
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
life time
工作时间entire working time
一周期mono-periodic production
一类产资料means of production in Category I
一般产水平general level of production
一般收入水平及活水平general income level and living standard
一阶齐次性产函数homogeneous production function of the first degree
三变量产进度表three-variable production schedule
三级tertiary production
下达指令性产计划issues directives about production targets
产之费用dead charge
产资本dead capital
息之资金dead capital
效协议nonvalidating agreement
效合同nonvalidating contract
效图章nonvalidating stamp
效图章non-validating stamp
效租约nonvalidating lease
不变替代弹性产函数constant elasticity of substitution production function
不变替代弹性产函数模型constant elasticity of substitution production function model
不可再的有形资产non-reproducible tangible assets
不可分产因数lumpy factor
不可替代弹性产函数模型model of constant elasticity of substitution production function
不敷产能量inadequacy capacity
不明不白的shady deal
不经济的sub-economic production
不经济的扩大产规模导致原材料成本上升及管理不善,效率降低diseconomy of scale
不能效的债券invalidated bond
不能再产资产non-reproducible asset
不脱离not be withdrawn from normal production
不靠工资为的收入如靠地租或证券收益为生independent means
活指数挂钩的贷款index-linked loan
与…有生意in account with
专业产会议conference on specialized trade
专业化产协作cooperation for specialized production
专业和技术上的自力更professional and technical self-reliance
专业性产联合会combination of specialized productive undertakings
专用产要素non-specific factor of production
专门产工具special production tools
专门产设备special production equipment
世界平均劳动产率average labour productivity in the world
subsidiary production
东道国人民活方式ways of life of the people in host country
企业产管理management of production in enterprise
企业产管理management of enterprise production
企业产管理系统production management system of an enterprise
企业活区company town
better prenatal care
优先priority production
优裕good life
会计的权责发accrual basis of accounting
分割产付款carved out production payment
分批batch-type production
分批产法batch fabrication technique
分批产程序batch production program
分散decentralized production
分散产控制decentralized production control
分步型process-type production
分等class production
分类separated production
分组育力cohort fertility
分解型analytical process type of production
分解型analytical type of production
初期initial failure
初等函数的generation of elementary functions
化学chemical production
化学、物及环境的chemical, biological and environmental
各国活水平比较international comparision of levels of living
合作cooperation production
合作产协议coproduction agreement
合同协议treaty valid
合同效日期effective date of contract
合成内变量composite endogenous variable
合资产企业joint production enterprise
同时发故障simultaneous failure
同类性homogeneous production
同龄人育率generation fertility
后备产设备reserve production facilities
后续subsequent production
土地产力fertility of soil
堕落的vicious life
备选方案发alternative generator
复合compound yield
复杂产管理complex production management
复杂产系统complex production system
复杂产过程complex production process
变动exogenous change
变量outside variable
变量向量vector of exogenous variables
经济周期说exogenous business-cycle theory
货币变数exogenous monetary variables
需求exogenous demand
外语专业学language student
多产品multiproduct production
多元"学"T先验分布multivariate student-T prior distribution
多层次产关系multilevel pattern of relations of production
多层次产关系multilayer relations of production
多层次产力multilevel productive forces
多工序multiprocess production
多工序multiple production
多工序型multiprocess-type production
多批multistream production
多批次小批量产法multiple small-lot production plan
多期间multi-period production
多种产计划模式multiple production planning-model
多种产品综合multiple producing
多程序multi-process production
多阶段multistage production
多阶段产计划模式multistage production planning model
封闭式线性产模型closed linear model of production
将来效的信托executory trust
将来效的租约executory lease
petty trading
small business
小商品commodity production conducted by the small producer
小批job shop-type production
小批jobbing production
小批量small lot production
小规模production on small scale
小规模bench scale production
市场导向market-oriented production
市场导向型market-oriented production
市场经营性marketing production
开业医medical practitioner
开始be put into production
开始come in
开始become effective
开始做commence a business
开工产日期date of commencement of production
成套产安排arrangement of whole-set production
成批produce by batch
成批产经营mass production operation
成批产经营计划mass production operation schedule
成批产经营计划mass production operation plan
成本与产力比率cost-productivity ratio
成本发基础base of regularity of occurrence
成组production by CT
成组产控制方式block method
我们产这种产品That is just under our line of business
战时wartime production
