
Terms for subject Textile industry containing 理会 | all forms | in specified order only
会计原理accounting principle
会计原理accounting postulate
关税合作理事会术语汇编Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature
出口代理商协会export agent association
国际棉花理事会美国Council International
国际理论和应用化学联合会International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
国际理论和应用物理联合会International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
地毯出口促进理事会印度Carpet Export Promotion Council
家庭洗涤咨询理事会Home Laundering Consultative Council
新西兰羊毛处理委员会New Zealand Wool Disposal Commission
服装出口促进理事会Apparel Export Promotion Council
服装社会心理学clothing social psychology
服饰社会心理学apparel sociopsychology
染料制造工业生态和毒理研究协会Ecological and Toxicological Association of Dyestuff Manufacturing Industry
染色工作者和整理工作者协会Dyers,and Finishers\ Association
欧洲经济理事会European Economic Council
毛毡制造商理事会美国Felt Manufacturers Council
澳大利亚检验管理协会National Association of Testing Authority (NATA)
澳大利亚针织工业理事会Australian Knitting Industries Council
理事会director board
生产管理会production management accounting
理会supervisory board
社会心理学《销售》social psychology
社会心理评价《销售》social-paychological assessment
索赔审理委员会Claims Commission
纺织品整理工作者协会Textile Finishers Association
纺织品质量管理协会Textile Quality Control Association
纺织品质量管理协会Textile Quality Control Association
织物耐燃性情报理事会Information Council in Fabric Flammability
织物耐燃性情报理事会Information Council on Fabric Flammability
美国时装设计师理事会Council of Fashion Designers of America
美国蚕丝理事会America Silk Council
英国服装出口理事会Clothing Export Council of Great Britain
英国针织品与服装出口理事会British Knitting and Clothing Export Council
莫斯科棉花管理委员会Moscow Chamber of Cotton
进出口管理委员会export-import board