
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一次性措施费lump sum measure expense
一次性费one time fee
一级交易商信工具primary dealer credit facility PDCF
一般途债券general obligation bond
一般信债务债券general credit obligation bond
一般信担保债券general obligation bond
一般信general L/C
一般及行政费general & administrative G&A expenses
一般经营费general operation expenses
一般销售费和管理支出selling general & administrative expenses
一般销售费和管理支出selling general & administrative SG&A expenses
上市公控股公司public utility holding company
上市公司信记录listed companies credit record
上市公司信记录credit record of listed company
上证公事业指数SSE utilities index
抽佣金no load
不凭信证押汇汇票documentary bill without L/C
不利作adverse effect
不动产投资信托股票策略应REIT stocks strategic uses
不受限制的信unrestricted credit
不可分割信non-divisible L/C
不可撤销的无追索权的信irrevocable without recourse letter of credit
不可改变信irrevocable credit
不可转移的职能/作non-delegable functions
不增加信贷款、无信贷no more credit
不对称的杠杆作leverage asymmetry
不属于使者的资产assets not attributable to users
不确定的费unconfirmed expense
不能数量估量的资产unquantifiable assets
不能随意使的资本capital tie-up
不起作no effect
与信主体挂钩型的存款credit linked deposit
于企业的投资firm-specific investment
交易系统proprietary trading system
储备金earmarked reserves
光纤线路股市private fibre optical circuit
可转债账户special convertible debt security account
基金special purpose fund
基金restricted fund
基金存款deposits of specific fund
屏幕交易系统proprietary screen-based trading system
报表special purpose statement
现金账户special cash account
线路终端proprietary routing terminal
金融市场上private netweb
网络proprietary network
证券代码段special securities code segment
贷款purpose loan
资产specialized assets
资金earmarked money
项目投资activity-specific investment
专款专use of funds as ear-marked
专款专funds earmarked for a specific purpose
专门途的资金earmarked fund
专门途贷款tied Ioan
资金dual purpose fund
个人信信息数据库personal credit information database
个人信登记系统personal credit registry system
中介费procuration fee
中国人民银行信报告系统credit reporting system of the People's Bank of China
为在海外使资金而在海外发行的债券out to out external bond
主观使价值subject value in use
买方远期信buyer's usance
优先privileged user
优先使短期国库券政策bill preferable policy
优先股信评级preferred stock ratings
估值作valuation function
估计使寿命estimated useful life
低端lower end customer
低销售费的基金low load fund
滞后impact lag
作担保存人的证券securities deposited as collateral
作担保的证券securities received for guarantee
他人名义交易trading in the name of another
资本回报return on capital employed
借债的费debt servicing charge
借款人应付放款人费lender expenses payable by borrower
债券专席位持有机构上海股票交易所内institutions with special seats of bonds
债券发行价折扣及费debt discount and expenses
债券发行折扣及费bond discount and expense
债券发行费摊销amortization of debenture expenses
债务信工具debt credit instrument
假报费fraudulent disbursement
假设费assumed fee
充分利有限资金make full use of limited funds
免费使use without compensation
兑付费accepting charge
全球发行所得款项的使use of proceeds from global offering
事业公司股份public utility stocks
事业分类指数utilities sub-index
事业持股公司public utility holding company
事业收人债券utility revenue bond
事业股息再投资计划utility dividend reinvestment plan
事业股票public utility stocks
事业股票平均指数utility average
事业证券public utilities security
证券交易所内电话亭call box
公司法人信登记系统corporate credit registry system
公司经营管理费corporate overhead
公司间费intercompany expense
公平信结账法Fair Credit Billing Act
公开议付信general negotiable L/C
公正信报告fair credit reporting
系统shared system
金融系统shared financial system
共同基金信级别mutual fund ratings
关键作vital roles
其他于投资证券的贷款other loans for purchasing or carrying securities
其他使价值alternative use value
具有增值作的收购accretive acquisition
分散费合约计划spread-load contractual plan
分期还款信instalment credit
分配费distribution expenses
创业费贷款front end finance
创办费start-up expenses
