
Terms for subject Finances containing 理货 | all forms
修理零件存货inventory of repair parts
合理运用货币政策工具rationally use monetary policy tools
国际货币管理international money management
存货会计的处理方法inventory accounting methods
工资推动型通货膨胀理论wage-push theory of inflation
已分配进货及管理费用applied buying and administrative expenses
有管理的货币managed currency
期货介绍代理人futures introducing agent
期货代理futures agency
期货佣金代理人futures commission agent
期货经理人协会Association of Futures Brokers and Dealers
欧洲货币管理局European Monetary Institute (欧洲中央银行的前身)
现期货奇偶原理spot futures parity theorem
现货-期货平价定理spot-futures parity theorem
管理商品基金期货公司managed commodity fund futures Inc.
管理期货managed futures
管理期货基金managed futures fund
管理通货论theory on managing currency in circulation
经济货币化理论monetization of economy theory
自由发行货币理论theory of free-issue money
货币二重理论money veil theory
货币二重理论money dual theory
货币创造理论theory of money creation
货币和一般均衡理论money and general equilibrium theory
货币成长理论money growth theory
货币政策管理management of monetary policy
货币替代理论money substitute theory
货币管理外包currency overly
货币管理手段instrument of monetary regulation
货币经济理论theory of monetary economy
贸易周期的货币理论monetary theory of trade cycle
需求拉动型通货膨胀理论demand-pull theory of inflation
非洲货币管理局West African Monetary Agency