
Terms for subject Commerce containing 理论 | all forms | in specified order only
产品定价理论theory of pricing
凯恩斯宏观经济学理论Keynesian macroeconomic theory
凯恩斯效应理论Keynes effect theory
分割市场理论segmental market theory
动机作用理论motivation theory
卖主控制市场理论oligopoly theory
国民收入统计理论theory of national income statistics
国际借贷理论theory of balance of international indebtedness
工资理论wage theory
平衡理论theory of balance
我们认为暂缓讨论独家代理为宜We consider it advisable to postpone the discussion on sole agency
投资乘数理论investment multiplier theory
排队理论waiting line theory (系运筹学 (operations research) 中的主要分支)
排队理论queuing theory (系运筹学 (operations research) 中的主要分支)
期望理论expectance theory
权变理论contingency theory (美国 J. Morse & J.W. Lorsch 提出,亦称超 Y 理论)
概率论定理theorem of probability theory
欧洲管理论European Management Forum
比较优势理论theory of comparative advantage
消费者行为理论theory of consumer's behaviour
行为科学 Y 理论theory of Y
行为科学 Z 理论theory of Z
Z 理论Z-theory
Y 理论Y-theory
行为科学 X 理论theory of X
理论岀租价格theoretical leasing price
理论成本标准theoretical cost standard (指理想成本标准 (ideal cost standard))
理论研究research in basic science
站得住脚的理论tenable theory
经济停滞理论stagnation theory
经济发展理论theory of economic development
统计决策理论statistical decision-making theory
讨论独家代理的问题为时尚早The time is immature for holding a discussion on sole agency
资产优选理论theory of assets preference
赫茨伯格理论two-factor theory
随机控制理论random control theory
需求层次理论need hierarchy theory (美国 A. Maslow 提出,包括生理、 安全、归属、自尊以及自我成就等五个需求)
需求层次理论hierachy of needs theory
预期理论expectation theory