
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
不可再能源non-renewable energy resource Non-renewable resources have been built up or evolved over a geological time-span and cannot be used without depleting the stock and raising questions of ultimate exhaustibility, since their rate of formation is so slow as to be meaningless in terms of the human life-span (非再生能源是在地质时间跨度上已建成或进化而成的,如果没有消耗储备将不能使用,同时提出了最终耗竭问题,因为它们的形成速度如此缓慢以致于对于人类生活跨度而言毫无意义。)
不可再资源non-renewable resource A natural resource which, in terms of human time scales, is contained within the Earth in a fixed quantity and therefore can be used once only in the foreseeable future (although it may be recycled after its first use). This includes the fossil fuels and is extended to include mineral resources and sometimes ground water, although water and many minerals are renewed eventually (就人类历史时间尺度而言,地球中含有固定数量的自然资源,因此在可以预见的将来仅能被使用一次(尽管它可能在第一次使用后被再利用)。这包括化石燃料和扩展到包括矿产资源、有时也包括地下水,虽然水和一些矿物质最后将被更新。)
个体态学autoecology That part of ecology which deals with individual species and their reactions to environmental factors (处理个体物种和它们对于环境的反应的生态学。)
亚热带态系统subtropical ecosystem The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings in regions bordering on the tropics or the regions between tropical and temperate zones (与热带接壤的地区或者位于热带和温带之间的地区的一个群落及其周围的非生物环境。)
产品命周期product life cycle A product life cycle includes the following phases: acquisition of raw materials, production, packaging, distribution, use, recyling, and disposal (产品的生命周期包括以下几个阶段:原材料、生产、包装、销售、使用、回收和处理。)
联合国教科文组织人与物圈研究计划Man and Biosphere Program
人体理学human physiology A branch of biological sciences that studies the functions of organs and tissues in human beings (生物学的分支,研究人体内器官与组织的功能。)
人工再技术artificial reproductive technique
人类态学human ecology The study of the growth, distribution, and organization of human communities relative to their interrelationships with other humans and other species and with their environment (研究人类群体的成长、分布和组织,与其他人类、其他种群、周围环境之间的相互关係。)
人类物学human biology The study of human life and character (对人类生活和特征的研究。)
态系统为基础的方法ecosystem-based approach
态系统为基础的方法ecosystem approach
传统态知识traditional ecological knowledge
传统态知识indigenous ecological knowledge
低光照low light habitat
作物态学crop ecology
美国俄亥俄河流域水质卫委员会Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Committee
美国俄亥俄河流域水质卫委员会Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission
保护与野动植物Conservation and Wildlife
保持存策略conservative survival strategy
修复态学restoration ecology
健康、卫health A state of dynamic equilibrium between an organism and its environment in which all functions of mind and body are normal (生物个体与所处环境间的动态平衡状态,在此状态中身心功能皆处于正常状态。)
加拿大国家卫生福利部健康卫标准与顾问Health Standards and Consultants
健康相关物技术health-related biotechnology Health-related biotechnologies are concerned with large-molecule protein pharmaceuticals, genetic engineering, etc. (研究大分子蛋白质药品、基因工程等健康相关的生化技术。)
全球农业态区global agro-ecological zone
公共卫sanitation The study and use of practical measures for the preservation of public health (为保护公共健康而研究和使用的应用方法。)
通常互利的现象, 一个不同种的生物紧密和互利的生活。symbiosis A close and mutually beneficial association of organisms of different species
regeneration The renewing or reuse of materials such as activated carbon, single ion exchange resins, and filter beds by appropriate means to remove organics, metals, solids, etc. (更新或重用材料例如活性炭、单离子交换树脂、过滤床,通过适当方式消除有机物、重金属、固体等。)
reprocessing Restoration of contaminated nuclear fuel to a usable condition (把被污染的核燃料恢复到可以使用的状态。)
阶段phase of regeneration
农业agricultural production
农业产方式means of agricultural production No definition needed (无需定义。)
农业产的调控regulation of agricultural production A body of rules or orders prescribed by government, management or an international organization or treaty pertaining to the cultivation of land, raising crops, or feeding, breeding and raising livestock (由政府、管理部门或国际组织或条约制定的一套规则或规定,主要关于土地耕种、培养农作物、或饲养、繁殖和提高牲畜数量。)
农业态学agricultural ecology
农业态知识agro-ecological knowledge
农业态系统agricultural ecosystem
农业态系统稳定性stability of agro-ecosystem
农业态系统稳定性agro-ecosystem stability
农业物技术agricultural biotechnology
农业的物多样性agricultural biological diversity
农业的物多样性agricultural biodiversity
农作物crop production The act or process of yielding produce from farmland, for livestock or human consumption (为家畜或人类需求而从事生产农产品的行为或过程。)
冻土态系统permafrost ecosystem The interacting system of the biological communities and their nonliving environmental surroundings in a climatic region where the subsoil is perennially frozen (生物社区与它们周围的无生命环境互动的系统,底部土壤四季不断结冰的气候区域。)
分子物学molecular biology The study of the chemical structures and processes of biological phenomena at the molecular level; the discipline is particularly concerned with the study of proteins, nucleic acids, and enzymes, the macromolecules essential to life processes. It seeks to understand the molecular basis of genetic processes. Techniques used include X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy (在分子水平上研究化学结构和生物现象过程;此学科特别关注的是蛋白质、核酸、酶、生命过程必不可少的大分子的研究。它的目的是了解对遗传过程的分子基础。使用的技术包括X -射线衍射和电子显微镜。)
美国加利福尼亚油气产商资源保护委员会Conservation Committee of California Oil and Gas Producers
美国加利福尼亚石油产商资源保护委员会Conservation Committee of California Oil Producers
动物animal production No definition needed (无需定义。)
动物animal life No definition needed (无需定义。)
动物存地animal habitat The locality in which an animal naturally grows or lives. It can be either the geographical area over which it extends, or the particular station in which an animal is found (动物自然生长和生存的地方。 此处是动物所遍及的地理区域,或者指某种动物被发现的特别位置。)
动物态学animal ecology A study of the relationships of animals to their environment (对动物及其与周围环境的关系的研究。)
动物animal reproduction Any of various processes, either sexual or asexual, by which an animal produces one or more individuals similar to itself (动物死亡后所留下的任何物质或成分,包括躯体,及后来的降解物质。)
动物物学animal biology The scientific study of the natural processes of animals (研究动物的自然过程的科学)
动物理学animal physiology Study of the normal processes and metabolic functions of animal organisms (对于动物组织的正常处理和代谢的研究。)
化学态型chemoecotype (chemoecotypus)
化学、物和环境的chemical, biological and environmental
北极态系统Arctic ecosystem
半干旱陆地态系统semi-arid land ecosystem The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings in regions that have between 10 to 20 inches of rainfall and are capable of sustaining some grasses and shrubs but not woodland (生态社区中相互影响的系统,它的无生命地区的降雨量在10到20英寸之间,这只能够草和灌木生存但树木不能存活。)
南极圈态系统Antarctic ecosystem
保健、医疗保健health care
美国保健财务管理局Health Care Financing Administration
学、保健学hygiene The science that deals with the principles and practices of good health (有关良好健康的原理与实践科学。)
掩埋sanitary landfill An engineered method of disposing of solid waste on land in a manner that protects the environment, by spreading the waste in thin layers, compacting it to the smallest practical volume and covering it with compacted soil by the end of each working day or at more frequent intervals if necessary (用能保护环境的方法在陆地处理固体垃圾的工程化的方法,通过在薄层中散布废料,把废料压缩成最小的颗粒和在每个工作日的最后或如果需要在更频繁的时间间隔,使用紧实的土覆盖废料。)
美国、教育 、福利部Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
计划sanitation plan Plans for the control of the physical factors in the human environment that can harm development, health, or survival (对在人类环境中会影响生产、健康或生存的自然因素进行控制的计划。)
设备装置sanitary fittings
设备sanitary fitting The set of furnishings designed for personal hygiene and the disposal of organic waste (为个人卫生和有机废料的处置设计的装备。)
防护区sanitary protection zone
动物protozoan A diverse phylum of eukaryotic microorganisms; the structure varies from a simple uninucleate protoplast to colonial forms, the body is either naked or covered by a test, locomotion is by means of pseudopodia or cilia or flagella, there is a tendency toward universal symmetry in floating species and radial symmetry in sessile types, and nutrition may be phagotrophic or autotrophic or saprozoic (真核微生物,结构简单的单核原生体。)
原始变水气藻类primarily poikilohydric aerial algae
原核procaryote Organisms (i.e. prokaryotes) whose genetic material (filaments of DNA) is not enclosed by a nuclear membrane, and that do not possess mitochondria or plastids. Bacteria and cyanophyta are the only prokaryotic organisms (生物(即原核生物),其遗传物质(DNA的细丝)不是核膜封闭式的,不具备线粒体或质体。细菌和蓝藻是唯一的原核微生物。)
频率指数简写为OIoccurrence index
态学palaeoecology The application of ecological concepts to fossil and sedimentary evidence to study the interactions of Earth surface, atmosphere, and biosphere in former times (应用生态化石和沉积的证据来研究地球表面之间的相互作用。)
物学palaeontology The study of life in past geologic time, based on fossil plants and animals and including phylogeny, their relationship to existing plants, animals, and environments, and the chronology of the Earth's history (地质时期动植物的化石,它们之间的关系对现有的植物、动物和环境、地球历史有参考价值。)
物降解的污染物biodegradable pollutant A pollutant which can be converted by biological processes into simple inorganic molecules (一个可以由生物过程转化为简单的无机分子的污染物。)
可再材料renewable raw material Resources that have a natural rate of availability and yield a continual flow of services which may be consumed in any time period without endangering future consumption possibilities as long as current use does not exceed net renewal during the period under consideration (能以一定速度再生的资源,当前只要不过度使用,就不会影响到未来对该材料的使用。)
可再能源renewable energy source Energy sources that do not rely on fuels of which there are only finite stocks. The most widely used renewable source is hydroelectric power; other renewable sources are biomass energy, solar energy, tidal energy, wave energy, and wind energy; biomass energy does not avoid the danger of the greenhouse effect (不依赖于数量有限的矿石资源的能源。最广泛使用的可再生能源是氢能源;其它可再生能源包括生物能、太阳能、潮汐能、洋流能、风能;但生物能源不能避免温室效应。)
