
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
一级污水处装置Primary Processing Facility
不动产经营协会Institute of Real Estate Management
不动产代real estate agent
不可逆热动力学irreversible thermodynamics theory
专业开发工程师事会Engineer's Council for Professional Development
专用地信息显示分析与管理系统geographic lease information display analysis and management system
专用污水处系统条例individual sewage disposal systems act
专用遥感器数据装置special sensor processing unit
专题绘图仪图像处thematic mapper image processing system
世界地代号制world geographic reference system
世界地球物周期world geophysical intervals
世界地球物时段world geophysical intervals
世界工业环境管会议world industry conference on environmental management
世界环境和资源事会World Environment and Resources Council
世界能源研究管World Energy Research Authority
东加勒比海自然区管计划Eastern Caribbean Natural Areas Management Program
东北苏格兰开发管North East Scotland Development Authority
东南亚海洋法、政策与管方案South East Asia Project on Ocean Law, Policy and Management
东地中海区域管Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office
东地中海海洋物学专门研究小组physical oceanography of the eastern mediterranean workshop
东欧气象资料综合处中心莫斯科Meteorological Synthesizing Center-East Moscow
东欧贸易事会East Europe Trade Council
东盟石油事会ASEAN Council on Petroleum
东盟银行事会ASEAN Banking Council
intermediate depth theory
中华人民共和国土地管Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国土地管法实施条例Regulations on the Implementations of the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国城市房地产管Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Urban Real Estate
中国勘查地球物联合会Union of Chinese Exploration Geophysics
中央处机汇编系统assembly system for central processor
中央处装置单元central processing unit
中央数据处设备Central Data Handling Facility
中央系统处central system processor unit
中央预处系统central pretreatment system
中级处液体沥青medium curing liquid asphalt
中英贸易事会Sino-British Trade Council
伊朗工程管小组Iranian Management and Engineering Group
伍斯特工学院Worcester Polytechnic Institute
休斯敦地球物学会Geophysical Society of Houston
优化管optimum management
优化管技术good management practices
传感器数据处模块sensor processing module
伪自由想环pseudo free ideal ring
伯纳德普赖思地球物研究所南非Bernard Price Institute of Geophysical Research
分布式处网络distributed processing network
分布式数据处中心Distributed Processing Center
分析谱系处方法analytic hierarchy process method
分析质量管Analytical Quality Control Service
分析、预报和数据处作业系统analysing, forecasting and data processing operational system
分配管系统distribution management system
列别捷夫物研究所P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute
利用计算机处的计划系统computer-aided process planning system
利雅得开发管沙特阿拉伯Ar Riyadh Development Authority
匈牙利火山地球物学研究组Hungarian Research Group on Geophysical Volcanology
化学和物手册handbook of chemistry and physics
化学废物处系统chemical waste treatment system
化学废物管协会Institute for Chemical Waste Management
化学、推定向合成设计方面的程序编制composition in chemistry, logic oriented planning of syntheses
北加利福尼亚州动力管Northern California Power Authority
北加利福尼亚州综合污水处系统Northern California Treatment System Complex
北方海域航道管总局Main Administration of the Northern Sea Route
北欧应用地球物协会瑞典Nordic Association of Applied Geophysics
北欧应用地球物协会Nordic Association of Applied Geophysics
北澳大利亚航空、地质和地球物调查所Aerial Geological and Geophysical Survey of Northern Australia
北美湖泊管学会North American Lake Management Society
北艾伯塔工学院加拿大Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Canada
北西伯利亚物工艺学问题研究所Institute of Physicotechnological Problems of Siberian North
支出比较法alternative justifiable expenditure method
有效控制技术reasonably available control technology
的价格justified price
确定的资源reasonably assured resources
赔偿just compensation
合成孔径雷达处系统synthetic aperture radar processing system
后采集处post-acquisition processor
土地信息管land information management
土地利用管land use administration
土地利用管信息系统land use management information system
土地利用管计划land use management program
土地市场管 land market control
土地市场管land market administration
土地整land pooling
土地整land consolidation
土地整land assembly
土地整规划land readjustment planning
