
Terms for subject Heavy equipment vehicles containing | all forms
久坐不动的活方式sedentary lifestyle
体育国民产总值gross national sport product
健康活方式healthy lifestyle
健康活方式管理healthy lifestyle management
运动员student athlete
残疾学student with disabilities
活方式变革lifestyle change
活方式教育lifestyle education
活方式管理lifestyle management
物体育观biological outlook on physical education and sport
物信息理论bioinformation theory
物节奏训练法biorhythmic training method
理疲劳physiological fatigue
长和修复食品growth and repair food
长突增growth spurt
社会态学健康观socioecological view of fitness
体育教育lifespan physical education
体育活动lifetime physical activity
体育活动lifespan physical activity
体育运动lifetime sport movement
参与lifespan involvement
骨的长与训练bone growth and training