可再资源renewable resource Resources capable of being continuously renewed or replaced through such processes as organic reproduction and cultivation such as those practiced in agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry and fisheries (可以持续更新(如在农业、畜牧业、林业和渔业经常使用的有性繁殖、培育)的资源。)
向阳sunny habitat
含氮化需氧量nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand
国内产毛收入gross domestic product The total output of goods and services produced by a national economy in a given period, usually a year, valued at market prices. It is gross, since no allowance is made, for the value of replacement capital goods (在一定时期,通常是一年内由国民经济生产,根据市场价格评价的货物和服务的总输出。指未考虑替代资本货物价值的总额。)
国家物储备state biological reserve An area of land and/or of water designated as having protected status for purposes of preserving certain biological features. Reserves are managed primarily to safeguard these features and provide opportunities for research into the problems underlying the management of natural sites and of vegetation and animal populations. Regulations are normally imposed controlling public access and disturbance (为了保护生物特征的目的,土地或/和水被划定处于受保护的地位的某个区域,储备主要是被管理以保持其特性,且为研究自然遗址管理,植被和动物种群潜在的问题方面提供机会。条例规定,通常控制公共接入和干扰。)
国家卫研究所National Institute of Health
美国国家职业安全与卫咨询委员会National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health
国民产毛收入gross national product Gross domestic product adjusted for foreign transactions, i.e. to the figure for Gross Domestic Product must be added any income accruing to residents of the country arising from investment and other factor earnings abroad and from it must be deducted any income earned in the domestic market by factors owned by foreigners abroad (调整外贸后的国内生产毛额,亦即国内生产毛额计算时,须增加国民在国外投资或其他生产要素收益所带来的任何收入,及须扣除外国人拥有生产要素而在国内市场获得的任何收入。)
国民收入和产核算national accounting Organised method of recording all business transactions in the national economy (记录所有在国民经济中业务往来的组织方法。)
国际环境物地球化学专题讨论会International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry
国际重要态系统internationally important ecosystem Ecosystems whose importance is recognised at international level and which are, in some cases, protected by international conventions (公认的重要性为国际标准的生态系统,同时在某些情况下,这些生态系统受到国际公约保护。)
土地land ecology Study of the relationship between terrestrial organisms and their environment (陆地生物与环境之间的关系的研究。)
土壤态交错区edaphic ecotone
土壤态学edaphology The study of the relationships between soil and organisms, including the use made of land by mankind (研究土壤和生物之间关系的学科,包括人类对土地的使用。)
土壤物学soil biology The study of the living organisms, mainly microorganisms and microinvertebrates which live within the soil, and which are largely responsible for the decomposition processes vital to soil fertility (生物体的研究,该生物体主要是指生活在土壤内的微生物和无脊椎动物,主要研究土壤分解,对土壤肥沃程度起至关重要的作用。)
在野状态下灭绝的简写为EWextinct in the wild
垃圾衍燃料refuse derived fuel Fuel produced from domestic refuse, after glass and metals have been removed from it, by compressing it to form briquettes used to fuel boilers (从生活垃圾中生产出的燃料,这些垃圾不包括玻璃和金属,它通过压缩定型用于燃料型锅炉)
城市urban ecology Concept derived from biology: the city is viewed as a total environment, as a life-supporting system for the large number of people concentrated there, and within this people organize themselves and adapt to a constantly changing environment. Regarded as the same as human ecology (来自生物学的概念:城市被视为一个整体环境,一个集中的大众生命支持系统,在其中人们自我组织和适应不断变化的环境。它被等同于人类生态学的概念。)
城市态图urban ecology charter A graphic representation of a city area or other densely populated region, portraying the location of groups or select types of people in their environment through various geographic techniques (一个城市地区或其他人口稠密地区的图形化表示,通过各种地理学技术描绘环境中的群体或选择特定类型人群的位置。)
城市态系统urban ecosystem Towns and cities viewed as ecosystems, having an input of matter and energy, recycling within the system, and an output of matter and energy into the surroundings (城镇和城市被视为生态系统,包括物质和能量的输入,在系统内循环,以及物质和能量输出到周围环境。)
城市环境卫urban sanitation The renovation or redevelopment of the decaying areas of cities by the demolition or up-grading of existing dwellings and buildings and a general improvement in environmental conditions (通过拆除或更新现有的住宅和建筑物以全面改善环境条件,对城市的衰败地区的翻修或重建。)
基因改造genetically modified organism An organism that has undergone external processes by which its basic set of genes has been altered (一种基本基因被外部过程修改过的生物。)
大型海洋态系统large marine ecosystem
季节性物节律seasonal biological rhythm
学校school life Any part or the sum of experiences had while attending an instructional institution, or the amount of time spent in such a program (进入教育机构获得的经验的部分或总和,或在这些机构花费的时间。)
定价态组分valued ecological components
parasite Organism which lives and obtains food at the expense of another organism, the host (通过消耗其它生物体来获得食物的一种生物。)
虫学parasitology A branch of biology which deals with those organisms, plant or animal, which have become dependent on other living creatures (生物学的一个分支,涉及到微生物、植物或动物。)
寒冷cold habitat
寒带态系统cold zone ecosystem The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings located in climatic regions where the air temperature is below 10° Celsius for eight to eleven months of the year (在一年中有长达8至11个月期间空气温度低于摄氏10度的地区中,生物群体与周遭非生命环境的交互作用系统。)
寡养oligotrophic habitat
山地mountain habitat
山地态系统mountain ecosystem Ecosystems found on high-mountains at low latitudes. Mountain ecosystems are very vulnerable. They are increasingly sensitive to soil erosion, landslide and rapid loss of habitat and genetic diversity. Widespread poverty and an increase in the numbers of mountain inhabitants lead to deforestation, cultivation of marginal lands, excessive livestock grazing, loss of biomass cover and other forms of environmental degradation. Because little is known about mountain ecosystems, Agenda 21 has proposed the establishment of a global mountain database. This is essential for the launch of programmes that would contribute to the sustainable development of mountain ecosystems. The proposals also focus on promoting watershed development and alternative employment for people whose livelihoods are linked to practices that degrade mountains (出现于低纬度高山的生态系统。山地生态系统是易受攻击的。它们对土壤侵蚀、山崩、动植物栖息地和遗传多样性的迅速消失越来越敏感。分布广泛的贫困和山地居民数量的增长导致了砍伐森林、土地耕种、过度放牧、生物量减少和其他形式的环境退化。 由于很少有人知道山地生态系统,21世纪议程提出了创建全球性的山地数据库。这对山地生态系统的可持续发展是重要的。该提案还注重促进流域开发和生计活动与山地退化有关的人们的替代性就业问题。解决其生计活动可使山地退化的人们的替代性就业问题。)
岛屿态系统island ecosystem Unique but fragile and vulnerable ecosystems due to the fact that the evolution of their flora and fauna has taken place in relative isolation. Many remote islands have some of the most unique flora in the world; some have species of plants and animals that are not found anywhere else, which have evolved in a specialized way, sheltered from the fierce competition that species face on mainland (一种独特而脆弱的生态系统,原因是其植物群和动物群的演变是在相对隔离的地区进行的。许多偏远岛屿拥有世界上最独特植物;由于是以特殊方式进化的,无需经历大陆物种所面对的激烈竞争,有的植物物种或动物物种是其他任何地方都没有的。)
工业industrial production Any process of converting or transforming raw materials and other resources into goods or services which have value (任何将原料和其它资源转变成有价值的商品或服务的过程。)
工业产统计industrial production statistics No definition needed (无需定义。)
工业产设备装置industrial installation
干旱dry habitat
干旱区态系统arid land ecosystem The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings in a climatic region where the annual precipitation averages less than 10 inches per year (在年平均降雨量少于10英寸的气候区,生态群落的交互影响的系统及生态群落的非生命周围环境。)
年死被物annual litter production
应用态学applied ecology The application of ecological principles to the solution of human problems (用来解决人类问题的生态学原则方面的应用。)
底栖态系统benthic ecosystem The interacting system of the biological communities located at the bottom of bodies of freshwater and saltwater and their non-living environmental surroundings (位于淡水和咸水的底部及其非生物环境的生物群落的相互作用系统。)
底栖benthos Those organisms attached to, living on, in or near the sea bed, river bed or lake floor (那些生活在海床中或附近,河床或湖底的生物。)
废油回收再法案Used Oil Recycling Act
延期carry-over effect Effect caused by the successive passages of polluting substances through the different organisms of a food chain (在食物链中污染物质通过不同的生物体的连续过程所引起的效果。)
开阔open habitat
物质xenobiotic substance A substance which would not normally be found in a given environment, and usually means a toxic chemical which is entirely artificial, such as a chlorinated aromatic compound or an organomercury compound (通常不会在特定环境中发现的一种物质,通常是指完全人为的和有毒的化学物质,如氯化芳香族化合物或有机汞化合物。)
弱光照low light habitat
态系统microecosystem A small-scale, simplified, experimental ecosystem, laboratory- or field- based, which may be: 1. derived directly from nature (e.g. when samples of pond water are maintained subsequently by the input of artificial light and gas-exchange); or 2. built up from axenic cultures (a culture of an organism that consists of one type of organism only, i.e. that is free from any contaminating organism) until the required conditions of organisms and environment are achieved. Also known as microcosm (小规模的、简化的、实验性的生态系统,实验室或者基于场地的,这可能是: a.直接从自然界得到(例如池塘水的样本因为输入人造光和气体交换而维持); 或者b.建立在无异种生物混杂的文化 (只由一类生物体组成的一个生物体的文化, 即没有任何污染生物体)上直到生物体和环境要求的条件被取得为止。又叫微观世界。)
micro-organism A microscopic organism, including bacteria, protozoans, yeast, viruses, and algae (一种微小生物体,包括细菌、原生动物、酵母、病毒和藻类。)
物分析microbiological analysis Analysis for the identification of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites (分析鉴定病毒、细菌、真菌和寄生虫。)
物学microbiology The science and study of microorganisms, including protozoans, algae, fungi, bacteria, viruses, and rickettsiae (微生物的科学和研究,包括原生动物、藻类、细菌、菌类、病毒和立克次体。)
物、细菌;胚原基germ 1. A pathogenic micro-organism. 2. Living substance capable of developing into an organ, part, or organism as a whole; a primordium (1. 一种能引发疾病的微生物 2. 能够进化成一个器官,一部分或整个有机体的活性物质;一种原基)
物资源microbial resource Any available source of supply derived from microbes, which would be used for beneficial purposes, such as for the production of food substances and drugs (任何可用的来自微生物的供应源,它将被用于有益的目的,比如食品和药物的生产。)