战时war production
持续sustained production
持续continuous production
持续产过程continuous production process
指定产指数specific productive index
指示性产图表indicative production diagram
产者价值计算的增值额value added at producers' value
产过程分类classification by special processes of production
按固定价格计算的国民产总值at constant prices
按固定价格计算的国民产总值gross national product at constant price
按市场价格计算的国民产总值at market prices
按市场价格计算的国民产总值gross national product at market price
按最大产能力at full capacity
按要素成本计算的国内产总值gross domestic product at factor cost
按要素成本计算的国民产总值at factor costs
按要素成本计算的国民产总值gross national product at factor cost
按部门划分的世界sectors world production
挖掘产潜力tap the production potential
搞好accomplishing production goals
易于发事故exposed to accident possibilities
易于发意外事故liable to accident
最优产向量optimal production vector
最优化产分配解法optimum production distribution solution
最优化产技术optimized production technology
最低存工资minimum wage for living
最低活保证minimum means of subsistence
最低活水平bare subsistence level of living
最低活水平bare subsistence level
最低活费absolute standard of living
最低存货、最低标准作业时间产法minimum stock minimum standard
最低成本产法least cost method of production
最低限度活水准minimum standard of living
最低限度活费bare subsistence
最佳产代用条件optimal condition of product substitution
最佳产水平optimum level of production
最佳产能力optimum capacity
最佳产规模optimal production size
最佳再产规模optimum reproduction size
最后final effective
最大产能力maximum capacity
最大产能力能量maximum capacity
最宜产量most appropriate production volume
最小成树least spanning tree
最小成树问题minimal spanning-tree problem
最早发时间earliest occurrence time
最终产率final productivity
最经济产率maximum economic rating of production
最经济产率most economical rating
最迟发时间latest occurrence time
最迟容许事件发时间latest allowable event occurrence time
最高产速度maximum economic rate of production
最高产量capacity production
产计划monthly production plan
之年durante vita
great guns
有利最低minimum viable production
有效产能力effective capacity
有效产调整概率表efficient production oriented chance specification
有计算的意人calculating businessman
服务性production of service
服务部门与产部门成本交互分配法service department cost distributions to producing and service departments on reciprocal basis
期间结束后发的意外事项disclosure of events subsequent to close of period
标准产程序standard production procedure
标准活费standard living cost
标准活费用standard cost of living
凋敝mass impoverishment
焊按安全与卫防护措施measures for safety in welding and health care
理想的产能力ideal capacity
理论活费指数cost of living index number on a theoretical basis
产一般抽象abstraction of production in general
产三要素three factors of production argument
产下降decline of production
产下降counter production
产企业投资investment in productive enterprise
产分享制production sharing
产分工division of production
产分析production study
产分红计划share of production plan
产分配计划production/distribution planning
产各种品质的货物produce goods in various qualities
产合作社producer cooperative
产合作社cooperative society of producer
产合作社producer's cooperation
产合作联合会general co-operative union
产合格要求requirement for acceptance of production
产指挥系统chain of command in production
产最优点optimum point of production
产标准standard of production
产程序production procedure
产程序production routing
产程序productive procedure
产程序procedure in production
产程流水线process line
产者一致行动concerted action by producer
产者与消费者producers and consumers
产者与消费者关系relation of producer and consumer
产者交货指数index of producer's shipment
产者价值体系system of producers' value
产者价格指数index of producer prices
产者合作组织成员member of producers cooperative
产者存货指数index of producer's inventory
产者成品库存指数index of producer's inventory of finished products
产者成品库存指数index of producer's inventory of finished goods
产者标记identity of producer
产者盈余溢额producer's surplus
产者资本producers' capital
产调度员production dispatcher
产选择论theory of producer's choice
利的企业lucrative business
前行为act inter vires
人口统计vital statistics
命保障系统life-support system
命力vital force
命周期定价life-cycle pricing
命期间收益life time income
商业命线life line
命表death table
命表公式life table formula
存保证security of subsistence
存农业subsistence farming
存和繁荣所需的最低利润minimum profit needed for survival and prosperity
存工资sustenance wage
存工资living wage
存工资existence wages
存工资水平existence level of wages
存工资理论subsistence theory
存年金survivorship annuity
存性准则survivability criteria
存收入subsistence income
存期信托trust inter vivos
存期间转让lifetime transfer
存竞争struggle for life
存维持费subsistence benefit
存者信托inter vivos trust
存者取得的权益beneficium of survivorship
存费原理subsistence principle
存费用cost of subsistence
存需要needs for survival
casual customer
态会计ecological accounting
态保持preservation of ecology
