
Terms for subject Agriculture containing 生产 | all forms | in specified order only
一级生产primary production
一级生产key industry
生产减产fail to produce
生产地区unproductive area
不产孢子微生物asporogenous microorganism (microorganismus asporogenus)
世界生产world production
世界棉花生产概况world cotton situation
世界棉花生产world cotton production
中等生产moderate productivity
中等生产moderate production
丰产生长prolific growth
生产principal yield
乳品生产dairy production
乳牛生产dairy production
亚麻生产flax output
交换生产系统commutative production system
产微生子的gonidiogenous (gonidiogenus)
产气微生物aerogens (aerogenes)
产热生物thermal organism (organismus thermalis)
产生块菌的truffigenic (truffigenus)
产生子代能力capacity of producing offspring
产生孢子堆的sorose (soriferus)
产生孢子堆的soriferous (soriferus)
产生激素的hormonogenic (hormonogenicus)
产生激素的hormogenic (hormogenus)
产生疫苗的vaccigenous (vaccigenus)
产生的creative (creativus)
产生菌株producing strain
产雄单性孤雌生殖arrhenotokous parthenogenesis
产雄单性生殖arrhenotokous parthenogenesis (parthenogenesis arrhenotocus)
产雄单性生殖androgenetic parthenogenesis (parthenogenesis androgenus)
产雄单性生殖的arrhenotokous (arrhenotocus)
产雄孤雌生殖arrhenotoky (arrhenotocia)
产雌二倍孤雌生殖thelytocous parthenogenesis (parthenogenesis thelytocus)
产雌单性生殖thelytoky (thely tokia)
产雌单性生殖theletoky (thely tokia)
产雌孤雌生殖theletoky (thelytokous parthenogenesis)
人工产生发病环境artificial production of epiphytotics
优异苗木产生excellent seedling production
生产力地lowproductivity area
生产力地low-productivity land
作物生产yielding capacity of crop
作物生产crop producing power
作物生产因素crop-production factor
作物生产态势crop production situation
作物生产性能分类crop classification performance
作物生产智能决策intelligent decision of crop production
作物生产水平crop-production level
作物生产潜力potential crop
作物生产田园化gardenization of crop production
作物生产的管理决策management decision of crop production
作物生产系统crop production system
作物生产crop-production level
作物智能化生产intellectualization crop production
作物识别生产性能crop identification performance
促进农业生产stimulation of agriculture production
光合生产photosynthetic productivity (productivitas photosynthetica)
光对卵生产的影响effect of light on egg production
光生物氢产量photobiological hydrogen production
全球生产网络global productive network
具有高度生产效能的heavy producing
养殖场内生产-farm-made aquafeed
再度生产secondary production
农业生产farm production
农业生产互助合用mutual aid and cooperation in agricultural production
农业生产分带制agricultural zoning
农业生产farm productivity
农业生产productivity in farming
农业生产agricultural productivity
农业生产区划agricultural production zoning
农业生产区域制agricultural zoning
农业生产单位agricultural holding
农业生产合作社cropping co-operative
农业生产合作社agricultural producers' cooperative
农业生产成本farm production costs
农业生产方针principle of agricultural production
农业生产潜力agricultural production potential
农业生产的专家知识expert knowledge of agricultural production
农业生产的专家经验expert experience of agricultural production
农业生产的科学决策scientific decision of agricultural production
农业生产管理决策系统management decision system of agricultural production
农业生产组织community organization for cropping
农业生产组织联合会Union of Community Organizations for Cropping
农业生产agricultural producer
农业生产agricultural production
农业生产agricultural output
农业扩大再生产enlarged reproduction of agriculture
农业机械是指用于农业生产及其产品初加工等相关农事活动的机械和设备Agricultural machines mean the machines and equipment used for agricultural production, primary processing of agricultural products and other activities relating to farming
农业-水产养殖生产单位agri-aqua holding
农业简单再生产simple reproduction of agriculture
农产品和家畜的生产成本production costs of agricultural products and livestock
农具生产farm equipment production
农场生产farm production
农场生产能力farm efficiency
农场生产部门farm activity
农场总生产函数whole-farm production function
农家生产饲料home-grown fodder
农家生产饲料farm-produced fodder
农艺生产性能agronomic performance
冰雹产生区hail generation zone
净再生产net reproduction rate
净初级生产net primary production (PPn)
净植物性生产net primary production (PPn)
