
Terms for subject Business containing 生产价格 | all forms | in specified order only
个别生产价格individual price of production
产品价格产生连锁提价影响spillover effect onto prices of goods
产品价格产生连锁提价的影响spillover effect onto prices of goods
按固定价格计算的国民生产总值at constant prices
按固定价格计算的国民生产总值gross national product at constant price
按市场价格计算的国民生产总值at market prices
按市场价格计算的国民生产总值gross national product at market price
生产价格出厂价格flat cost
生产因素价格变化影响effect of factor price changes
生产者价格指数index of producer prices
生产要素价格指土地, 资本、劳动力价格factor price
生产要素价格边缘factor price frontier
生产资料价格capital goods price
由于生产成本上升,该产品的价格也有些调整The price of the commodity has recently been adjusted due to advance in cost