
Terms for subject Technology containing 理论 | all forms | in specified order only
一级近似理论first-order theory
一维准非线性波传播理论one-dimensional quasi-nonlinear wave propagation theory
一维流动理论streamline theory
一维非线性波传播理论one-dimensional quasi-nonlinear wave propagation theory
一般理论general theory
一般交点理论general intersection theory
一般摄动理论general theory of perturbation
一阶理论first-order theory
一阶理论elementary theory
三构面领导理论three-dimension leadership model
三样本理论three-sample theory
三级像差理论third-order aberration theory
三维弹性理论three-dimensional theory of elasticity
三群理论three-group theory
三联体理论triplet theory
三色理论trichromatic theory
三色响应理论trichromatic response theory
上同调理论cohomology theory
分子理论能量molecular theoretical energy
分子理论表面张力molecular theoretical surface tension
分子规道理论molecular orbital theory
分布式并行逻辑理论distributed parallel logic theory
分布的频率理论frequency theory of distribution
分带理论zonal theory
分形理论fractal theory
分担理论contribution theory
分支理论bifurcation theory
分支过程理论theory of branching process
分歧理论bifurcation theory
分派理论allocation theory
分离理论separation theorem
分解理论resolution theory
分配理论theory of distribution
切变理论shear theory
切变流理论shear flow theory
包裹体成因理论origin of inclusion
各向同性硬化理论isotropic hardening theory
各态历程理论ergodic theory
合理利用理论reasonable use theory
圆筒理论cylinder theory (拱坝设计)
圆筒理论theory of barrels
圆筒理论barrel theory
设计混凝土路面的威士卡德理论Westergaard theory
威特理论Witt theory
威特色理论Witts colour theory
威特色理论Witts color theory
射线理论ray theory
射线理论地震图ray theoretical seismogram
射线理论地震图ray theoretic seismogram
射线理论方法ray theoretical method
射线理论方法ray theoretic method
布兰斯一迪克理论Brans-Dicke theory
布局理论theory of layout
布拉格一威廉姆理论Bragg-William's theory
布置理论theory of layout
布莱渗流理论Blights creep theory
布赖特一维格纳理论Breit-Wigner theory
布辛奈斯克理论Boussinesq's theory
布辛奈斯克弹性理论Boussinesq's elastic theory
按塑性理论设计方法plastic design method
最优化理论mathematical programming
最优化理论mathematic programming
最佳控制理论theory of optimal control
最佳控制理论optimum control theory
最佳防治理论optimal control theory
最大理论压缩比max possible compression ratio
最大理论流量maximum theoretical yield
最大理论流量maximum theoretic yield
最大主应力理论maximum principal unit stress theory
最大主应力理论maximum principal stress criterion
最大主应变理论maximum principal strain theory
最大主应变理论maximum principal strain criterion
最大剪应力强度理论maximum shear stress criterion
最大剪应变能量理论maximum shear strain energy theory
最大剪应变能量理论critical shear strain energy theory
最大剪切应力理论maximum shearing stress theory
最大剪力理论maximum shear theory
最大剪应力理论maximum shearing stress theory
最大变形理论maximum strain theory
最大变形能理论theory of maximum strain energy
最大安全度理论maximum safety factor theorem
最大应力理论maximum principal unit stress theory
材料破坏理论的最大应力理论maximum stress theory
最大应力理论maximum stress theory
最大应变理论maximum principal strain theory
最大应变理论maximum strain theory
最大应变破坏理论maximum strain theory of failure
最大应变能理论theory of maximum strain energy
最大弹性能理论maximum elastic energy theory
最大拉应力理论maximum tensile stress theory
最大正应变理论maximum normal strain criterion
最小理论级数minimum number of theoretical stage
最小二乘法理论least square theory
最小功理论least-work theory
最小安全度理论minimum safety factor theorem
最小损失防火理论minimum-damage-fire-control theory
最小能量理论minimum energy theory
最小能量理论least energy theory
最终效用价格理论final utility theory of value
月球运动理论lunar theory
有力矩理论shell theory with moments
有效理论塔板等效高度height equivalent to an effective theoretical plate
有效应力理论effective stress theory
有效间隔理论持续时间theoretical duration of a significant interval
有效间隔理论持续时间theoretic duration of a significant interval
有机理论organic theory
有机建筑理论organic agriculture
有限变形理论theory of finite deformation
有限形变弹性理论finite strain theory of elasticity
有限微扰理论finite perturbation theory
标准抽样调查理论standard sample survey theory
标度不变理论scale-invariant theory
标记衍射理论scalar diffraction theory
