
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
产费用预算budget of production expenses
上涨效期权up-and-in option (这是一种触碰生效期权,在基础资产市价升至约定水平时才生效的期权)
上涨效期权up and in
上涨效期权pop-up option
上涨效看涨期权up-and-in call option
上涨效看跌期权up-and-in put option
上涨效看跌期权up-and-in put
上涨效障碍期权up-and-in barrier option
下跌效上涨失效看跌期权down-in-and-up-out put option
下跌效期权down-and-in option (这是一种触碰生效期权,在基础资产市价升至约定水平时才生效的期权)
下跌效看涨期权down-and-in call option
下跌效看涨期权down-and-in call
下跌效看跌期权down-and-in put option
下跌效看跌期权down-and-in put
下跌效障碍期权down-and-in barrier option
下跌触碰效期权down knock-in option
息股票non-interest bearing note
中国民银行China Minsheng Bank (成立于 1996 年1月,是我国首家主要由非公有制企业人股的全国性股份制商业银行,2000年12月19日在上海证券交易所挂牌上市,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜上名列第54位,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第107位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》全球500强榜单中排名第411位)
灾难性的后果have catastrophic consequences
系统性影响have systemic implications
产品产成本output cost
人均产率productivity per worker
人均国内产总值GDP per head
以成本发之经常与否为基础base of regularity of occurrence
以美元计算的国民产净值dollar net national product
伊姆工资制the emerson plan
伦敦证券及衍产品交易所London Securities and Derivatives Exchange
低的产成本low production cost
住友命保险公司Sumitomo Life Insurance (成立于1907年,是一家综合性的保险集团,也是日本最大的人身保险企业之一,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第200位)
作为产要素的货币money as factor of productions
使全球金融体系发痉挛convulse the global financial system
产力论theory according to productive forces
促进boost production
保险合同效年year of policy acceptance
保障和改善民ensure and improve the wellbeing of the people
保障民ensure people's wellbeing
信用衍产品市场credit derivatives market
信贷衍产品credit derivatives
债务对国内产总值比率debt-to-gross domestic product ratio
做黄金投机speculate in gold
金融泡沫create financial bubbles
先进物燃料advanced bio-fuels
全劳动产之权利right to the whole produce of labour
全年国内产总值full-year GDP
全球国内产总值global gross domestic product
产成本cost of reproduction new value
产论theory of reproduction
核燃料系数conversion factor
回收速度recovery rate
农业产资料价格指数price index of agricultural means of production
决算后发的事events subsequent to balance sheet date
决算后发的事event subsequent to balance sheet date
利率衍工具interest-rate derivative instruments
医药卫体制改革reform of the pharmaceutical and healthcare systems
死两全保险semi-endowment policy
单一种股份的衍认股权证single share derivative warrant
单位产成本unit production costs
设备装置sanitary installation
危险发risk incidence rate
金融工具primary financial instruments (原生金融工具是金融市场上最广泛使用的工具,也是衍生金融工具赖以生存的基础,包括货币、外汇、存单、债券、股票、利率或债务工具的价格、外汇汇率、股票价格或股票指数、商品期货价格等)
原始成本利息等未计入产成本first cost (prime cost)
制会计accrue accounting
变现损失使一合伙人资本发借差one partner with debit balance after loss realization
可能发的信用风险contingent credit risk
可能发的最大损失额Probable maximum loss
名义国内产总值nominal gross domestic product
名义美元国内产总值nominal US dollar GDP
因外币借款而发的汇兑差额exchange balance on foreign currency borrowings
因库存股票的取得而产股息的限制dividend restrictions resulting from treasury stock acquisitions
固定期限国债衍产品constant maturity treasury derivative
国内产总值gross domestic product (商品和劳务币值总和,不包括海外收人支出)
国内产总值增长率gross domestic product growth
国内产总值差距GDP gap
国内产总值平减指数GDP deflator
国内产总值的支岀expenditure on gross domestic product
国家预算非产性支出审计state budget for non-production expenditure
国民产总值national gross product
国民产总值gross national product (商品和劳务币值总和,包括海外收人支出)
国民产总值实际增长率real GNP growth rate
国民产总值实际支出real expenditure on gross national product
国民产总值平减指数GNP deflator
国民收人和产账户national income and product account
国民收入和国民产核算帐national income and product accounts
国计民national interest and people's livelihood
国际互换和衍产品协会International Swap and Derivatives Association
国际掉期和衍产品协会International Swaps and Derivatives Association (成立于1985年,是一个非营利性组织,目前有来自53个国家超过830多个机构的会员,其中包括世界主要从事衍生性商品交易的金融机构、政府组织、使用 OTC 衍生性商品管理事业风险的企业以及国际性主要法律事务所等)
土耳其衍品交易所Turkish Derivatives Exchange
场内衍品的交易on-exchange derivatives trading
场外买卖衍工具合约off-exchange traded derivative contracts
场外交易衍工具over-the-counter derivatives
增强信用衍产品市场弹性和透明度strengthen the resilience and transparency of credit derivatives markets
墨西哥衍品交易所Mexican Derivatives Exchange
外汇衍品交易derivatives trading in foreign exchange
定期存保险pure endowments
定期活津贴stipend (salary)
实习费用expense of trainees
实物结算股本衍工具physically settled equity derivatives
实际国内产总值real gross domestic product
实际国民产总值actual gross national product
对…产生负影响have a dampening impact on...
