
Terms for subject Ecology containing 理论 | all forms | in specified order only
传播理论propagation theory
俘虏理论capture theory
先污染后治理论theory of treatment after pollution
区域资源学基础理论basic theories of regional resources science
可再生资源最优利用理论optimal utility theory of renewable resources
地理环境决定论geographical environment determinism
地理环境决定论geographic environment determinism
多元演替顶极理论polyclimax theory
多元顶级理论polyclimax theory
大气扩散梯度输送理论gradient transfer theory for atmospheric diffusion
巴泽尔理论Barrel's theory
悬链线理论catenary theory
效益工程理论optimization engineering theory
最优化理论optimization theory
最优化工程理论optimization engineering theory
水土保持监测理论soil and water conservation monitoring theory
沉淀理论theory of sedimentation
波特理论Porter theory
环境理论environmental theory
环境趋同理论environmental convergence theory
理论与技术theory and technique
理论实践theory and practice
理论点源virtual point source
理论计算theory calculation
皮策理论Pitzer theory
等能量理论equal energy theory
薄翼理论流体力学thin air foil theory
过滤理论theory of filtration
量化理论quantification theory
高阶剪切变形理论high-order shear deformation theory