
Terms containing 生 带 | all forms | in specified order only
el.上边带发生器upper sideband generator
tech.下北美生物带Lower Sonoran life zone
el.下边带发生器lower sideband generator
gen.不好意思,先生。我们不让顾客带走自助餐食物,我们不提供打包服务Sorry, sir. We don't allow customers to take food out from buffet. We don't have any doggie bags
water.res., ecol.丙型半污水生物带γ-mesosaprobic zone
water.res., ecol.丙型半腐生生物带γ-mesosaprobic zone
water.res., ecol.丙型多污水生物带γ-polysaprobic zone
water.res., ecol.丙型多腐生生物带γ-polysaprobic zone
ecol.中污生物带mesosaprobic zone
tech.中腐生带mesosaprobical zone
tech.中腐生带mesosaprobic zone
agric.中腐生物带mesosaprobic belt
desert.临界生态带critical ecological zone
earth.sc.主生油带principal oil formation zone
geol.主生油带principal zone of oil formation
geol.主生油带principal oil-formation zone
water.res., ecol.乙型半污水生物带β-mesosaprobic zone
water.res., ecol.乙型半腐生生物带β-mesosaprobic zone
water.res., ecol.乙型多污水生物带β-polysaprobic zone
water.res., ecol.乙型多腐生生物带β-polysaprobic zone
water.res., ecol.乙型寡污水生物带β-oligosaprobic zone
water.res., ecol.乙型寡腐生生物带β-oligosaprobic zone
tech.亚热带生态学subtropic ecology
ecol.亚热带生态学subtropical ecology
environ.亚热带生态系统subtropical ecosystem The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings in regions bordering on the tropics or the regions between tropical and temperate zones (与热带接壤的地区或者位于热带和温带之间的地区的一个群落及其周围的非生物环境。)
tech.亚热带生态系统subtropic ecosystem
desert.亚热带生态系统sub-tropical ecosystems
ecol.亚热带生态系统subtropical ecosystem
met.优质带钢生产quality strip production
met.优质带钢生产工艺quality strip production process
met.优质带钢生产工艺QSP process
met.优质带钢生产设备quality strip production plant
met.优质带钢生产设备QSP equipment
econ.传送带式流水生产moving production
tech.传送带式流水生产belt-line production
plast.传送带生产moving belt production
busin.传递带式流水生产belt line production
gen.你能否给布朗先生带个口信?I wonder if you could give Mr. Brown a message for me?
el.光诱生子能带间吸收光谱photoinduced intersubband absorption spectrum
nautic., tech.兜带救生圈breeches buoy
agric.农业生产分带制agricultural zoning
met.冷轧带钢剪切生产线cold strip shearing line
met.冷轧带钢横剪生产线 【机组】cold strip cross-cut shearing line
met.冷轧带钢纵剪生产线cold strip slitting line
met.冷轧带钢纵剪生产线cold-rolled steel strip slitting line
life.sc.生带meristem zone
tech.分带生物地层学zonal biostratigraphy
tech.分离式生态过渡带discrete ecotone
tech.分离式生态过渡带abrupt ecotone
el.分组磁带生成程序packet tape generator routine
tech.加拿大生物带Canadian life zone
ecol.化学生物带chemobiotic zone
oil北方生物带boreal life zone
tech.半污水生物带mesosaprobical zone
tech.半污水生物带mesosaprobic zone
tech.半腐生生物带mesosaprobical zone
tech.半腐生生物带mesosaprobic zone
met.单带连铸/热轧生产线single-belt casting/hot rolling line
tech.单边带信号发生器single sideband signal generator
mil., air.def.单边带发生器single-sideband generator
textile生带hygienic belt
textile卫生衫裤用的棉纽带statute galloon
textile卫生衫裤用的棉纽带statute gallon
agric.卫生防护地带sanitary protective zone
tech.卫生防护带sanitary protection zone
anim.husb.卫生防护带sanitarian protection zone
