
Terms for subject Technology containing 生活 | all forms | in specified order only
一体式固定化生物活性炭生物反应器integrative immobilized biological activated carbon bioreactor
三室生活单元three-roomed living unit
串联生物滤池活性污泥法series trickling-filter and activated-sludge process
生活principal living area
人类生活环境human habitant
人类生活环境模式human habitat model
传统活性污泥好氧生化处理traditional activated sludge aerobic biochemical treatment
低浓度生活废水low concentrated domestic wastewater
低浓度生活污水处理low concentrated domestic sewage wastewater
低温生活污水low-temperature domestic wastewater
住宅中生活社交活动区域big house
公共生活设施community facilities
公用生活污染domestic pollution
典型未经处理的家庭生活污水特性typical characteristics of untreated domestic sewage
生活endogenous activity
生活性炭regenerating activated carbon
农村生活废水rural domestic waste (water)
农村生活污水rural domestic waste (water)
农村生活用水rural domestic water
出生存活指数viability index
出生存活率live birth index
生活废水raw sanitary waste
生活污水raw sanitary wastewater
生活污水raw sanitary sewage
发展和生活方式的可选择模式alternative pattern of development and lifestyles
发展模式和生活方式developmental patterns and lifestyles
可持续生活环境sustainable living environment
可生物降解生物表面活性剂biodegradable biosurfactant
可生物降解表面活性剂biodegradable surfactant
吸附再生活性污泥法adsorption regeneration activated sludge process
吸附生物降解活性污泥法adsorption biodegradation activated sludge method
商业和生活综合体shopping and living complex
固体生活垃圾solid household refuse
固定化生物活性炭immobilized biological activated carbon
固定化粉末生物活性炭immobilized powdered biological activated carbon
地下生活subterranean living
城市生活municipal living place
城市生活方式urban life style
城市生活标准urban living standard
城市生活污染urban domestic pollution
城市生活污水urban domestic sewage
城市生活用水urban domestic water
城市生活设施最低水平civil minimum
处理过的生活污水treated domestic wastewater
好氧生活污水处理aerobic domestic wastewater treatment
生活动大楼student union
实际生活标准physical standard of living
实际生活水平real standard of living
实际生活费指数actual cost of living index
寄生生活方式parasitical mode of life
寄生生活方式parasitic mode of life
小区生活污水处理community domestic wastewater treatment
就地生物脱氮活力in-situ denitrification activity
嵌入式生活设备built-in comfort
嵌入式生活设施built-in comfort
工人生活worker's main camp
平均生活标准average standard of living
建筑生活污水管道building sanitary drain
建筑物的砌入式生活设备built-in comfort in building
强生物活性intense bioactivity
微生物代谢活性microbial metabolism activity
微生物活性microbial activity
微生物活性activity of microorganism
必要生活资料necessary means of livelihood
快速活性生物滤池biological active rapid filter
快速活性生物滤池biologic active rapid filter
生活耗水量total domestic water consumption
户外生活open air life
房屋生活污水building sanitary sewer
房屋生活污水管sanitary building sewer
房屋生活污水管道building sanitary sewer
拖挂式活动住房卫生站trailer sanitation station
提供生活服务的小型设施retail service
方便生活provide amenities for the people
方便生活provide people with door-to-door service
方便生活make life easier for the population
无粪生活污水gray water
日常生活everyday life
日常生活必需品系数coefficient of daily necessities
日常生活范围daily living sphere
日常生活范围圈daily living sphere
日常生活范围圈range of daily life
最低生活保障制度minimum living standard security system
最低生活水准absolute standard of living
最低生活水平minimum standard of living
样品生活viability of sample
植物生活vegetation vitality
正常生活污水normal domestic sewage
民用下水道系统生活污水domestic sewage
气候生活climatic life form
生活domestic source of water pollution
水体生活污染domestic pollution of water body
活化生长中心active growth centre
活塞式生波机piston-type wave generator
活性微生物区系active microflora
