
Terms for subject Electric machinery containing | all forms
AVO meter
all-purpose meter
万能镗钻两机床universal borer-and-driller
万能镗钻两机床universal boring and drilling machine tool
三相冶金电动机three-phase metallurgical motor
三相船电动机three-phase marine motor
变电所special substation
型接线座definite purpose type terminal block
机器设备special machine setups
电动机definite-purpose motor
电动机special-purpose motor
电机special-purpose -machine
电机special -machine
直流电机special DC machine
设备specially processing equipment
发电站dual purpose power plant
电动机AC-DC motor
电动机dual purpose motor
事故备发电emergency generation
事故备发电机组emergency generating set
事故备机组emergency set
事故备柴油发电机emergency diesel-electric generator
事故备电站emergency reserve station
交直流两设备all-mains set
互感器current transformer
互感器potential transformer
变压器potential transformer
变流器current transformer
仪器电动机instrument use motor
低功率石墨试验反应堆graphite low energy experimental pile
分量active component
action effort
function diagram
application field
applied field
时间application time
电压active voltage
范围action limit
使压力application pressure
使寿命试验working life test
使寿命试验operating life test
使应力functional stress
使期限life (time)
使裕度active redundancy
使裕度functional redundancy
使说明operating instruction
使说明书directions for use
使须知service manual
使须知directions (for use)
使马力operation horsepower
使马力service horsepower
保安备电源emergency stand by electric supply
型机组utility-type unit
电力事业power utility
等电位联结系统common bonding network
等电位联结系统common equipotential bonding system
联结网common bonding network
联结网common equipotential bonding system
变压器rural type transformer
冶金电动机motor for metallurgy
冶金电动机metallurgical motor
冶金轧机电动机mill motor
冶金轧机电动机metal-rolling mill motor
冶金轧机直流电动机mill DC motor
冶金轧机直流电动机metal-rolling mill DC motor
冷态备机组cold reserve
废热循环exhaust heat recovery cycle
钢丝brush wire
加热同步发电机heating alternator
发电机house service generator
变压器house service transformer
电动机house service motor
配电盘house switchboard
双作制动器duo-servo brake
双作制动器double acting brake
电机inverted machine
反作安匝back ampere-turn
反作式刷握reaction brush holder
反作式涡轮机reaction turbine
反作reaction machine
反作磁场counter magnetic field
反作线匝back turn
反作线圈back coil
发条驱动电动机spring motor
发火磁电机ignition magneto
发电储水power storage
发电厂发电机house generator
发电厂发电机station generator
发电厂电功率generating auxiliary power
发电厂设备利power station plant factor
发电机自动调压器automatic voltage regulator for generator
发电机组可generating unit availability
发电费增量incremental generating cost
净水头available net head
功率效率available power efficiency
转矩available torque
部件disposable part
马力available horsepower
同步变压器synchronizing transformer
启动电抗器inductor starter
启动自耦变压器induction starter
启动自耦变压器starter autotransformer
启动自耦变压器auto starter
启动-发电两电动机starter-generator motor
启动器发电机starter generator
启动电动机励磁机exciter of pony motor
吸气作getter effect
固化烘房curing oven
固定使stationary use
供电系统standby electric supply system
供电网emergency network
冷却emergency cooling
功率emergency rating
励磁auxiliary excitation
励磁机jury exciter
励磁机standby exciter
励磁机emergency exciter
励磁机spare exciter
励磁机切换试验spare exciter changeover test
励磁机组emergency exciter set
励磁电源装置spare installation of exciting current
励磁绕组auxiliary exciting winding
发电机prepared generator
发电机spare generator
发电机jury generator
发电机presupposed generator
发电机preparation generator
发电机组standby generating
发电机组generator set
发电机组auxiliary power unit
安全装置back-up safety device
定子standby stator
方案back-up plan
reserve machine
机组jury unit
机组standby unit
柴油发电机emergency diesel-electric generator
油泵emergency oil pump
法兰reserve flange
熔断器back-up fuse
燃气轮发电机emergency gas turbine generator
电刷standby brush
电力reserve power
电力marginal supply capability
电力变压器auxiliary power transformer
电动机jury motor
电动机standby motor
电厂standby power plant
电厂standby power station
电厂auxiliary station
电机standby machine
电机auxiliary machine
电机jury machine
电枢standby armature
电源standby electric supply
电源standby power (supply)
电源back-up source emergency power supply
