
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
一体化管integrated management
一次烧结处single-sinter treatment
一般原general principle
三次处triple processor
三维有限元three-dimentional finite element theory
不可处的矿石nontreatable ore
不可处矿石non-treatable ore
不可热处合金non-heat treatable alloy
不完全解imperfect cleavage
不完整性imperfection theory
不易处refractory (【技】耐火材料:能满足高温下的使用要求,耐火度不低于1580° C 的无机非金属材料,同时应具有一定的高温力学性能、抗热震性、高温体积稳定性以及耐蚀性等。: Since the earliest days of metallurgy, refractories have played a vital part in metallurgical operations, because without them it would have been impossible to use the high temperatures required for the efficient extraction and refining of metals. 自冶金业诞生之初,耐火材料在冶金生产中就起到至关重要的作用。因为如果没有耐火材料,就不可能利用必要的高温去有效提炼和精炼金属。)
不易处的矿石refractory ore
不相容原exclusion principle
不锈钢黑化处blacking of stainless steel (【技】将不锈钢放置在390 ~ 400°C 的重铬酸钠溶液中保持约 15min 以生成黑色膜层的表面处理方法。经处理后获得的黑色膜层能有效吸收太阳能,在利用太阳能采暖方面应用前景广泛。)
想周期性的偏差departure from perfect periodicity
与时间无关机time independent mechanism
与时间相关机time dependent mechanism
企业经营管enterprise business management
优先处priority processing
倒棱清机床chamfering unit
分厂经branch work manager
分子场molecular field theory
分批处batch treatment
分批处反应器batch reactor
分批处batch method of treatment
分批处batch method
分批处batch furnace
分批装出料的室式热处periodical furnace
分散数据处decentralized data processing
分段处stepped treating
分流处split-stream treatment
分级淬火处martempering treatment
分解原resolution principle
分解机decomposition mechanism
切头处设备crop processing equipment
切边清crop handling
刚化纹rigid-tex steel
刚性-塑性变分原rigid-plastic variational principle
初期处head end treatment
初步处primary treatment
初步处first treatment
包中变质处孕育处理ladle inoculation
包中孕育变质ladle inoculation
包中孕育变质ladle inoculant
化学凝集处chemical coagulation
化学原principle of chemistry
化学处chemical processing
化学处加工作业线chemical-treating line
化学处工段chemical treatment department
化学处chemical treatment section
化学处的钢chemically treated steel
化学处chemically treated steel
化学处钢板chemically treated steel plate
化学清chemical refining
化学清和加工生产线chemical treating line (板带材的)
化学清和加工生产线chemical cleaning and working line (板带材的)
化学热处chemical heat treatment
弯曲半径reasonable radius
半径reasonable radius
性检査reasonableness check
的侵蚀磨损rationalized erosion rate
磨蚀速率rationalized erosion rate
轧制制度rational rolling schedule
合金处alloy treatment
合金相能带zone theory of alloy phases
吊篮式阳极氧化处basket anodizing
同时滑移theory of simultaneous slip
后热处电流调节postheat control
后续精整处post-treatment finishing (During laser hardening treatment heat is concentrated intensely at the surface, little distortion takes place-which means that minimal post-treatment finishing is required. 激光硬化处理时,热量高度集中于表面,工件变形量很小,这就意味着所需要的后续精整处理量也很小。)
土壤化学处chemical treatment of soil
土壤层soil stratification
堆摊氯化处heap chlorination
Ca-Si 处Ca-Si treatment
beneficiate (为提高品质而进行的)
介质treatment medium
制度treatment schedule
开始阶段head end treatment
时间cure time
时间滞后process time lag
机出错中断processor-error interrupt
条件treatment conditions
标记handling mark
treating tank
溶液treatment solution
treatment vessel
treatment furnace
界限action limit
程序treatment schedule
程序processing program
能力handling capability
能力processing rate
能力handling ability
记号handling mark
handling cost
费用treatment charges
速率treatment rate
部件processing unit
throughput (capacity)
processing rate
复合热处multiplex heat treatment
复合等温处combined isothermal treatment