活性污泥再生reactivation of sludge
活性污泥法微生物学activated sludge process microbiology
活性污泥生物activated sludge organisms
活性污泥生物反应器activated sludge bioreactor
活性污泥生物膜废水处理activated sludge biofilm wastewater treatment
活性污泥生物质activated sludge biomass
活性炭再生regenerated activated charcoal (作用)
活性炭再生regenerated activated carbon (作用)
活性炭再生activated carbon reactivation (作用)
活性炭再生器active carbon regenerator
活性炭吸附分离生物再生工艺activated carbon adsorption separation-biological regeneration process
活性炭生物转盘activated carbon biodisk
活性生物active organism
活性生物滤池biological active filter
活性生物滤池biologic active filter
活性生物滤池biological activated filter
活性生物滤池biologic activated filter
活性生物滤池系统activated biofilter system
活性生物砂active biological sand
活性生物膜active biological film
活性生物表面active biological surface
活性生物过滤biological activated filtration
活性生物过滤biologic activated filtration
活性生物过滤activated biological filtration
活性生长期active growth stage
活跃的微生物区系active microflora
流动活微生物工艺bioaugmentation process with liquid live microorganism
浮游生活阶段pelagic phase
消费性的物质生活consumption part of material life
混合生活污水non-fecal drainage
混合暴雨与生活污水排污口combined storm and sewage outlet
混合暴雨与生活污水管道combined storm and sanitary
淹没式活性污泥中空纤维膜生物反应器activated sludge submerged hollow fibre membrane bioreactor
港口生活辅助建筑物service buildings for port
现实的产生活real productive activity
珊瑚礁生活环境living environment of coral reef
理论生活theoretical cost of living
理论生活theoretic cost of living
生产计划的灵活性flexibility of production planning
生化需氧量和活性污泥混合液悬浮固体含量负荷BOD-MLSS loading
生存活动survival movement
生态活动ecological activity
生态活动ecologic activity
生活习性life habit
生活习惯living habit
生活习惯habits and customs
生活供水工程domestic supply sewage
生活供水水质domestic water supply quality
生活供水系统domestic water supply system
生活供电线路electrical power lifeline
生活供电线路electric power lifeline
生活再用domestic reuse
生活出行non-work trip
生活制度daily regime
生活功能人们生活诸方而的活动习惯及规律living function
生活功能vital function
生活化粪池污水domestic septic tank effluent
生活utility area
生活rest quarter
生活living zone
生活resident district
生活residential district
生活living area
生活区污水housing sewage
生活单元楼板面积living unit floor space
生活史的研究studies of the life histories
生活史表解life cycle diagram
生活周期growth cycle
生活噪声domestic noise
生活回用水系统domestic water reuse system
生活因素费用cost of living factor
生活固体废物domestic solid wastes
生活sphere of life
生活activity zone
生活life range
生活living sphere
生活life circle
生活在其他动物体内living in the body of another animal
生活场所life area
生活垃圾household garbage
生活垃圾house refuse
生活垃圾household refuse
生活垃圾home scrap
生活垃圾压实机domestic refuse compactor
生活垃圾处理house refuse disposal (法)
生活垃圾处理treatment of domestic refuse (法)
生活垃圾处理household refuse disposal
生活垃圾处置系统household disposal system
生活垃圾的处置domestic refuse disposal
生活living form
生活型优势life-form dominance
生活型式life form
生活型系统life-form system
生活型级life-form class
生活型谱life-form spectrum
生活基地construction home base
生活基础设施人们生活健康、方便和舒适所必需的住宅、交通、文化、上下水道、电气、煤气、通讯、道路和公园等basic life-related facilities
生活living room
生活dwelling room
生活sitting room
生活居住区living-dwelling zone
生活工资living wage
生活幻象living vision
生活废水house wastewater
生活废水wastewater from living
生活废水sanitary waste water
生活废水domestic waste (water)
生活废水domestic waste
生活强度life intensity
生活必需品daily necessities
生活必需品necessities of life
生活必需品daily necessaries
生活想象living vision
生活抵抗力vital hardiness
生活费用指数cost of-living index
生活指数津贴cost of living allowance
生活排污sanitary drainage