微咸群落brackish biotope
急救医emergency medical technicians
恢复态学restoration ecology
悬崖cliff habitat
意外发accident source The cause or origin of an unexpected occurrence, failure or loss with the potential for harming human life, property or the environment (出乎意料的事件、失败、或者损失的产生源,此类事件有伤害人类生命、财产或者环境的潜在可能。)
批量制法batch process
antibiotic A chemical substance, produced by microorganisms and synthetically, that has the capacity to inhibit the growth of, and even to destroy, bacteria and other microorganisms (由微生物制造或人工合成的化学物质,它具有抑制,甚至破坏细菌和其它微生物生长的能力。)
政治political ecology
旱地态系统dryland ecosystems
景观态学landscape science
景观态学landscape ecology The study of landscapes taking account of the ecology of their biological populations. The subjects thus embraces geomorphology and ecology and is applied to the design and architecture of landscapes (利用生物种群生态学对景观的研究。这样的主题涵盖地形学和生态学,并被应用于景观的设计和结构设计。)
曝热指受热晒的生境heat-exposed site
有利propitious habitat
有益beneficial organism Any pollinating insect, or any pest predator, parasite, pathogen or other biological control agent which functions naturally or as part of an integrated pest management program to control another pest (任何有自然功能或者作为综合虫害管理方案的一部分来控制另外一种害虫的授粉昆虫,或任何害虫捕食者,寄生虫,病原体或其他生物控制剂。)
木材产链timber producing chain All interrelated steps of the lumber manufacturing process including tree felling, the removal of tops, branches and bark, the piling and sawing of logs, and the transportation and loading of finished boards or other products (木材生产过程的相关步骤,包括砍伐树根、树枝和树皮,锯原木打桩以及运输和装载成品板或其他产品的负荷。)
材料命周期material life cycle All the stages involved in the manufacturing, distribution and retail, use and re-use and maintenance, recycling and waste management of materials (涉及材料的制造、分发、零售、使用、再利用和维护、回收和废物管理等所有阶段。)
极地态系统polar ecosystem The interacting systems of the biological communities and their nonliving environmental surroundings located in the regions where the air temperature is perennially below 10° Celsius, usually at and near the North and South Poles (生物群落和生物环境的交互位于气温是摄氏Code:10度以下的地区,通常位于北极和南极附近。)
林业forest production Forests produce a range of products including firewood and charcoal, lumber, paper, and crops such as coffee, oil palm, and rubber. With careful planning of growth and harvesting, wood and other forest products are, in principle, renewable resources. But achieving renewability takes time - often decades, sometimes centuries. Without careful management, pressure for short-term exploitation can lead to tree removal, soil degradation, and conversion of woodland to other uses. Consumption of forest resources can lead to environmental problems as well as loss of critical habitat and species (森林产出许多种产品,包括木柴和木炭、木材、纸张和作物如咖啡、棕榈油、橡胶。如果仔细规划生长和收获,木材和其他森林产品理论上说是可再生资源。但是,实现可再生需要时间,通常是几十年,有时几个世纪。没有经过细致的管理,短期开采的压力可能造成树木的移除、土壤退化、林地改造。森林资源的消耗会导致诸多环境问题以及重要物种栖息地和物种的丧失。)
林地态系统woodland ecosystem The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings in wooded areas or land areas covered with trees and shrubs (生物群落及其林区的非居住环境或与覆盖树木和灌木的陆地地区相互作用的系统。)
森林forest ecology The science that deals with the relationship of forest trees to their environment, to one another, and to other plants and to animals in the forest (处理与森林树木环境彼此关系,树木和动植物关系的科学。)
森林态系统forest ecosystem Any forest environment, in which plants and animals interact with the chemical and physical features of the environment, in which they live (任何森林环境中,植物和动物与他们居住的环境的物理化学特性的交互。)
森林物储备forest biological reserve Forest areas which are protected and guarded from deforestation because of the fragility of its ecosystems, and because they provide habitats for hundreds of species of plants and animals (保护和守卫使其避免被毁林的森林区域。原因是因为其生态系统的脆弱性,以及因为它为数百种动植物提供栖息地。)
植物plant production No definition needed (无需定义。)
植物plant life No definition needed (无需定义。)
植物态学plant ecology Study of the relationships between plants and their environment (研究植物及其环境的关系。)
植物态学者plant ecologist
植物物学plant biology The scientific study of the natural processes of plants (植物自然过程的科学研究。)
植物理学plant physiology The study of the function and chemical reactions within the various organs of plants (,植物不同器官的功能和化学反应。)
次级物群落secondary biotope In the case of disruption of an existing biotope, secondary biotope can be created as a compensation and substitute measure for the loss of the natural one (在已存在的群落分裂的情况下,次级群落是失去原来群落的补充和替代方法。)
欧共体态环境审核条例European Community Eco-Audit Regulations
欧共体关于物性农药的指示EC directive on biocides Directive regulating the placing of biocidal products on the market (指示规范生物农药产品在市场上的配售。)
欧洲共同体关于态管理和审查规划的规定EC regulation on eco-management and audit
哺乳动物aquatic mammal
微生物aquatic micro-organism Microorganisms having a water habitat (在水中生存的微生物。)
aquatic ecology The study of the relationships among aquatic living organisms and between those organisms and their environment (对于水中生物之间的关系以及它们和环境之间关系的研究。)
有机体aquatic organism Organisms which live in water (在水中生存的有机组织。)
植物aquatic plant Plants adapted for a partially or completely submerged life (部分或全部在水中适应的植物。)
aquatic animal Animal having a water habitat (在水中生存的生物。)
环境aquatic environment Waters, including wetlands, that serve as habitat for interrelated and interacting communities and populations of plants and animals (作为动植物互相联系和交互作用的场所的各种水体,包括湿地。)
生态系统aquatic ecosystem Any watery environment, from small to large, from pond to ocean, in which plants and animals interact with the chemical and physical features of the environment (任何动植物可以和环境中的物理及化学特性交互作用的水环境,从大到小,从海洋到池塘。)
生物学hydrobiology Study of organisms living in water (水生生物体的相关研究。)
盐性生境aquatic saline habitat
附着生物periphyton A plant or animal organism which is attached or clings to surfaces of leaves or stems of rooted plants above the bottom stratum (一种植物或动物附着于茎叶和根植物的表面。)
水再water regeneration A process in which naturally occurring microorganisms, plants, trees or geophysical processes break down, degrade or filter out hazardous substances or pollutants from a body of water, cleansing and treating contaminated water without human intervention (微生物、植物、树木或地球物理的分解过程,退化或过滤掉水体中的有害物质或污染物,在没有任何人为干预情况下清洁和处理污染水的自然过程。)
水的污水物分级saprobic water classification
永久湿润permanently moist site
污染物指数biologic al index of water pollution
污染控制态学pollution control ecology
污染的物效应biological effect of pollution Effects of pollution on living systems (污染对生物系统的的影响。)
污水saprobe Referring to the classification of organisms according to the way in which they tolerate pollution (按照生物忍受污染的方法分类。)
汽电共cogeneration Usually the generation of heat in the form of steam, and the generation of power in the form of electricity. Combined heat and power plants are able to convert a much higher proportion of the energy in fuel into final output. The steam produced may be used through heat exchangers in a district heating scheme, while the electricity provides lighting and power (通常以水蒸汽的形式产生热,而以电的形式产生能量。结合热和能量工厂,可以从燃料中转换更高比例的能量输出。所产生的水蒸汽可以用于区域性供热体系中的热转换器,而电能可以提供照明和动力。)
汽电共heat and power station Power station which produces both electricity and hot water for the local population. A CHP (Combined Heat and Power Station) plant may operate on almost any fuel, including refuse (为当地居民供应电力和热水的能量站。一个(结合热和电能)的电厂可使用任何形式的能源而运转,包括垃圾。)
河口态系统estuarine ecosystem
河口物学estuarine biology The scientific study or the characteristic life processes of living organisms found in a semi-enclosed coastal body of water which has a free connection with the open sea and within which sea water is measurably diluted with freshwater (对在半封闭海岸水体的科学研究或生命特征过程研究。该水体可以自由连通到海洋,此处的海水被淡水显著稀释。)
沼泽swampy habitat
沿海的态系统coastal ecosystem Marine environments bounded by the coastal land margin (seashore) and the continental shelf 100-200 m below sea level. Ecologically, the coastal and nearshore zones grade from shallow water depths, influenced by the adjacent landmass and input from coastal rivers and estuaries, to the continental shelf break, where oceanic processes predominate. Among the unique marine ecosystems associated with coastal and nearshore waterbodies are seaweed-dominated communities, coral reefs and upwellings (以沿海陆地边缘(海岸线)和海拔100-200 m以下的大陆架为边界的海洋环境。从生态学的观点看,沿海区划定等级,从受连接的陆地和沿岸河流和河口的输入影响的浅水深,到海洋作用起主导地位的大陆架坡折。在这些与海岸线和近岸水域的水体相关联的独特的海洋生态系统中,水生物主要是海藻群落、珊瑚礁和涌升流。)
浮游plankton Small organisms (animals, plants, or microbes) passively floating in water (小型生物(动物、植物或微生物被动地漂浮在水上)。)
海洋marine ecology An integrative science that studies the basic structural and functional relationships within and among living populations and their physical-chemical environments in marine ecosystems. Marine ecology focuses on specific organisms as well as on particular environments or physical settings (一门综合性学科,研究海洋生态系统的基本结构、生物群内部和相互之间的功能关系及其物理化学环境。海洋生态着重于研究具体的生物体以及其特定环境或物理条件。)
海洋态系统marine ecosystem Any marine environment, from pond to ocean, in which plants and animals interact with the chemical and physical features of the environment (任何海洋环境,从池塘到海洋,其中的植物和动物与其化学和物理环境特性相互作用。)
海洋marine organism Organisms which live in sea water (在海水中生活的生物体。)
海洋物学marine biology A branch of biology that deals with those living organisms which inhabit the sea (一个生物学的分支,论述栖息在海中的生物。)
海洋物资源living marine resource
淡水态系统freshwater ecosystem The living organisms and nonliving materials of an inland aquatic environment (内陆水环境中的生物和非生物。)
淡水freshwater organism Organisms which live in freshwater (淡水中的生物。)
淡水物学freshwater biology The scientific study or the characteristic life processes of living organisms found in a natural body of water that does not contain significant amounts of dissolved salts and minerals, such as a lake or river (对生活在含有较少含量溶解盐和矿物质的湖泊或河流中的生物进行的科学研究。)