标量介子理论scalar meson theory
标量偶理论scalar pair theory
标量张量理论scalar-tensor theory
标量波理论scalar wave theory
标量衍射理论scalar diffraction theory
漂流理论drift theory
焊缝理论厚度theoretical throat depth
焊缝理论厚度theoretic throat depth
理想理论ideal theory
理想吸附溶液理论ideal absorbed solution theory
理想塑性理论theory of ideal plasticity
理想塑性理论ideal plastic theory
理想论板theoretical plate
理想论板theoretic plate
理论rationale (基础)
理论三角形顶点apex of theoretical triangle (坝体断面)
理论三角形顶点apex of theoretic triangle (坝体断面)
理论上的最高责任maximum theoretic liability
理论下界theory lower-bound
理论产量theoretic output
理论产量instantaneous theoretical output
理论产量theoretical output
理论产量theoretic yield
理论产量instantaneous theoretic output
理论价格theoretic price
理论众数theoretic mode
理论位流theoretical potential flow
理论位流theoretic potential flow
理论位置theoretical location
理论位置theoretic location
理论使用寿命theoretical service life
理论使用寿命theoretic service life
理论假定theoretical assumption
理论假定theoretic assumption
理论光学theoretical optics
理论光学theoretic optics
理论公式theoretic formula
理论公式theoretic equation
理论凸轮曲线theoretical cam curve
理论凸轮曲线theoretic cam curve
理论出租价格theoretical leasing price
理论出租价格theoretic leasing price
理论分布theoretical distribution
理论分布theoretic distribution
理论分布函数theoretical distribution function
理论分布函数theoretic distribution function
理论分析theoretic analysis
理论分析rational analysis
理论分离系数theoretic separation coefficient
理论分辨率theoretical resolving power
理论分辨率theoretic resolving power
理论刚度theoretical stiffness
理论刚度theoretic stiffness
理论判断theoretical prediction
理论判断theoretic prediction
理论剂量calculated dose
理论剖面theoretical profile
理论剖面theoretic profile
理论功率theoretical output
理论功率theoretic output
理论功率theoretic horsepower
理论theoretical potential flow
理论theoretic potential flow
理论化学theoretical chemistry
理论化学theoretic chemistry
理论化学pure chemistry
理论卸船生产率theoretical unloading capacity
理论卸船生产率theoretic unloading capacity
理论压头theoretical head
理论压头theoretic head
理论压缩功theoretical compression work
焊缝的理论厚度theoretical throat
焊缝的理论厚度theoretic throat
理论回收率theory recovery
理论图像theoretical shape
理论图像theoretic shape
理论图学theoretical graphics
理论图学theoretic graphics
理论地平rational horizon
理论地震图theoretical seismograph
理论地震图theoretic seismograph
理论地震学theoretic seismology
理论基础theoretic basis
理论塔板theoretically perfect tray
理论塔板数theoretic plate number
理论塔板数number of theoretic plates
理论塔板等效高度height equivalent to a theoretic plate
理论塔板高度height to a theoretical plate
理论塔板高度height to a theoretic plate
理论塔盘的计算distillation plate calculation
理论声学theoretical acoustics
理论声学theoretic acoustics
理论大测量学theoretical geodesy
理论大测量学theoretic geodesy
理论天体物理学theoretical astrophysics
理论天体物理学theoretic astrophysics
理论天文学theoretical astronomy
理论天文学theoretic astronomy
理论完全燃烧theoretically complete combustion
理论容积效率theoretical volumetrical efficiency
理论容积效率theoretic volumetric efficiency
理论容量theoretic capacity
理论密度theoretic density
理论导程theoretical lead
理论导程theoretic lead
理论尺寸theoretical size
理论尺寸theoretic size
理论尺度theoretical dimension
理论尺度theoretic dimension
理论干燥过程theoretical drying process
理论干燥过程theoretic drying process
理论平价theoretical parity
理论平价theoretic parity
理论平均值theoretical mean
理论平均值theoretic mean
理论应力分布法theoretical stress distribution method
理论应力分布法theoretic stress distribution method
理论应力集中系数theoretical factor of stress concentration
理论开挖线theoretical line
理论开挖线theoretic line
理论弯沉系数theoretical deflection coefficient
理论弯沉系数theoretic deflection coefficient
理论弹性力学theoretical elasticity
理论弹性力学theoretic elasticity
理论强度theoretic strength
理论强度desired strength
理论形态学theoretical morphology
理论形态学theoretic morphology
理论总功率overall theoretical power
理论总功率overall theoretic power
理论成分theoretic composition
理论成本theoretical cost
理论成本theoretic cost
理论成本标准theoretic cost standard
理论成荒率theoretical quarry-stone yield