态信息分析中心ecological information and analysis center
态影响ecological consequences
态递阶模式ecosystem hierarchic model
interest bearing
bring in
bearing interest
息合格债务interest-bearing eligible liability
息财产active possession
息贷款interest-bearing loan
息资本家interest-bearing capitalist
意亏本lose money in a business
意人man of business
意兴旺good market
意兴旺business boom
意兴隆business prosperity
意兴隆drive a roaring
意兴隆thriving business
意兴隆brisk business
意兴隆do a roaring trade
意兴隆drive a roaring trade
意兴隆prosper in business
意兴隆brisk trade
意兴隆的商行going concern
意冷淡sales apathy
意困难rocky in business
意好increased turnover
意好fared well in one's business
意安排business arrangements
意成交bring to a conclusion
意本钱capital in trade
意清淡slow up in business
意清淡dull in business
意清淡的市场thin market
意经business knack
意萧条dull of trade
意萧条stagnant trade
意萧条slackness of trade
意赚钱bring in business
成值generated value
成单调类generated monotone class
成可传类generated hereditary class
成子群generated subgroup
成成本中心production cost center
成数据generated data
成理想generated ideal
成空间spanning space
成集generation set
take into effect
with effect
honour a signature
come into effect (force)
be available
效日期available date
效期validation period
效贷款effective loan
效通知advice of execution
crude materials
材重量green weight
死偶然性life contingencies
死差额balance of births and deaths
死攸关的问题vital question
死比率birth-death ratio
死过程理论theory of birth-and-death processes
洁必需品essential of life
洁费用因素cost-of-living factor
活享受amenity of life
活保护livelihood protection
活保证原则living document doctrine
活受益人与余额领受人life tenant and remainder man
活困难living difficulties
活困难补贴hardship subsidy
活基金subsistence fund
活必需品bread and butter
活必需品requisite for life
活必需品essential of living
活必需品essential goods
活必需品basic needs
活必需品库存存货bread-and-butter stock
活必需品缺乏lack of necessities
活必需津贴needs allowance
活指数living index
活支出水平living expenditure level
活方式live-in system
活方式style of living
活方式life way
活方式mode of living
活日用品single use goods
活标准水平standard of living
活欠账long-overdue improvement in people's livelihood
活每况愈下downward in life
活水准standard of living
活水准living standard
活维持款sustenance money
活艰苦工作hard living job
活补助费cost of living bonus
活补贴subsidy allowance
活设计life planning
活质量指标life quality indicator
活质量指标体系life quality indicator system
活费living fund
活费subsistence expense
活费保险cost of living insurance
活费指数living expense index
活费指数index of living costs
活费收入living expenditure income
活费收入income available for living expenses
活费条款cost of living clause
活费津贴cost of living supplement
活费用living expense
活费用subsistence cost
活费用保险living expenses insurance
活费用差别cost of living differential
活费用指数index of consumer price
活费用指数index number of cost of living
活费用指数living index
活费用指数cost-of-living index (number)
活费用指数化cost of living indexation
活费用津贴cost of living allowance
活费用自动调整工资条款cost of living escalator clause
活费用补贴cost-of-living bonus
活费用调整cost-living adjustment
活资料means of life
活资料市场market of means of livelihood
活资源living resources
活资金living fund
物产岀biological output
物再平衡biological rebalance
物利率biological interest rate
物制品biological products
物化学合成biochemical synthesis
物化学处理法biochemical treatment method
物医学统计分析软件包biomedical computer program
物学轨道空间站biological orbiting space station
物技术biological know-how
物智能机biological intelligent machine
物生产率biological productivity
物电化学bio-electro chemistry
物遗传biological heritage
理性动机physiological motives
理盐水溶液physiological saline solution
理限制physical limitation
理需要physiological requirements
理需要physiological needs
长型四级晶体管grown-tetrode transistor
长型晶体管grown type transistor
长型晶体管grown transistor
长结型晶体管grown junction transistor
省略外变数omitted exogenous variable
稀有产能力scarce capacity
编外人员活费living allowances of employees not on list
耐用产设备producer's durable equipment
耐用产资料producer's durable goods
耐用品产部门durable goods sector
脉冲发generator gate
舒适easy life
调整的国民产总值adjusted GNP (gross national product)
earn one's living
gain one's living
get a living
make a living
earn one's bread
earn a good living
手段means of life
手段means of living
手段means of earning one's livelihood
适应性强的自动产系统Flexible Automated Production System
适时just in time manufacturing
counter production
逐步扩大再reproduction on a progressively increasing scale
通用产管理自动控制General Manufacturing Management Automated Control
通知效日期advise effective date
阅历很广的意人well-traveled businessman
需求与产之间的差距gap between demand and production
需求的派derivation of demand
需要与产力的矛盾contradiction between needs and production
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