
Terms for subject Space containing | all forms
三陆气中心Sanriku Balloon Center (SBC, 日本)
上行链路地up-link earth stations
不规则分布的面排列目标anomalous dispersion spherical array target
个人地personal earth station
个人营救personal rescue sphere
西资源卫星China-Brazil earth resources satellite (中国与巴西合作研制的)
中国月探测工程Chinese lunar exploration program
中地轨道medium Earth orbit
中巴地资源卫星China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite
中心地central earth station
中高度地轨道medium earth
中高度地轨道intermediate earth orbit
中高轨道地资源观测站medium orbiting earth resources observatory
休斯公司卫星地Hughes satellite earth station
休斯公司静止轨道移动通信卫星HS Gem Hughes Geomobile
伯纳尔星Bernal sphere (英国物理学家伯纳尔1929年提出的一种球形太空居住舱)
刚性Rigid Sphere (美国军事卫星)
刚果地Earth Station-Congo
初始参考地模型preliminary reference earth model
包络气enveloping balloon (用作诱饵的)
化学地温度计chemical geothermometer
同位素地温度计isotopic geothermometer
同步地观察卫星synchronous earth observatory
同步地观测卫星synchronous earth observatory satellite (美国气象卫星)
同轴关节coaxial spherical rotary joint
后半攻击astern attack
向上反射地辐射reflected terrestrial radiation
向阳半day hemisphere
圆锥扫描地敏感器conical scanning horizon sensor (航天器姿态控制系统用的)
一太阳两面角earth sun rotation angle
一月球天平动中心earth/moon liberation centre
一电离层波导earth-ionosphere wave guide
三轴性earth's triaxiality
上升目标轨道earth ascent target orbit
上拦截弹terrestrial interceptor (地基、海基或空基的)
同步赤道轨道geosynchronous equatorial orbit
同步合成孔径雷达geosynchronous synthetic aperture radar
同步气象卫星geostationary meteorological satellite
同步甚高分辨率辐射计geosynchronous very high resolution radiometer
同步赤道轨道geosynchronous equatorial orbit
同步轨道geostationary Earth orbit
同步轨道Earth-synchronous orbit
同步轨道geosynchronous earth orbit
同步轨道earth synchronous orbit
同步轨道保持Earth stationary orbital keeping
同步轨道卫星geosynchronous orbit satellite
同步轨道卫星earth synchro nous satellite
同步轨道合成孔径雷达geosynchronous earth orbit synthetic aperture radar
同步轨道环境geosynchronous orbit environment
同步通信卫星geosynchronous communications satellite
月球信号鉴别discrimination between the Earth and the moon light
/月球天平动中心Earth/moon liberation centre
有效半径effective radius of earth
有效半径effective earth's radius
标准半径standard earth's radius
逃逸earth escape
逃逸火箭earth escape rocket
逃逸速度earth escape velocity (即第二宇宙速度)
多任务红外地敏感器multimission earth horizon sensor
多气同步极光观测simultaneous auroral multiballoons observation
多用途地观察卫星multidisciplinary earth observation satellite (欧洲空间局)
大低地轨道系统big LEO system
大型地测量望远镜large earth survey telescope
大型地资源轨道观测台large orbiting earth resources observatory
大椭圆地轨道highly elliptical earth obit
大椭圆轨道月掩食卫星highly eccentric lunar occultation satellite (西欧科学卫星)
大气气aerological balloon
geocentric celestial sphere
celestial sphere (为确定天体的视位置而引进的一个假想圆球)
三角形celestial triangle
celestial sphere
celestial globe
历书极celestial ephemeris pole
地平celestial horizon
坐标celestial coordinate
坐标系celestial sphere coordinate system
坐标系celestial system
坐标系celestial coordinate system (研究天体或航天器运动的常用坐标系)
子午圈celestial meridian
子午线celestial meridian
恒星图celestial stellar charts
线celestial parallel
纬圈celestial parallel
赤道celestial equator
赤道坐标系celestial equator system of coordinates
赤道轨道要素equatorial orbital elements
赤道轨道要素equatorial orbital elements (天体轨道参数)
天文学与地物理学服务处联合会Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Service
小型地终端small earth terminal
小容量地low capacity earth station
布朗月运动理论Brown lunar theory
布朗月运动理论Brown lunar theory
带电粒子月环境实验charged particle lunar environment experiment
带电粒子月环境试验charged particle lunar environment experiment
开颈气open-neck balloon
开颈气open balloon
引力作用范围sphere of gravitational influence
大战计划star wars program (美国战略防御倡议计划,即SDI 俗称,参见 SDI 注示)
跟踪系统star-lock system