生活排污domestic discharge
生活方式way of living
生活方式life form
生活时期life period
从时间角度观察到的人的生活时间livelihood time
生活有机体living organism
生活服务设施service facility
生活服务设施personal service establishment
生活本能life instinct
生活机能vital function
生活气候domestic climate
生活气候学domestic climatology
生活水平quality of life
生活水平cost of living
生活水平指数index of living standard
生活水平指标index of living standard
生活水源domestic water supply
生活污染domestic pollution
生活污染源sanitary sources of pollution
生活污染源domestic pollution sources
生活污水household wastewater
生活污水domestic waste (water)
生活污水house sewage
生活污水sanitary sewer
生活污水wastewater of domestic use
生活污水domestic sewerage
生活污水管道系统sanitary sewer system
生活污水产生指数coefficient of domestic sewage production
生活污水低温预处理low-temperature pre-treatment of domestic sewage
生活污水后生物处理domestic wastewater post-biotreatment
生活污水回收domestic wastewater reclamation
生活污水处理domestic wastewater treatment
生活污水处理residential sewage treatment
生活污水处理domestic sewage treatment
生活污水处理厂residential sewage treatment plant
生活污水排放系统sanitary drainage
生活污水排水管house drain
生活污水排泄building sanitary drain
生活污水排泄系统sanitary drainage
生活污水泵sanitary pump
生活污水流量residential sewage flows
生活污水深度处理advanced treatment of domestic wastewater
生活污水灌溉household wastewater irrigation
生活污水窖井sanitary sewer manhole
生活污水窨井sanitary sewer manhole
生活污水立管soil stack
生活污水管sanitary sewer (道)
生活污水管house drain (道)
生活污水管系统domestic sewer system
生活污水管网domestic sewer network
生活污水量volume of domestic wastewater
生活污泥domestic sludge
生活津贴living allowance
生活活动living behaviour
生活活动力life activity
生活活动周期living cycle
生活消费品价格consumer price
生活消费量domestic consumption
生活炉灰household clinker
生活炉灰household cinder
生活照明living light
生活物质living substance
生活物质living material
生活状况living condition
生活环境surrounding environment
生活环境条件living environmental condition
生活现象vital phenomenon
生活用平台living terrace
生活用气domestic utilization of gas
生活用水domestic water use
生活用水water for domestic usage
生活用水water for domestic use
生活用水water for human consumption
生活用水domestic consumption
生活用水water for living
生活用水service water
生活用水domestic use of water
生活用水community consumption
生活用水加热器service water heater
生活用水水库service water reservoir
生活用水水源sources of domestic water
生活用水消毒disinfection of domestic water
生活用水量residential water consumption
生活用水量domestic consumption
生活用浅井泵domestic shallow pump
生活用烟囱building chimney
生活用电电路utility circuit
生活用电设施domestic installation
生活用电负荷domestic load
生活用电量domestic load
生活用电需量household demand
生活用锅炉boiler for domestic use
生活的第一需要life's prime want
生活目标life goal
生活福利建筑welfare facility
生活福利设施welfare facilities
生活福利设施welfare facility
生活空何livelihood space
生活空间living space
生活粪便污水domestic fecal sewage
生活素质极高化maximization of living standard
生活给水domestic water supply
生活给水关闭domestic water shut-off
生活给水系统domestic water system
生活living chamber
生活舱室living accommodation
生活范围activity zone
生活范围life range
人的日常生活行动living behaviour
生活补助费subsistence allowance
生活补贴subsistence allowance
生活要求living needs
生活规律law of life
生活训练室使病体恢复正常进行活动的训练、进行职业的准备训练、实习训练等livelihood training room
生活设施domestic installation
生活质量法quality method of life
生活living cost (用)
生活living expenses (用)
生活cost of living (用)
生活费用价格总指数total price index of living cost
生活费用指数cost-of-living indexes
生活费用条款cost of living clause
生活费用的提高cost of living escalation
生活资料living allowance
生活资料means of living
生活资料consumption goods
生活资料consumer goods
生活living car
