
Terms for subject Agriculture containing | all forms
偏克分子自partial molar free energy
先验理apriori reason
半稳自semistable radical
单自度比较single degree of freedom comparison
可自兑换帐户freely convertible accounts
可自支配纯收人disposable income
可自支配的disposable (disposabilis)
吉布斯激活自Gibbs free energy of activation
吉布斯线性自能关系linear Gibbs free energy relation
品种自degree of freedom for varieties
品种间自异花授粉intervarietal free-cross pollination
品种间自杂交intervarietal free crossing
商品自流通free movement of goods
在牧场上自繁育指牛free breeding on pasture
处理自degree of freedom for treatment
大变量自degree of freedom for larger variance
大均方自degree of freedom for larger mean square
小区自degree of freedom for plot
居住自freedom of establishment
平均自mean free path
总自total degree of freedom
悬挂点自空间半径radius at hitch point
无氧自oxygen-free radical
杜南自空间Donnan free space
标准自能变化standard free-energy change (AG)
核糖体 RNA 多基因编码ribosomal RNA coding by multiple gene
毛管自流动电泳capillary free flow electrophoresis
氧化亚胺自iminoxyl free radical
氧自oxygen radical
水分自空间water free space
水压自piezometric (pieso metricus)
液体自free surface of liquid
各部分构成一整体put together
外体诱发的巨型细胞giant cell induced by foreign bodies
所有者经营management by owner
货物水路运送的water- borne
昆虫头、胸、腹缢缩分开的disjunct (disjunctus)
线性自linear free energy
细胞自形成free formation of cell
羰自ketyl radical (R₂CONa)
交尾free mating
交配pangamy (pangamia)
交配free mating
市场价格free price
传粉free pollination
兑换convertibility (convertibilitas)
分离independent segregation
分离free assortment
产品清单free list
卸土铲运机free discharge scraper
参照free reference
参考free reference
含水量free moisture content
命名法free nomenclature
商品free commodity
基引发催化作用free radical induced catalysis
基引发剂radical initiator
基损伤蛋白radical-damaged protein
基清除剂free radical scavenger
基生成剂radical-forming agent
基阳离子radical cation
基阴离子radical anion
处置free disposal
多肽合成系统free polypeptide synthesizing system
大分子free macromolecules
free pore
度的划分partition of degree of freedom
异花传粉free cross pollination
异花授粉natural cross-pollination (allopollinatio naturalis)
异花授粉群体open- pollinated population
引用free reference
授粉random pollination (pollinatio fortuita)
异花授粉open pollination
放牧free pasturing
放牧free grazing
杂交群体amphimictic population (populatio amphimictica)
核蛋白体free ribosome
核蛋白体蛋白free ribosomal protein
模糊函数free fuzzy function
氨基free amino group
河曲指河道自由弯曲free meander
free flow
流动电泳free flow electrophoresis
游动free swimming
free enthalpy
生产free production
生活微生物free-living microorganism
生活的单细胞藻类free-living unicellular algae
生活雄配子free-living male gamete
生活雌配子free-living female gamete
生长激素free auxin
independent (independens)
free salt
free stock
园艺free stock
domestic seedling
租赁tenancy at will
空间apparent free space
突变independent mutation
经济liberal economy
给饲ad libitum feeding
能变化改变free energy change
能计算free energy computation
光学目镜放大度的调节性pancraticity (pancraticitas)
调节镜头pancratic lens
贸易地区free-trade area
跌落free fall
路径free path
运动的vagile (vagilis)
遗传变异free genetic variation
遗传变异性free genetic variability
采食free choice
采食feeding to appetite
采食法cafeteria feeding method
颗粒free particle
颤动free oscillation
表观自部位apparent free space
误差自degree of freedom for error
贸易自liberation of trade
赫姆霍兹自Helmholtz free energy
人口routing entry
倒换route flip-flop
延伸route extension
扩充route extension
拨号route dialing
选择数据routing data
计算机route computer
转移自transfer free energy
过氧化自peroxy radical
过羟自hydroperoxyl radical (HO₂)
连续自流动电泳continuous free flow electrophoresis
风媒自传粉free anemophily
高能键与自能储藏high-energy bond and free energy storage