理论成荒率theoretic quarry-stone yield
理论截止频率theoretic cutoff frequency
理论扬程theoretical head
理论扬程theoretic head
理论扭矩theoretical torque
理论扭矩theoretic torque
理论折旧theoretic depreciation
理论抽力theoretical draft
理论抽力theoretic draft
理论抽象theoretical abstraction
理论抽象theoretic abstraction
理论指示图theoretical indicator card
理论指示图theoretic indicator card
理论振幅theoretical amplitude
理论振幅theoretic amplitude
理论排量theoretical flow rate
理论排量theoretic flow rate
理论推力系数theoretic thrust coefficient
理论推导theoretical derivation
理论推导theoretic derivation
理论推算theoretical prediction
理论推算theoretic prediction
理论推算法theoretical prediction method
理论推算法theoretic prediction method
理论theoretical value
理论theoretic value
理论数值孔径theoretic numerical aperture
理论数量方法theoretical quantitative approach
理论数量方法theoretic quantitative approach
理论料耗theoretical raw meal consumption
理论料耗theoretic raw meal consumption
理论断面theoretical profile
理论断面theoretic profile
理论方程theoretical equation (式)
理论方程theoretic equation (式)
理论时间曲线theoretical time curve
理论时间曲线theoretic time curve
理论晶体学theoretical crystallography
理论晶体学theoretic crystallography
理论曲线theoretic curve
理论最低潮面theoretically lowest tide level
理论最大容重theoretical air free density
理论最大容重theoretic air free density
理论最大密实度theoretical air free density
理论最大密实度theoretic air free density
理论最大浓度theoretical maximum concentration
理论最大浓度theoretic maximum concentration
理论最小安全厚度minimum safe thickness in theory
理论最高潮面theoretically highest tide level
理论有效指数theoretic availability index
理论有机化学theoretical organic chemistry
理论有机化学theoretic organic chemistry
理论有机化学physical organic chemistry
理论有机碳theoretical organic carbon
理论有机碳theoretic organic carbon
理论机构模型theoretical mechanical model
理论机遇theoretical chance
理论机遇theoretic chance
理论theoretical plate
理论theoretic plate
理论板数number of theoretical plates
理论板数number of theoretic plates
理论极限theoretical limit
理论极限theoretic limit
理论极限值theoretical boundary
理论极限值theoretic boundary
理论极限荷载theoretical limit load
理论极限荷载theoretic limit load
理论根源theoretical source
理论根源theoretic source
理论概念theoretical concept
理论概念theoretic concept
理论概括theoretical generalization
理论概括theoretic generalization
理论概率theoretical probability
理论概率theoretic probability
理论模型theoretic model
理论模型ideal model
理论模型时间剖面theoretical time section of model
理论模型时间剖面theoretic time section of model
理论模式theoretical mode
理论模式theoretic mode
理论模数theoretical module
理论模数theoretic module
理论比例尺theoretic scale
理论比例尺theoretical scale
理论比例尺expressed scale
理论比推力theoretical specific impulse
理论比推力theoretic specific impulse
理论气象学theoretic meteorology
理论水平theoretical level
理论水平theoretic level
理论水文学scientific hydrology
理论水流特征theoretical flow characteristic
理论水流特征theoretic flow characteristic
理论水电出力theoretical water power
理论水电出力theoretic water power
理论水电发电能力theoretical water power
理论水电发电能力theoretic water power
理论油水过渡带厚度theoretical thickness of oil water transition zone
理论油水过渡带厚度theoretic thickness of oil water transition zone
理论流体力学theoretical fluid mechanics
理论流体力学theoretic fluid mechanics
理论流化速度theoretical fluidized velocity
理论流化速度theoretic fluidized velocity
理论流量theoretical discharge
理论流量theoretic flow
理论流量theoretic discharge
理论流量系数theoretical coefficient of disch arge
理论测度theoretical measure
理论测度theoretic measure
理论海洋学theoretical oceanography
理论海洋学theoretic oceanography
理论深度theoretical depth
理论深度theoretic depth
理论深度基准面theoretical bathymetrical datum
理论深度基准面theoretical sea level datum
理论深度基准面theoretic sea level datum
理论深度基准面theoretic bathymetrical datum
理论混合物stoichiometrical mixture
理论混合物stoichiometric mixture
理论溶度平衡浓度theoretical solubility equilibrium concentration
理论溶度平衡浓度theoretic solubility equilibrium concentration
理论溶液theoretical solution
理论溶液theoretic solution
