
Terms for subject Health care containing | all forms
一级助first-aid worker
临床护clinical care
临终护hospice care
传统接生助traditional birth attendant
住院护in-hospital care
保健物health physics
健康管程序health management process
公共卫生管public health administration
分娩护delivery care
初级护primary care provider
医疗助medical assistant
家庭护home care
家庭护family care
家庭护home nursing
人员nursing staff
care provider
学/产科护理nursing/midwifery care
学服务nursing services
能力caring capacity
新生儿护neonatal nursing
早产儿护premature infant care
早产儿护premature care
母子护maternal and child care
母子护mother and child care
治疗, 处treatment
生产护delivery care
社区保健助paramedical community health aid
细胞病效应CPEcytopathic effect
门诊病人护ambulatory care
门诊病人护ambulant care
门诊病人护out-patient care
非卧床病人的护ambulatory care