
Terms for subject International trade containing 理货 | all forms | in specified order only
不掌握存货的代理人non-stock agent
仓库理货warehouse tally
以货物不符为理由rely on a lack of conformity
保付货价代理人佣金del credere commission
保付货价代理合同del credere commission
保付货价代理合同del credere agreement
保付货款代理人承销人担保寄销收款者del credere agent
卸货代理商landing agent
发货整理费address commission
国际航空运输协会货运代理IATA cargo agent
国际货币基金组织理事会IMF board of governors
垄断引起通货膨胀的理论theory of inflation induced by monopoly
处理定货acknowledgement of orders
存货管理stock control
存货管理inventory management
对运输货物办理保险effect insurance in respect of the carriage of the goods
岸上理货tallying ashore
提货报关代理人delivery and customs agent
未了储备货币结存的清理consolidation of outstanding reserve currency balances
清理存货take stock
理舱费和平舱费在内的船上交货价free on board stowed and trimmed
理货人待时记录standby time record
理货tally sheet
理货单据tallying document
理货tally card
理货tally clerk
理货工作日报表daily report of work
理货证明书tally certificate
理货费用sorting charge
着手办理这笔订货put this order in hand
理货managed currency
理货币制度managed currency system
管理装货人shipping clerk
管理通货政策managed currency policy
船上交货包括理船费用价格F.O.B. & S.
船上交货包括理船费用价格F.O.B. & Stowed
船上交货并理舱FOB stowed
船上交货并理舱,加固,捆扎FOB stowed secured, lashed
船上交货理舱费和平舱费在内价FOB stowed & trimmed
船方不负担装船、理舱、平舱及卸货费用loaded, stowed, trimmed and discharged free of expense to the vessel
船边理货ship-side tally
装货代理loading brokers
货币数量理论quantity theory of money
货币汇价制度及汇价管理monetary exchange system and its management
货物处理单据document of title to goods
货物运送代理行freight agent
货运总经理人general freight agent
货运经理人freight agent
购货代理人purchasing agent
购货代理人buying agent
购货代理商buying agent
运货代理人shipping agent
运输途中处理货物的权利right of disposal of the goods during transit
重新理货re-tallying charge
需求引起通货膨胀的理论demand-pull theory of inflation
需求过多引起通货膨胀的理论theory of excess demand of inflation