ecol.卫生防护带sanitation protection belt
tech.卫生防护林带buffer green belt
tech.压力感生带pressure-induced band
gen.厚生晕的分带zoning of primary halo
tech.生带primary zone
tech.生带original zone
eng.geol.原生沉积带zone of primary deposit
tech.原生沉积带gone of primary deposit
tech.原生片麻状条带primary gneissic banding
tech.原生矿带primary ore zone
gen.双层床为孩子们创造愉悦的生活环境,且还带有多功能书桌Bunk beds create exciting, fun environments for children with versatile desks
mil., air.def.双边带信号发生器double sideband signal generator
mining.发生渗流的地带zone of established flow
oil古生代褶皱带Palaeozoic fold belt
oil古生态分带palaeoecologic zonation
oil古生物带paleontologic zonation
tech.同生断层一逆牵引背斜聚集带accumulation zone of growth fault-rollover anticline
el.吸收物诱生带隙态adsorbate-induced gap states
org.name.国际热带木材组织和自然保护联盟《热带木材生产林生物多样性保护和可持续利用准则》Guidelines for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in tropical timber production forests
org.name.国际热带木材组织和自然保护联盟《热带木材生产林生物多样性保护和可持续利用准则》ITTO/IUCN Guidelines for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in tropical timber production forests
earth.sc.国际热带生态学学会International Society for Tropical Ecology
el.图形发生器数据带pattern generator data tape
IT图形生成带pattern generation tape
met.在线带钢生产线ISP line
met.在线带钢生产线in-line strip production line
met.在线带钢生产inline strip production
met.在线带钢生产In-line Strip Production
met.在线带钢生产工艺in-line strip production process
met.在线带钢生产技术in-line strip production technology
met.在线带钢生产法ISP process
met.在线带钢生产法in-line strip production process
met.在线带钢生产设备ISP plant
met.在线带钢生产设备in-line strip production equipment (【技】在线带钢生产法的主要设备包括:炼钢炉 steelmaking furnace/ 炉外处理设备 secondary steelmaking equipment/ 钢包回转台 ladle turret/ 中间包 tundish/ 浸人式水口 submerged entry nozzle/ 直弧形结晶器 vertical-bow type mold/ 结晶器振动装置 mold oscillator/ 扇形段 segment/ 铸轧段 casting-rolling section/ 矫直装置 straightener/ 大压下量轧机 high-reduction mill/ 剪切机 shear/ 感应加热炉 induction heating furnace/ 克日莫那炉 Cremona furnace/ 精轧机 finishing mill/ 层流冷却 laminar flow cooling/ 地下卷取机 down-coiler。)
tech.地下水卫生保护带sanitary protective zone of groundwater
tech.垂直生物分带vertical biotic zonation
telecom.基带寄生信号baseband spurious
tech.生带accreting zone
telecom.备份磁带生成backup tape generation
surg.外生殖器带状疱疹herpes zoster of external genitalia
space多带生长multiple ribbon growth
water.res., ecol.多污水生物带polysaprobic zone
agric.多污水腐生物带polysaprobic zone
ecol.多污水腐生物带polysaprobic belt
space多污生物带polysaprobic belt
tech.多污生物带polysaprobic zone
tech.多腐生带polysaprobic zone
water.res., ecol.多腐生生物带polysaprobic zone
earth.sc.大西洋热带生物实验室Tropical Atlantic Biological Laboratory
met.生带twinning band
met.生带twin bands
met.生带twin band
tech.实生树林带seedling strip
shipb.带噪声发生器wide-band noise generator
el.宽带噪声发生器broadband noise generator
shipb.宽频带噪声发生器wide-band noise generator
environ.寒带生态系统cold zone ecosystem The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings located in climatic regions where the air temperature is below 10° Celsius for eight to eleven months of the year (在一年中有长达8至11个月期间空气温度低于摄氏10度的地区中,生物群体与周遭非生命环境的交互作用系统。)
