
Terms for subject Biology containing | all forms
一年发草annual hairgrass (Deschampsia danthonioides,禾本科)
一年埃若禾annual hairgrass (Aira capillaris Host.,禾本科)
一年山靛garden mercury (Mercurialis annua L.,大戟科)
一年山靛French mercury (Mercurialis annua L.,大戟科)
一年灰毛菊旱花,Xeranthenum annuum L.,菊科common immortelle
一年白香草木犀hubam sweet clover (Melilotus alba var. annua Coe.,豆科)
一年紫罗兰夏紫夏兰,M.atthiola incana var. annua Voss.,十字花科annual stock
一年细蓝knawel (Scleranthus annuus L.,石竹科)
一年草木犀annual sweet clover (Melilotus alba Desr. var. annua Coe.,豆科)
一年菭草annual koeleria (Koeleria phleoides,禾本科)
一年黑麦草多花黑麦草,意大利黑麦草,lolium multiflorum Lam.,禾本科Italian rye-grass
密花石栋丛生密花石柯,Lithocarpus densiflorus var. monotanus (Mayr.) Rehd.,山毛榉科scrub tanoak
福禄考moss phlox (Phlox subulata L.)
芒麦草bobtail barley (Hordeum jubatum var.,禾本科)
辣椒bush red-pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.,茄科)
铁兰quill-leaf tillandsia (Tillandsia fasciculata Sw.,凤梨科)
风铃草tussock bellflower (Campanula carpatica Jacq.,桔梗科)
风铃草danesblood bellflower (Campanula glomerata L.,桔梗科)
二年还阳参粗糙还阳参,Crepis biennis L.,菊科rough hawk's-beard
三叶草low hop clover (Trifolium procumbens,豆科)
假一年pseudo-annual fleabane (Erigeron pseudoannuus Makino,菊科)
假岩委陵菜alberta cinquefoil (Potentilla pseudorupestris L.,蔷薇科)
全缘落地integra kalanchoe (Kalanchoe integra O. Kuntze.,景天科)
农业物多样性agrobiological diversity
块菌white winter truffle (Tuber hiemalbum Chatin)
洋葱potato onion (Allium cepa var. aggregatum,石蒜科)
洋葱多子洋葱,Allium cepa L. var. aggregatum DC.,石蒜科multiplier onion
分子物学molecular biology
印度矮小麦Indian dwarf wheat (Triticum sphaerococum Pers.,禾本科)
archimycetes (纲,Archimycetes)
rose-of-jericho (Anastatica hierochumtina L.,十字花科)
草属rose-of-jericho (Anastatica L.,十字花科)
nettleleaf goosefoot (Chenopodium murale L.,藜科)
复叶落地干不死,Kalanchoe pinnata Pers.,景天科life plant
复叶落地干不死,Kalanchoe pinnata Pers.,景天科air-plant kalanchoe
多年甜菜perennial beet (Beta vulgaris var. perenne L.,藜科)
多年野生稻perennial wild rice (Oryza perennis Moench. et Rochr.,禾本科)
大西洋长Atlantic houseleek (Sempervivum,景天科)
蝇科tachina fly (复, Tachinidae)
西葫芦bush pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo var. condensa Bailey,葫芦科)
suboppositus willow (Salix subopposita Miq.,杨柳科)
小麦簇rosette of wheat (Triticum virus 1)
山毛榉实苗立枯病菌damping off fungus of beech seedling (Phytophthora annivora)
委陵菜cliff cinquefoil (Potentilla rupestris L.,蔷薇科)
gold basket (Alyssum saxatile L.,十字花科)
庭荠basket of gold (Alyssum saxatile L.,十字花科)
草属shoreweed (Litorella L.,车前科)
异养heterotrophic organism
物操作标准microbiological performance criterium
物病原microbiological pathogen
根瘤菌bradyrhizobium (Bradyrhizobium sp.)