创办费formation expenses
创办费formation costs
初期费opening expenses
初期预收费front-end fee
初步费preliminary expenditure
leverage off
中国庞大资本市场take advantage of the huge capital market in China
市场行情消除困难jobbing out of their difficult patch
的资本capital employed
职务之便take advantage of position
规模优势leveraging its scale
顾客资金买空卖空的对敲罪行bucketing offence
利息和费计算interest rate and fee calculation
利益冲突的作conflicting functions
制止作braking effect
前期费preliminary expenditure
前期费front fee
前期费front-end fee
包括所有费、单一价格all-in-rate (包括一切费用的)
半信式的融资quasi-credit financing
单据与信证条款不符document not conforming to the provisions of the letter of credit
单据信documentary credit
卖方承担远期汇票贴息的信seller's usance credit
的资金occupied capital
资金的手法隐蔽化大股东占用上市公司资金的手法invisibility of capital occupation method
即时支付的费upfront charges
合并后的协同作merger synergy
合并增效作产生的价值value of synergy
合法效投资者最多可从股利中拿出750美元购买股票从而可以延迟纳税,此为合法效用qualifying utility
后台机构的作back-office function
后向费复合式期权的所有人对标的期权持有人所支付的费用back fee
后期费back end load
向上稳定价格作upward stabilization
向上稳定作upward stabilization
draw on
商业信调查机构credit agency
土地使权证land use right permit
在套期保值中的应hedging uses
在股市中对投资者威慑作having deterrent effect on investors in stock market
坏账费企业用在无法回收的账款上的费用bad debt expense
交割程序alternative delivery procedure
信贷backup credit facility
信贷便利contingent credit facility
信贷限额backup line
信贷额standby credit line
出价backup bid
备查账页folio reference
外汇资金reserve foreign currency
安排standby arrangement
成本回收体系alternative cost recovery system
抵押信用工具alternative mortgage instruments
back up copy
次级贷款融通standby subordinated loan facility
现金till cash
现金stock in the till
现金cash in till
的筹资方法alternative funding method
的股份数量share availability
程序fallback arrangement
股权分配协议standby equity distribution agreement
贷款reserve loan
贷款工具standby lending facility
贷款融通standby loan facility
费用contingent fees
资料back up data
资金backup funding
辅助金reserved supplementary grant
备款以支付protect (到期债务等)
外部信增强external credit enhancements
途账户omnibus account
大约的/可能的费probable cost
大股东占的上市公司的非经营性资本listed companies' non-operational capital occupied by major shareholders
大额备担保贷款substantial standby secured credit
头等信top credit
威慑作deterrent effect
尚未偿付的费unreimbursed charge
履约保证信performance bond credit
履约信performance letter of credit
履行保证信performance credit
市场market user
贷款evergreen loan
平均占的经常性资金额average occupied amount of current capital
平均费level load
平均费基金交纳平均管理费的共同基金level load fund
年度可收益annual disposable income
年度基金运作费annual fund operation expenses
开业前费precommencement expenditure
开业费formation costs
开办费initial expenses
开放式信贷款open fiduciary loan
影响分配的稳定作stabilizing to effect a distribution
恒生公事业分类指数Hang Seng Utilities Sub-index
恒生公事业分类指数期货Hang Seng Utilities Sub-index Futures
成本/价格作机制cost/price dynamic
成本运cost application
成立费initial expenses
成立费formation expenses
资本收益return on capital employed
所涉费问题financial implication
打击非法利银行贷款进行证券投机crackdown on illegal bank Ioans used for securities speculation
托付信escrow letter of credit
托管信escrow credit
扣掉费的票据non-par item
持久有效信evergreen clause credit
持仓费型市场carrying-charge market
持有效ownership utility
持有资产费carrying charge
指定途专款use of funds as ear-marked
指定途的准备金earmarked reserves
指定途的收earmarked revenue
指定途的留存收益appropriated retained earnings
指定途的资金earmarked fund
指定途资金earmarked money
指定议付信restricted negotiable L/C
按客户指定途付款appropriation of payment
按比率分配费公式formula apportionment
挤占挪资金unwarranted diversion of financial resources (from designated uses)
公司资金misappropriate company funds
公款embezzle public funds
公款进行证券交易trading securities by misappropriating public funds
