
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
上涨效期权up-and-in options
下跌效期权一种障碍期权,在它的有效期内,股价必须至少有一次跌倒了障碍价格下,该期权才会有收人knock-in option
下跌效期权一种障碍期权,在它的有效期内,股价必须至少有一次跌倒了障碍价格下,该期权才会有收人down-and-in option
利存款non-interest-bearing account
息的yielding no interest
与内地相关股票挂钩的衍产品derivative products on Mainland related equities
临时停牌产的效果effect of suspension
临时和未发项目extraordinary and nonrecurring items
为股市经纪人揽意者bird dog
买卖商业票据的trade bill trade
乱摊产成本unjustified additions to production costs
交易所相关衍exchange-related derivatives
交易计划即时real-time validation of trading plan
交易收人trading revenues generating
收人的财产income-producing property
最佳效益yield the maximum benefit
财政收人的部门revenue-generating department
从……衍生而来的跌期权put derived from...
伦敦证券与衍产品交易所London Securities and Derivatives Exchange
伦敦证券与衍产品交易所London Securities and Derivatives Exchange
作投机play the matter
使人民活达到小康水平make people fairly well-off
使投资产效益make the investment yield results
使……生效put into effect
信贷衍品受到强烈的抵触backlash against credit derivatives
信贷衍工具credit derivative
go to business
停止cease to be in force
全球产网络global production networks
公司命周期理论corporate life cycle theory
公司自身衍产品持仓量proprietary derivative position
与外生货币endogenous and exogenous money
内置型衍工具embedded derivatives
内部产的现金流internally generated cash flow
利率衍产品interest-based product
利率衍工具interest rate derivatives
到期的衍权证expiring derivative warrants
单一股票衍权证single share derivative warrant
单位产能力投资额investment in productive capacity per unit
可产收益的资产live assets
可再的资产reproducible assets
合同效日spot day
合并增效作用产的价值value of synergy
向内效条款flip-in provision
向外效条款flip-out provision
向外效毒丸flip-over poison pill
向外效要素flip-over element
向陌人推销cold call
向陌人推销unsolicited call
和气harmony brings wealth
因侵权行为产的索赔权claim in tort
因投资收人而发的费用expense attributable to the investment income
团队合作可以产生协同效应team production
国际互换业务及衍产品协会International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA)
国际掉期业务及衍工具协会International Swaps and Derivatives Association
场外交易衍工具合同off-exchange traded derivative contract
场外衍工具over-the-counter derivative
增发的衍权证derivative warrants with further issuance
复杂衍工具complex derivative instrument
复杂高端衍产品complex high-end derivatives
外汇衍工具foreign exchange derivatives
大宗产成本bulk-line costs
大宗衍产品derivative block
资本natural capital
奥波多衍工具交易所葡萄牙Oporto Derivatives Exchange
Siamese shares
富时/恒亚洲分类指数FTSE/Hang Seng Asian sector Indexes (FTSE 是 Financial Time Stock Exchange 的缩写,意为金融时报股指,又译富时股指)
产企业投资investment in productive enterprise
对……声誉产生不良影的事件incidents attracting adverse publicity to
对已发过交易的分析precedent transaction analysis
小型恒指数期权Mini-Hang Seng Index Options
小型恒指数期货Mini-Hang Seng Index HSI Futures
银行持有的效贷款effective loans (held by bank)
已发的亏损准备金reserve for realized losses
已经发的债务obligation incurred
已经发的损失incurred losses
市场外的共变量extra-market covariance
带股权衍因素的直接投资debt investment with equity kicker element
中国企业指数Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
中国企业指数期货Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures
中国内地流通指数Hang Seng Mainland Freefloat Index
中国内地综合指数Hang Seng Mainland Composite Index
中型股指数Hang Seng Midcap Index
50中型股指数Hang Seng Midcap 50 Index
中型股指数成分股Hang Seng Midcap Index Constituent stock
中资企业指数期货Hang Seng China Affiliated Corporations Index futures
中资企业指数期权Hang Seng China Affiliated Corporations Index options
亚洲指数Hang Seng Asia Index
伦敦参考指数Hang Seng London Reference Index
信息科技指数Hang Seng IT Index
公用事业分类指数Hang Seng Utilities Sub-index
公用事业分类指数期货Hang Seng Utilities Sub-index Futures
分类指数Hang Seng Sub-index
分类指数期货Hang Seng Sub-index Futures
国有企业指数Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
地产分类指数Hang Seng Properties Sub-Index
地产分类指数期权Hang Seng Properties Sub-Index Options
地产分类指数期货PSI futures
地产分类指数期货Hang Seng Properties Sub-Index Futures