星系核galactic bulge
最佳地再入走廊optimum earth reentry corridor (返回式航天器的)
Luna (探测器,苏联)
三角平动点moon triangular libration point
三角点moon triangular point
上升轨道lunar ascent trajectory
上软着陆和返回soft lunar landing and return
下降轨道lunar descent trajectory
与工程探测器selenological and engineering explorer (日本首个月球探测器,又称月亮女神)
中子探测器lunar neutron probe
中继卫星lunar relay satellite
中继通信communication by moon relay
亮度温度lunar brightness temperature
侦察探测lunar reconnaissance module
停泊轨道lunar parking orbit
全图lunar atlas chart
共振moon resonance
初航-1Chandrayaan-1 (印度首个月球探测器)
初航Chandrayaan (印度首个月球探测器)
勘察任务lunar reconnaissance mission
勘测系统lunar surveying system
勘测者Surveyor (美国月球探测器)
勘测轨道器lunar reconnaissance orbiter (美国月球探测器)
协定Moon Agreement (联合国《指导各国在月球和其他天体上活动的协定》的简称)
协议Moon Agreement
卫星Moonik (苏联)
卫星lunar satellite
卫星跟踪数据lunar satellite tracking data
卫星轨道selenoid orbit
原位通信lunar in-situ communication
原位通信网lunar in-situ communication net
后勤供应飞船lunar logistic supply vehicle
后勤系统lunar logistics system
后勤飞行器lunar logistics vehicle
和行星观察者协会Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers
和行星际飞行器lunar and interplanetary vehicle
回波moon echo
回波lunar echo
地形摄像机lunar topographic camera
地质geology of moon
地质勘探摄影机lunar geological exploration camera
lunar crater
坑观测和传感卫星lunar crater observation and sensing satellite (美国国家航空航天局月球撞击器)
基地lunar outpost
外形摄动perturbation by moon's figure
外形摄动perturbation by moon's figure (航天器轨道运动的)
大气及尘埃环境探测器lunar atmosphere and dust environment explorer (美国月球探测器)
大气成分实验lunar atmosphere composition experiment
大气探测器lunar atmosphere detector
天平动lunar libration
宇宙飞船lunar spacecraft
轨道对接活动控制器lunar docking events controller
应答机lunar transponder
引力lunar gravity
引力模拟器lunar gravity simulator
引力测量系统lunar gravity ranging system
引力范围lunar gravitation scope
往返飞行器lunar shuttle vehicle
捕获lunar capture
捕获moon acquisition (月球探测器的)
捕获轨道lunar insertion and orbiting trajectory
探测lunar exploration
探测中子探测仪lunar exploration neutron detector
探测作业lunar exploration operations
探测卫星lunar exploration satellite
探测器lunar spacecraft
探测器lunar survey probe
探测器moon probe
探测器lunar probe
探测器搭载容器lunar get-away-special (美国航天飞机上的,用以施放月球探测器)
探测器轨道lunar probe orbit
探测工程计划lunar exploration program
探测工程lunar exploration engineering
探测工程系统lunar exploration engineering system
探测技术lunar exploration technology
探测机器人robotics for lunar exploration
探测系统lunar exploration system
探测航天宇航系统lunar exploration astronautical system
探测舱lunar exploration module
探测舱lunar excursion module
探测雷达Moon radar
探测飞行器可在月球上降落和起飞的lunar excursion module
探测飞行器lunar reconnaissance module
探测飞行器lunar exploration flying vehicle
摄动moon perturbation (月球探测器轨道运动的)
摄动lunar perturbation (航天器轨道运动的)
撞击探测器moon impact probe
敏感器lunar sensor
旅行试验平台flying lunar-excursion experimental platform
星蚀lunar occultation
条约Moon Agreement
极地轨道器lunar polar orbiter
极轨观测台polar orbiting lunar observatory
样品sample of the moon
正面near side of the moon
-水珠Luna-Glob (俄罗斯月球探测器)
测图和测量系统lunar mapping and survey system
测绘测图和测量系统lunar mapping and survey system
测绘成像器lunar mapping imager (日本)
测绘系统lunar mapping system
漫步moon walk
激光测距lunar laser ranging
激光测距仪lunar laser range-finder
激光测距仪unar laser ranging instrument
火箭moon rocket
火箭发射中心moon rocket launching center
电离层探测器lunar ionosphere detector
着陆lunar landing
着陆制导系统lunar landing guidance system
着陆器lunar lander
着陆舱lunar module
着陆舱lunar landing module
硬着陆hard lunar landing
硬着陆lunar impact
硬着陆系统landing lunar-impact system
硬着陆飞行器lunar impact vehicle
磁强计lunar magnetometer
科学自然语言信息系统lunar sciences natural language information system
空间lunar space
章动lunar nutation
系统moon system
