
Terms for subject Business containing 理货 | all forms | in specified order only
不合理存货irrational stock
由专业理货人员办理的专业理货professional tallying
为货物运输办理投保手续effect insurance in respect of the carriage of the goods
从所得来说明货币需求的理论income theory of money
从收支情况来说明货币需求的理论income and expenditure theory of money
以托运人代理行为收货人unto shippers agency
以托运人国外代理行为收货人unto shipper's foreign agency
以托运人海外代理人为收货人unto shipper's foreign agent
信用引起通货膨胀的理论credit availability theory of inflation
储备货币结存清理consolidation of outstanding reserve currency balances
出口售货代理商export sale agent
出口售货代理商export sales agent
出口商的售货代理商export merchant's selling agent
卸货代理人break bulk agent
卸货自理free out
古典货币理论classical money theory
售货管理sales management
国内期货交易所管理management of internal futures exchanges
处理存货日期sell-off date
存货〔备用品〕 管理员stock clerk
存货仓库管理员stock man
存货清理inventory liquidating
存货清理inventory clearance
存货的建立与管理establishment and control of inventories
存货管理人stock keeper
存货管理和敏感性分析inventory control and sensitivity analysis
存货管理系统inventory management system
存货管理经营原则inventory control operation doctrine
定期存货管理法period review system
实际货物流通销售管理physical distribution management
工会禁止受理的货物tainted goods
工会禁止受理的货物即货物是非会员制造或经手的tainted goods
待处理存货短缺及毁损shortage and spoilage of inventory to be written off
批准清理老旧存货old and obsolete inventories approved to be disposed off
按合理价格支付货价quantum meruit
提货与报关代理人delivery and customs agent
无存货的代理人non-stock agent
最大存货量管理法控制maximum stock control
期货交易所管理management of futures exchanges
期货代理商futures commission merchant
期货市场管理management of futures markets
期货市场管理management of future goods market
未了储备货币结存的整理consolidation of outstanding reserve currency balance
检查及理货inspecting and tallying the goods
理货运办法clearance of goods traffic
理货人待时记录stand-by time record
理货tally man
专管货物配载的理货cargo superintendent
理货日报表daily report of tally
理货tally methods
理货申请书application for tallyman
理货计数单tally sheet
理货计数单cargo tally sheet
理货记录tally notes
理货说明书tally certificate
百货公司分楼业务经理floor manager
着手办理此订货put this order in hand
着手办理订货put this order in hand
筹码理货bamboo tally
理货通货manged money
理货政府控制的货币managed currency
理货币供应managed money supply
理货币本位managed currency standard
粗略货币数量理论crude quantity theory of money
系统化的销货管理systematic sales management
系统化销货管理systematized sales management
美国商品期货交易管理委员会Commodity Futures Trading Commision
自动存货管理系统即用计算机和设计的软件进行管理automated inventory control system
〈美〉装卸交货管理员cargo sheet clerk
装货代理loading broker
装货代理load broker
订货合同管理management of order contracts
订货管理order control
订货自动处理装置automatic device for mechanical order selection
货币信用管理monetary and credit control
货币发行基金与库存现金管理management of issuing funds and cash in vault
货币发行基金管理management of issuing funds
货币发行平衡原理即纸币的发行额,不超过金, 银储备基金,两者保持平衡currency principle
货币市场管理money market management
货币投资过剩理论monetary over investment theory
货币景气循环理论monetary theory of business cycle
货币汇价制度和货币管理monetary exchange system and management
货币现金余额理论cash balance theory of money
货币管理currency control
货币风险管理currency risk control
货损理算cargo damage adjustment
〈美〉货损管理员damage cargo clerk
货损调理adjustment of claims
货源管理supply management
货源管理supplier control
货源管理source control
货源管理control of source of supply
货物吨代理费agency fee on tonnage
货物处理disposition of goods
货物承运代理佣金forwarding commission
货物搬运管理management of shifting goods
货物检验和理赔代理cargo surveying and claim settling agent
货物流通管理physical distribution management
货物灭失或残损的索赔处理disposal of claim for consignments lost or damage
货运代理人goods agent
货运总代理人general freight agent
货运经理freight traffic manager
购货代理行confirming house
贸易货栈管理management of trade warehouse
起货代理商landing agent
运货人自装自理货shipper's load and tally
运途中处理货物的权利right of disposal of the goods during transit
进货采购管理purchasing management
进货代理人purchasing agent
进货管理purchasing management
选择性存货管理selective stock management
选择性存货管理selective inventory management
通货管理制managed currency system
通货膨胀心理inflationary sentiment
通货膨胀心理inflationary mentality
重新理货retally charge
销货及管理费计入成本selling and administrative expenses charged to cost