净第一性生产net primary production (PPn)
净第一性生产net primary productivity
分生孢子产孢结构conidial fructification (fructificatio conidialis)
分蘖产生量tiller production
分配生产creation of allotment
切花生产cut-flower production
初步生产性能试验preliminary performance test
初级生产primary production
初级农业生产合作社elementary agricultural producers' co-operatives
加速良种种子生产accelerating production of seed
劳动生产率基准bench mark
匍匐茎生产stolon production
区域性农业生产管理regional farm production management
单位面积生产productivity per unit area
单宁离体生产tannin production in vitro
单宁试管内生产tannin production in vitro
单纯再生产simple reproduction
印度甘蔗生产sugarcane production in India
压条苗生产layering productivity
原生质体产胚潜势protoplast embryogenic potential
原生质内产物inner product of protoplasm
原生质外产物outer product of protoplasm
后代生产性能progeny performance
后代生产性能指标index of progeny performance
向农业生产广度和深度进军develop the range and quality of agricultural production
品种生产varietal productivity
品种生产性能varietal performance
商品生产commercial production
商品生产单位commercial production unit
商品生产单位commercial farm
商品种子生产commercial seed production
商品良种生产commercial seed production
商品良种检验种生产commercial certified seed production
商品蔬菜生产commercial vegetable production
商品蔬菜作物生产truck crop production
土壤产生produce of soil
地上净初级生产above-ground net primary production
地域生产综合体geographic complex of production
增加生产step-up production
增加生产的任务role in increasing yield
增加农业生产increased agricultural production
多产性生长prolific growth
多产维生素fertility vitamin
生产mass production
生产技术mass production technique
大肠杆菌素产生colicinogeny (colicinogenesis)
大量生产commercial production
大面积生产extensive production
天然自由授粉的种子生产seed production by open pollination
奶品生产milk production
委托种子生产trusted seed production
子苗大量生产seedling mass-production
季节性生产seasonal productivity
实际生产单位指甘蔗栽培actual production unit
实际生产能力actual capacity
家畜厩肥生产指家畜粪尿排泄量livestock manure production
家禽生产egg and poultry production
生产生的parasitogenic (parasitogenus)
小穗生产spikelet production
小规模生产small production
小规模乳品生产部门small-scale dairy sector
小规模畜牧生产small livestock farmer
小麦生产成本wheat costs of production
常规生产 概率normal production probability
干物质生产dry matter production
干物质生产效率efficiency of dry matter production
干酪生产cheese production
干酪生产cheese making
恢复生产recovery capacity
愈合组织木[质]素产生callus lignin production
我们的产品是您多地点、小面积挖掘需求的理想选择,可拖型小型挖掘机能产生6600磅挖掘力Our product is the perfect solution for your multilocation and small excavation needs. The towable mini-excavator produces 6, 600 pounds of digging force
生产工艺batch production process
抗体生产antibody production
抗生素生产antibiotic producer
指导农业生产guiding agricultural production
控制生产control of production
推广品种生产性能测验performance test for recommended varieties
提高生产raised production
提高生产enhancing production
提高生产raise in productivity
提高生产rising productivity
提高生产increasing productivity
提高生产技术raising production technology
提高农业生产raising of agricultural production
整个群落生产whole community production
普通作物生产general crop production
暂停特定原料的生产feedstock-specific moratorium
最优生产excellent yielding ability
最优实生苗生产excellent seedling production
最优秧苗生产excellent seedling production
最大持续生产maximum sustainable yield
最高生产highest productivity
有效子粒生产efficient grain production
有效谷物生产efficient grain production
有机体生产效率efficiency of organic production
有机干物质生产organic dry matter production
有机质生产production of organic substance
望天水稻生产rainfed rice production
木材生产wood produce
机械化作物生产mechanized crop production
杂种生产hybrid production
杂种产生繁殖hybridogenetic reproduction
杂种种子生产hybrid seed production
材积生产volumetric yield
果品生产fruit production
棉花生产趋势production trend of cotton
植株生产性能plant performance
植物生产plant production (phytoproductio)
植物生产plant productivity (phytoproductivitas)
植被生产yield capacity of vegetation
生产secondary products
生产指细胞培养secondary product
次级产物生物合成secondary product biosynthesis
欧洲生产率通讯社European Productivity Agency (E. P. A.)