desert.寒带生态系统cold zone ecosystem
ecol.寒带生态系统cold zone ecosystems
tech.寒温带浮游生物boreal plankton
water.res., ecol.寡污水生物带oligosaprobic zone
tech.寡污水腐生带oligosaprobic zone
tech.寡腐生生物带oligosaprobic zone
met.层流带钢冷却生产线laminar flow strip cooling line
tech.带余热锅炉的干法生产dry process with boiler
met.带卷【线卷】涂层生产线coil-coating line
met.带卷焊接生产线strip coil welding line
met.带卷焊接生产线coil welding line
met.带卷退火生产线strip coil annealing line
tech.带压气体发生器gas-pressurized generator
agric.带土实生苗soil-sticked seedling
agric.带土实生苗balled seedling
commer.带壳花生 Arachis hypogaeagroundnut in shell
food.ind.带壳花生shelled peanut
food.ind.带壳花生shelled groundnut
commer.带壳花生 Arachis hypogaeaunshelled groundnut
textile带帽卫生衣sweat shirt with hood
horticult.带有几个侧枝的一年生树木feathered maiden
met.带材涂漆生产线strip lacquering line
plast.带材生产线〈膜带生产〉tape line
plast.带材生产装置tape-producing plant
met.带材轧机生产能力strip rolling mill capacity
met.带材轧机生产能力strip mill capacity
agric.带状生草法alternate row sod system
met.带状生长zonal growth
tech.带状生长ribbon growth
securit.带股权衍生因素的直接投资debt investment with equity kicker element
tech.带自亮浮灯的救生艇luminous buoy
tech.带自亮浮灯的救生艇night life buoy
tech.带自亮浮灯的救生艇life buoy self-igniting light
met.带钢层流冷却生产线laminar flow strip cooling line
met.带钢生产strip production
met.CSP 带钢生产法CSP process
met.ISP 带钢生产法in-line strip production process (【技】由德国曼内斯曼-德马克公司开发的一种薄板坯连铸生产工艺,亦称 ISP 带钢生产工艺。所采用的主要新设备、新技术有:上部垂直,下部为弧形的直弧形结晶器、带液芯铸轧技术、气雾冷却、薄壁浸人式水口等。: The Inline strip production (ISP) process developed by Mannesmann Demag can cast 60 mm thick slab of through a vertical -bow-type mold with flat parallel sides. And then it is reduced to 20mm through in-line rolling. 由曼内斯曼-德马克公司研发的在线带钢生产工艺可以通过平行板直弧形结晶器浇铸出 60mm 厚的板坯,然后通过在线轧制将其减薄至 20mm。)
met.带钢生产法TSP (【技】由美国蒂平斯公司和韩国三星重工公司合作开发的带钢连铸连轧生产工艺,主要设备包括中厚板坯连铸机和炉卷轧机,亦称为 TSP 工艺。)
met.TSP 带钢生产法Tippins-Samsung Process (【技】由美国蒂平斯公司和韩国三星重工公司合作开发的带钢连铸连轧生产工艺。其主要设备包括中厚板坯连铸机和炉卷轧机,亦称为)
met.TSP 带钢生产法TSP process
met.ISP 带钢生产法ISP process
met.带钢生产法CSP (【技】由德国施勒曼-西马克公司开发成功的连铸连轧热带生产工艺,亦称 CSP 带钢生产法,具有流程短、成本低、产品质量优等优点。世界第一台紧凑式带钢生产设备于1989年在美国投产。)
met.ISP 带钢生产设备ISP plant
met.带钢连续生产线镀锌continuous strip line galvanizing
el.带间隧穿诱生漏电流band-to-band tunneling induced drain current
el.带间隧穿诱生衬底热电子注人band-to-band tunneling induced substrate hot-electron injection
tech.干旱过渡生物带arid transition life zone
tech.底栖生物带benthos belt
tech.底栖生物带benthic biozone
met.废酸再生式带钢连续酸洗机组continuous strip pickling line including regeneration
el.录像磁带生产协会Videotape Production Association
mil., air.def.彩带信号发生器color bar signal generator
gen.很抱歉地通知您,由于登机口发生变化,请带好行李和登机牌,前往7号登机口登机。谢谢您的谅解I am sorry to inform you that because the boarding gate has been changed, please get your belongings and boarding pass and go to Gate No 7. Thank you for your understanding.