根瘤菌属bradyrhizobium (Bradyrhizobium Jordan,根瘤菌科)
懈寄European mistletoe (Viscum album L.,桑寄生科)
懈寄common mistletoe (Viscum album L.,桑寄生科)
指示biological indicator
指示indicator organism
新几内亚野甘蔗New Guinea wild cane (Saccharum robustum Bran. et Jesw.,禾本科)
本地出人口native population
李桑寄plum eastern tropics mistletoe (Loranthus parasitious (Lim.) Merr.,桑寄生科)
李桑寄giant mistletoes of plum (Loranthus parasiticus (Linn.) Merr.,桑寄生科)
山黧豆林地香豌豆,Lathyrus sylvestris L.,豆科flat pea
玄参节玄参,Scrophularia nodosa L.,玄参科knotted figwort
玄参brownwort (Scrophularia nodosa,玄参科)
玄参knotted figwort (Scrophularia nodosa,玄参科)
玄参节玄参,Scrophularia nodosa L.,玄参科brownwort
郁金香florentine tulip (Tulipa sylvestris L.,百合科)
柑橘桑寄citrus mistle-toe (Loranthus parasiticus (Linn) Merr.,桑寄生科)
树木物体积密度fellings biomass
树木物体积密度density of biovolume
树木物体积密度density of tree biovolume
桃桑寄giant mistletoes of peach (Loranthus parasiticus (Linn.) Merr.,桑寄生科)
桑寄loranth (Loranthus yadoriki Sieb.)
桑寄giant mistletoes (Loranthus yadoriki Sieb.,桑寄生科)
桑寄loranth (Loranthus L.,桑寄生科)
桑寄mistletoe family (Loranthaceae)
桑寄loranth family (Loranthaceae)
桑寄黄粉蝶loranthus yellow butterfly (Delias belisama Cramer; Thyca,粉蝶科)
梨桑寄giant mistletoes of pear (Loranthus parasiticus (Linn.) Merr.,桑寄生科)
梨槲寄pear mistletoe (Phoradendron flavescens Nuttall)
植物活史life cycle of a plant
植物活周期life cycle of a plant
植物物多样性plant biodiversity
槲寄viscum (Viscum album L.)
槲寄uropean mistletoe (Viscum album var. lutescens Makino.,桑寄生科)
槲寄mistletoe (Viscum album L.)
槲寄European mistletoe (Viscum album L.,桑寄生科)
槲寄viscum (Viscum L.,桑寄生科)
槲寄mistletoe (Viscum L.,桑寄生科)
小鸡草water chick-weed (Montia fontana L.,马齿苋科)
珍珠菜water loosestrife (Lysimachia thyrsi flora L.,报春花科)
画眉草aquaticus lovegrass (Eragrostis aquatica Honda.,禾本科)
薄荷water mint (Mentha aquatica L.,唇形科)
藻类water algae
藻类aquatic algae
马铃薯乌拉圭马铃薯,Solanum commersonii Dunal.,茄科aquatic potato
根结线虫meloidogyne arenaria (Meloidogyne arenaria Chitwood)
狗娃花沙生紫菀,Heteropappus hispidus var. arenarius Kitam.aster sea-gray
山黧豆blue marsh-vetching (Lathyrus palustris L.,豆科)
木贼pewter grass (Equisetum palustre L.,木贼科)
木贼marsh horsetail (Equisetum palustre L.,木贼科)
柳叶菜marshy willow weed (Epilobium palustre L.,柳叶菜科)
沼泽mud sedge (Carex limosa L.,莎草科)
海南野Hainan wild orange (Citrus hainanensis Tanaka.,芸香科)
海洋marine organism
绒毛蓼lake eriogonum (Eriogonum tripodum,蓼科)
火焰落地flame kalanchoe (Kalanchoe flammea Stapf,景天科)
热带小tropic niche
玫瑰红永小麦秆菊,Helipterum roseum Benth.,菊科rose sunray
化需氧量biochemical oxygen demand
境丧失habitat destruction
境丧失habitat loss
存竞争biological competition
枝动胶菌zoogloea ramigra (Zoogloea ramigra Itzigsohn)
殖周期breeding cycle
殖色nuptial dress
殖色breeding colour
殖行为reproductive behaviour
物作用biotic action
物利用biological utilization
物品系biological strain
物型biotype eltor
物学指标biological indicator
物学效价biological value
物学效率biological efficiency
物学标定biological standardization
物学特性biological performance
物学过度捕捞biologically overfished
物指示剂biological indicator
物效率biological efficiency
物标准biological standardization
物株系biological strain
物环境biotic environment
物种概念biological species concept
物竞争biological competition
理价值biological value
理小种biological strain
长抑制growth arrest
长草houseleek (Sempervivum acuminatum Jacq.)
