash flow multiple
现金流比率free cash flow ratio
股票free stock/share
裁量权discretionary power
证券美国政府曾发行的储蓄券freedom shares
证券不是抵押物的证券free securities
转换权投资者不支付费用而把某证券转换成另一种形式的权利free right of exchange
银行业务free banking
要求提出理的信函show-cause letter
贴现自现金流量discounted free cash flow
贸易和投资自化和便利化trade and investment liberation and facilitation
退票理note of dishonor
金融中介自financial intermediary deregulation
金融自化程度较低financial shallow