
Terms for subject Economy containing 理论 | all forms | in specified order only
一般均衡理论the general equilibrium theory
一般均衡理论的假定assumptions of general equilibrium theory
个体经济理论microeconomic theory
乘数理论the multiplier theory
买卖合同理论bargaining theory
产品订价理论theory of pricing
价值理论的基本方程式fundamental equation of value theory
价值的最终效用理论final utility theory of value
估计理论theory of estimation
储蓄过度理论the oversaving theory
再生产理论theory of reproduction
凯恩斯理论keynesian theory
凯恩斯新经济学派理论Keynesian School Theory
凯恩斯派经济增长理论keynesian theory of economic growth
凯恩斯经济增长理论Keynesian theory of economic growth
分配理论allocation theory
分配公平理论distributive justice theory
"创新"理论innovation theory
利益扩散理论the trick-down theory
剩余股息政策理论residual dividend policy theory
剩余额权利工资理论residual-claimant theory of wages
投资加速理论accelerator theory
加速理论认为商品需求的变化会使生产这些商品的机器数量也发生变化的理论accelerator theory
加速理论accelerator theory
受控价格理论administered-price theory
古典经济理论classical economic theory
只做国库券交易理论bill only doctrine (policy)
合理预测论rational expectations
后凯恩斯理论post-Keynesian theory
唯真经济理论positive economic theories
国际贸易纯粹理论pure theory of international trade
均衡理论equilibrium theory
增长理论growth theory
外生经济周期理论exogenous business-cycle theory
多种影响理论multiple influence approach
大力推进的理论theory of the big push
宏观经济理论macro-economic theory
宏观经济政策理论theory of macroeconomic policy
审计的理论与实践auditing theory and practice
就业理论office theory
就业、利息与货币的一般理论general theory of employment, interest and money
工业区位理论theory of the location of industries
差价理论agio theory
差别地租理论different theory of land rent
差别地租理论differentiated theory of land rent
差别地租理论differential theory of land rent
平衡理论level theory
平衡理论equity theory
平衡成长理论the theory of balanced growth
庇古效应理论Pigou-effect theory
强度理论intensity theory
微观经济理论microeconomic theory
总体经济理论macro-economic theory
成本控制的决策理论研究decision theory approach to cost control
技术理论technical know-why
投入产出理论input-output theory
投资加速理论accelerator theory of investment
报酬的理论compensatory theory
抽样法理论sampling theory
按照边际效用决定价格的理论theory of the determination of prices in response to marginal utilities
按边际效用决定价格的理论theory of the determination of prices in response to marginal utilities
控制市场理论oligopoly theory
支付能力课税理论faculty theory of taxation
收益不变理论theory of constant returns
收益递增理论theory of increasing return
公路收费闸口理论turnpike theorem
数理理论mathematical theory
整体均衡理论theory of stochastic macro-equilibrium
新的消费行为理论new theory of consumer behavior
新起点理论fresh start theory
方法论原理methodological principle
无论是自愿或是强制,此公司将停业清理Either voluntary or compulsory adj., this company have to go into liquidation
普通x-效率理论general x-efficiency theory
最佳证券投资理论portfolio theory
李嘉图的地租理论Ricardian theory of rent
欠发达经济理论theory of underdevelopment
欲望理论drive theory
残值理论residual theory
民主的经济理论an economic theory of democracy
流动性偏好利息理论liquidity preference theory of interest
消费不足理论the under-consumption theory
消费者行为理论buyer behavior theories
激励理论theory of motivation
现值贴现理论present discounted value theory
理论上收入notional income
理论上的生产能力theoretical capacity
理论与实际相结合integrating theory with practice
理论人口学theoretical demography
理论价格formula price
理论theoretical variable
理论循环learning cycle
理论标准theoretical standard
理论生产能力the theoretical capacity
理论生活费the theoretical cost of living
理论研究theoretical study
理论素养theoretical attainment
理论经济学theoretical economics
理论经济学pure economics
理论联系实际theory with practice
生产理论production theory
生产成本理论producing cost theory
用稳态理论实现组合优化combinational optimization with steady theory
由投入的劳动决定价值的理论labour embodied value theory
社会主义生产理论的目的purpose of socialist production theory
社会技术理论sociotechnical theory
社会经济理论theory of socialist economy
税收理论taxation theories and principle
税收扩散理论diffusion theory of taxation
税负理论tax incidence theory
站得住脚的理论a tenable theory
管理的理论与实践management theory and practice
纯理性论据academical argument
纯理性论据academic argument
纯经济理论pure economics
经济理论economic theory
经济理论基础the underpinning in economic theory
经济理论基础underpinning in economic theory
经济理论的回顾economic theory in retrospect
经济变动理论theory of economic change
经济扩展理论theory of economic expansion
经理应记录对公司内商品的一切评论The manager should record all the comments on merchandise in his company
统计学应用理论application theory of statistics
综合理论绩效composite theoretical performance
自由贸易理论theory of free trade
虚假社会价值理论false social value theory
补偿的理论compensatory theory
要素价格的一般理论general theory of price of factors
要素订价的边际生产力理论the marginal productivity theory of factor pricing
证实一种理论validate a theory
货币理论a monetary theorist
货币的景气理论monetary theory of trade cycle
货币的盛衰同期性理论monetary theory of trade cycle
购买力平价理论purchasing power parity theory (说)
购买力平准理论purchasing power parity
资产估价理论theory of asset valuation
资产搭配理论portfolio theory
资本利率减少理论falling-rate-of-profit theory
资金理论fund theory
转换理论exchange theory
边际生产力工资理论marginal productivity theory of wages
近似值物价指数理论approximate theory of price index number
近似值物价指数理论the approximation theory of price index number
近似值物价指数理论approximation theory of price index number
选择理论theory of preference
通货理论currency principle
通货膨胀由工资提高而引起的理论"wage-push" theory of inflation
通货膨胀超额需求理论theory of inflation induced by excess demand
通货膨胀超额需求理论theory of excess demand of inflation
道氏理论Dow theory
重商主义理论的"让步利润"the mercantilist theory of "concession of profit"
金融深化理论theory of financial deepening
银行业务的商业放款理论commercial loan theory of banking
长期停滞理论theory of secular stagnation
长期经济停滞理论secular stagnation theory
限制产量以保证利润的经济理论scarcity economics
集约理论intensity theory
需求层次理论need hierarchy theory
需求推动型通货膨胀理论demand-pull theory of inflation
需求过多引起通货膨胀的理论theory of inflation induced by excess demand
马克思主义劳动价值理论学派Marxist labour theory of value school
马克思的人口理论Marx's theory of population
马斯洛需要分类理论Maslow's need hierarchy theory