agric.微腐生物带oligosaprobic zone
agric.微腐生物带oligosaprobic belt
anim.husb.感生吸收带induced absorption band
tech.打包带生产机strapping band making machine
met.扭结带生长growth of kink bands
avia.控制自动化系统生产接口带control automation system manufacturing interface tape
med.携带疾病的生物disease-carrying organism
space生带life belt
transp.生带life line
oil生带survival belt
textile生带life buoy
swim.生带swimming belt
sport.生带safety belt
tech.救生腰带salvage waist band
UN教科文组织/环境规划署/粮农组织热带森林生态系统知识现状研究UNESCO/UNEP/FAO Study on the State of Knowledge of Tropical Forest Ecosystems
oil生带azoic zone
agric.无生物带azoic zone
textile昔时小学生领带old school tie
el.晶格无序诱生带隙态模型disorder-induced gap state model
expl.有些生物老师甚至想带学生走进自然上课Some biology teachers have even undertaken to give lessons to their students by going closer to nature
tech.有机质生物化学作用带biochemistry zone of organic mater
met.生带twin band
agric.梅里安生物带Merriam's life zone Merriam
proj.manag.橡皮带式生成线rubber banding
tech.生带secondary zone
tech.生带secondary belt
eng.geol.次生富集带zone of secondary enrichment
desert.次生富集带secondary enrichment zone
tech.次生富集带矿物mineral of secondary enrichment zone
tech.次生硫化带secondary sulfide zone
tech.次生硫化物带secondary sulfide zone
tech.气胀式救生带inflatable life belt
oil水底生物带benthos belt
agric.水底生物带benthon belt
tech.水底生物带bottom belt
tech.污水生物带saprobic zone
desert.河底生物带hyporheic zone
met.活套轧制生产的带材strip by loop rolling
tech.浮力救生带buoyant belt
desert.深水带生物群落communities in the profundal zone
tech.渐进式生态过渡带marging ecotone
ecol.渐进式生态过渡带gradual ecotone
agric.温带多年生temperate perennial grasses
ecol.温带森林生物层temperate forest biosphere
tech.温带生态学temperate ecology
tech.温带生态系统temperate ecosystem
environ.温带生态系统temperate ecosystem The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings in regions of or related to moderate climates, intermediate between tropical and polar zones and having distinct warm to hot summer seasons and cool to cold winter seasons (一个生物群落及其非生物环境的区域或与温和的气候有关,热带和极地之间的中间地带,且具有独特的温暖到炎热的夏季,凉爽到寒冷的冬季。)
desert.温带生态系统temperate ecosystems
desert.湖沼带生物群落communities in the limnetic zone
tech.湿润过渡生物带humid transition life zone
tech.潮间带生态学intertidal zone ecology
tech.潮间带生物tidal zone organisms
tech.潮间带生物学tidal zone biology
org.name.热带多年生油料作物研究发展局Bureau for the Development of Research on Tropical Perennial Oil Crops
biol.热带小生境tropic niche
agric.热带旱生林thorn forest (spinosilva)
forestr.热带旱生林thorn forest
desert.热带旱生林thorn forest (多生长在年雨量为 250〜500mm 的热带和亚热带地区,根据其旱生程度,又可分为萨王纳林和多刺疏林两种类型)
desert.热带旱生灌丛thorn scrub
anim.husb.热带旱生灌丛thorny scrub
arabic, desert.热带旱生灌丛ghaba
arabic, desert.热带旱生灌丛raba
span., desert.热带旱生灌丛chanaral (阿根廷北部和智利中部)
arabic, desert.热带旱生灌丛rhaba
desert.热带旱生灌丛thorny scrub (热带干旱地区灌木成分较多多刺疏林,如以桉属 (Euccdyptus)和金合欢 (Accacia)等灌木为主的斯克如柏群落)
UN, polit.热带木材生产和出口发展中国家政府间协商论坛Intergovernmental Consultative Forum of Developing Tropical Timber Producing/Exporting Countries
tech.热带森林生态系tropical forest ecosystem (统)
tech.热带森林生态系tropic forest ecosystem (统)
anim.husb.热带森林生态系统tropical forest ecosystem
environ.热带森林生态系统tropical forest ecosystem The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings in forests found in tropical regions near the equator, which are characterized by warm to hot weather and abundant rainfall (在赤道附近热带地区的森林中的一个生物群落及其非生物环境相互作用的系统。它的特点是从温暖到炎热的天气,以及充沛的雨量。)