温带态系统temperate ecosystem The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings in regions of or related to moderate climates, intermediate between tropical and polar zones and having distinct warm to hot summer seasons and cool to cold winter seasons (一个生物群落及其非生物环境的区域或与温和的气候有关,热带和极地之间的中间地带,且具有独特的温暖到炎热的夏季,凉爽到寒冷的冬季。)
湿地态系统wetlands ecosystem Ecosystems of areas largely inundated with water but offering elevated lands as a habitat for wildlife. This areas include swamps, both seasonal and permanent, marsh, open fresh water, shallow saline lagoons, the estuaries of rivers, floodplains and coastal sand dunes. They provide food, breeding grounds, water and sanctuary for many forms of fish, birds and other animal and plant life. They are among the most productive ecosystems producing timber, peat moss and crops such as rice and a variety of berries (大部分充满水、但提供了更高级土地作为一个野生动物栖息地的区域生态系统。这个区域包括沼泽(季节性和永久性的)、湿地、开放淡水、浅层咸水湖、河流入海口、冲积平原和沿海沙丘。它们提供食物、繁殖地、多种形式的鱼类、鸟类和其它动物和植物的水和保护区。它们是最富有成效的生态系统之一,它们产生木材、泥炭藓、诸如大米之类的作物和各种浆果。)
溶液培养、水栽培hydroculture Growing plants without soil but in sand or vermiculite or other granular material, using a liquid solution of nutrients to feed them (使植物在沙、蛭石或其它细小颗粒物等非土壤环境中生长,用液体营养液为其提供养分。)
潮汐海洋tidal marine life
火灾发fire incidence
火灾发fire occurrence
火灾发频率fire frequency
炎热hot habitat
热带态系统tropical ecosystem The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings in the land and water of the equatorial region between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn (一个生物群落相互作用的系统,它的非生物环境在北回归线和南回归线之间赤道地区的陆地和水中。)
热带森林态系统tropical forest ecosystem The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings in forests found in tropical regions near the equator, which are characterized by warm to hot weather and abundant rainfall (在赤道附近热带地区的森林中的一个生物群落及其非生物环境相互作用的系统。它的特点是从温暖到炎热的天气,以及充沛的雨量。)
焦油tar production The manufacture of dark, heavy, viscous substances or residue, which is obtained by the distillation of organic materials such as coal, wood and petroleum (深色的、重、粘性物质或残渣的制造,从有机材料如煤炭,木材和石油的蒸馏中获得。)
煤气发gas producer
环境公共卫environmental sanitation
环境卫保护environmental health protection Measures or devices designed to reduce the risk of harm to human health posed by pollutants or other threatening conditions in the ecosystem (为减少生态系统中的污染物或其他威胁人类健康危害的风险所设计的测量或装置。)
工作,使用,加工条件working conditions
产力productivity The amount of output or yield per unit of input or expenditure achieved by a company, industry or country (以公司、工业或国家为单位的输出或输入产量。)
产力趋势productivity trend The general direction or tendency in the measurement of the production of goods and services having exchange value (商品生产和服务交换价值度量中通用的指标或趋势。)
产周期管理life-cycle management Management of all the stages involved in the life of a product such as raw materials acquisition, manufacturing, distribution and retail, use and re-use and maintenance, recycling and waste management, in order to create less environmentally harmful products (对产品在生命周期中涉及的所有阶段的管理,如原材料采购、制造、分销及零售、使用和再利用、维护、废物管理和回收,以减少环境方面有害的产品。)
产工艺学process technology Any technical strategies, methods or tools used for the conception, design, development or implementation of any system (任何技术策略、方法或工具用于构思、设计、开发或任何系统的实现。)
产政策production policy Measures and activities promoted by governments aiming at the structural definition of the productive apparatus (由政府实施的措施和活动,来促进生产的结构化调整。)
产方程production equation
产者责任producer liability Obligations, responsibilities or debts imposed upon all members of an industry that manufactures or produces a product or service causing injury or harm to a consumer and apportioned according to each member's share of the market for the product (将义务、责任或债务强加于所有成员的制造方式,或将生产的产品或提供的服务所造成的伤害或对消费者的危害分摊到每个生产成员。)
化法biochemical method Method based on the utilisation of a biochemical mechanism, e.g. any chemical reaction or series of reactions, usually enzyme catalysed, which produces a given physiological effect in a living organism (基于生化机制的利用的方法,例如,任何一个化学反应或者任何一系列反应,通常需要酶催化,产生特定的活生物体上的生理效应。)
化物质biochemical substance Chemical substances that occur in animals, microorganisms, and plants (在动物,微生物,和植物中出现的化学物质。)
化过程biochemical process Chemical processes occurring in living organisms (发生在活的有机体的化学过程。)
化需氧量biochemical oxygen demand The amount of oxygen used for biochemical oxidation by a unit volume of water at a given temperature and for a given time. BOD is an index of the degree of organic pollution in water (在特定温度和给定的时间内,单位体积的水生化氧化的耗氧量。BOD是水体有机污染的程度的指数。)
命力life force
命周期life cycle The phases, changes, or stages through which an organism passes throughout its lifetime (生物体在其一生中经历的阶段、变更或时期。)
命大爆炸life explosion
命科学life science A science based on living organisms collectively (一种基于所有生物的科学。)
命质量quality of life Quality of life is largely a matter of individual preference and perception and overlaps the concept of social well-being. Generally the emphasis is on the amount and distribution of jointly consumed public goods, such as health care and welfare services, protection against crime, regulation of pollution, preservation of fine landscapes and historic townscapes (生命质量是在社会福利基础之上的个人喜好和感觉。重点在消费类公众产品的数量和分布,例如健康和福利服务、控制犯罪、污染管理、风景和历史名城的保护。)
境因素site factors
境适应habitat adaptation
存价值non-use value
存价值existence value
存对策game of survival
存策略survival strategy
态上相似地区ecologically homogeneous area
态丰富度ecological abundance Number of individual specimens of an animal or plant seen over a certain period of time in a certain place (在特定时间和特定区域中某种典型动物或植物个体的数量。)
态农业ecological agriculture
态区ecologically homogeneous area
态博物馆ecomuseum A private, non-profit facility where plants and animals can be viewed in a natural outdoor setting (可以在户外自然环境中参观植物和动物的私人的、非营利性的场所。)
态卡片ecological card
态参数ecological parameter A variable, measurable property whose value is a determinant of the characteristics of an ecosystem (决定生态系统特性的可测量的变量。)
态发展ecodevelopment 1. Conservative development based on long term optimization of biosphere resources. 2. An approach to development through rational use of natural resources by means of appropriate technology and system of production which take into account and provide for the conservation of nature (1.以生物圈资源长期优化为基础的保守发展。 、 2. 通过考虑自然保持的适当技术和生产系统,以发展合理利用自然资源的方法。)
态因子ecological factors
态因素ecological factors
态因素ecological factor An environmental factor that, under some definite conditions, can exert appreciable influence on organisms or their communities, causing the increase or decrease in the number of organisms and/or changes in the communities (在给定的条件下,对生物体或其群落施加的可观影响,引起生物体数量的增减或生物群落内部变化的环境因素。)
态地位ecological niche 1. The space occupied by a species, which includes both the physical space as well as the functional role of the species. 2. Ecological niche refers to the characteristics of an environment that provides all the essential food and protection for the continued survival of a particular species of flora or fauna. In addition to food and shelter, there is no long-term threat to existence in that place from potential predators, parasites and competitors. The concept of the ecological niche goes a long way beyond the idea of the species habitat (1. 由某一物种所占据的空间,包括物理空间和物种的功能角色。 2. 生态地位是指为某一特定动植物物种继续生存提供食物或保护的环境特征。除食物及庇护外,在这个环境中也不存在对生存构成长期威胁的潜在捕食者、寄生虫以及竞争者。生态地位的概念已经超越了物种栖息地的提法。)
态型ecotype Species that has special characteristics which allow it to live in a certain habitat (生活在特定栖息地且具有专门特性的物种。)
态失衡ecological inequality Any imbalance or disparity among inhabitants of the same living environment deemed inappropriate, unjust or detrimental to that environment's integrity (生活在相同环境下的居民间的任何失调或不一致,被认为是不合适、不法或者有害于环境的完整性。)
态学ecology The study of the interrelationships between living organisms and their environment (对活体生物与其生活环境之间相互联系的研究。)
态学家的动态ecologist movement Grouping of individuals and organizations dedicated to the protection of the environment (致力于环境保护的个体与组织群体。)
态小儿科学eco-paediatrics Branch of medical science concerning the study and the therapy of children diseases caused by environmental factors (医学的分支,关于环境因素引起幼儿疾病的研究与治疗。)
态市场ecomarketing The buying, selling, advertising, shipping, and storing of goods in compliance with ecological principles (遵守生态规则的商品买、卖、广告、运送及储存。)
态带ecozone Homogeous unit for landscape analysis based on the biophysical characteristics of the territory covered by the survey; A broad geographic area in which there are distinctive climate patterns, ocean conditions, types of landscapes and species of plants and animals (一个广阔的地理区域,有鲜明的气候特征、海洋环境、景观类型和动植物种群。)
态平衡ecological balance The condition of equilibrium among the components of a natural community such that their relative numbers remain fairly constant and their ecosystem is stable. Gradual readjustments to the composition of a balanced community take place continually in response to natural ecological succession and to alterations in climatic and other influences (自然群落中组成成分间的平衡状况,从而使得它们之间的相对数量基本上仍保持恒定,且生态系统是稳定的。 一个平衡的群落会逐步地、连续地重新调整其组成成分来响应自然生态的演替、季节更换和其他的影响。)
态平衡eco-balance An eco-balance refers to the consumption of energy and resources and the pollution caused by the production cycle of a given product. The product is followed throughout its entire life cycle, from the extraction of the raw materials, manufacturing and use, right through to recycling and final handling of waste (生态平衡指的是能量和资源的消耗及特定产品在其生产周期中产生的污染。整个产品的生命周期,从获取原料、生产和使用,一直到废弃物的回收和最终处置的过程均被追踪。)
态意识ecological awareness
态意识environmental awareness
态承载力ecological carrying capacity 1. The maximum number of species an area can support during the harshest part of the year, or the maximum biomass it can support indefinitely. 2. The maximum number of grazing animals an area can support without deterioration (1. 在一年中条件最苛刻的时候,一个区域所能承载的最大物种数量,或最大生物量。 2. 一区域所能承载的且不会破坏该地区的最大放牧动物数量。)
态技术environmentally sound technology