土地整规划land consolidation planning
土地权属管land tenure administration
土地生物处land biological treatment
土地登记申请代agency application of land registration
土地的论价格theoretical land price
土地管land administration
土地管体制organizational structure for land administration
土地管制度land administration system
土地管单位land management unit
土地管science of land administration
土地管实验室Laboratory of Land Management
土地管总局General Land Office
土地管部门land administrative department
土地行政处conduct by land administrative order
土地资源管land resources management
土壤侵蚀综合治comprehensive control of soil erosion
土壤残留处soil residue treatment
土壤物化学soil physical chemistry
土壤物soil physics
土壤物性质soil physical property
土壤肥力管soil fertility management
土工管Geotechnical Control Office
土木工程管Civil Works Administration
专家系统geographic expert system
位置不利国家Geographically Disadvantaged States
信息geographic information
信息与地貌系统geographic intelligence and topographic system
信息与绘图系统geographic information and mapping system
信息协会Association of Geographic Information
信息和地形系统geographic intelligence and topographic system
信息操作与绘图系统爱丁堡大学地理系geographical information manipulation and mapping system
信息文件geographic information file
信息检索与分析系统geographic information retrieval and analysis system
信息研究中心Geoinformation Research Centre
信息科学geographical information science
信息管理系统geographic-based information management system
信息系统geographic al information system
信息系统与土地信息系统geographic and land information systems
信息系统增强判别辅助景观地球化学法GIS enhanced decision support landscape geochemical approach
信息系统工作组国际测绘联合会working group on geographic information systems IUSM
信息系统成套设备geographical information system toolkit
分布交替法geographical distribution alternatives
勘探委员会Committee on Geographical Exploration
勘查委员会Committee on Geographical Exploration
北方geographic north
协会Geographical Association
参考数据存•储检索geographically referenced data storage and retrieval
发生分类geographico-genetic classification
名词审议Board on Geographic Names
geographical map
坐标geographic graticule
坐标参考geographical reference (system)
基础文件/双独立地图编码系统geographic base file/dual independent map encoding system
增量绘图系统geographic incremental plotting system
geographic (al)
学专家组geographical specialist team
学会Geographical Society
学会Geographical Society
学会新西伯利亚分会Novosibirsk Division of Geographical Society
定位器geographic locator
应用程序美国地质调査局geographic application program
扫描geographic scanning
教育委员会Commission on Geography in Education
数据geographic data
数据互操作规程geodata interoperability specification
数据供给源geographic data power supply
数据分析与显示系统geo-data analysis and display system
数据分析系统geographic data analysis system
数据图像分析image-based analysis of geographic data
数据外存储器geographic data file
数据库系统geo-data base system
数据管理系统geographic data management system
格网geographic grid
检索与査询系统geographic search and inquiry system
环境geographic environment
研究区geographic research area
研究所Institute of Geography
磁极geographical pole
科学实验室Geographic Science Laboratory
索引系统geographical indexing system
计划交流geography program exchange
记录系统geographic entry system
设备信息系统geographic facilities information system
读岀网络数据库geographic read network data base
资源中心Geographic Resources Center
资源分析支持系统geographical resources analysis support system
资源分析软件包geographical resource analysis software package
资源分析软件包geographical resource analysis software package
资源分析辅助系统geographical resources analysis support system
通名geographical general name
遥感研究中心geography remote sensing unit
地下水管条例groundwater management act
地区控制油藏分析管系统surface controlled reservoir analysis and management system
地区资源管信息系统regional resources management information system
地权流转管administration of land rights transfer
地球化学和地球物方法methods in geochemistry and geophysics
地球引力对人体影响病学研究所Institute for Gravitational Strain Pathology
地球物与大地测量局智利Department of Geophysics and Geodesy Chile
地球物与海洋物理应用计划Earth and Ocean Physics Application Program
地球物仪器供销公司Geophysical Instruments and Supply Co.