理论mathematical point
理论mathematic point
理论热效率theoretical thermal efficiency
理论热效率theoretic thermal efficiency
理论热量theoretical heat
理论热量theoretic heat
理论燃烧气体体积theoretical combustion gas volume
理论燃烧气体体积theoretic combustion gas volume
理论燃烧温度theoretical combustion temperature
理论燃烧温度theoretic combustion temperature
理论燃烧空气量theoretical air quantity for combustion
理论燃烧空气量theoretical air for combustion
理论燃烧空气量theoretic air for combustion
理论物理学theoretic physics
理论玻璃组成theoretical glass composition
理论玻璃组成theoretic glass composition
理论理想波theoretical ideal wave
理论理想波theoretic ideal wave
理论生产力theoretical capacity
理论生产力theoretic capacity
理论生产率theoretical capacity
理论生产率theoretic capacity
理论生产能力theoretic capacity
理论生活费theoretical cost of living
理论生活费theoretic cost of living
理论的先验信息theoretical prior information
理论的先验信息theoretic prior information
理论的数学表达式mathematical expression of theory
理论的数学表达式mathematic expression of theory
理论的概率分配theoretical probability distribution
理论的概率分配theoretic probability distribution
理论相对频率theoretical relative frequency
理论相对频率theoretic relative frequency
理论示功图theoretical indicator card
理论示功图theoretic indicator card
理论秤量法theoretical weight method
理论秤量法theoretic weight method
理论稀释线theoretical dilution line
理论稀释线theoretic dilution line
理论空气theoretical air (量)
理论空气theoretic air (量)
理论筛选分割theoretical screen cut
理论筛选分割theoretic screen cut
理论精煤回收率theoretical cleaned coal recovery
理论精煤回收率theoretic cleaned coal recovery
理论系数theoretical coefficient
理论系数theoretic coefficient
理论theoretical stage
理论theoretic stage
理论线theoretical line
理论线theoretic line
理论线图assumption diagram
理论经济计量学theoretical econometrics
理论经济计量学theoretic econometrics
理论统计学theoretical statistics
理论统计学theoretic statistics
理论耗热量theoretical heat requirement
理论耗热量theoretic heat requirement
理论耗酸量theoretical acid consuming
理论耗酸量theoretic acid consuming
理论肋骨线assumed frame line
理论视差theoretical parallax
理论视差theoretic parallax
理论计算theoretical arithmetic
理论计算theoretic calculation
理论计算theoretic arithmetic
理论记录波形值values of waveform of theoretical record
理论记录波形值values of waveform of theoretic record
理论设计theoretic design
理论误差theoretic error
理论theoretical spectrum
理论theoretic spectrum
理论跨度theoretical span
理论跨度theoretic span
理论输送能力theoretical traffic capacity
理论输送能力theoretic traffic capacity
理论辙叉心theoretical point frog
理论辙叉心theoretic point frog
理论边界theoretic boundary
理论边缘theoretic margin
理论边限theoretic margin
理论速度theoretic velocity
理论速度theoretical speed
理论速度theoretic speed
理论释放能力theoretically relieving capacity
理论重力公式formula for theoretical gravity
理论重力公式theoretic gravity formula
理论重力公式theoretical gravity formula
理论重力公式formula for theoretic gravity
理论重现期theoretical recurrence interval
理论重现期theoretic recurrence period
理论重现期theoretical recurrence period
理论重现期theoretic recurrence interval
理论量纲theoretical dimension
理论量纲theoretic dimension
理论阻尼theoretical damping
理论阻尼theoretic damping
理论需氧量theoretic oxygen demand
理论震源函数theoretical source function
理论震源函数theoretic source function
理论预测theoretic prediction
理论频数theoretic frequency
理论频率theoretical frequency
理论频率theoretic frequency
理论频率分布theoretical frequency distribution
理论频率分布theoretic frequency distribution
理论频率曲线rational frequency curve
理论马力indicated horse power
理论高度theoretical height
理论高度theoretic height
理论高程theoretical elevation
理论高程theoretic elevation
理论cluster theory
紊流理论turbulence theory
缆索理论用钢量theoretical quantity of cable steel
缆索理论用钢量theoretic quantity of cable steel
老化理论ageing theory
老化理论aging theory
脉冲电路理论pulse circuit theory
脉动理论pulsation theory
调度理论scheduling theory
适应理论theory of adaptation
适应理论adaptation theory
选址理论location theory
需求层次理论hierarchy of needs theory
需要分等级理论need-ranking theory
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