态敏感地区ecologically sensitive area Area where it is likely that a change in some parts of the system will produce a recognizable response (某一地区,其生态系统中的某些部分发生变化可能导致某些可辨别的反应。)
态旅行ecotourism Excursions to relatively untouched lands, which for the tourist promise the chance to observe unusual wildlife and indigenous inhabitants. The travel industry, in an attempt to market adventure and authenticity to those travellers weary of "civilisation" promote travel to environments free of modern technology. Ecotourism's inherent contradiction is the promotion of untouched lands, which immediately become touched by the hands of tourism (到相对未开发的地方去旅行,旅客们能够看到不常见的野生生物和本土居民。 旅游行业试图在厌倦了城市生活并希望冒险和体验真实生活的旅行者中打开市场,于是将旅行引向远离现代科技的环境中去。生态旅游的内在矛盾是把旅游引向未开发的地方,使这些地方立即被"旅游之手"触及了。)
态柱状图ecological histogram
态毒性ecotoxicity Quality of some substances or preparations which present or may present immediate or delayed risks for one or more sectors of the environment (对一种或多种环境因子造成或可能造成立即或延迟风险的物质或措施的特性。)
态毒性学ecotoxicology The science dealing with the adverse effects of chemical, physical agents, and natural products on populations and communities of plants, animals and human beings (处理化学物质、物理代理和天然产品对于社区、动植物、和人类有不利影响的科学。)
态毒性评估ecotoxicological evaluation Evaluation of the adverse effects of chemicals, physical agents, and natural products on population and communities and plants, animals and human beings (指化学物质、物理代理和天然产品等,对族群、社区、动植物和人类所造成的负面效应的评价。)
态演替ecological succession
态灾难ecocatastrophe A sudden, widespread disaster or calamity causing extensive damage to the environment that threatens the quality of life for people living in the affected area or region, potentially leading to many deaths (一场突发且广泛性的灾难或不幸给环境带来巨大的破坏,而威胁了居住于受影响区域的人们,可能导致大量死亡。)
态特征ecological features
态生理学ecophysiology The study of biophysical, biochemical and physiological processes used by animals to cope with factors of their physical environment, or employed during ecological interactions with other organisms (研究动物用来应对物理环境因素,或者与其他的有机体发生生态交互时所运用的生物物理、生物化学和生物学过程的学科。)
态盘查ecological stocktaking Taking stock of, evaluating, or inventorying a company's impact on the environment or its progress towards environmentally sound business practices (评价或清点公司存货对环境的影响,或朝向绿色企业的进展。)
态管理ecological management
态簿记ecological bookkeeping The systematic accounting or recordkeeping of a company's impact on the environment or its progress towards environmentally sound business practices (系统地核算或记载一个公司对环境的影响,或向实现绿色企业的发展。)
态系统ecosystem A community of organisms and their physical environment interacting as an ecological unit (一个生物群落和它的物理环境交互作用的一种生态单位。)
态系统分析ecosystem analysis Detailed study of an ecosystem carried out to ascertain its features from the point of view of its soil composition, energy flux, biogeochemical cycles, biomass, organisms and their relationship with the environment (对一个生态系统来执行的详细研究,从土壤成分、能量流、生物地理化学循环、生物质量、有机体以及它与环境的关系等方面来确定其特征。)
态系统动力学ecosystem dynamics
态系统恶化ecosystem degradation Degradation or destruction of large natural environments. When one ecosystem is under attack as a result of natural or man-made disaster it is extremely difficult to calculate the ripple effects throughout nature. When two or more ecosystems are being degraded the probabilities of synergistic destructiveness multiply. Ecosystems in many regions are threatened, despite their biological richness and their promise of material benefits (指大范围自然环境的恶化或破坏。当某个生态系统被自然或人为的灾难破坏时,要计算其对整个自然界的影响是非常困难的。当两个或多个生态系统被恶化时,产生综合破坏作用的可能性也倍增。尽管生态系统的生物丰富性及物质优势,许多地区的生态系统已遭受威胁。)
态系统承载力ecosystem carrying capacity
态系统方法ecosystem-based approach
态系统服务/环境服务environmental services
态系统服务/环境服务ecosystem services
态系统研究ecosystem research Study of the ways in which plants, animals, and microbes interact with each other and with their physical environment and of the processes involving the circulation, transformation and accumulation of both matter, especially nutrient materials, and energy (探讨植物、动物、微生物彼此间的交互作用以及它与物理环境互动的方式,并探讨物质(尤其是营养物质)与能量间的循环、转换以及累积的过程。)
态系统类型ecosystem type Ecosystems can be classified according to various criteria: from the point of view of energy source, two major types of ecosystems can be distinguished. Autotrophic ecosystems have primary producers as a principal component and sunlight has the major initial energy source; etherotrophic ecosystems depend upon preformed organic matter that is imported from autotrophic ecosystems elsewhere. Ecosystems can also be classified in terrestrial, marine and freshwater (根据不同的标准可将生态系统进行分类:从能量的角度,可将生态系统分成两种不同的类型。自养生态系统以初级生产者为主要组成,阳光为主要能量来源;异养生态系统则依赖来自于自养生态系统中的有机物质。生态系统也可以按陆地、海洋和淡水来划分。)
态群落ecological community 1. All of the plants and animals in an area or volume; a complex association usually containing both animals and plants. 2. Any naturally occurring group of organisms that occupy a common environment (1. 区域或空间内所有动物和植物;通常包含动物和植物的复杂关系。 2. 任何自然产生﹐且占有某一公共环境的生物群体。)
态评估ecological assessment Ecological assessment consists in monitoring the current and changing conditions of ecological resources from which success or failure of the ecosystem can be judged without bias; understanding more fully the structure and function of ecosystems in order to develop improved management options; developing models to predict the response of ecosystems to changes resulting from human-induced stress from which possible ecosystem management strategies can be assessed and assessing the ecological consequences of management actions so that decisionmakers can best understand the outcomes of choosing a particular management strategy (生态评估包括监测生态资源的现状及变化,以便正确地判断生态系统的成功或失败;更充分了解生态结构及功能,以开发更新的管理机制;建立模式以预测因人为压力所造成生态系统变化的回应,进而评估可能的生态系统管理策略,以及评估管理行动完成之后所造成的生态结果,让决策者更容易了解选择某一特定管理策略的结果。)
态质量ecological quality
态适应性ecological adaptation Change in an organism so that it is better able to survive or reproduce, thereby contributing to its fitness (生物体为更好地生存或繁殖,因而有利于环境适应性的改变。)
原,硬raw water
家庭污水domestic sewage
生长,活动 空间lebensraum
活方式lifestyle The particular attitudes, habits or behaviour associated with an individual or group (与个人或团体有关的特定的态度、习惯或行为。)
活条件living condition An element or characteristic of a habitation considered in light of its ability to sustain and promote the health and general well-being of occupants (居住地的基本要素或特点,是根据其维持和促进居住者的健康和普遍良好状态的能力而考虑。)
活水平living standard A measurement of the development level in a country or community, gauged by factors such as personal income, education, life expectancy, food consumption, health care, technology and the use of natural resources (对一个国家或社区发展水平的衡量,衡量的因素包括诸如个人收入、教育、预期寿命、食品消费、医疗保健、技术和自然资源的使用。)
活污水domestic waste water Wastewater principally derived from households, business buildings, institutions, etc., which may or may not contain surface runoff, groundwater or storm water (主要来自住家、商业建筑物或其他机构的废水,可能包含或者不包含地表径流、地下水或暴雨。)
活消费品consumer goods Manufactured products intended primarily for personal use by individuals or families and classified as either durables or non-durables, depending on length of use (个人或家庭用于私人用途的制品,依使用时间的长短可分为耐用品或非耐用品。)
活环境living environment External conditions or surroundings in which people live or work (人们居住或工作的外部条件或周围环境。)
活空间living space Any room, structure or area used as a residence and associated with subsistence activities, including sleeping, relaxing or eating (作为居住和生活的空间、结构或地区,与生存活动,包括睡眠、放松或进食相关。)
活策略life strategies
物伦理学bioethics The study of ethical problems arising from biological research and its applications in such fields as organ transplantation, genetic engineering, or artificial insemination (在那些器官移植、基因工程或者人工受精等领域中,生物学研究及其应用引起的伦理问题的研究。)
有毒化学物质的 物体内积累bioaccumulation 1. The accumulation of pollutants in living organisms by direct adsorption or through food chains. 2. Accumulation by an organism of materials that are not an essential component or nutrient of that organism. Usually it refers to the accumulation of metals, but it can apply to bioaccumulation of persistent synthetic substances such as organochlorine compounds. Many organisms, such as plants, fungi and bacteria, will accumulate metals when grown in solutions containing them. The process can be employed usefully as a purification process to remove toxic heavy metals from waste water and contaminated land (1. 通过直接吸收或者通过食物链,生物体内污染物的积累。 2. 不是生物体的基本组成或者营养物质的那样一些物质在生物体的积累。通常它指金属元素的积累,但是它适用于如有机氯化合物这样的持续合成物质的生物积累。许多生物,如植物,真菌和细菌,在含有金属元素的溶液中生长,就会积累金属元素。这一过程可用作为有效净化过程,从废水和污染土地中去除有毒重金属。)
物体的意外释放accidental release of organisms Genetically engineered organisms that are released in the environment by mistake; once released they may exhibit some previously unknown pathogenicity, might take over from some naturally occurring bacteria (possibly having other positive functions which thus are lost) or pass on some unwanted trait to such indigenous bacteria. There is also concern that an uncontrolled genetic mutation could produce a form with hazardous consequences for the environment (由于失误而释放到环境中的基因工程生物体;一旦释放,可能会呈现一些未知的病原体,取代一些自然存在的微生物(也许由于具有其他积极作用而消失),或者将一些特性强加给本源微生物。同时需要关注,失控的基因突变可能会给环境造成灾难性的后果。)
物保护区biological reserve An area of land and/or of water designated as having protected status for purposes of preserving certain biological features. Reserves are managed primarily to safeguard these features and provide opportunities for research into the problems underlying the management of natural sites and of vegetation and animal populations. Regulations are normally imposed controlling public access and disturbance (为保存某些生物特征而故意保护某一块地域或者水域的状态。保存主要是为了保障这些特征并且提供机会以便深入研究在自然遗址、植被和动物种群管理上的问题。通常要制定条例来控制公共进入和干扰。)
物分析biological analysis The analysis of a substance in order to ascertain its influence on living organisms (为了确定对生物的影响,对物质进行的分析。)
物功能多样性functional biodiversity