电源back-up source auxiliary power supply
电源standby electric source
电路standby circuit
线匝spare turn
线圈spare coil
线棒spare bar
装置standby facility
转子standby rotor
spare quantity
风扇auxiliary fan
风扇auxiliary blower
复励作compounding effect
multi purpose pump
电动机multi-purpose motor
天轴传动电动机countershaft-driving motor
天轴传动电动机motor for line-shaft drive
安装法兰attachment flange
安装费installation cost
定子共绕组stator shared winding
导线利conductor efficiency
寿命周期费lift cycle cost
工业电动机motor in industry
工业电动机commercial motor
平侧两铣刀face and side cutter
平均可系数mean availability
平均设备利小时average available hour of equipment
年利系数annual utilization factor
程序application programme
标准standard adopted as reference
微分作derivative action
微分-比例-积分作PID action
微分-比例-积分作DPI action
操作冲击耐受电压conventional switching impulse withstand voltage
变压器station transformer
station service
电力网station network
拉丝电动机wire motor
控制发电机control type generator
故障备汇流条fault busbar
整步变压器synchronizing transformer
garbage work
的绕组空间unutilized winding space
电动机service motor
电器daily-use electrical appliance
电器household and similar electrical appliance
最大使流量maximum usable discharge
出力useful output
电压useful voltage
磁通useful flux
负载useful load
转矩useful torque
面积useful area
仪表装置nuclear instrumentation
检修备overhaul reserve
模具专设备dies-making equipment
模具专设备die processing equipment
测量互感器measuring instrument transformer
浸渍树脂impregnating resin
滚轧机电动机rolling mill motor
滞后作after effect
热备spinning reserve
热态备机组hot reserve
焊接的恒流三刷发电机Bergman generator
特殊途电机special purpose machine
具包tool kit
户引入线service line
户引入线service entrance wire
户自配的一套零件do-in-yourself kit
电功率因数customers' power factor
电设备current-using equipment
电负荷customers load
电量electric energy consumed
联轴器找主轴中心alignment of shaft by coupling
量热法测定效率determination of efficiency by calorimetric method
电厂水泵station service water pump
电工塑料plastics for electrical purpose
电机利率系数specific utilization coefficient
电机利系数output coefficient of electric machine
电机利系数utilization factor of electric machine
电枢去磁作armature back-induction
电枢去磁作demagnetization of armature
电气机车恒压三刷发电机Bergman generator
电磁作electromagnetic action
电解发电机dynamo for electrolyzer
电镀直流发电机electroplating dynamo
直接作式电压调节器direct acting voltage regulator
直轴去磁作direct-demagnetizing effect
瞬时备momentary reserve
短时备momentary reserve
变压器mining-type transformer
变压器mining transformer
电力机车electric mine locomotive
硅钢片表面lamination coating
磨煤电动机motor for coal pulverizer
立式镗车两vertical boring and turning machine
粉煤机电动机motor for coal pulverizer
线路反作变压器line bucking transformer
绝缘合成纤维板clip board
绝缘木浆料wood pulp
绝缘配合的惯conventional procedure of insulation coordination
变压器house service transformer
电比例auxiliary power ratio
航空伺服电动机aircraft servo motor
航空感应电动机aircraft induction motor
动力机组marine mover unit
动力机组generator set for marine
机器marine machine
汽轮发电机ship service turbo-generator
电动机shipboard type motor
电动机marine motor
锅炉boiler used for ship
蚀洗涂料etch primer
补偿直流发电机direct current compensator
装机利小时数utilization hours of installed equipment
装机年利小时数annual available hour of installed equipment
压力set pressure
压力permissible pressure
支承力allowable bearing force
设备利utilization factor
设备利utility factor
试验test appliance
调频备机组frequency modulation reserve (unit)
轧机电动机stand motor
轧机电动机mill motor
轴上许载荷allowable axle loading
轴间隙补偿垫片end float washer
运行费working cost
运行费running charge
运行费running expense
运行费running cost
运转备水轮发电机spinning reserve hydrogenerator
运转费running charge
范围图application diagram
变压器general service transformer
外壳general purpose enclosure
机壳general purpose enclosure
电动机all purpose motor
电动机multi-purpose motor
电机general purpose machine
线圈universal coil
继电器plain relay
继电器universal relay
继电器general relay
设计general design
钻磨两drilling and grinding machine
铁芯core steel
铁芯core iron
镗车两boring and turning machine
阻焰作flame retardation
阻焰作flame retardance
集肤作skin effect
因子demand factor
非固定使non-stationary use
驱动脉冲微型电动机micro-motor used for drive pulse
黏度测量喷流杯efflux viscosity cup