/富时亚洲大企业指数FTSE/Hang Seng Asiatop Index
工商业分类指数Hang Seng Commerce and Industry Sub-Index
工商分类指数期货Hang Seng Commerce and Industry Sub-index Futures
100指数Hang Seng 100 Index
指数主要成分股major Hang Seng Index constituent stock
指数主要成分股票major Hang Seng Index Constituent Stock
指数国际有限公司HSI International Limited
指数服务有限公司HSI Services Limited
指数期权Hang Seng Index Options
指数期货Hang Seng Index Futures
100指数期货Hang Seng 100 Index Futures
指数期货合同Hang Seng Index Futures Contract
指数期货市场Hang Seng Index Futures market
指数每日公告Hang Seng Index Daily Bulletin
新50中型股指数New Hang Seng MidCap 50 Index
100期权Hang Seng 100 Options
流通 50Hang Seng Freefloat 50
流通中国内地 25Hang Seng Freefloat Mainland 25
流通综合指数Hang Seng Freefloat Composite Index
流通香港 25Hang Seng Freefloat HK 25
消费物价指数Hang Seng Consumer Price Index
经济月报Hang Seng Economic Monthly
综合指数Hang Seng Composite Index
综合指数系列Hang Seng Composite Index Series
综合行业指数Hang Seng Composite Industry Indices
股票分类法Hang Seng Stock Classification System
财务有限公司Hang Seng Finance Limited
金融分类指数Hang Seng Finance Sub-index
金融分类指数期货Hang Seng Finance Sub-index Futures
银行有限公司Hang Seng Bank Limited
香港中型股指数Hang Seng HK MidCap Index
香港大型股指数Hang Seng HK LargeCap Index
香港小型股指数Hang Seng HK SmallCap Index
香港流通指数Hang Seng HK Freefloat Index
香港综合指数Hang Seng HK Composite Index
意大利衍工具市场Italian Derivatives Market
成批系列mass serial production
所有权向内效计划毒丸反收购措施作为翻转计划的一部分ownership flip-in plan
扩大产能力的投资capacity expansion investment
投人go into operation
投资金融衍产品失控losing control of investment of financial derivatives
指数衍产品index derivative
损失发的原因losses occurring basis
损失发的缘由losses occurring basis
/刚起步的市场nascent market
新兴市场衍工具emerging market derivatives
新加坡交易所衍工具交易公司Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Limited
新发行的衍权证newly issued derivative warrants
新恒50中型股股指new Hang Seng midcap 50 index
无担保衍认股权证non-collateralized derivatives warrant
普通金融衍工具plain vanilla
有足够的资源在金融动荡中adequate resources to survive in the turmoil
期权衍option derivatives
期货和交易所相关衍产品futures and exchange-related derivatives
未平仓的衍工具合同outstanding derivative contract
未结清的衍工具合同outstanding derivative contract
本期产利率current production rate
本身能迅速息还本的贷款self-liquidating loan
权责发会计accrual basis
权责发制会计accounting on accrual basis
权责发制会计惯例accrual accounting convention
账户secondary account
正常产活动normal activity
残段存曲线stub survivor curve
每股所产的现金cash generated by share
气象衍工具weather derivative (一种特殊的风险管理工具,用来规避反常的天气风险)
活泼有气的市场swimming market
活跃的意合伙人active business partner
证券derivative security
流通的衍合约outstanding derivative contract
流通的衍工具outstanding derivative
现有existing business
现金产cash generation
现金发cash generation
现金结算股本衍产品cash settled equity derivatives
产力闲置unutilized capacity
产留成资金funds retained for production
产经营所产生的流动资金working capital generated by operations
产经营贷款loans for production operation
产者价格producer prices
产能量差异capacity variance
产资料财产property of means of production
利资本quick capital
品价格指数product price index
存分析duration analysis
存原理共同基金竞争淘汰原理survivorship bias
存实体surviving entity
存要付出的代价price of survival (股市)
yielding interest
息存款金额amount at interest (以赚取利息为目的的本金存款)
息投资interest bearing investment
息结余interest-bearing balance
息资产interest-bearing asset
息资产earning asset
息资本interest bearing capital
意失败wipe out
意失败business failure
意平淡trade flat
意良好的企业sound business firm
意转让transfer of business
green hand
in full force & effect
hold good
effective on or about
效合同treaty valid
效日期operative date
效期权与down-and in option 意思相同knock-in option
效条款operative clause
物科技类成长股biotech growth stocks
者信托living trust
用于非产目的的固定资产fixed assets for non-production purposes
用衍工具执行implementation with derivatives
产要素价格决定的成本explicit cost
由调控资本所产的量化约束quantitative constraints generated by regulatory capital
监督金融衍oversight of financial derivatives.