导致国内产总值下滑cause GDP to decline
小型恒指数期货合约Mini-Hang Seng Index Futures Contract
尼泊尔尼泊尔衍品及商品交易所Derivative and Commodity Exchange Nepal Ltd.
嵌人式衍工具embedded derivatives
嵌人式衍工具embedded derivative instrument
嵌人式衍金融工具embedded derivative financial instrument
工业产总值gross industrial production value
工业产成本计划production cost plans of industry
工业产技术财务计划production technical and financial affairs plans of industry
常态normal activity
弹性间接产费预算flexible factory overhead budget
必然发的成本inescapable costs
总分类帐本期发额对照表comparative sheet for amount originated in current period of general ledger
中国企业指数Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
中国企业指数期货Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures (H股指数期货)
中国内地25Hang Seng Mainland 25
中国内地100Hang Seng Mainland 100
中国内地流通指数Hang Seng Mainland Freefloat Index
中国内地综合指数Hang Seng Mainland Composite Index
中国H股金融行业指数Hang Seng China H-Financials Index
50中型股指数Hang Seng Midcap 50 Index
中资企业指数Hang Seng China Affiliated Corporations
亚洲指数Hang Seng Asia Index
伦敦参考指数Hang Seng London Reference Index
可持续发展企业指数系列Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index Series
国企指数Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
/富时亚洲分类指数FTSE/Hang Seng Asian sector Indexes
/ 富时亚洲大企业指数FTSE/Hang Seng Asiatop Index
/富时指数系列FTSE/Hang Seng Indexes
恒.房地产分类指数Hang Seng Properties Sub-Index
房地产分类指数期权Hang Seng Properties Sub-Index Options
房地产分类指数期货Hang Seng Properties Sub-Index Futures
房地产基金指数Hang Seng REIT Index
指数Hang Seng Index (香港股票市场的基准股价指数,简称"恒指")
100指数Hang Seng 100 Index
指数Heng Seng Index
指数上市基金Hang Seng Index ETF
指数有限公司Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited
指数期权Hang Seng Index Options
100指数期权Hang Seng 100 Index Options
指数期货Hang Seng Index Futures
100指数期货Hang Seng 100 Index Futures
指数期货合约HSI futures contract
AH 指数系列Hang Seng China AH Index Series
流通 50Hang Seng Freefloat 50
流通中国内地 25Hang Seng Freefloat Mainland 25
流通综合指数Hang Seng Freefloat Composite Index
流通香港25Hang Seng Freefloat HK 25
短仓及杠杆指数系列Hang Seng Short and Leveraged Index Series
神州50指数Hang Seng China 50 Index
綜合市值指数Hang Seng Composite Size Indexes
综合指数Hang Seng Composite Index
综合行业指数Hang Seng Composite Industry Indexes
AH 股价格指数Hang Seng China AH Price Indexes
股息点指数系列Hang Seng Dividend Point Index Series
股息累计指数系列Hang Seng Total Return Index Series
H股指数上市基金Hang Seng H-Share Index ETF
AH 股溢价指数Hang Seng China AH Premium Index
A股行业龙头指数Hang Seng China A Industry Top Index
行业分类系统Hang Seng Industry Classification System
资讯科技指数Hang Seng IT Index
资讯科技组合指数Hang Seng IT Portfolio Index
银行有限公司Hang Seng Bank
25香港 25Hang Seng HK
香港中型股指数Hang Seng HK MidCap Index
香港中资企业指数中资企业指数Hang Seng China-Affiliated Corporations Index
香港中资企业指数期权中资企业指数指数期权Hang Seng China-Affiliated Corporations Index Options
香港大型股指数Hang Seng HK LargeCap Index
香港小型股指数Hang Seng HK SmallCap Index
香港流通指数Hang Seng HK Freefloat Index
香港综合指数Hang Seng Hong Kong Composite Index
意大利衍品市场Italian Derivatives Market
成品产成本cost of goods manufactured
成本及产报告statement of cost and production
成本的发cost incurred
投资活动产的现金流量cash flow arising from investing activities
投资活动产的现金流量净额net cash flows arising from investing activities
投资边际产率marginal productivity of investment
折旧产单位标准法depreciation productions-unit-basis method
折旧产标准法depreciation production basis method
抵押贷款衍mortgage derivatives
损失发loss occurrence
损失发基础loss occurring basis
提高活水平improve the living standards
提高全球活标准raise the global standard of living
支出权责发accrued expenditure basis
