
Terms for subject Water resources containing 生活 | all forms | in specified order only
低浓度生活污水low concentrated domestic wastewater
低浓度生活污水处理low concentrated domestic sewage treatment
低温生活污水low temperature domestic wastewater
农村生活污水rural domestic wastewater
分流式生活和暴雨排水系统separate sanitary and storm drain system
厌氧-好氧-生物活性炭工艺anaerobic-aerobic-bioactivated carbon process
实际生活污水后生物处理real domestic wastewater post-biotreatment
微生物活性microorganism activity
微絮凝-直接过滤-生物活性炭工艺microflocculation-direct filtration-biological activated carbon process
水污染生活domestic source of water pollution
活性微生物浓度activated microbial concentration
活性炭再生activated carbon reactivation
活性炭吸附分离-生物再生工艺activated carbon adsorption separation biological regeneration process
活性炭生物转盘active carbon biodisk
活性生物砂biological active sand
流动活微生物liquid live microorganism
流动活微生物生物强化工艺bioaugmentation process with liquid live microorganism
混合暴雨与生活污水管道combined storm and sanitary sewer
淹没式活性污泥中空纤维膜生物反应器activated sludge submerged hollow fiber membrane bioreactor
生活供水domestic potable water supply
生活废水domestic wastewater
生活污染源sanitary source of pollution
生活污染源domestic sources
生活污水domestic wastewater
生活污水residential wastewater
生活污水house wastewater
生活污水domestic effluent
生活污水低温预处理low temperature pre-treatment of domestic sewage
生活污水管道sanitary sewer
生活污水管道设计sanitary sewer design
生活污水系统sanitary sewer system
生活用蓄水量live storage
生物处理过的生活污水biotreated domestic wastewaters
生物强化活性污泥反应器bioaugmentated activated sludge reactor
生物活性剂biologically active substance
生物活性指数index of biological activity
生物活性指数biological activity index
生物活性炭bioactivated carbon
生物活性炭纤维bioactivated carbon fiber
生物活性炭过滤biological activated-carbon filtration
粉末活性炭生物处理法powdered activated carbon biological treatment process
絮凝活性生物固体flocculated activated biosolids
臭氧氧化生物活性炭ozonidation bioactivated carbon
臭氧氧化-生物活性炭工艺ozonation-biological activated carbon process
臭氧-活性炭生物膜ozone-activated carbon biofilm
臭氧-生物活性炭工艺ozone-biological activated carbon process
船用生活污水处理系统ship board domestic waste disposal system
鼠李糖脂生物表面活性剂rhamnolipid biosurfactant