地球物分析组geophysical analysis group
地球物勘查技术geophysical exploration technology
地球物勘查进展recent advances in exploration geophysics
地球物卫星观察周期Earth-Physics Satellite Observation Campaign
地球物及行星际物理研究所Institute of Geophysics and Interplanetary Physics
地球物和地球化学勘探研究所Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Prospecting
地球物和天体物理仪表专用设备instrumentation for geophysics and astrophysics
地球物和极地研究中心Geophysical and Polar Research Center
地球物和环境研究图像光谱仪geophysical & environmental research imaging spectrometer
地球物和环境研究图像光谱测定数据geophysical and environmental research imaging spectrometry data
地球物和空间物理评论reviews of geophysics and space physics
地球物固静态存储器Geophysical Solid-State Static Memory
地球物场数据系统geophysical field data system
地球物geophysical division
地球物学与地理学委员会Committee on Geophysics and Geography
地球物学与天体物理学研究所Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
地球物学与海洋学计划Earth Physics and Oceanography Program
地球物学分会Earth Physics Branch
地球物学和天文学geophysics and astronomy
地球物学和物理海洋学规划Earth Physics and Physical Oceanography Program
地球物学委员会Committee on Geophysical Sciences
地球物学家-解释者自动工作站automatic working place of geophysicist-interpreter
地球物学研究所Institute of Physics of Earth
地球物实验室Geophysical Science Laboratory
地球物实验室Geophysics Laboratory
地球物层析成像法geophysical tomography
地球物技术监测气候变化计划geophysical monitoring for climate change
地球物数据中心Geophysical Data Center
地球物数据处理系统geophysical processor system
地球物数据记录geophysical data record
地球物勘探服务公司Geophysical Service. Inc.
地球物流体动力学geophysical fluid dynamics
地球物流体动力学实验室Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
地球物流体动力学计划geophysical fluid dynamics program
地球物测量系统公司Geophysical Survey System Inc.
地球物环境研究geophysical environmental research
地球物环境研究公司Geophysical Environmental Research Corporation
地球物环境研究公司机载成像扫描仪Geophysical Environmental Research Corporation Airborne Imaging Scanner
地球物监测卫星geophysical monitoring satellite
地球物监测系统geophysical monitoring system
地球物研究公司Geophysical Research Corp.
地球物研究和开发公司Geophysical Research and Development Corp.
地球物研究室英剑桥研究中心Geophysics Research Division Cambridge Research Center
地球物研究局Geophysical Research Board
地球物研究所Institute of Geophysics
地球物研究所Geophysical Institute
地球物研究报告geophysical research report
地球物研究杂志journal of geophysical research
地球物研究管理局geophysical research directorate
地球物研究管理局directorate of geophysics research
地球物研究论文geophysical research papers
地球物科学委员会Committee on Geophysical Sciences
地球物联合会间合作科学委员会Scientific Committee for Inter-Union Cooperation in Geophysics
地球物自动跟踪装置geophysical automatic tracer unit
地球物衍射层析成像法geophysical diffraction tomography
地球物观测总台原苏联main geophysical observatory
地球物规划Earth Physics Program
地球物记录文献汇编索引key to geophysical records documentation
地球物语言即地球物理数据处理中常用的处理方法程序geophysical language
地球物诱导计划geophysical incentives program
地球物调查系统geophysical survey system
地球物遥测监示器remote geophysical monitor
地球科学事会Council of the Earth Sciences
地球科学信息处模型Earth Science Information Process (Model)
地球编码资源信息数据管系统geo-encoded-resources information data management system
地球观测数据管系统Earth Observation Data Management System
地球资源图像处系统Earth Resources Image Processing System
地球资源管Earth resources management
地球资源管应用中心Center for Earth Resources Management Applications
地球资源观测系统数据中心的数字图像处系统EDC digital image processing system
地籍档案管cadastral archives management
地质与地委员会Geology and Geography Committee
地质与地球物Department of Geology and Geophysics
地质与地球物调查所geological and geophysical surveys
地质信息和专家知识的管与应用management and application of geological information and expert knowledge
地质信息处系统geological information processing system