客户委托的证券misappropriating the securities entrusted by clients
客户资产misappropriating client assets
沉淀基金raid the sinking fund
资产misappropriation of assets/property
损耗费depletion expenses
摊还费amortization charge
支付费meet charges
支付费discharge of the costs
支票付款信clean payment L/C
支票付款信clean payment credit
支票信cheque credit
收人和费报表income and expense statement
收回债券的费摊销amortization of expense related to bond retirement
收益协同作revenue synergy
收购后费post acquisition expenditures
收购要约中的前期费front-end loading in tender offers
放宽信freeing up credit lines
放款人费lender fee
政府备信贷融通backup government credit facility
政府支付的开办费government start-up grant
价值value of utility
数字通编号系统data universal numbering system
整体利贷款的程度degree of total leverage
整理费reconditioning charge
普通信担保债券general obligation bond
普通信general L/C
最低总费least total cost
最佳信评级best's rating
最佳资源配置的市场作market's function of optimal resource allocation
最高信等级标准普尔信用等级标准triple-A credit rating 3A
有担保的信guaranteed letter of credit
有担保的备信贷额secured standby credit facility
有支付固定费的收人income available for fixed charges
有/无信证汇票bill with/without L/C
有限信limited L/C
期权费option tariff
未使的资产dormant asset
未使inactive fee
未充分利成本underutilization cost
未充分利资产underutilized assets
未利过的土地raw land
未吸收费unabsorbed burden
未报销的费unreimbursed charge
未拨盈余unappropriated profit
未拨营业盈余unappropriated retained earnings
未摊销的债券费unamortized debt expense
未确定款目的发行说明书open prospectus
未被授权使的资产unauthorized use of assets
本期经营费current operation expenditures
本金使可动用信托资产本金满足信托受益人之需invasion power
杀手应killer application
杀手软件应高科技给人带来便利,有时也带来麻烦killer application
杂项miscellaneous purposes
杠杆过度使excessive use of leverage
条件交付信escrow letter of credit
标准普尔信评级Standard and Poor's rating
标普信评级S&P rating
标普信评级S&P credit rating
根据信证开汇票drawing under credit
次日可资金next day funds
次级信债券subordinated debenture
次级信secondary credit
欺诈性挪款项fraudulent misuse of funds
欺骗性的挪fraudulent appropriation
正向有利的杠杆作positive leverage
正当垫付的费proper disbursement
流动资金使分析usage analysis of current fund
流通信acceptance outstanding
清洁信clean credit
清盘费closing costs
潜在potential utility
牌照费licensing fees
于再投资利润blow back benefit
于再投资的收益plowback earnings
于再投资的收益earnings reinvested
于对冲基金估值的分析工具analytical tools for evaluation of hedge fund
于归还专项借款的利润net income for redeeming specific loan
于抵押的资金money out on mortgage
于持有证券的其他贷款other loan for carrying securities
于放空账户for short account
于证券交易的保证金存款marginal deposit for security
于贿赂官员的资金slush fund
于资产互换的资产assets for assets swap
于非生产目的的固定资产fixed assets for non-production purposes
人民币报价use RMB for quoting
人民币结算use RMB for settling
作担保的证券securities in pledge
交易中作掩护的人或物straw man
保证金方式运作的账户margined account
信用证提款drawing under credit
利润衡量measured by profits
实物或服务支付payment in kind
实物结算的认购期权physically-settled call option
应收票据担保note receivable as collateral
当年利润派股distribution of new shares from the current year's profit
户便利user facility
户意识user awareness
户认知性user awareness
押金购买margin buying
摊还法计算出的价值amortized value
期货换现货against actuals
本人账户交易trade on one's own account
来交保证金的证券margined security
此账户交易股票dealing with the account
每股股利额表示dividend-per-share presentation
现金付款ready up
票据作抵押证券bill on deposit
者自付原则user pay principle
股利偿还repaying with dividend
股票偿还shares repaying
脚投票股东对公司的管理表示不满voting by foot
衍生工具执行implementation with derivatives
证券做担保take up loan on securities
证券进行国际并购funding international M&A with securities
货币支付的利息explicit interest
资产偿还assets repaying
资产抵消负债offsetting assets and liabilities
赔偿基金支付payment out of the compensation fund
途说明书purpose statement
量差异quantity variance
量指令quantitative directive
量指数quantum index
金融创新去规避financial innovation to avoid