desert.热带森林生态系统tropical forest ecosystems
agric.热带浮生植物tropical floating plant (planta natans tropica)
earth.sc.热带海域海洋生态系统研究〔计划〕marine ecosystem study in tropical areas
tech.热带生态学tropical ecology
tech.热带生态学tropic ecology
tech.热带生态系统tropic ecosystem
environ.热带生态系统tropical ecosystem The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings in the land and water of the equatorial region between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn (一个生物群落相互作用的系统,它的非生物环境在北回归线和南回归线之间赤道地区的陆地和水中。)
life.sc.热带生态系统tropical ecosystem
desert.热带生态系统tropical ecosystems
earth.sc.热带生物学协会Association for Tropical Biology
tech.热带生物带tropical life zone
tech.热带生物带tropic life zone
gen.热带稀树草原旱生林thornland savannah
gen.热带稀树草原旱生林savannah thornland
tech.热带草生灌丛thorny scrub
agric.热带遍生性tropicopolyte (tropicopolyta)
tech.狭生长带narrow zone
agric.生产地带production zone
desert.生命[地]带life belt
tech.生存带living zone
powd.met.生带green strip
earth.sc.生态交错带假说ecotone hypothesis
agric.生态地带ecological zone
environ.生态带ecozone Homogeous unit for landscape analysis based on the biophysical characteristics of the territory covered by the survey; A broad geographic area in which there are distinctive climate patterns, ocean conditions, types of landscapes and species of plants and animals (一个广阔的地理区域,有鲜明的气候特征、海洋环境、景观类型和动植物种群。)
forestr.生态气候带ecoclimatic zone
desert.生态灾难带ecological disaster zones (指居民健康受到危害或威胁的地理环境。联合国正式宣布世界有五大生态灾难带,即西非萨赫勒地区、墨西哥、巴西亚马孙河流域、喜马拉雅山和乌克兰切尔诺贝利地区)
agric.生态经济带ecological economic belt (belteus economicus ecologicus)
desert.生态脆弱带ecological risk zones (指由于人类经济活动可能遭到破坏的区域)
desert.生态风险带ecological risk zones
oil生成相似带band of genetic similarity
compr.生料带PTFE tape
met.生料带green mix zone
compr.生料带PTFE packing
tech.生根带rooting zone
oil生油带oil generation zone
polo.生牛皮橙带rawhide stirrup-leather
tech.生物作用带zone of biological effect
tech.生物作用带zone of biologic effect
oil生物地层带biostratigraphic zone
tech.生物地层带biostratigraphical zone
oil生物地理气候带biogeoclimatic zone
agric.生物带biozone (biozona)
agric.生物带Merriam's life zone Merriam
wind.生物带life zone
tech.生物带life belt
oil生物带biotic zone
tech.生物带range zone of organism
tech.生物带生态学life zone ecology
tech.生物成因气带biogenetic gas zone
desert.生物景带biological spectrum
oil生物极盛带acme biozone
ecol.生物气候分带bioclimatic zonation
oil生物气候分带性bioclimatic zonality
oil生物气候带bioclimatic zone
oil生物相带biofacial zone
oil生物相组合带biofacies-assemblage zone
oil生物组合带assemblage biozone
oil生物间隔带biointerval zone
ecol.生物防火林带biological fire-protection forest belt
met.生球带式输送机green pellet conveyer
el.mach.生粉云母带romica paper
plast.生胶带unsintered tape
agric.生草灰化带sod podzolic zone
desert.生长带region of growth (区)
agric.生长带growth zone
anat., bot.生长带growing zone
agric.生长带region of growth
anim.husb.生长带region of growth
oil生长带accretion zone
oil生长带growth band
ecol.生长带zone of growth
oil生长环带growth zoning
geol.由成岩接触变质带产生的油气hydrocarbon-induced diagenetic aureole
water.res., ecol.甲型半污水生物带α-mesosaprobic zone
tech.甲型半污水生物带a-mesosaprobic zone
water.res., ecol.甲型半腐生生物带α-mesosaprobic zone
tech.甲型半腐生生物带a-mesosaprobic zone