地质勘探管条例Regulations on the Administration of Geological Exploration Qualifications
地质和地球物测量部division of geological and geophysical surveys
地质和地球物研究所Institute of Geology and Geophysics
地质和地球物调查所阿拉斯加地区分部Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys
地质和物学学土bachelor of science in geology and physics
地质、地球物和地球化学学部division of geology, geophysics and geochemistry
地质、地球物和地球化学学部岩石学委员会Petrographic Committee, Division of Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry
地质、地球物和地球化学部俄罗斯科学院division of geology, geophysics and geochemistry
地质、地球物和矿物学研究所United Institute of Geology, Geophysics & Mineralogy
地质学与地球物geology and geophysics
地质学和地球物geology & geophysics
地质数据交互管图分析和制作geodata interactive management map analysis and production
地质数据储存自动化处和检索专题委员会Committee on storage automatic processing and retrieval of geological data
地质数据库管geological database management
地质灾害数据管系统data management system of geologic hazards
地质资料管条例Regulations on the Administration of Geological Data
地震阵列站处seismic array station processor
与再成幅分系统processing and reformating subsystem
厂污水treatment plant effluent
后的资源管理post attack resource management
标识符process identifier
模数processing modules
系数processing modules
夏威夷地球物研究所Hawaii Institute of Geophysics
夏威夷大学地信息与显示系统University of Hawaii Geographic Information and Display System
外国投资事会Foreign Investment Council
外大陆架管Outer Continental Shelf Office
多伦多大学大气物研究所加拿大University of Toronto, Institute of Aerophysics Canada
多伦多市行政区自然资源保护管加拿大Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Canada
多光谱图像处系统multispectral image processing system
多图像处系统multi-image processing system
多处机标准规范multiprocessor specification
多处非平衡模型multiprocess nonequilibrium model
多处非平衡转换模型multiprocess nonequilibrium with transformation model
多尺度构造Theory of the Multiscale Organization
多数据流遥测处multiple streamer telemetry processor
多时态地信息系统temporal geographic information system
多时态地坐标网格temporary geographic grid
多普勒频谱处Doppler Spectrum Processor
多源处multisource processor
多目标最优化multiple objective optimization theory
多路传输信息处multiplexed message processor
多道信息处multichannel processor
岩和变沉积岩marble and metasedimentary rocks
大地构造和地球物研究所Institute of Tectonics and Geophysics
大地测量和勘察工程学士Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Geodesy and Surveying
大地测量和地球物联络委员会加拿大Associate Committee of Geodesy and Geophysics
大地测量学/地球及海洋物Geodesy/Earth and Ocean Physics
大地测量学/地球物和海洋物理学Geodesy/Earth and Ocean Physics
大坝安全与检测管division of dam safety and inspections
大堡礁海洋公园管澳大利亚Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Australia
大学地信息科学联合会university consortium for geographic information science
大气与海洋信息处系统atmospheric and oceanographic information processing system
大气与海洋信息处系统支持程序包AOIPS support package
大气与海洋图像处系统atmospheric and oceanographic image processing system
大气与海洋物physics of the atmosphere and ocean
大气云物学实验室美国国家宇航局atmospheric cloud physics laboratoryNASA
大气和空间物实验室Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
大气层物计划atmospheric physics program
大气物和地球物理杂journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics
大气物和大气化学实验室美国国家海洋和大气管理局Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Laboratory NOAA
大气物学实验室Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics
大气物研究所中国科学院Institute of Atmospheric Physics
大气物研究所Institute for Physics of the Atmosphere
大气物研究所Atmospheric Physics Institute
大气研究管加拿大Atmospheric Research Directorate Canada
大规模并行处massively parallel processor
天体地球物信息传送网络astrogeophysical transmission network
天体数据处celestial data processor