长草属houseleek (Sempervivum L.,景天科)
黑醋杆菌acetobacter melanogenum (Acetobacter melanogenum Beijerinck,醋杆菌科)
粟米草millet carpetweed (Mollugo stricta L.,粟米草科)
槲寄生dwarf or scaly mistletoes (Razoumofskya spp.,槲寄生科)
樱桃ground-cherry (Prunus fruticosa)
西葫芦bush pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo var. condensa Bailey,葫芦科)
西葫芦crookneck squash (Cucurbita pepo var. condensa Bailey,葫芦科)
金莲花tomthumb nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus var. nanum Vilm.,金莲花科)
香蕉dwarf banana (Musa cavendishii; Musa nana,芭蕉科)
香蕉Canary banana (Musa cavendishii; Musa nana,芭蕉科)
悬钩子stone bramble (Rubus saxatilis L.,蔷薇科)
悬钩子bunch-berry (Rubus saxatilis L.,蔷薇科)
石头花,Lithops pseudotrunicatella sp.living-stones
花属living-stones (Lithops spp.,番杏科)
种内物多样性intraspecific biodiversity
种系 phylogenesis
三叶草cluster clover (Trifolium glomeratum L.,豆科)
密集芒,Miscanthus condensatus Makino.,禾本科Hachijo plume-grass
节卵孢white plaster mold (Oospora fimicola (Cost. et Matr.)Cub et Megl.)
素A前体vitamin A precursor
美洲槲寄American mistletoe (Phoradendron spp.)
肉体长率somatic growth rate
bird's-nest orchis (Neottia nidus Sw.)
兰属bird's-nest orchis (Neottia Sw.,兰科)
线虫saprophytic nematode (Nematoda saprophytica)
自养autotrophic organisms
groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.,豆科)
peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.,豆科)
earth-nut (Arachis hypogaea L.,豆科)
丛簇病peanut rosette disease (Arachis virus 1)
丛簇病peanut rosette (Arachis virus 1)
二点叶蝉peanut leafhopper (Cicadulina arachidis China)
叶斑病leaf spot of peanut (Cercospora arachidis P. Henn.)
大菌核large sclerotinia rot of peanut (Sclerotinia miyabeana Hanzawa.)
小菌核病small sclerotinia rot of peanut (Sclerotinia arachidis Hanzawa.)
peanut (Arachis L.,豆科)
根线虫病root nematode of peanut (Heterodera schachtii A. Schmidt.)
根结线虫病root knot nematode of peanut (Meloidogyne halpa Chitwood.)
根腐病root rot of peanut (Corticium centrifugum (Lev.) Bres.)
潜叶麦蛾groundnut leafminer (Aproaerema nerteria Meyrick,麦蛾科)
灯蛾peanut leaf-eating moth (Spilosoma strigatula Walker,灯蛾科)
灯蛾cane woolly bear (Spilosoma strigatula Walker,灯蛾科)
灯蛾cane "woolly bear" (Spilosoma strigatula Walker,灯蛾科)
灰绿叶蝉peanut leafhopper (Cicadulina similis China,叶蝉科)
白点花金龟flower beetle (Oxycetonia versicolor Fabricius,金龟科)
白绢病southern sclerotium blight of peanut (Corticium rolfsii Curzi)
簇生病peanut mosaic virus (Arachis virus 1)
簇生病peanut rosette virus (Arachis virus 1)
簇生病rosette of peanut (Arachis virus 1)
紫纹羽病violet root rot of peanut (Helicobasidium mompa Tanaka)
紫纹羽病purple root rot of peanut (Helicobasidium mompa Tanaka)
紫纹羽病collar root disease of groundnut (Helicobasidium mompa Tanaka)
红灯蛾red hairy caterpillar (Amsacta albistriga Walker)
红肩叶甲red-shouldered leaf beetle (Monolepta australis Jacobson,叶甲科)
红颈麦蛾rednecked peanut worm (Stegasta basqueella (Chambers))
线虫病nematode of peanut (Dictylenchus dipsaci (Kuehn.)Filip.)
绿蓟马peanut thrips (Taeniothrips distalis Karny,蓟马科)
茎腐病stem rot of peanut (Macrophomina phaseoli (Maubl.) Ashby)
菌核病sclerotinia blight of peanut (Sclerotinia arachidis Hanzawa)
萎蔫病fusarium wilt of peanut (Fusarium vasinfectum Atk.)