water.res., ecol.甲型多污水生物带α-polysaprobic zone
tech.甲型多污水生物带a-polysaprobic zone
water.res., ecol.甲型多腐生生物带α-polysaprobic zone
tech.甲型多腐生生物带a-polysaprobic zone
water.res., ecol.甲型寡污水生物带α-oligosaprobic zone
tech.甲型寡污水生物带a-oligosaprobic zone
water.res., ecol.甲型寡腐生生物带α-oligosaprobic zone
tech.甲型寡腐生生物带a-oligosaprobic zone
textile男生腰带schoolboy belt
tech.皮带传动生产作业belt production
desert.盐生草带azal (红海沿岸)
oil石油生成带oil generation zone
space硅带生长silicon ribbon growth
tech.礁体生长带growth zone of reef body
desert.稳定生态带sustainable ecological zones
otorhinol.窄带噪声发生器narrow band noise generator
el.符号带生成程序symbolic tape generator routine
agric.等发生带isodevelopmental zone
water.res., ecol.生带coprozoic zone
repr.biol.精子生成带zone of transformation
met.紧凑型带钢生产线compact strip production line
met.紧凑式带钢生产compact strip production
met.紧凑式带钢生产compact strip production
met.紧凑式带钢生产技术CSP technology
met.紧凑式带钢生产技术compact strip production technology (【技】紧凑式带钢生产技术由两部分组成: CSP 薄板坯连铸技术和 CSP 带钢热轧技术。)
met.【连】 紧凑式带钢生产法CSP process
met.紧凑式带钢生产法compact strip production process
met.紧凑式带钢生产设备CSP equipment
met.紧凑式带钢生产设备compact strip production equipment
econ.紧缩生产地带the belt tightening
busin.紧缩生产地带belt tightening
tech.缺乏卫生用水带来的疾病water-washed disease
tech.耐火救生带fire-proof life-belt
desert.脆弱生态带critical ecological zone
space脐带式生命保障系统umbilical life support system (航天员在舱外活动时用的)
avia.脐带式生命保障系统umbilical life support system
tech.腐生生物带saprobic zone
water.res.腐质生物带saprobic zone
plast.膜带生产线production line for film strips
gen.色带图案信号发生器synthetic colour bar chart generator
tech.色带信号发生器colour strip generator
tech.色带信号发生器color strip generator
biol.花生黄带芫菁peanut blister beetle (Coryna apicicornis Guerin,芫菁科)
met.蒂平斯-三星带钢生产工艺TSP process
met.蒂平斯-三星带钢生产工艺Tippins-Samsung process
tech.表生富集带supergene enrichment zone
gen.谢谢等待,先生,我们能为您提供9月25至28号带飘窗的单人间。您能告诉我您计划什么时候到达酒店吗?Thank you for waiting. Yes, sir, we can offer you a single room with a bay window on Sep 25th to Sep 28th. Can you tell me when did you plan to arrive at our hotel?
tech.超宽频带信号发生器ultra-wide band signal generator
swim.软木救生带cork belt
swim.软木救生带swimming belt
tech.软木救生带cork life-belt
mil., air.def.边带发生器sideband generator
el.边频带发生器sideband generator
textile运输带生产系统conveyor production system
org.name.近海热带水域生物资源管理工作组Working Party on the Management of Living Resources in Near-Shore Tropical Waters
met.近终形带钢生产工艺near-net-shape steel strip production process
met.退火孪生带annealing twin band
met.退火李生带annealing twin bands
earth.sc.部分生存区间带partial range zone
met.钢铁联合带钢生产厂integrated strip works
met.铸压轧带钢生产工艺casting pressing rolling strip process
met.铸压轧带钢生产工艺CPR strip process
met.铸压轧带钢生产工艺casting pressing rolling process for producing steel strip
met.铸压轧带钢生产流程图CPR strip production flowsheet
met.铸压轧带钢生产设备CPR strip production equipment
met.铸压轧带钢生产设备Casting Pressing Rolling strip production equipment
water.res., ecol.防腐生带antisaprobic zone
tech.防腐生带anti-saprobic zone
ecol.生带shaded band
tech.阿尔泰早古生代俯冲带Altay early Paleozoic subduction zone
busin.附带生态平衡约束的投入产岀模型input-output model with additional restraint means of ecological balance
tech.非生化带aphotic zone
oil非生油带barren zone
mil., air.def.频带内寄生输出spurious transmitter output