
Terms containing 生产性 的 | all forms | in specified order only
ecol.一种产品的生态无害特性ecologically sound characteristics (of a product)
commer.不同阶段的投资费用与生产成本估算精确度不同:机会研究阶段为±30%,初步可行性研究阶段为 ±20%,可行性研究阶段为±10%at prefeasibility study, ± 20%, at feasibility study, ±10%
commer.不同阶段的投资费用与生产成本估算精确度不同:机会研究阶段为±30%,初步可行性研究阶段为 ±20%,可行性研究阶段为±10%The accuracy of estimates of investment and production costs varies greatly at different stages: at the opportunity study, it is ± 30%
eng.geol.井的生产特性behaviour of well
dermat.产生变应性的化合物allergy-producing compound
AI.产生式系统的易管理性manageability of production system
dermat.产生活性因子的 T 细胞Ta cell
dermat.产生活性因子的 T 细胞amplifier T cell
fin.产生灾难性的后果have catastrophic consequences
sport., med.产生雄性性征的androgenic
agric.产雄单性生殖的arrhenotokous (arrhenotocus)
econ.人的生产性作用productive human agent
chem.加速器生产的放射性核素accelerator-produced radionuclides
commer.双方对合同的有效性产生纠纷Differences have arisen between the two parties with respect to the effectiveness of the contract
chem.反应堆生产的放射性核素reactor produced radionuclides
econ.商品生产者的天性nature of the commodity producer
expl.在有多重共线性的情况下、就会出现多余的自变量、这样会使自变量对应变量产生错误影响。多重共线性是否存在、可以通过对自变量的方差膨胀因子的计算来检验In the presence of multicollinearity,redundancy of the independent variables exists, which can lead to erroneous effects by the independent variables on the dependent variable. The existence of multicollinearity can be checked from a calculation of the variance inflation factor VIF of the independent variables
busin.大学教育的生产性university productivity
interntl.trade.大规模生产的优越性benefits of large-scale production
econ.大规模生产的优越性benefit of large-scale production
UN, tech.对标准杀虫剂产生抗药性的按蚊anopheles mosquitoes resistant to standard insecticides
manag.封闭式的线性生产模型closed linear model of production
econ.工业性生产的mass produced
chem.己内酰胺生产的碱性废水alkaline waste waters of caprolactam production
met.挤压产生的方向性directionality by extrusion
fin.支持生产性的资本流人金融市场support flows of productive capital into financial markets
econ.未经允许你方无权从事类似货品的商业性生产You have no right to enter into commercial production of the similar goods without being permitted
econ.机器性能试验的结果没有与保证的产品质量发生矛盾The results of the performance test of the machines do not bring about any non-conformity with the guaran teed product quality
expl.然而、爆破所用炸药的特性、岩石类型或地质构造的物理特性或爆破定时起爆顺序及由于这些因素的微妙差别所产生的相互影响均要考虑There is no simple way, however, to take into account the interactions resulting from subtle differences in the characteristics of the explosives the blaster had at his disposal, the physical characteristics of specific rock types or geological formations, or the effect of the changes in timing of the initiation sequence on his blast
auto.生产制造的可行manufacturing feasibility
econ.生产因素的需要弹性the elasticity of factors
econ.生产性的物资productive material
anim.husb.生产性能为主的家禽家禽业中所养家禽绝大多数以产蛋、产肉为主,与专重外貌不注意生产性能的展览型相对而言production-bred poultry
tech.生产性能的性状performance trait
agric.生产性能的选育breeding for performance
agric.生产性能的选育efficiency breeding
expl.生产性质的单孔爆破production scale single hole blast
econ.生产性资源的流动flow of productive resources
econ.生产性资源的获得access to productive resources
tech.生产的可能性manufacturing feasibility
econ.生产的社会性social nature of production
econ.生产的社会性和生产资料私人占有的固有矛盾inherent contradiction between social production and private owner ship
econ.生产的社会性质social character of production
econ.生产的迂回性roundaboutness of production
busin.生产目的多元性multiplicity of aim of production
consult.生产要素的成本和可用性cost and availability of production factors
econ.生产要素的流动性mobility of factor of production
econ.生产要素的流动性factor mobility
tech.生产计划的灵活性flexibility of production planning
tech.生产边界的平直性flatness of production frontier
busin.生产过程的连续性概念continuity concept of production process
tech.生产集的不可逆性irreversibility for a production set
tech.生产集的凸性convexity for a production set
tech.生产集的可加性additivity for a production set
tech.生产集的连续性continuity for a production set
labor.org.生存性的水产养殖subsistence aquaculture
org.name.生物多样性公约关于获取遗传资源和公正和公平分享其利用所产生惠益的名古屋议定书Nagoya Protocol
org.name.生物多样性公约关于获取遗传资源和公正和公平分享其利用所产生惠益的名古屋议定书Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity
tech.由扭矩产生的不稳定性torsional instability
tech.社会再生产的良性循环beneficial cycle in reproduction
manag.线性的生产与储备成本linear production and holding cost
bridg.constr.结构由于风产生运动所引起的空气弹性力aeroelastic force induced by structures motion through the wind
gen.这个装饰性漆缸是在越南河内生产的The decorative lacquer urn is made in Hanoi. Vietnam
busin.适应性强的自动生产系统Flexible Automated Production System
econ.钢产量是测定某一年生产水平的一个决定性因素The output of steel is a decisive factor in determining the production level for a given year
agric.生产性的unproductive (inproductivus)
tech.生产性的基本建设non-productive capital construction
busin.非生产性目的投资investment for nonproductive purposes
securit.非生产性目的的投资investment for nonproductive purposes
econ.非骤然破坏性生产的更新replacement of assets not subject to sudden failure
expl.飞石产生的机理及碎岩飞溅的方向性mechanism of flyrock generation and the directivity of the fragments