蛀茎吉丁peanut stem borer beetle (Sphenoptera perotetti Fe.,吉丁科)
蛀茎象甲peanut stem borer weevil (Alcides arcuatus Bohemen,象甲科)
groundnut borer (Caryedon fuscus (Goeze))
褐斑病peanut-leaf spot (Cercospora arachidicola Hori)
褐斑病cercospora brown spot of peanut (Cercospora arachidicola Hori)
跳盲蝽peanut plant bug (Halticus miutus Reuter,盲蝽科)
锈病rust of peanut (Puccinia arachidis Speg.)
长毛蚜peanut aphid (Perganleidia robiniae Macch.,蚜科)
长蝽peanut pod bug (Aphanus sordidus Fabricius,长蝽科)
阿夜蛾groundnut leaf moth (Achaea finita Guenee,夜蛾科)
青枯病brown wilt of peanut (Pseudomonas solanacearum E. F. Smith.)
青枯病bacterial wilt of peanut (Xanthomonas solanacearum (E. Sm.) Dowson)
麦蛾groundnut surul (Stomopteryx subsecivella Zeller,麦蛾科)
黄带芫菁peanut blister beetle (Coryna apicicornis Guerin,芫菁科)
黄盲蝽shedder bug (Creontiades pallidus Ramb.,盲蝽科)
黑斑病cercospora black spot of peanut (Cercospora personata (B. et C.)E11.)
黑盲蝽thick-legged plant bug (Halticus tibialis Reuter,盲蝽科)
落地palm-beach-bells (Kalanchoe taxi flora Baker)
落地干不死,Kalanchoe pinnata Pers.,景天科floppers
落地kalanchoe (Kalanchoe laxiflora Baker)
落地bryophyllum (Bryophyllum pinnatum (L.) Kurz.)
落地根属bryophyllum (Bryophyllum Salisb.,景天科)
落地根属高凉菜属 伽蓝菜属palm-beach-bells (Kalanchoe Adans.,景天科)
大豆runner soybean (Glycine ussuriensis,豆科)
福禄考trailing phlox (Phlox nivalis Lodd.)
蛛丝长蛛网长生草,Sempervivum arachnoideum L.,景天科spiderweb houseleek
蛛丝长cobweb houseleek (Sempervivum crachnoideum L.,景天科)
沙果doucin crabapple (Malus pumila var. precox Pall.,蔷薇科)
采伐物量density of biovolume
采伐物量fellings biomass
采伐物量density of tree biovolume
一粒小麦wild small spelt (Triticum aegilopoides Bal.,禾本科)
一粒小麦wild einkorn (Triticum aegilopoides,禾本科)
二棱大麦two-rowed wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch.,禾本科)
二棱大麦ancestral two row barley (Hordeum spontaneum Koch.,禾本科)
二粒小麦wild emmer (Triticum dicoccoides Korn.,禾本科)
六棱大麦six-rowed wild barley (Hordeum agriocrithon E. Aberg.,禾本科)
四棱大麦four-rowed wild barley (Hordeum pusillum,禾本科)
大豆蔓豆,Glycine soja Sieb. et Zucc.,豆科wild soybean
二棱 大麦wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum Koch.,禾本科)
小亚细亚燕麦slender wild oat (Avena barbata Brot.,禾本科)
烟草wild tobacco (Nicotina sylvestris,茄科)
牛油果wild mamey (Rheedia laterflora Linn.)
甘蔗wild cane (Saccharum spontaneum L.,禾本科)
甘薯wild sweet potato (Ipomea leucantha,旋花科)
wild rice (Oryza sativa L. f. spontanea,禾本科)
semencina (Artemisia dubia Wall. ex DC.,菊科)
萝卜wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum L.,十字花科)
堇菜wilderness violet (Viola selkirkil Pursh.,堇菜科)
藻类land algae
藻类terrestrial algae
马岛花地豆,Voandzeia subterranea Thouarsi,豆科Bambara groundnut
马岛花地豆,Voandzeia subterranea Thouarsi,豆科Madagascar peanut
马岛花土豆,Voandzeta subterranea Thon.madagascar peanut
马岛花地豆,Voandzeia subterranea Thouarsi,豆科earth pea
马岛花earth pea
马岛花Madagascar peanut
马岛花Bambara groundnut
黄体成激素-释放- RH-Lhaluteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogue
黏古myxoarchimyces (Myxoarchimyces)
龙眼桑寄longan mistletoe (Loranthus parasiticus (L.) Merr.,桑寄生科)