天体物和空间研究实验室Laboratories for Astrophysics and Space Research
天体物和空间科学astrophysics and space science
天体物和空间科学中心Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences
天体物学报astrophysical journal
天体物研究设备astrophysics research unit
天文和地球物学服务机构联合会Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Services
天文和地球物常设服务机构联合会Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Permanent Services
天文、地球及海洋科学管Astronomical, Earth and Ocean Sciences Directorate
天文、大地测量和地球物服务机构联合会Federation of Astronomical, Geodetical and Geophysical Services
天气图像处系统weather image processing system
天气记录资料处中心Weather Record Processing Center
天气雷达数据处分析机weather radar data processor and analyzer
天气雷达资料处显示系统weather radar processor and display
天然气处gas processing plants
天然湿地处废水natural wetland treatment wastewater
太平洋及亚洲事务事会Pacific and Asian Affairs Council
太平洋和大西洋地球物图集Geophysical Atlases of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean
太平洋地研究所Pacific Institute of Geography
太平洋地研究所Pacific Institute of Geography
太平洋科学事会Pacific Science Council
太平洋资源管Pacific Resources Authority
太阳与地球物资料solar-geophysical data
太阳和空间物委员会Committee on Solar and Space Physics
太阳物地区咨询会议regional consultation on solar physics
太阳物有效载荷solar physics payloads
威尔士国家水开发管Welsh National Water Development Authority
威斯康星州自然资源管Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
小流域治small valley treatment
小流域综合治small watershed management
市场合fair market value
希腊国家大地测量和地球物学委员会Hellenic National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics
希腊陆军地Hellenic Anny Geographic Service
带宽-速度-处方法为单多普勒雷达数据分析的方法band-velocity-processing method
开发与生产地球物development and production geophysics
开发管中心Development Control Center
开放地信息系统联合会open GIS consortium
开放式地数据互操作规程open geodata interoperability specification
开放式空间地数据存储接口open geospatial datastore interface
弗吉尼亚工学院水资源中心Virginia Polytechnic Institute-Water Resources Center
弗吉尼亚州地信息系统Virginia Geographic Information System
弗吉尼亚州水控制管Virginia Water Control Board
意大利物学会Italian Society of Physics
成像传感器自动处imaging sensor autoprocessor
成本和管会计师学会Institute of Cost and Management Accountant
战时石油管petroleum administration for war
指令和数据处软件包command and data handling package
挪威工学院挪威罗加兰大学Norwegian Institute of Technology University of Rogaland
挪威国家环境保护管Norwegian National Environmental Protection Authority
挪威地球物公司Geophysical Co. of Norway
挪威自然资源管Directorate for Nature Management (Norway)
支付代paying agent
最优管实施best management practices
最优管方法best management practices
最优管计划best management planning
最佳处技术best available treatment
月球轨道及着陆处模拟装置lunar orbit and landing approach simulator
月面地球物lunar geophysical surface
rational numbers
阈值rational threshold values
有害废物处hazardous waste treatment
有效论塔板等效高度height equivalent to one effective theoretical plate
有毒物质管Office of Toxic Substances
期刊发行者协会事会Council for Periodical Distributors Associations
未处荷载指数untreated loading index
未经处的污水raw sewage
未经处的污泥raw sludge
标准化数据管信息系统standardization data management information system
标准自动数据处系统uniform automatic data processing system
模体数据处integrated data processing
模块数据处系统modular data transaction system
模拟-数字-模拟处与检验系统analog-digital-analog process and test system
横贯大陆地球物调查transcontinental geophysical survey
次阿尔卑斯复subalpine flysch
欧亚地球物组织Eurasian Geophysical Organization
欧洲原子能管European Atomic Authority
欧洲地信息会议European Conference on Geographical Information
欧洲地信息基础结构European Geographic Information Infrastructure
欧洲地信息小组European Geographic Information Team
欧洲地信息系统European Geographic Information System
欧洲地球和行星物学讨论会European Earth and Planetary Physics Colloquium