物动力农业biodynamic agriculture
物化学biochemistry The study of chemical substances occurring in living organisms and the reactions and methods for identifying these substances (对于在活的有机体中出现的化学物质、以及确定这些物质的反应和方法的研究。)
物反应器bioreactor A container, such as a large fermentation chamber, for growing living organisms that are used in the industrial production of substances such as pharmaceuticals, antibodies, or vaccines (一个供生物体生长的容器,如大型发酵室,用于工业生产制药,抗体或疫苗等。)
物发光bioluminescence The production of light of various colors by living organisms (e.g. some bacteria and fungi, glow-worms and many marine animals). Luminescence is produced by a biochemical reaction, which is catalyzed by an enzyme. In some animals the light is used as a mating signal; in others it may be a protective device. In deep-sea forms luminous organs may serve as lanterns (通过生物生产各种颜色的光(例如,一些细菌和真菌,夜光虫和许多海洋动物)。发光是由生化反应产生的,由酶催化。在一些动物中,光线被用作动物交配的信号;在另外一些动物中,光是一种保护设施。深海中的发光组织可以作为灯笼。)
物发展biological development The action of growing of living organisms (生物生长的活动。)
物合成biosynthesis Production, by synthesis or degradation, of a chemical compound by a living organism (在活的有机体中,通过合成或降解生产化学化合物的。)
物周期biological cycle A series of transformations or biological events which follow one after the other one, reaching at the end of the cycle the initial conditions, as in the life cycle of many animal and plant organisms (从初始状态开始到达周期结束又达到初始条件的过程中的一系列生物事件的转换,正如许多动物和植物的生命周期。)
物因素biotic factor The influence upon the environment of organisms owing to the presence and activities of other organisms, as distinct from a physical, abiotic, environmental factor (由于存在和其他生物有机体的活动对生物环境的影响。不同于物理、非生物、环境因素。)
物固氮biological nitrogen fixation
物圈biosphere That part of the Earth and atmosphere capable of supporting living organisms (地球和大气能够支持生物体的部分。)
物圈保护区biosphere reserve Protected land and coastal areas that are approved under the Man and Biosphere programme (MAB) in conjunction with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Each reserve has to have an ecosystem that is recognized for its diversity and usefulness as a conservation unit. The reserves have at least one core area where there can be no interference with the natural ecosystem. A transition zone surrounds this and within it scientific research is allowed. Beyond this is a buffer zone which protects the whole reserve from agricultural, industrial and urban development. Biosphere reserves and buffer zones were regarded as examples of a new generation of conservation techniques (在人与生物圈计划(MAB)和对濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES)中一致通过的,受保护的土地或沿海地区。每个保护区有一个因它作为保护单位的多样性和实用性受到认可的生态系统,。这些保护区至少有一个核心领域,不能受到自然生态系统的任何干扰。围绕围绕这个的过渡地带,过渡地带允许科学研究。除此之外,是一个保护整个保护区免受农业、工业和城市发展影响的的缓冲地带。生物圈保护区和缓冲区被视为一种新一代保护技术的例子。)
物地理化学循环biogeochemical cycle Movement of chemical elements in a circular pathway, from organisms to physical environment, back to organisms. The process is termed a nutrient cycle if the elements concerned are trace elements, which are essential to life. A biogeochemical cycle occurs when vegetation decomposes and minerals are incorporated naturally in the humus for future plant growth (化学元素的运动循环,从生物到物理环境,回到生物。如果相关元素是微量元素,这个过程被称为一个养分循环,是生命的基础。一个生物地理化学循环发生在植被分解,矿物为未来植物生长被自然用于腐殖质。)
物地理区域biogeographical region Area of the Earth's surface defined by the species of fauna and flora it contains (根据所包含的动植物物种来定义的地球表面区域。)
物地理学研究动植物的地理分布, 与动物和植物的地理分布有关的科学。biogeography The science concerned with the geographical distribution of animal and plant life
物处理biological treatment Process that uses microorganisms to decompose organic wastes either into water, carbon dioxide, and simple inorganic substances, or into simpler organic substances, such as aldehydes and acids. The purpose of a biological treatment system is to control the environment for microorganisms so that their growth and activity are enhanced, and provide a means for maintaining high concentration of the microorganisms in contact with the wastes (使用微生物将有机物分解成水、二氧化碳和简单的无机物,或者简单的有机物,如醛和酸。一个生物处理系统的目的是控制的微生物的环境,来增强它们的生长和活动,并为维护与废弃物接触高浓度的微生物方法。提供一个方法来维持那些与废弃物接触的微生物的高浓度。)
物多样性biodiversity 1. Genetic diversity: the variation between individuals and between populations within a species; species diversity: the different types of plants, animals and other life forms within a region; community or ecosystem diversity: the variety of habitats found within an area - grassland, marsh, and woodland for instance. 2. An umbrella term to describe collectively the variety and variability of nature. It encompasses three basic levels of organisation in living systems: the genetic, species, and ecosystem levels. Plant and animal species are the most commonly recognized units of biological diversity, thus public concern has been mainly devoted to conserving species diversity (遗传多样性:一个物种的个体间以及群体间的变异;物种多样性:在一个区域内的植物,动物和其他生命形式的不同类型;群体或生态系统多样性:在一个地区内的栖息地的多样性(例如草地,沼泽和林地) 集中描述自然的多样性和变异性的总称。它包括生命系统的组织的三个基本层次:基因、物种和生态系统层。植物和动物物种是生物多样性最普遍认可的单位,因此,公众关注的主要是致力于保护物种多样性。)
物学biology A division of the natural sciences concerned with the study of life and living organisms (涉及生命和活的有机体的研究,是自然科学的一个分支。)
物安全biosafety The combination of knowledge, techniques and equipment used to manage or contain potentially infectious materials or biohazards in the laboratory environment, to reduce or prevent harm to laboratory workers, other persons and the environment (生物安全是一种知识、技术和设备的结合,为了减少或避免损害实验室工作人员、其他人员和环境,用来在实验室环境中管理或者容纳潜在的传染性物质或生物危害。)
物富集系数bioconcentration factor The quotient of the concentration of a chemical in aquatic organisms at a specific time or during a discrete time period of exposure, divided by the concentration in the surrounding water at the same time or during the same period (在特定时间或在离散的时间段,在水生生物中化学物质的浓度商数;在同时或者在同一个时间段,被周边水剂浓度,除得到的商。)
物属性biological attribute Properties or features belonging to living organisms (属于生物体的属性或特征。)
物工程biological engineering The application of engineering principles and techniques to living organisms. It is largely concerned with the design of replacement body parts, such as limbs, heart valves, etc. (工程原理和技术在生物体的应用。它在很大程度上涉及如更换假肢、心脏瓣膜等身体部位的取代设计。)
物废气处理biological waste gas purification Processes for removing impurities from waste gas based on the employing of microorganisms (从使用微生物得到的废气中去除杂质的过程。)
物废水处理biological wastewater treatment Types of wastewater treatment in which biochemical or bacterial action is intensified to oxidize and stabilize the unstable organic matter present. Examples of this type of treatment use intermittent sand filters, trickling filters, and activated sludge processes and sludge digestion (废水处理的类型,通过生化或细菌作用,使目前的不稳定有机质被氧化和变得稳定。这种类型的例子,是使用间歇性砂过滤器,滴滤池,活性污泥法处理及污泥消化。)
物废物处理biological waste treatment A generic term applied to processes that use microorganisms to decompose organic wastes either into water, carbon dioxide, and simple inorganic substances, such as aldehydes and acids. The purpose of biological waste treatment is to control either the environment for microorganisms so that their growth and activity are enhanced, and to provide a means for maintaining high concentrations of the microorganisms in contact with the wastes (一个适用于使用微生物分解有机物的过程的通用术语。微生物把有机废弃物分解成水、二氧化碳和简单的无机物质,如醛和酸。对生物废料处理的目的是控制微生物的环境使得它们的生长和活动得到增强,并且提供一个方法来维护与废弃物接触得微生物的高浓度。)
物技术biotechnology A combination of biology and technology. It is used to describe developments in the application of biological organisms for commercial and scientific purposes. So "bio" stands for biology and the science of life, and "tech" stands for technology, or the tools and techniques that the biotechnologists have in their workbox. Those tools and techniques include microorganisms and a range of methods for manipulating them, such as genetic engineering (生物学与技术的结合。它是用来描述在商业和科学用途的生物有机体的应用发展。因此,"bio"代表生物学和生命科学,"tech"代表在生物技术家们拥有的技术或工具和技术,这些工具和技术包含微生物和一系列用于操作它们的方法,如基因工程。)
英国物技术及生物学委员会Biotechnology and Biological Council (of the United Kingdom)
物技术的社会经济影响socioeconomic impact of biotechnologies Biotechnology is the application of biological and technical solutions to problems, and often refers to the industrial use of microorganisms (perhaps genetically altered) to perform chemical processing, for example of waste or water, or to manufacture hormones or enzymes for medicinal and commercial purposes. Biotechnology offers great potential to increase farm production and food processing efficiency, to lower food costs, to enhance food quality and safety and to increase international competitiveness (生物技术是应用生物学和技术的办法以解决问题,往往指的是用微生物工业(也许是转基因)进行的废弃物或水的化学处理,或制造荷尔蒙或酵素医药作为商业用途。生物技术提供了巨大的潜力,增加农业生产和粮食加工效率,降低粮食成本,提高食品质量和安全,并提高国际竞争力。)
物技术风险biotechnological hazard A danger to humans, animals or the environment posed by the application of advanced biological techniques in the manufacture of industrial products, such as the risk or harm that results from exposure to infectious bacteria, viruses or fungi (一个对人类、动物或环境造成的危险,它是由先进的生物技术在工业产品的生产应用所带来的,例如从接触到感染细菌,病毒或真菌造成的风险或者伤害。)
物指数biotic index Scale for showing the quality of an environment by indicating the types of organisms present in it (e.g. how clean a river is) (是通过指示目前的生物种类来显示环境质量的一种量度。)
物效应biological effect Biological effects include allergic reactions, respiratory disorders, hypersensitivity diseases and infectious diseases and can be caused by a variety of contaminants and pollutants (生物效应包括过敏反应,呼吸失调,过敏性疾病,传染性疾病,可以由各种原因造成的污染和污染物。)
物有效性bio-availability The extent to which a drug or other substance is taken up by a specific tissue or organ after administration (药物或其他物质在实施后被特定组织或者有机体吸收的程度。)
