
Terms for subject Economy containing 理货 | all forms | in specified order only
不掌握存货的代理人a non-stock agent
他们承认在这次具体交易中没有用他们一贯慎重的态度去办理我方定货They admit not having given our order their usual careful attention in this particular business
供应品期货管理forward management of supplies
保付货款代理人佣金del credere commission
全美海关代理商和货运承揽商联合会National Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Association of America
办理运输货物保险effect an insurance in respect of carriage of goods
受理付款交货方式的运输handle cash on delivery shipments
只要你方检査一下样品,你方会认为该货品质量好、价格合理When you have a chance to examine the samples, you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price
合同规定我方应承担更换或修理毁损货物,费用由我方负担The contract provides that we shall undertake to replace and repair the damaged goods at our cost
国外货运代理人foreign freight agent
国际航空运输协会货运代理International Air Transportation Association cargo agent
国际货运代理foreign freight forwarder
国际货运代理行foreign freight forwarder
在我方看来这不很合理,因为装船前我们已预先给你方送去一份货样It does not appear to us to be very reasonable as we sent you an advance sample prior to shipment
如这些货物经证实确有缺陷,你方应立即更换或修理,费用由你方负担If the goods are proved to be defective, you should replace or repair them immediately at your cost
存货清理inventory liquidation
存货管理inventory control
存货管理制度inventory management system
就业、利息与货币的一般理论general theory of employment, interest and money
岸上理货tally ashore
希望厂方在如此短的时间内把我方的订货装船是不合理的It is unreasonable to expect the factory to get our order shipped in so short a time
1980 年货币管理法Monetary Control Act of 1980
延期支付方式处理付款交货handle cash on delivery under the accounting scheme
我们同原来的代理人签订一项法律合同,禁止他出售上述货物We concluded a legal contract with the original agent prohibiting him from selling the above-mentioned goods
我方已把提货单送给运输代理行We have sent the delivery tickets to the shipping agents
或 ffa foreign freight agent междун.торг. 国外货运代理人FFA
散装货船上交货加理舱费价格free on board and stowed
期货供给管理forward supply management
每个代理商限制订购20笔货Each agent is limited to 20 orders
毫无理由地扣留他们的船货显然是不公正的It is evidently inequitable to detain their cargo without any reason
理货tally papers
理货日报单Inward Outward Cargo Daily Tally Report
理货日报单daily report of tally
理货日报表daily report of work
理货时报表tally daily report
理货组长chief tallyman
理货计算单Inward Outward Cargo Daily Tally Sheet
理货the tally charge
着手办理这笔订货put this order in band
筹码理货the bamboo tally
理货managed money
给你们增添的任何费用均请记入他方账户的借方,并请将货物代为保管,听候他们处理Please debit them with any expenses you may have incurred and hold the goods at their disposal
装货代理load broker
装货代理人loading brokers
英国证券与期货管理局Securites and Futures Authority
请即回函告知这批机械及设备的处理办法,是将货退给你们,还是暂存我处留待你方处理Please inform us by return mail what we shall deal with the machinery and equipment Shall we return them to you or hold them at your disposal?
请给我们一个能站得住的理由,说明为什么推迟发货Please give us a viable reason for late delivery of the goods
货币政策管理conduct of monetary policy
货币理论家a monetary theorist
货币的景气理论monetary theory of trade cycle
货币的盛衰同期性理论monetary theory of trade cycle
货币管理控制currency control
货损管理员damaged cargo clerk
货运事故的检查和处理inspection and decision on incidents of freight transport
货运事故的检査和处理inspection and decision on incidents of freight transport
货运代理业freight forwarding
货运代理业forwarding business
货运代理人freight forwarders
货运代理人a cargo agent
货运代理商forwarding agent
货运代理商行a freight agency
货运代理行goods agent
货运代理行收据forwarder's receipt
货运代理行收据a forwarder's receipt
货运总代理general freight agent
货运的监督管理supervision and control over freight transport
货代理人purchase agent
购货管理control of purchase
贮货代理人the agent carrying stock
起货上岸代理商landing agent
运输该货中的任何意外的事故都是延误交货的充分理由Any unforeseen accidents in the shipment of the goods are sufficient excuse for the delay in delivery
这些费用在你方香港代理人提交单据后由收货人付给On presentation of the documents by your agents in Hongkong these expenses will be paid by consignees
通货治理curb of the inflation
通货理论currency principle
通货膨胀由工资提高而引起的理论"wage-push" theory of inflation
通货膨胀管理control of inflation
通货膨胀超额需求理论theory of inflation induced by excess demand
通货膨胀超额需求理论theory of excess demand of inflation
通货量调节管理control of money supply
采购部经理应该对公司购进的货物负全面责任The purchasing manager should have overall responsibility for the goods bought for the company
错发的货如贵方能在当地市场处理,则更为理想It is preferable for you to dispose of the wrongly delivered pieces in the local market
需求推动型通货膨胀理论demand-pull theory of inflation
需求过多引起通货膨胀的理论theory of inflation induced by excess demand