欧洲太阳物会议European Conference on Solar Physics
欧洲工业联合会事会Council of European Industrial Federations
欧洲数据处协会联合会European Federation of Data Processing Associations
欧洲核子研究事会European Council for Nuclear Research
欧洲气象卫星数据管Meteosat Data Management Department
欧洲水资源管委员会European Committee for Water Resources Management
欧洲沙丘保护与海岸管联合会European Union for Dune Conservation and Coastal Management
欧洲治环境污染科学家协会European Association of Scientists in Environmental Pollution
欧洲物学会European Physical Society
欧洲生产力代机构European Productivity Agency
欧洲管研究小组European Research Group on Management
欧洲货币协定管委员会Board of Management of the European Monetary Agreement
欧洲质量管组织European Organization for Quality Control
气海相互作用处系统atmospheric and oceanographic interactive processing system
气象数据处中心Meteorological Data Handling Center
气象数据处程序包meteorological data processing package
气象资料综合处中心meteorological synthesizing centre
洋底地球物分析研究geophysical ocean floor analysis and research
温深仪数据收集和处装置Bathythermograph Data Collecting and Processing Facility
光行挤压混凝土衬砌法Sato Kogyo Extruded Concrete Lining Method
无摩擦流动frictionless flow
想化滑动结构模型idealized sliding structural model
想吸附液理论ideal adsorbed solution theory
想宇宙学原理perfect cosmological principle
想权衡曲线ideal trade-off curve
查德方程的柯克霍夫变换形式Kirchhoff-Transformed Form of Richards'Equation
查德湾矿产公司南非Richard Bay Minerals
查德钻探公司Richards Drilling Company
算保护费用conservation cost adjustment
BCS Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory
论分量theoretical components
论和应用力学theoretical and applied mechanics
论地价theoretical land value
论塔板数number of theoretical plate
论性地球利用系统Theoretical Earth Utilization System
论成分theoretical components
论最大容量theoretical air-free density
论最大密实度theoretical air-free density
论板数气相色谱分析theoretical plate number
论气象学研究所丹麦Institute for Theoretical Meteorology Denmark
论级当量高度height equivalent of a theoretical stage
论耗酸量theoretical acid consuming capacity
论自协方差函数theoretical autocovariance function
论自相关函数theoretical autocorrelation function
论需氧量化合物完全氧化所需的氧量theoretical oxygen demand
生化处城市废水biochemically treated municipal waste water
生活污水处系统domestic sewer system
生物净化处污水biologic treatment
生物化学净化处装置废水biochemical treatment facilities
生物废物处biological waste treatment
生物泵吸处biological pump-and-treatment
用垂向电子探测地球物学法的电磁导线测量electromagnetic traversing with vertical electrical sounding geophysical method
第一分子动力学原first-principles molecular dynamics
紧急管条例emergency management act
编辑处中心Editorial Processing Center
舒艾巴区域管伊拉克Shuaiba Area Authority Iraq
航测数据处联合公司Aerial Data Reduction Associates, Inc. US
航空地球物图像处理软件包aerogeophysical image processing software package
航空地球物数据处理系统system of processing aerogeophysical data
航空地球物测量airborne geophysical survey
航空数据处airborne data processor
萨尔哈德开采管伊朗sarhad development authority
调查资料处系统survey information processing system
贝叶斯预报数据处Bayesian Processors of Forecasts
贝类处废物mussel processing wastes
质谱仪数据处mass spectrometer-data handling
逐次线性规划综合能源管模型general energy management by successive linear programming model
逐次线性规划能源管模型energy management by successive linear programming model
通气土壤堆aerated soil pile treatment
通用 S-波段-脉码调制预处USB-PCM preprocessor
通用图像处general-picture processor
通用图像处general purpose image processor
通用处universal processor
通用磁带数据处universal tape processor
通用雷达信号处universal radar signal processor
通讯和数据处communication and data handling
通讯和数据管communications and data handling
速度体积处velocity volume processing
键控信息速率处manipulated information rate processor
需要方面管demand-side management
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