物杀灭剂biocide A diverse group of poisonous substance including preservatives, insecticides, disinfectants and pesticides used for the control of organisms that are harmful to human or animal health or that cause damage to natural or manufactured products (一组多样的有毒物质,包括防腐剂,杀虫剂,消毒剂和用于生物控制的杀虫剂,有害于人类或动物健康,或者造成自然或人造产品的损害。)
物标志物biological indicator A species or organism that is used to grade environmental quality or change (用于指示环境质量或变化的一个物种或生物,)
物标记biomarker A normal metabolite that, when present in abnormal concentrations in certain body fluids, can indicate the presence of a particular disease or toxicological condition (一个正常的代谢物,当在某些体液中的浓度异常时,可以显示出某种疾病或毒性状况的存在。)
物武器biological weapon Living organisms (or infective material derived from them) which are intended to cause disease or death in animals, plants, or man, and which depend for their effects on their ability to multiply in the person, animal or plant attacked. Various living organisms (for example, rickettsiae, viruses and fungi), as well as bacteria, can be used as weapons (生物体(或从中得到的感染性物质),它们造成疾病或动物、植物或人死亡,并依靠他们对在受被攻击的人、动物或植物中自身复制能力的影响。各种生物体(例如,立克次氏体,病毒和真菌),和细菌一样,可以作为武器。)
物气候学bioclimatology The study of climate in relation to fauna and flora (有关动物和植物的气候的研究。)
物水平衡biological water balance The amount of ingoing and outgoing water in a system, which are assumed to be equal in the long term so that the water budget will balance (在一个系统中水的出入量,这是假设在长期情况下,出入量相等,从而使得水的预算平衡。)
物污染biological pollution Disturbance of the ecological balance by the accidental or deliberate introduction of a foreign organism, animal or plant species into an environment (意外地或故意把外来生物引进到环境中,对生态平衡造成的紊乱。)
物污染biological contamination The presence in the environment of living organisms or agents derived by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and mammal and bird antigens that can cause many health effects (环境中那些可导致许多健康问题的现象,这些现象由生物体或由病毒、细菌、真菌、哺乳动物和鸟类抗原因素引起。)
物污染物biological pollutant Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and mammal and bird antigens that may be present in the environment and cause many health effects (可存在于环境中,导致许多健康影响的那些病毒,细菌,真菌和哺乳动物和鸟类抗原。)
物活性biological activity
物活性测试biological test The laboratory determination of the effects of substances upon specific living organisms (物质对特定的活生物体影响的实验室测定。)
物燃料biofuel A gaseous, liquid, or solid fuel that contains an energy content derived from a biological source. The organic matter that makes up living organisms provides a potential source of trapped energy that is beginning to be exploited to supply the ever-increasing energy demand around the world. An example of a biofuel is rapeseed oil, which can be used in place of diesel fuel in modified engines. The methyl ester of this oil, rapeseed methyl ester (RME), can be used in unmodified diesel engines and is sometimes known as biodiesel. Other biofuels include biogas and gasohol (一种从生物源得到的含有能量的气体、液体或者固体燃料。组成有机体的有机物,为被困能源提供了潜在的来源,开始在全世界被用来满足不断增加的能源需求。生物燃料的一个例子是菜籽油,它可以用来替代改良发动机的柴油。这种油酸甲酯,油菜籽甲基酯(RME),可以在未修改的柴油发动机中被使用,它有时候被当做生物柴油。其他一些生物燃料有沼气和乙醇汽油。)
物物理学biophysics The hybrid science involving the application of physical principles and methods to study and explain the structures of living organisms and the mechanics of life processes (一种混合科学,涉及到物理原理和方法的应用以研究和解释生物结构和生命过程的力学。)
物生产biological production 1. The amount and rate of production which occur in a given ecosystem over a given time period. It may apply to a single organism, a population, or entire communities and ecosystems. 2. The quantity of organic matter or its equivalent in dry matter, carbon, or energy content which is accumulated during a given period of time (1. 在一个特定的生态系统发生在一个特定时期的生产的数量和速率。它可以适用于一个单一的有机体,一个物群,或整个社区和生态系统。 2. 在一段特定时期累计的有机物质的数量,或者它在干物重、碳或者能量含量方面的等价物的数量。)
物的控制biological control
物监测biological monitoring The direct measurement of changes in the biological status of a habitat, based on evaluations of the number and distribution of individuals or species before and after a change (基于个体或物种的数量和分布的前后变化的测评,对生物的栖息地状况的变化直接测量。)
物群落biocoenosis A community or natural assemblage of organisms; often used as an alternative to ecosystem but strictly is the fauna/flora association excluding physical aspects of the environment (一个群落或生物体的自然组合;经常被用作生态系统的替代,但是尤其是指不包括环境的物理因素的动物/植物团体。)
物节律biorhythm A cyclically recurring pattern of physiological states in an organism or organ, such as alpha rhythm or circadian rhythm; believed by some to affect physical and mental states and behaviour (一种在有生物体或器官中的生理状态的周期性循环模式,例如阿尔法节律或者昼夜节律;某些人相信它可以影响身体和心理状态以及行为。)
物蓄积性污染物bioaccumulative pollutant Pollutants that become concentrated in living organisms through the consumption of food or water (通过食物或水的消耗,在生物体中逐渐积累的污染物。)
物虫害控制biological pest control Any living organism applied to or introduced into the environment that is intended to function as a pesticide against another organism declared to be a pest (任何适用于或者被引进到环境中作为害虫的杀虫剂的生物体。)
物质能iciba生物量能量台, 可再生能源,利用生物燃料,例如从污水、农业、工业、或家庭产生的有机废弃物中得到甲烷(沼气)。其他生物燃料包括在"能源森林"中生长的树或其他的植物,例如甘蔗,增长为他们的能源潜力。生物质能依靠燃烧,因此生产二氧化碳;因此,它的利用不能缓和温室效应。biomass energy A renewable energy source that makes use of such biofuels as methane (biogas) generated by sewage, farm, industrial, or household organic waste materials. Other biofuels include trees grown in so-called "energy forests" or other plants, such as sugar cane, grown for their energy potential. Biomass energy relies on combustion and therefore produces carbon dioxide; its use would not, therefore, alleviate the greenhouse effect
物资源biological resource Wild organisms harvested for subsistence, commerce, or recreation (such as fish, game, timber or furbearers); domesticated organisms raised by agriculture, aquaculture, and silviculture; and ecosystems cropped by livestock (为生活、商业或娱乐(例如鱼,野味,木材或毛皮动物)获得的野生生物;农业、水产养殖、林业驯养的生物以及附近的的生态系统。)
物资源保护conservation of living resources
物过滤biofiltration The distribution of settled sewage on a bed of inert granular material through which it is allowed to percolate. In doing so, the effluent is aerated thus allowing aerobic bacteria and fungi to reduce its biochemical oxygen demand (污水在惰性颗粒材料(通过它允许渗透)的环境中的分布。这样做可以使污水与氧结合,从而使好氧细菌和真菌减少它们生化需氧量。)
物过程biological process Processes concerning living organisms (与生物体有关的过程。)
物遗产biological heritage The inheritance and preservation of the earth's or a particular region's balanced, integrated functionality as a natural habitat, with special concern for the water resources necessary to maintain the ecosystem (对地球或者某个作为一个自然栖息地的特定区域的均衡和综合功能的继承和保护,尤其是对水资源需求的特别关注,以维持生态系统。)
物量biomass Biomass refers strictly speaking to the total weight of all the living things in an ecosystem. However, it has come to refer to the amount of plant and crop material that could be produced in an ecosystem for making biofuels and other raw materials used in industry, for example (严格来说,生物量是指在生态系统中的所有生物的重量。然而,它已经被用来指,在一个生态系统中,可以产生的可以用于制造生物燃料和工业用其他原料的植物或者农作物的数量。)
物降解biodegradability The extent to which a substance can be decomposed - or rotted - by bacteria and fungi. Implies that residues from degradation are nontoxic. One of the most misleading claims in business, because shoppers often assume a biodegradable product to be harmless. Some harmful compounds take much longer to degrade than others and the product can harm the environment while it is rotting. Biodegradation may also be incomplete, sometimes leaving residues in the environment which are more harmful than the original substance. Accumulation in the environment of nonbiodegradable (or poorly biodegradable) substances, such as some biocides, can cause serious problems (物质被细菌和真菌分解或腐烂的程度。暗示降解的残留物的是无毒的。最有误导性的宣称之一就是从购买者经常假设生物降解产品无害。一些有害的复合需要比其他物质长得多的时间降解,而且在腐烂过程中生成的产品会破坏环境。生物降解可能也不完整,有时离开余数在环境——比原更更有害物质,有时会在环境中残留比原物质更加有害的物质。非生物降解(或不善生物降解的)物质在环境中的积累,例如一些杀菌剂,能引起严重问题。)
物降解biodegradation Breaking down of a substance by microorganisms (在微生物作用下分解物质。)
理型physiotype (physiotypus)
理学physiology The biological study of the functions of living organisms and their parts (生物功能及其组成部分的研究。)
理胁迫physiological stress
畸形teratogenesis The process whereby abnormalities of the offspring are generated, usually as the result of damage to the embryonal structure during the first trimester of pregnancy, producing deformity of the fetus (导致异形后代产生的过程,通常是由于在怀孕的头三个月胚胎结构受到破坏,导致胎儿畸形。)
畸胎发筛选teratogenesis screening
石油链, 石油工业是一个复杂的产业,利用复杂的相互依赖的业务组合从事石油化工产品的储存、运输及原油分离、裂解、重组和溶剂加工。加工手段包括油分离、沉淀、吸附及生物处理。炼油业务可分为四个主要步骤:分离、转化、处理和混合。原油首先分为可选择成分(汽油、煤油、燃料油等)。有些低价值产品,如重石脑油,被转换为如汽油这些更大销售价值的产品。最后一步是彼此混合精炼油品和不同的添加剂,以满足最终产品的规格。石油工业的主要排放污染物是硫氧化物、氮氧化物、碳氢化合物、一氧化碳和恶臭物质。oil production The petroleum industry is a complex industry utilizing complex combination of interdependent operations engaged in the storage and transportation, separation of crude molecular constituents, molecular cracking, molecular rebuilding and solvent finishing to produce petrochemical products. Treatment may involve oil separation, precipitation, adsorption, and biological treatment. The refining operations can be divided into four major steps: separation, conversion, treating, and blending. The crude oil is first separated into selected fractions (gasoline, kerosine, fuel oil, etc.). Some of the less valuable products such as heavy naphtha, are converted to products with a greater sale value such as gasoline. The final step is the blending of the refined base stocks with each other and various additive to meet final product specifications. The major pollutants emitted are sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and malodorous materials; chain
种群态学population ecology The study of the interaction of a particular species or genus population with its environment (特殊种群或类与它们生活环境的交互作用的研究。)
科学scientific ecology The study of the interrelationship among living organisms and between organisms and their environment, utilizing the methods or theories of science (生物之间和生物和环境之间的相互关系的研究,这项研究利用了科学的方法或理论。)