生活辅助建筑物auxiliary buildings for living
生活过程life process
生活locker room
生活rest quarter
生活welfare building
生活welfare quarter
生活changing room
生活需水量domestic water demand
生活需要living needs
生活需要living requirement
生活需要domestic demand
生活污水分析项目living related items
生活领域life field
生活饮用水水质标准quality standard of drinking water
生活饮用水水质标准potable water quality standards
生物处理过的生活污水biotreated domestic wastewater
生物强化活性污泥反应器bioaugmentation activated sludge reactor
生物强化颗粒活性炭biologically enhanced granular activated carbon
生物活动biologic activity
生物活性biologic activity
生物活性化合物bioactive compound
生物活性指标index of biologic activity
生物活性指标index of biological activity
生物活性指标index of bioactivity
生物活性指标bioactivity index
生物活性滤池biologically activated filter
生物活性炭biological activated carbon
生物活性炭biologically active carbon
生物活性炭biologic activated carbon
生物活性炭污泥biological activated carbon sludge
生物活性炭污泥biologic activated carbon sludge
生物活性炭法biological activated carbon process
生物活性炭法biologic activated carbon process
生物活性炭滤池biological activated carbon filter
生物活性炭滤池biologic activated carbon filter
生物活性炭纤维biological activated carbon fiber
生物活性炭纤维biologic activated carbon fiber
生物活性炭过滤biological activated carbon filtration
生物活性炭过滤biologic activated carbon filtration
生物活性物质biologically active substance
生物活性絮体biologically active floc
生物活性陶瓷bioactive ceramics
生物活性高分子bioactive polymer
生物滤池活动固定布水器movable distributor of biological filter
生物滤池活动固定布水器movable distributor of biologic filter
生物铁强化活性污泥法biological iron strengthening activated sludge process
生物铁强化活性污泥法biologic iron strengthening activated sludge process
生长断层活动期growing period of fault
用气体再生活性炭reactivation of carbon by gas method
用药物再生活性炭reactivated of carbon by chemical method
真实生活污水后生物处理real domestic wastewaters post-biotreatment
社会生活噪声noise of social activity
社会物质生活条件material conditions of social life
社区生活community living
社区生活质量quality of life
粉末活性炭生物处理法powdered activated carbon biological treatment
粪便和生活废水管道soil and waste pipe
维持生活support oneself or one's family
维持生活水平subsistence level
综合生活污水处理池combined domestic sewage treatment plant
老的生活单元old living unit
职工生活福利employee welfare
职工租赁生活单元staff rental living unit
能够维持生活的工资living wage
自由生活类型free living form
自由活塞式气体发生器free piston gasifier
自由活塞式煤气发生器free piston generator
自由活塞气体发生器free piston gas generator
自由活塞煤气发生炉发动机free piston gas generator engine
自由活塞煤气发生炉透平free piston gas generator turbine
自由活塞燃气发生器free piston gasifier
臭氧强化生物活性炭ozone enhanced biologically active carbon
臭氧氧化生物活性炭ozonation biological activated carbon
臭氧氧化生物活性炭工艺ozone biological activated carbon process
臭氧氧化生物活性炭工艺ozonation-biological activated carbon process
臭氧活性炭生物膜ozone-activated carbon biofilm
航海生活seafaring life
船上生活废物处置shipboard domestic waste disposal
船上生活条件conditions on shipboard
船用生活污水处理系统shipboard domestic waste disposal system
生活动性supergene mobility
表面活性剂生物降解surfactant biodegradation
迁移性的生活colonial life
追加生活additional living expenses
逃避城市枯燥生活的处所urban escape hatch
闭合生态生活支援系统closed ecological life support system
附属生活用房accessory living quarters
附属生活设施间utility room
难以维持温饱生活的工资starvation wages
生活必需品unnecessary means of livelihood
生活物质non-living substance
生活用水non-domestic water supply
生活abiotic non-living
非活性污泥生物non-activated sludge organisms
非生产性生活服务non-productive services for daily life
顶极生活climax-life form
颗粒生物活性炭granular biological activated carbon