
Terms for subject Technology containing 球 函 数 | all forms | in specified order only
地球摄动函数terrestrial disturbing function
球函数zonal spherical function
球函数zonal spheric function
引力球谐函数展开式expansion of gravitational into spherical harmonics
引力球谐函数展开式expansion of gravitational into spheric harmonics
扇形球面调和函数sectorial spherical harmonic function
扇形球面调和函数sectorial spheric harmonic function
扇球谐函数sectorial spherical harmonic function
扇球谐函数sectorial spheric harmonic function
调和函数ellipsoidal harmonics
球函数ellipsoidal function
球体函数spheroidal harmonic
球体波函数spheroidal wave function
球体调和函数spherical harmonic function
球体调和函数spheroidal harmonic function
球体调和函数spheric harmonic function
球体谐函数solid spherical harmonics
球体谐函数solid spheric harmonics
球函数spherical harmonics
球函数spheric harmonics
球函数spherical function
球带函数zonal spherical function
球带函数zonal spheric function
球波函数spherical wave function
球波函数spheric wave function
球谐位扰动函数spherical harmonic potential disturbing function
球谐位扰动函数spheric harmonic potential disturbing function
球谐函数spheric harmonics
球谐函数spherical harmonic function
球谐函数展开spherical harmonic expansion
球谐函数展开spheric harmonic expansion
球谐函数法spherical harmonic method
球谐函数法spheric harmonic method
球谐函数系数spherical harmonic coefficient
球谐函数系数spheric harmonic coefficient
球谐函数级数spherical harmonics series
球谐函数级数spheric harmonics series
球贝塞尔函数spherical Bessel function
球贝塞尔函数spheric Bessel function
球锥函数sphero-conical harmonics
球锥函数sphero-conic harmonics
球面函数spherical function
球面函数spheric function
球面带谐函数zonal spheric harmonics
球面带谐函数zonal spherical harmonics
球面带谐函数surface zonal harmonics
球面方差函数spheric variance function
球面波函数spherical function
球面波函数spheric function
球面谐函数surface spherical harmonics
球面谐函数surface spheric harmonics
角扁长球体函数angular prolate spheroidal function
球函数ultra-spherical function
球函数ultra-spheric function
超球带函数zonal hyper-spherical function
超球带函数zonal hyper-spheric function
超球面函数hyperspherical function
超球面函数hyperspheric function
长球波函数prolate spheroidal wave function