支持产性的资本流人金融市场support flows of productive capital into financial markets
改善民improve people's livelihood
改善民improve people's wellbeing
改善民improve people's life
新加坡交易所衍工具交易有限公司Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Limited
新恒香港中型股50指数New Hang Seng MidCap 50 Index
日本命保险公司Nippon Life Insurance (创建于1889年,是日本家喻户晓的最大的人寿保险公司,在世界上也享有盛誉,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第86位)
明治安田命保险公司Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance (2004年4月由日本明治生命保险公司和安田生命保险公司合并而成,是日本最大的寿险公司之一,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第164位)
有毒衍toxic derivative products
服务部门与产部门成本的交互分配法service department cost distributions to producing and service departments on reciprocal basis
期权衍option derivatives
未成年人的死两全保险juvenile endowment policies
本期借方发总额total debits for the current period
权责发会计制accounting on accrual basis
权责发actual system
权责发accrual system
权责发制会计accrual-basis accounting
权责发制会计报酬率accrual accounting rate of return
权责发制原则principle of accrual basis
权责发制收益表accrual-basis income statement
权责发制营业收人确认法accrual method of revenue recognition
权责发概念accruals concept
横滨丝交易所Yokohama Raw Silk Exchange
欧洲衍品交易所European Derivatives Exchange
残段存曲线stub-survivor curve
法定每日活津贴authorized per diem
信托derivative trust
存款derivative deposit
收益derivative income
资本derivative capital
潜在国内产总值underlying GDP
物价指数国民产总值gross national product implicit price deflator
现金结算股本衍工具cash settled equity derivatives
产中心production center (cost center)
产中心成本核算production center costing
产为准法指营业收益的实现production basis of revenue realization
产人工成本法指制造费用的分配productive labor cost method
产人工时数法指制造费用的分配productive labor hours method
产储备资金production stock fund
产前费用preproduction costs
产力报告productivity report
产单位会计production unit accounting
产单位折旧depreciation-service output
产发展基金fund for production development
产和消费决策production and consumption decision
产垫付advance for production
产工资productive wage
产开支production payment
产成本factory cost (manufacturing cost, production cost, work cost)
.产成本cost of production
产成本中心production cost center
产成本分析analysis of production cost
产成本单production order cost sheet
产成本提高cost push
产成本汇总表cost of production report
产成本表statement of cost of production
产成本表production cost sheet
产成本计算表statement of production cost
产成本通吿单production order cost sheet
产成本预算production cost budget
产数量折旧法’depreciation-service output method
产状况表production statement
产盈余额operating surplus
产管理费production and management costs
产经营费用表operations statement
产者物价指数producer price index
产能力成本productive capacity cost
产能力成本固定成本生产能量费用capacity expenses (or fixed expenses)
产财务计划productive-financial plan
产财务计划production financial plan
产费expense of production
产费用production outlay
产费用论cost of production theory
产资本或货品的producer's capital or goods
产车间成本producing department cost
产运单factory order (production order)
产通知单factory order (production order)
产通知等production order
产部费用production department expense
产部门productive department
产部门成本production department cost
产部门费用帐户producing departmental charges account
产预算manufacturing budget
利的资本quick capital
前信托living trust
前信托inter-vivos trust (trust inter-vivos)
命价值life value
命周期基金life cycle fund
存保险survivorship insurance
存保险survivor insurance
存保险pure endowment
息票据interest-bearing note
息贷款interest-bearing loans
息资产interest-bearing assets
green stock
死两全保险endowment assurance
死攸关的欧盟峰会make-or-break European Union summit
活成本不断上升rising costs of living
活费用调整附加条款cost-of-living-adjustment rider