电子资金结算费electronic money settlement fee
社会信登记系统social credit registry system
国际货币基金组织第一档信贷款first credit tranche
第三方信增级third party credit enhancement
策略的应strategies using
累积信cumulation credit
累积信cumulative letter of credit
累积循环信revolving cumulative credit
take on
认付hired acceptance
虚假递延费fallacious deferred charges
虚构信fictitious credit
衍生信风险derivative credit risk
衍生工具信风险credit risk for derivatives
负向不利的杠杆作negative unfavorable leverage
负面作adverse effect
财务上的协同作financial synergy
财务传动作financial gearing
财政费financial expense
贴息信债券debenture discount
国际货币基金贷款利权协议standby agreement
贷款年费annual percentage rate
贷款折扣费loan discount fee
及收费fees and charges
及收费披露一览表fees and charges disclosure sheet
发票expense invoice
抵补expense recovery
押金deposits of costs
担保security for expense
支付fee payment
支出权power to incur expense
表格fee schedule
转移expense shifting
限制stint on expense
资产使年限assets guideline period
资产使查验assets use test
资产净值信额度equity line of credit
资产利assets utilization ratio
资产有偿使use of assets to be repaid
资产有偿占use of assets to be repaid
资产费charges on assets
资本使者成本user cost of capital
资本占capital occupation
资本的运employment of capital
资本费审批capital expenditure authorization
资源配置中利率调节作role of interest rates in resource allocation
资金使funds employed
资金使估价valuation of fund application
资金使用途purpose of fund
资金使账单application of funds statement
资金使账目accounts of application of fund
资金利funds employed
资金占funds tied up
资金占科目accounts of application of fund
资金双重使例如,用银行贷款购买银行债券double gearing
资金应uses of funds
资金报表的来源和使sources and applications of fund statement
资金来源与运报表分析analysis statement of source and application of fund
资金来源和使分析analysis of source and application of fund
资金的使employment of funds
资金的使utilization of funds
资金的使application of funds
资金运funds operation
资金运funds employed
赎回费共同基金contingent deferred sales charge (back-end loan fund)
赔偿费fee based compensation
起到振奋心理作股市上deliver a psychological boost
转开信override letter of credit
转换费conversion charge
转移费closing charges
于并购application to mergers and acquisitions
条例rules governing
条款provisions applicable
标准qualification criteria
applicable law
的证券法律applicable securities laws
递减边际效decreasing utility
递加信cumulative letter of credit
会计准则Generally Accepted Accounting Principals
债券universal bond
公共电脑网络generalized common computer network
审计标准Generally Accepted Auditing Standards
汽车公司前导理论该理论认为,通用汽车公司的普通股股价达高点时宏观市场将涨4个月,股价降到低点时宏观市场将跌4个月General Motors bellwether
电器公司类证券generalists (以每股超过100美元价格交易的证券)
账户universal account
道・琼斯公事业平均指数Dow Jones utility average
道德信moral credit
销售费selling charge
防止大股东占资金prevent major shareholders' capital occupation
附加的费additional fees
附属信subsidiary credit
附属信secondary credit
附属信证/信贷ancillary credit
附红条款的信letter of credit with red clause
限制途贷款tied Ioan
限制使信贷协议restricted-use credit agreement
限制使报告restricted use report
限制使的信用证restricted credit
限制使账户restricted account
限定途信贷purpose credit
限定途条款purpose clause
需经证监会批准收取的费fees approved by Commission
于分配的资本储备non-distributable capital reserve
非专贷款non-purpose loan
非优先偿还债务费subordination fee
非使价值nominal value
非信账户unmargined account
非内幕交易人消息的获得者/使non-insider tippee
非弹性费inflexible expenses
非法使资金usurpation of funds
非滚动信non-revolving letter of credit
非生产资产non-productive assets
非累积循环信revolving non-cumulative credit
非经常性费incidental expense
非经营固定资产购置sundry fixed assets acquisition
非经营性资金占non-operational capital occupation
非经营费即期支付sundry payments
非自动滚动信non-automatic revolving credit
非限定信unrestricted credit
靠信发行的货币fiduciary notes
顶级信top credit
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