空气物学aerobiology The study of the atmospheric dispersal of airborne fungus spores, pollen grains, and microorganisms; and, more broadly, of airborne propagules of algae and protozoans, minute insects such as aphids, and pollution gases and particles which exert specific biologic effects (研究空气传播的真菌、孢子、花粉粒和微生物在大气中的分布;广义上研究能发挥特殊生物效应的海藻和原生体的空气繁殖,微小昆虫(例如蚜虫),以及污染气体和微粒。)
突变微mutated micro-organisms release The release of mutated micro-organisms creates the risk that they may exhibit some previously unknown pathogenicity, might take over from some naturally occurring bacteria (possibly having other positive functions which thus are lost) or pass on some unwanted trait to such indigenous bacteria. There is also concern that an uncontrolled genetic mutation could produce from such an engineered microorganism, a form with hazardous consequences for the environment (突变微生物释放造成的风险可能会展示一些以前未知的致病性,可能会接收一些自然出现的细菌(有可能因此失去其他积极功能),或传递某些对固有细菌有害的性状。也有人担心,一个不受控制的基因突变可以生产出这样一个精心设计的微生物而对环境产生有害后果。)
粮食农业, 无需定义。food production agriculture, No definition needed
经济存能力economic viability Capability of developing and surviving as a relatively independent social, economic or political unit (作为相对独立的社会、经济或政治体的发展和生存能力。)
经济态效率economical-ecological efficiency The competency in performance in business matters involving the relation between financial and environmental principles (指包含金融和环境准则关系的商业活动绩效能力。)
继续长机遇chance of continued growth
vitamin An organic compound present in variable, minute quantities in natural foodstuffs and essential for the normal processes of growth and maintenance of the body (在自然食品中出现的可变的、微量的有机化合物,它对于身体的成长过程和保养是必不可少的。)
综合integrated production
综合态系统管理integrated ecosystem management
综合态系统评价integrated ecosystem assessment
美国公共卫事业协会American Public Health Association
美国卫工程学会American Society of Sanitary Engineering
美国工业卫协会American Industrial Hygiene Association
美国政府工业卫学家会议American Conference on Government Industrial Hygienists
群落biotope A region of relatively uniform environmental conditions, occupied by a given plant community and its associated animal community (一个环境条件相对比较统一的地区,被一个给定的植物群落以及与其相关的动物群落占领。)
群落境丧失loss of biotope Destruction of biotopes produced by environmental degradation which in turn is caused by air- or water-borne pollution (空气或水传播的污染所造成的环境恶化而引起的群落生境的退化。)
群落境保护biotope protection Measures taken to ensure that the biological and physical components of a biotope are in equilibrium by maintaining constant their relative numbers and features (通过保持恒定的相对数量和特征以确保一个群落生境的生物和物理组件处于均衡状态,而采取的措施,。)
群落境秩序biotope order An ordinance or decree regarding an area of ecological habitat that is characterized by a high degree of uniformity in its environmental conditions and in its distribution of plants and animals (针对生态栖息地的法令或法规。生态栖息地的特点是,环境条件和植物和动物的分布高度一致。)
群落境网络biotope network Intersection of corridors connecting patchy ecological communities. Species survival tends to be higher in patches that have higher connectivity (连接疏散的生态群落的交叉口。物种在与其他物种联系更紧密时,它们的生存趋向于更高级。)
群落态学synecology Study of the ecology of organisms, populations, communities or systems (在生物生态学、人口、社区或系统的研究。)
联合国新能源和可再能源大会United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy
肥料manure production No definition needed (无需定义。)
能源energy production Generation of energy in a coal fired power station, in an oil fired power station, in a nuclear power station, etc. (在燃煤发电厂、燃油发电厂和核能发电厂等产生的能源。)
能量产energy generation
脆弱态系统fragile ecosystem
致病pathogenic organism Agents producing or capable of producing disease (产生或者能够产生疾病的元素。)
英国态学学会British Ecological Society
英国职业卫学会British Occupational Hygiene Society
草原态系统grassland ecosystem The interacting system of the biological communities located in biomes characterized by the dominance of indigenous grasses, grasslike plants and forbs, and their non-living environmental surroundings (生物群落与周围无机环境互动的系统。该系统坐落在以原生草、草样植物和草本植物为主的地区。)
营养态学trophic ecology The study of the feeding relationships of organisms in communities and ecosystems. Trophic links between populations represent flows of organisms, organic energy and nutrients. Trophic transfers are important in population dynamics, biogeochemistry, and ecosystem energetics (对群落和生态系统中生物的摄食关系的研究。种群之间的营养关联代表着生物体、有机能量和营养素的流动。营养的迁移在种群动态、生物地球化学和生态系统热力学方面是很重要的。)
蒸汽发steam generator A pressurized system in which water is vaporized to steam by heat transferred from a source of higher temperature, usually the products of combustion from burning fuels. Also known as steam boiler (水通过一个通常由燃烧燃料的燃烧产物,从较高的温度源转化并蒸发成水蒸汽的一个加压系统,也称为蒸汽锅炉。)
bare site
计划family planning The control of the number of children in a family and of the intervals between them, especially by the use of contraceptives (限制家庭的小孩数,限制生小孩时间间隔,特别是以使用避孕药的方式来完成的。)
计划birth control Limitation of the number of children born by preventing or reducing the frequency of impregnation (通过防止或减少受精,来限制出生子女的数目。)
认证的野采集区certified organic wild area
设备利用时发的火灾equipment use fire
贫瘠oligotrophic habitat (habitas oligotrophus)
跨边界的物圈保护区简写为TBRtransboundary biosphere reserve
跨边界的水生态系统transboundary aquatic ecosystems
选定的态要素selected ecological component
重要态系统要素valued ecosystem component An appraised, evaluated or estimated element or ingredient of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings (一个生物群落及其非生物环境的评价、评估或预测的元素或组成成分。)
动物, 野生动物,包括鸟和鱼,捕捉用来体育竞技,作为食物或获取利益。game Wild animals, including birds and fish, hunted for sport, food or profit; animals
动植物wildlife Animals and plants that grow independently of people, usually in natural conditions (独立于人类、通常在自然条件下生长的动物和植物。)
动植物保护wildlife conservation A series of measures required to maintain or restore the natural habitats and the populations of species of wild fauna and flora at a favourable status (为维持或恢复自然栖息地和野生动植物物种数量在一个合理的状态所需采取的一系列措施。)
动植物保护wildlife protection Precautionary actions, procedures or installations undertaken to prevent or reduce harm to animals, plants and other organisms living in their natural state (为防止或减少对动物、植物和生活在自然状态下的其它生物的伤害而采用的预防措施、程序及相关设备。)
动植物保护区wildlife sanctuary 1. An area, usually in natural condition, which is reserved (set aside) by a governmental or private agency for the protection of particular species of animals during part or all of the year. 2. An area designated for the protection of wild animals, within which hunting and fishing is either prohibited or strictly controlled (1. 政府或私人机构为保护特定物种的动植物在部分或全年期间所保留(预留)的处于自然条件下的地区。2.指定为保护野生动植物的地区,在其范围内狩猎和捕鱼是禁止或严格控制的。)
动植物栖息地wildlife habitat Suitable upland or wetland areas promoting survival of wildlife (促进野生动植物生存的适合的旱地或湿地。)
动植物种群统计wildlife population statistics The numerical facts or data collected through various methodologies, such as sighting surveys, which represent or estimate the size of any wildlife species for purposes such as analyzing population trends (通过各种方法(如目视调查)收集的数据,以代表或估算任何野生动植物物种的大小,以达到如种群趋势分析之类的目的。)
动物wild animal Not domesticated animals living independently of man (独立于人类生存的非家养的动物。)
动物wild fauna Not domesticated animals living independently of man (独立于人类生存的非家养的动物。)
动物区系wild fauna
动物志wild fauna
植物wild plant Plants growing in a natural state (not cultivated) (在自然状态下生长的植物。)
物的保护conservation of wildlife
物种保护conservation of wild species
生物多样性wild biodiversity
的鱼类feral fish
长期长抑制素long-term retardant
陆地物资源terrestrial biological resource Any source of supply derived from plants, animals or other wildlife inhabiting land or ground, which may be used by humans for food, clothes and other necessities (来自植物、动物或其它野生动物的栖息地或地面的供应源,这些可能作为人的粮食、衣服和其它必需品。)
陆域态系统terrestrial ecosystem Any terrestrial environment, from small to large, in which plants and animals interact with the chemical and physical features of the environment (从小到大的任何陆地环境,植物和动物与环境的化学和物理功能特征。)
物因素abiotic factor Physical, chemical and other non-living environmental factors. They are essential for living plants and animals of an ecosystem, providing the essential elements and nutrients that are necessary for growth. The abiotic elements also include the climatic and pedologic components of the ecosystem (物理,化学和其他非生物环境因素。他们对于生态系统中的植物和动物至关重要,提供生长必须的基本要素和营养素。非生物因素还包括生态系统的气候和土壤的组成部分。)
物环境abiotic environment The non-living components of the environment (rocks, minerals, soil, water and climate) (环境中无生命成分(例如岩石、矿物质、土地、水和气候)。)
物环境条件abiotic environmental condition
物降解的污染物non-biodegradable pollutant An organic compound, usually synthetic, that is not decomposed or mineralized by microorganisms or other biological processes (一种有机化合物,通常是合成的,即不分解或由微生物或其它生物过程矿化。)
非目标non-target organism A plant or animal other than the one against which the pesticide is applied (不在农药作用范围内的植物或动物。)
风蚀裸wind-eroded bare site
风险发risk exposure The situation or set of circumstances where the probability of harm to an area or its population increases beyond a normal level (对某一地区或该地区的人造成危害的可能性超过正常水平的情形。)
风险发应对计划risk exposure plan A scheme or method of acting that takes effect if the probability of harm to an area or its population increases beyond a normal level (当某一地区和该地区的人受到风险的威胁超过正常水平时,制定的对应计划或采用的对应措施。)
食品卫food hygiene That part of the science of hygiene that deals with the principles and methods of sanitation applied to the quality of foodstuffs, to their processing, preparation, conservation and consumption by man (处理用于食物质量的卫生设备,人工处理,制备,保存和食用的原则方法的卫生科学。)
饥饿存反应starvation-survival response
高地态系统highland ecosystem The interacting systems of the biological communities and their non-living surroundings in regions of relatively high elevation, typically characterized by decreased air pressure and temperature, reduced oxygen availability and increased isolation (位于具有相对高海拔及大气压力与温度降低,氧气可用率减少,以及隔绝性增加等典型特征的地区中,生物群体与其非居住环境之间相互影响的系统。)