复碳处carbon restoration
外加磁场形变热处thermo-magnetic mechanical treatment
外表面喷丸处装置outside diameter shot-blasting unit
外表面火焰清outside diameter scarfing
外部处peripheral processor
多功能钢包处multiple function ladle treatment station (【技】能在钢包内完成多种炉外精炼功能的专用工艺与设备组合。这些功能通常包括:钢水真空处理、钢包吹氩处理、钢水合成渣处理、喷射冶金处理、喂线法处理、钢水加热等。)
多支承原multiple support principle
多次氮化处multinitriding treatment
多段处multiple stage treatment
多段处multiple-stage treatment
多级处multiple stage treatment
多级处multiple-stage treatment
多级热处multiplex heat treatment (【技】根据工件的加工要求,将几种热处理工艺以适当的顺序和方式组合起来的热处理技术。它不是几种工艺的简单叠加,而是根据各单一热处理工艺特点,优势互补的有机组合。)
多维管模式multidimensional management model
多道处系统multiprocessing system
多重处系统multiprocessing system
封闭式管closed management
X射线照片处processing of X-ray film
X 射线物X-ray physics
小方坯喷丸处billet shot blasting machine
小方坯喷丸清shot-blasting machine for billet
小方坯清机组billet cleaning unit
小方坯清装置billet chipper
小方坯火焰清billet scarfer
小钢锭结构形成机formation mechanism of mini-ingot structure
布喇格-威廉斯Bragg-williams theory
开始火焰清线start mark
弗兰克-里德位错增殖机Frank-Read mechanism
感受热处的能力response to heat treatment
感应加热表面热处surface heat treatment with induction heat
感应加热表面热处induction surface heat treatment (【技】利用电磁感应和交流电的趋肤效应,在交变磁场的作用下,产生涡流而使工件表面局部加热的热处理工艺。交流电的频率越高,电流的透人深度越小,表面加热的深度越小。感应加热的频率可分为高频、中频和工频三类。高、中频加热主要用于钢件的表面淬火,工频加热用于穿透加热。主要优点是在表面层内奥氏体晶粒细小。对同样材料其硬度比普通炉中加热淬火硬度高,耐磨性也高;表面淬火除提高表面层本身的强度外,由于在表面层形成很大的残余压应力从而提高了钢件的疲劳强度。)
感应淬火机mechanism of induction hardening
感应淬硬机induction hardening mechanism
感应淬硬机mechanism of induction hardening
感应软熔处induction reflow
成品处product processing
成品处设备product handling equipment
成批处中断batch processing interrupt
成批处终端batch terminal
按塑性论设计plastic design
搅拌处过的小方坯stirred billet
明显屈服点theory of sharp yield-point
最大切应力maximum shear-stress theory
最大剪切能maximum shear energy theory
最大范性功原maximum plastic work principle
最小自由能原principle of minimum free energy
最终处terminal treatment plant
公式rational formula
分析rational analysis
指数rational indices
指数定律law of rational indices
有序化现象准化学原quasi-chemical theory of ordering phenomena
有色冶金原principle of non-ferrous metallurgy
栅格喷砂清grid blasting
标准热处standard heat-treatment
标准热处standard heat treatment
树脂中毒机mechanism of poisoning
气体净化处gas cleaning treatment
气体动力学kinetic theory of gases
气体合金化处gas alloying
气动喷丸清pneumatic shot blasting machine
气相处vapour phase treatment
洗涤水处scrubbing water disposal
修整工序cleaning-and-dressing operation (钢锭的)
出铁场casthouse cleanup
cleaning mixture
cleaning means
cleanout door
conditioning bed
铸件cleaning table
cleaning bench
工作fettling table
cleaning bench
台车pallet scrubbing
cleaning device
场地land clearing
垫片cleanout plate
垫片cleanout plate
cleaning hole
工序cleaning operation
轧件工段cleaning zone
修整工段conditioning site
工段dressing room
工段fettling shop
工段cleaning zone
工段fettling room
工段conditioning yard
工段conditioning floor
工段cleaning room
方法cleaning means
cleaning machine
机构scavenger block
残铁scrap cleanup
残铁scrap cleanup
滚筒rattle barrel
滚筒tumbling barrel
滚筒tumbling mill
滚筒tumble drum
滚筒cleansing mill
炉口vessel-mouth cleaning
炉底用异形坯cleanout slab
烟道flue cleaning
cleanout crew
型芯用夹具rubbing fixture
用滚筒tumbling barrel
cleaning station
细粒blasting shot
表面removing surface
设备cleaning unit
设备conditioning unit
设备cleaning equipment
scalping bay
车间dressing floor
转炉炉口vessel-mouth cleaning
过表面缺陷的坯料conditioned billet