欧洲经济共同体小麦淀粉生产者协会Wheat-Starch Industry Association of the EEC
死被物生产litter production
母体生产性能maternal performance
生产specific production rate
气候生产力指数climatic productivity index
水稻生产rice production
水稻生产rice grower
油脂生产fat production
测定再生产能力measurement reproducibility
测验生产testing the yielding capacity
海洋生产fertility of the ocean
潜在土壤生产potential soil productivity
激动素烟碱生产kinetin nicotine production
牛奶生产milk productivity
牧场生产pasture yield
牧草生产grass production
牧草种子生产繁育herbage seed production
牧草种子生产grass seed production
物质生产matter production
生产hog production
生产fabrication (fabricatio)
生产不足production deficiency
生产产额production yield
生产任务productive task
生产作业production work
生产信贷working credit
生产信贷capital loan
生产value of output
生产value of turnover
生产production value
生产制造production manufacturing
生产productiveness (productivitas)
生产yielding ability
生产yielding capacity
生产yield performance
生产productibility (productibilitas)
土地 生产heart
生产generative power
生产cropping power
土地生产cropping capacity
生产力因素capacity factor
生产力的用氮效率nitrogen use efficiency of productivity
生产力系数coefficient of productivity
生产力系数capacity coefficient
生产力鉴定test for yielding ability
生产力鉴定yielding ability test
生产动态production dynamics
生产单位working unit
生产可持续集约化sustainable production intensification
生产叶量指茶叶productive leaf mass
生产合作社producers cooperative
生产品交换produce exchange
生产因素production factor
生产因素factor of production
生产地仓库warehouse for productive district
生产地带production zone
生产基因producer gene
生产基点production points
生产季节birth season
生产定量production ration
生产土壤producing horizon
生产布局allocation of production
生产性侵染productive infection
生产性状productive trait
生产性状production trait
生产性能yield performance
生产性能performance trait
生产性能fecundity rate
生产性能测定efficiency testing
生产性能的选育breeding for performance
生产性能的选育efficiency breeding
生产性能育种breeding for performance
生产性能记载record of performance
生产性能试验performance trial
生产性资产productive assets
生产性饲养feeding for production
生产性饲养feeding for performance
生产成本会计output cost accounting
生产成本核算production cost accounting
生产战略production strategy
生产技术的集成化integratification of production technology
生产操作系统manufacturing operating system
生产效能试验productivity test
生产数据库manufacturing database
生产方式system of production
生产方式production system
生产日历production calendar
生产日期date of manufacture
生产production period
生产条件production requirement
生产比赛yield competition
生产水平yield level
生产productive activity
生产潜力yielding potential
生产潜力yield potential
生产特征production characteristics
生产working rate
生产coefficient of productivity
生产率的提高rise in productivity
生产率计算productivity measurement
生产生态系统productive ecosystem
生产用畜productive livestock
生产监督系统manufacturing monitoring system
生产盲目性lack of planning in production
生产竞争yield competition
生产管理决策production management decision
生产经济production economics
生产者出售价格producer's delivery price
生产者-消费者问题producer- consumer problem
生产能力yield ability
生产能力generative capacity
生产自动化微型计算机production automation microcomputer
生产规则production rule
生产计划productive planning
生产设施productive installation
生产设施production installation
生产调整adjustment of production
生产责任制responsibility system in production
生产费用factor cost
生产费用production expenditure
生产费用costs of production
生产资料生产工具means of production
生产资料工业input industries
生产资料清单stock taking
生产资料的价格cost of the means of production
生产资源production resources
生产资金capital for production
生产过剩surplus production
生产连续性continuity in production
生产rate of production
生产production yield
生产量增加production increment
生产量确定和调整法method of determining and regulating the yield
生产高涨increase of production
生态生产方程ecological production equation
生态无害产品environmentally sound product
