
Terms for subject Logistics containing | all forms
法律上变通的理alternate grounds
于……due to
卖方代为租船、订或投保的启运地船上交货价free on board clause providing for additional duties to the sellers
提单术语发货人所称said by shipper
× × 船装运的船上交货价free on board per a
租船合同船长选择装运数量quantity at captain's option
提单术语货主装载、计数Shipper's Load and Count
提单术语 货主装载、计数、加封Shipper's Load, Count and Seal
货方指定但由承运人承担运费的中转运输merchant inspired carrier haulage
自由航空港free airport
自由航空港free port
飞行权freedom of the air