过表面缺陷的小方坯conditioned billet
连铸机clean continuous caster
铁沟casthouse cleanup
铁沟scrap cleanup of runner
铁沟scrap cleanup
铁沟casthouse cleanup
dressing room
fettling shop
cleaning room
渗氮处nitrizing treatment
渗氮处cost of nitriding treatment
渗滤处percolation treatment
渗碳处carburizing treatment
渗碳机mechanism of cementation
渗碳机mechanism of carburization
渗金属处metal cementation
漏钢机breakout mechanism
前处preweld treatment
前清preweld cleaning
焊剂处温度fluxing temperature
焊前清preweld cleaning
焊后清post-weld cleaning
焊后热处postwelding hot treatment
焊后热处postweld heat treatment (【技】金属材料焊接后,为改善焊接接头的组织和性能或消除残余应力而进行的热处理,可分为残余应力热处理、正火、回火、调质、固溶、稳定化热处理等。焊后热处理的加热方法有炉内加热和可燃气体火焰燃烧器加热。中小型焊件可以在炉内进行,大型焊件常采用排嘴燃烧器火焰加热的方法进行焊后热处理。)
焊后热处post-weld heat treatment
焊后热处加压时间postheating pressure time
焊后热处加压时间postheat pressure time
焊后热处postheating zone
焊后热处工艺postheat technique
焊后热处时间postheating time
焊后热处时间postheat time
焊渣清slag cleaning
焊珠清bead scarfer
焊缝焊刺deseaming machine
焊缝清weld cleaning
焊缝清weld trimmer
焊道清weld bead conditioning machine
焙烧反应机roasting reaction mechanism
焙烧反应机mechanism of roasting reaction
球化处spheroidizing treatment
球化处spheroidized treatment (【技】在铁水浇注前,将球化剂加人到铁水中,使铸铁凝固时石墨成球状析出。这种生产球墨铸铁的处理方法叫球化处理。)
球化热处spheroidizing heat-treatment
球团坯长大机green pellet growth mechanism
球团坯长大机ball growth mechanism
球团成球原pelletizing principle
球团矿固结机pellet induration mechanism
球团矿固结机induration mechanism of pellet
球团矿处系统pellet-handling system
化机理physicochemical mechanism
"想" 标准电阻合金Ideal (alloy, 55 ~60Cu, 40~45Ni)
理论流量ideal flow
想不完整晶体ideally imperfect crystal
想临界直径ideal critical diameter
想值ideal value
想凝固ideal solidification (过程)
想刚性机座ideal rigid stand
想刚性机架ideal rigid housing
想刚性辊unflattened roll
想化学成分ideal chemical composition
想化学成分ideal chemical compound
想化晶体idealized crystal
想单色的perfectly monochromatic
想含量desired content
想固体ideal solid
想塑性perfect plasticity
想塑性ideal plasticity
想塑性材料ideally plastic material
想塔板theoretical plate
想塔板theoretically perfect plate
想塔板perfect plate
想完整晶体ideally perfect crystal
想晶体切变强度麦肯齐计算Mackenzie's computation of shear strength of ideal crystals
想晶界滑移ideal grain boundary sliding
想条件ideal condition
想气体常数ideal-gas constant
想液渣膜厚度ideal liquid slag film thickness
想淬火ideal quenching
想淬火ideal quench
想淬火曲线ideal quenching curve
想溶液perfect solution
想溶液ideal solution
想状态ideal state
想直径ideal diameter
想磁导率ideal permeability
想组织ideal structure
想织构ideal texture
想结构组织ideal structure
想自由电子模型ideal free electron model
想负偏差negative deviation from ideality
想超导体ideal superconductor
想轧制过程simple rolling process
查德图Reichard's diagram (【技】高炉中炉料与煤气间热交换的理论图解。)
查德定律Richard's law
査德锡基轴承合金Richard's bearing alloy (82Sn, 10Sb, 8Cu)
査德耐蚀铝青铜Richard's bronze (55Cu, 42Zn, 2Al, 1Fe)
査德图Reichard's diagram
査森铜基合金Richardson's alloy (30Sn, 2As, 2Ag, 0.7Zn,余量 Cu)
査森效应Richardson effect
査森浊度计Richardson turbidimeter
BCS Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory BCS
必须theoretical amount
必需theoretical amount
论产出率theoretical yield
论产量theoretical yield
论值theoretic value
论停留时间theoretical residence time
论凝固温度theoretical solidification temperature
论分析theoretical analysis
论分离系数theoretical separation coefficient
论切变强度theoretical shear strength
论原理theoretical principle
论反应热theoretical heat of reaction
论喉部theoretical throat
论基础theoretical fundamental
论基础theoretical principle
论基础theoretical basis