生态无害产品ecologically sound product
生态无害产品environmentally safe product
生态无害产品green product
生殖卵生产reproductive egg production station
生物生产productivity of organism
生物量生产biomass production
生皮生产hide production
生皮生产skin production
电子现场生产electronic field production
畸变产生系数coefficient of aberration production
百分生产率法percentage productivity method
皮壳堆肥生产设施bark compost production plant
皮壳颗粒生产设施指皮壳经发酵或粉碎制颗粒肥料的生产设备bark pellet production plant
碳纳米管生产production of carbon nanotubes
社会主义农业生产socialist agricultural production
离体乙烯生产ethylene production in vitro
种子生产seed production
种子生产seed multiplication
种子生产seed productivity
种子生产合作社seed growers' co-operative
种子生产地区seed production area
种子生产潜力seed production potential
种子生产seed-stock herd
种子生产seed grower
种用玉米生产seed corn production
程序生产program productivity
生产rice producer
第一性生产农红primary productivity
第二性生产secondary productivity
粮农组织农业生产指数FAO index numbers of agricultural production
粮食生产food production
粮食生产food producing country
粮食生产定额fixed quotas for grain production
粮食生产滞后lagging of food production
粮食生产绩效food production performance
配合精饲料生产concentrated formula feed production
生产sugar manufacture
糖料生产sugar production
组织培养的次生产secondary product in tissue culture
细胞培养的次生产secondary product in cell culture
细胞悬浮液的次生产secondary product in cell suspension
细胞的过氧化氢产生hydrogen peroxide production in cell
经济生产economical production
肉产生的能力muscle growth ability
肉产生的能力freshing ability
肉产生的能力meat producing capacity
肉产生的能力ability to put on meat
肉的生产能力meat producing capacity
肉的生产能力fleshing ability
肥料生产fertilizer production
育种生产性能breeding performance
脱粒机生产output of thresher
良种生产seed multiplier
花生生产peanut production
花生生产成本groundnut cost of production
花生估产groundnut yield estimation
花生单位面积产量groundnut unit area yield
花色素苷离体生产anthocyanin production in vitro
花色素苷试管内生产anthocyanin production in vitro
茶叶生产tea production
蒸腾生产transpiration productivity
蔬菜生产vegetable production
蘑菇生产设施mushroom production facility
蘑菇产业化生产方式industrialized production system of mushroom
蚕茧生产cocoon production
蛋品生产egg production
衍生的产品derived product
试管内乙烯生产ethylene production in vitro
调节生产系统controlled production system
谷物生产grain growing country
谷物生产corn-growing country
谷物生产指机械grain output
谷物生产grain output
谷物联合收获机生产grain output of combine
谷种生产seed corn production
豆类生产legume production
超额完成生产定额overfulfil the production quota
车间生产shop floor production
进行中的农业生产ongoing agricultural production
连续生产successive productivity
逆向生产系统backward production system
通用生产制造管理自动控制系统指美国general manufacturing management automated control
遗传生产genetic production
配合饲料生产formula feed production
生产enzyme production
酶不能产生酶的似非而是的说法enzyme- cannot-make-enzyme paradox
生产vinegar production
采用胞质雄性不育生产杂种种子hybrid seed production using cytoplasmic male sterility
野生杂草产地ruderal locality
阻遏物生产repressor production
降低生产成本reduction of production costs
隔离种子生产isolated seed production
集体生产组织community organization for cropping
雌性产生技术gynogenetis (gynogenetica)
生产性土unproductive soil
生产性开支nonproductive expenditures
生产性植物群落unproductive plant community
生产性的unproductive (inproductivus)
生产性贷款non-productive loan
靠天生产rainfed production
预测杂种生产性能predicting hybrid performance
颜色产生colour formation
饲料生产forage production
饲料生产fodder production
饲料作物生产forage crop production
饲料作物种子生产forage seed production
香豆素离体生产coumarin production in vitro
骨髓产生细胞bone marrow derived cell (B-cell)
生产high productivity
高生物量产额high yield of biomass
高级农业生产合作社advanced agricultural producers' co-operative
黄油生产butter production
鼓励生产promotion of production
齐墩果生产olive production
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