直接direct business
短仓衍工具权益short positioned derivative interests
砸自家destroy your own business
社会资本再social capital reproduction
票据bill business
简单低端衍产品simple low-end derivatives
组合式衍工具structured derivatives
经营产的现金收人cash provided by operation
经营产的现金流cash flow from operation
经营产的资金funds from operation
经营产资金的乘数funds from operations multiple
结构化衍工具structured derivatives
综合衍产品交易所integrated derivatives exchange
股本类衍产品equity-based derivatives
股本衍工具equity derivative
股本衍工具市场equities derivatives market
股权衍产品equity derivative
能产利润的价格remuneration price
自力更投资bootstrap investment
自营proprietary business
自营衍工具持仓量报告report on proprietary derivative positions
自……起生效valid as from
荷兰阿姆斯特丹产品交易所Netherlands, derivatives exchange in Amsterdam
中期债券derivative medium term note
产品derivatives product
产品金融derivative product
产品derivative instruments
产品交易商derivative trader
产品合约derivative contract
产品呈现反弹derivatives backlash
产品回购derivative call
产品定价derivatives valuation
产品定价derivative valuation
产品市场derivative market
产品市场顾问组derivatives market consultative panel
产品操作风险derivative operating risk
产品的复兴时期derivative renaissance
产品结算及交收系统Derivative Clearing and Settlement System
产品结算和交收系统Derivative Clearing and Settlement System
产品认沽期权derivative put
产品认购derivative call
产品部derivatives product group
产品风险derivative risk
信用风险derivative credit risk
债务derived liability
利息derivative interest
存款derivative deposit
工具derivative instruments
工具derivative vehicle
工具derivatives product
工具交易商derivative dealers
工具信用风险credit risk for derivatives
工具契约derivative contract
工具的振兴时期derivative renaissance
性股权证券的附属权益,如认购权证、债转股等equity kicker
性资产derivative assets
抵押担保证券derivative mortgage backed securities
权证资源derivative warrant resource
证券derivative security
诉讼derivative suit
诉讼derivative action
资产derived assets
金融工具市场derivative market
需求derivative demand
需要derived demand
被动收人产单位passive income generator
被动收人产passive income generator
被迫平仓的衍品交易unwound derivatives transactions
规则/法律效日期effective date of regulation
触发远期合约trigger forward contract
计划效日期scheme effective date
证券化衍产品securitized derivative products
证券及衍工具网络SDNet (securities & derivatives network)
证券及衍工具通讯网络Securities and Derivatives Communication Network
证券及衍工具通讯网络Securities and Derivatives Communication Network
证券发行命周期life cycle of security issue
证券衍工具derivative of securities
豁免exempted business
货币衍产品currency-based products
货币衍工具currency derivative
资本产能力capital productivity
资本市场息率capital market yield
起死回交易turnaround trading
起死回交易成本dead-deal costs
起死回turnaround stock
跨价衍权证call spread derivative warrant
过剩产能力excess productive capacity
过剩的产能力excessive production capacity
还本息的投资self-liquidating investment
远期forward start
远期效互换forward start swap
远期效期权forward start option
适者存的市场功能market function of survival of the fittest
金融衍产品financial derivative
金融衍产品全方位创新all directional innovations covered derivative products
金融衍产品基准指数benchmark index for financial derivatives
金融衍产品市场financial derivatives market
金融衍工具financial derivative instrument
产性目的的投资investment for nonproductive purposes
产用资产non-productive assets
存性不动产信托投资non-surviving REIT
非再性资产non-reproducible assets
当正式市场关闭后非正式商品市场发的交易kerb dealing
靠息票为的阶层clipping coupons class
额定产成本standard value of production
黄金救向被收购公司的管理层提供高薪待遇,吸引他们留任golden lifejacket