论塔板数perfect tray
论塔板数theoretical tray
论塔板数number of theoretical plates
论审查theoretical examination
论密度theoretical density
论带钢形状theoretical strip shape
论带钢重量theoretical steel strip weight
论应力theoretical stress
论应力集中系数theoretical stress-concentration factor
论强度theoretical strength
论成分theoretical composition
论抗剪强度theoretical shear strength
论拉坯速度theoretical casting speed
论振幅极限theoretical oscillation stroke limit
论数值theoretical value
论断裂应力theoretical fracture stress
论断裂应力theoretical break-away stress
论断裂强度theoretical rupture strength
论方程式theoretical equation
论晶界theoretical boundary
论曲线theoretical curve
论有效指数theoretical availability index
论板theoretical tray
论板perfect tray
论板坯重量theoretical slab weight
论浓度theoretical concentration
论热力学theoretic thermodynamics
论热力学theoretical thermodynamics
风口前论燃烧温度theoretical flame temperature
风口前论燃烧温度raceway adiabatic flame temperature
风口前论燃烧温度adiabatic flame temperature
论燃烧风量theoretical combustion air
论物理学theoretical physics
论电压theoretical voltage
论真空theoretical vacuum
论研究theoretical research
论研究theoretical investigation
论空气量theoretical air
论级数number of theoretical stages
论级高theoretical stage height
论级高度当量height equivalent of theoretical stage
论置换比theoretical replacement ratio (高炉喷吹燃料的)
论耗theoretical consumption
论耗量theoretical consumption
论计算确定的热处理法PP heat treatment
论轧制模型theoretical rolling model
论边界theoretical boundary
论边缘theoretical margin
论还原theoretical reducing potential
论还原电位theoretical reducing potential
论风量theoretical blast volume
论风量theoretical air
论验证theoretical examination
砂处sand cutter
砂处设备sand conditioner
砂轮研磨abrasive cleaning
砂轮清工作台grinding bed
砂轮清abrasive cleaning
研究成果管research results management
稀土处rare earth treatment
蚀处anticorrosion treatment
耐火材料损蚀机refractory wear mechanism
耗竭蠕变theory of exhaustion creep
脆化处embrittlement treatment
脆化处embrittlement operation
脆化机embrittling mechanism
范性theory of plasticity
范性形变机plastic deformation mechanism
范性形变机mechanism of plastic deformation
范性形变稳态theory of stability of plastic deformation
范性流变theory of plastic flow
范性连续体continuum theory of plasticity
范托夫原Van't Hoff principle
范托夫原Van' t Hoff principle
萃取机extraction mechanism
蠕变回复recovery theory of creep
蠕变回复recovery theory of creep
蠕变形态formal theory of creep
蠕变时间律theory of time law of creep
蠕变机creep mechanism
蠕变耗竭exhaustion theory of creep
conditioning chamber
conditioning section
调质处hardening with subsequent drawing
调质处quenching and tempering
调质处hardening and tempering (【技】将钢淬火后进行高温或中温回火的双重热处理工艺。其主要目的是细化晶粒,获得具有优良综合力学性能的和均匀的且有一定弥散度的回火索氏体组织。)
调质处hardening with subsequent drawing
调质热处thermal refining
调质热处heat refining
贝克尔-奥罗万滑移Becker-Orowan theory of slip
贝克尔范性Becker theory of plasticity
贝壳状纹conchoidal markings (出现于疲劳断口上)
贝氏体处bainite treatment
贝氏体热处bainitic heat treatment
贝蒂Bethe's theory
退火处annealing treatment
退磁处demagnetization treatment
逆流原countercurrent principle
选矿原mineral dressing principle
逐层长大机layering mechanism
逐层长大机layering mechanism
逐点火焰清spot scarf
通用数据管系统general-purpose data management system
通用文件处系统generalized file processing system
通用设计universal design theory
通空气处aerobic treatment
通过石灰处的光亮钢丝lime bright
销售经manager of sales
锈蚀材料火焰清flame cleaning of rusty material
锌壳处treatment of zinc crust
锌酸盐处zincate treatment
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