育保险maternity insurance
留存产支出retained production payments
留学费用expense of students abroad
直接产工本direct labor cost
石油衍品合约oil derivative contract
社会产能力social productivity
神户丝交易所Kobe Raw Silk Exchange
离岸衍品交易offshore derivatives trades
第一命保险公司Dai-Ichi Life Insurance (创建于1902年,是日本第二大寿险公司,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第142位)
筹资活动产的现金流量cash flow arising from financing activities
筹资活动产的现金流量净额net cash flow arising from financing activities
纳斯达克物技术指数NASDAQ Biotechnology Index
经济产批量economic production quantity
经济命线economic life line
经济增长内动力internal impetus driving economic growth
成本recurring cost
综合产商integrated producer
综合命表aggregate mortality table
综合帐所产的溢价reserve arising on consolidation
美国产与库存管理协会American Production and Inventory Control Society, Inc. (从2005年1月1日起改名为"APICS 运作管理协会 (APICS The Association for Operations Management)")
美国北部衍品交易所North American Derivatives Exchange
联合产成本joint cost of production
股东衍诉讼shareholder derivative suit
股本衍工具equity derivatives
股票衍产品equity-based product
股票衍equity-based derivatives
自即日起take effect from day's date
产品derivative product (即"金融衍生工具"金融衍生产品")
产品结算及交收系统Derivatives Clearing and Settlement System (指香港交易所于2004年4月推出的所有期权及期货合约的结算及交收系统)
品交易derivatives transactions
品交易derivatives trading
品合约derivatives contract
工具derivative tool (即"金融衍生工具"金融衍生产品")
工具derivative vehicle (即"金融衍生工具"金融衍生产品")
工具derivative instrument (即"金融衍生工具"金融衍生产品")
工具交易商derivative trader
工具合约derivative contract
工具合约基础derivative contract base
权益derivative interests
权证derivative warrant
权证流通量提供者derivative warrant liquidity provider
证券derivative securities
证据derivative evidence
触碰效期权trigger option (指只有在基础资产的市价触及确定的水准时期权才生效)
触碰效期权knock-in option (又译"障生期权",指只有在基础资产的市价触及确定的水准时期权才生效)
触碰效看涨期权knock-in call option (又译"障生看涨期权")
触碰效看跌期权knock-in put option (又译"障生看跌期权")
让自动稳定机制产作用let automatic stabilizers work
证券衍工具derivatives of securities
责任发制会计accounting on obligation basis
责权发制会计accrual basis
贴现后边际产力discounted marginal productivity
贴现后边际价值产力discounted marginal value productivity
资本帐户发借方余额之合伙人partner with a debit balance
资本边际产要素费用marginal factor cost of capital
趸缴死两全保险single-premium endowment policies
跨价衍认股权证call-spread derivative warrant
转移产性资源transfer of productive resources
过快的国内产总值增长excess GDP growth
道•琼斯第一财经中国600卫保健行业领先指数Dow Jones CBN China 600 Health Care Blue-Chip Index
避免产可能的不利影响avoid potentially adverse impacts
避免产新的壁垒avoid creating new barriers
避免将来再发危机avoid future crises
金融financial ecology
金融financial business
金融衍产品financial derivatives
金融衍产品financial derivative instrument
金融衍产品derivatives (又译"金融衍生工具"衍生品"衍生工具",是指以货币、债券、股票等传统金融产品为基础,以杠杆性的信用交易为特征的金融产品,根据产品形态可分为远期 (forward)、期货 (futures)、期权 (option) 和掉期 (swap) 四大类)
金融衍产品交易financial derivatives trading
金融衍产品市场derivatives market
金融衍工具financial derivatives
金融衍工具derivative financial instrument (即"金融衍生产品 (derivative financial product)")
长期丧失工作能力的活保险long-term disability income insurance
间接产费分摊率burden rate
附息票据彡息券interest-bearing note
价格instrike price
零行使价衍权证zero strike derivative warrant
产工资unproductive wages
产项目投资investment in non-productive projects
非抵押衍权证non-collateralized derivative warrant
非现货月恒指数期货合约non-spot month Hang Seng Index futures contract
非衍工具non-derivative instrument
非衍金融工具non-derivative financial instrument
非衍金融负债non-derivative financial liabilities
非衍金融资产non-derivative financial assets
预定危险发anticipated risk incidence rate
香港恒指数期权合约Hong Kong Hang Seng Index option contract