
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 理论 | all forms | in specified order only
不可逆热动力学理论irreversible thermodynamics theory
理论intermediate depth theory
信号探测理论signal detection theory
力学理论dynamical theory
动力理论模型dynamic theoretical model
区位理论location theory
单元演替顶级理论monoclimax theory
变形体稳定度三维线性理论three-dimension linearized theory of deformable bodies stability
晶形发育的周期键链理论periodic bond chain theory
因果处理理论causal processes theory
国际理论和应用力学会议International Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
国际理论和应用力学联合会International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
国际理论声学和计算声学会议International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics
国际理论物理学研究中心意大利International Centre for Theoretical Physics Italy
图解理论域模型graph theoretic field model
土地的理论价格theoretical land price
地形测量、理论与应用委员会Commission on Measurement, Theory and Application in Geomorphology
地球物理和空间物理评论reviews of geophysics and space physics
地球物理研究论文geophysical research papers
多尺度构造理论Theory of the Multiscale Organization
多目标最优化理论multiple objective optimization theory
实验物理与理论物理杂志journal of experimental and theoretical physics
岸边土地所有权理论riparian rights theory
工程和环境问题地球物理应用学术讨论会Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems
工程地质力学综合集成理论engineering geomechanics meta-synthesis
巴丁-库伯-施里弗理论Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory
平衡理论学说balance theory
广义相似性理论generalized similarity theory
扩展的休克尔分子轨道理论extended Huckel molecular orbital theory
数学地球物理学讨论会Symposium of Mathematical Geophysics
有效理论塔板等效高度height equivalent to one effective theoretical plate
欧洲地球和行星物理学讨论会European Earth and Planetary Physics Colloquium
沸洛里-惠更斯稀溶液理论的热力学常数thermodynamic constant of Flory-Huggins dilute solution theory
物理学评论physical review
理想吸附理论ideal adsorbed solution theory
BCS 理论Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory
理论分量theoretical components
理论和应用力学theoretical and applied mechanics
理论地价theoretical land value
理论塔板数number of theoretical plate
理论性地球利用系统Theoretical Earth Utilization System
理论成分theoretical components
理论最大容量theoretical air-free density
理论最大密实度theoretical air-free density
理论板数气相色谱分析theoretical plate number
理论气象学研究所丹麦Institute for Theoretical Meteorology Denmark
理论级当量高度height equivalent of a theoretical stage
理论耗酸量theoretical acid consuming capacity
理论自协方差函数theoretical autocovariance function
理论自相关函数theoretical autocorrelation function
理论需氧量化合物完全氧化所需的氧量theoretical oxygen demand
留置权理论lien theory
离散柯克霍夫理论Discrete Kirchhoff Theory Element
等级演替理论hierarchical succession theory
简化理想吸附理论simplified ideal absorbed solution theory
美国国家理论与应用力学委员会United States National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
衍射的几何理论geometrical theory of diffraction
评估理论appraisal theory
资源评价与分析模型理论contention for resources evaluation and analysis model
连续相互作用理论theory of interacting continual
金茨堡-朗道-阿布里科索夫-戈尔科夫理论Ginzburg-Landau-Abrikosov-Gorkov theory
非协调理论incompatibility theory
非平衡理论non-equilibrium theory
顺磁性量子理论quantum theory of paramagnetism
黑箱理论black box theory