考察舱lunar exploration module
背面far side of the moon
背面图lunar farside chart
航天图lunar astronautical chart
舱外活动遮光装置lunar extravehicular visor assembly
行星际监视探测器lunar interplanetary monitoring probe
表面科学空间站emplaced lunar scientific station
表面科学站emplaced lunar scientific station
观测器Lunar Observer (美国月球探测器)
视半径lunar apparent radius
视差lunar parallax
角砾岩lunar breccia
角距lunar distance
设备运送车lunar equipment conveyor
识别moon recognition
试验样品lunar test article
质谱仪lunar mass spectrometer
质谱仪1unar mass spectrometer
资源resource of the moon
moon crawler
moon buggy
lunar rover vehicle
绕月轨道lunar trajectory
轨道Lunar orbiter
轨道lunar orbits
轨道lunar orbit
轨道与着陆途径lunar orbit and landing approach
轨道交会lunar orbit rendezvous
轨道交会lunar orbital rendezvous
轨道会合lunar orbit rendezvous
轨道会合任务lunar rendezvous mission
轨道会合方式lunar orbital rendezvous mode
轨道侦察系统lunar orbiting reconnaissance system
轨道勘探者lunar orbital prospector (美国月球探测器)
轨道卫星lunar orbiting satellite
轨道器lunar orbiter
轨道器激光高度计lunar orbiter laser altimeter
轨道对接lunar orbit docking
轨道摄影lunar orbiting photography
轨道摄影航天器lunar orbital photographic spacecraft
轨道摄影飞行器lunar orbiting photographic vehicle
轨道数据转换系统lunar orbit data conversion system
轨道空间站lunar orbit space station
轨道站lunar orbital station
轨道站lunar orbit station
轨道紧急救援飞行器lunar orbiting vehicle for emergency rescue
绕月轨道飞行任务lunar orbital mission
轨道飞行器lunar orbiter spacecraft
软着陆soft lunar landing
软着陆soft landing on the moon
边界moon boundary
运输体系结构lunar transportation architecture
近距照相close-range moon photograph
返回return from moon
返回器lunar return vehicle
返回轨道return trajectory from the moon
返回轨道return trajectory from moon
远地平线lunar far horizon
逃逸救护包lunar escape ambulance pack
逃逸系统lunar escape system
逃逸系统模拟器lunar escape system simulator
逃逸飞行器lunar escape vehicle
通信中继站communications moon relay
通信中继系统communication moon relay system
通信中继装置lunar communication relay unit
通信系统lunar communication system
通信终端lunar communication terminal
遥控轨道器lunar robotic orbiter
采样lunar sampling
采样返回探测器lunar returnable sampling probe
重力lunar gravity
重力模拟器lunar gravity simulator
,金星和火星探测计划Luna, Venus and Mars program
陨石lunar meteorite
雷达探测仪lunar radar sounder
雷达着陆装置radar lunar landing device
飞船lunar spaceship
飞船lunar spacecraft
飞行器末制导terminal guidance for lunar vehicle
飞行装置lunar flying unit (美国国家航空航天局)
飞行轨道moon flight trajectory
有效地辐射effective terrestrial radiation
有限攻击全保护系统global protection against limited strikes (美国战术导弹防御系统)
未来全海难救援系统future global maritime distress and safety system
体制ellipsoid system
体扁率ellipsoid oblateness
体能量ellipsoid energy
偏心率eccentricity of ellipsoid
变星ellipsoidal variable
坐标ellipsoidal coordinates
弹道elliptical trajectory
扁率flattening of ellipsoid
模型ellipsoidal model
模数ellipsoidal module
长半径major radius of ellipsoid
surface of ellipsoid
ellipsoid surface
面大地测量学ellipsoidal geodesy
椭圆地轨道elliptical earth orbit
欧洲地同步气象卫星geostationary European meteorological satellite (欧洲空间研究组织)
欧洲地物理学会European Geophysical Society
欧洲地资源卫星数据网European earth resources satellite data network
欧洲地静止卫星导航重叠系统European geostationary navigation overlay system
欧洲地静止轨道运载器European launcher for geostationary orbit
欧洲月探测任务验证方案lunar European demonstration approach
欧洲月-2000计划Euro Moon 2000 (欧洲空间局月球探测项目)
与火箭satellites, balloons and rockets
侦察balloon reconnaissance
卫星balloon satellite
反射器balloon reflector (电子战中的一种干扰反射器)
发射火箭balloon launched-rocket
发射的卫星balloon satellite
发射站balloon launching station
型火箭balloon-type rocket (贮箱充气式增强火箭)
天文学balloon astronomy
balloon fabric
式卫星balloon satellite
拖曳的铝箔条balloon-towed aluminum foil strips (用于电子战干扰)
拦阻网balloon barrage
搭载balloon carrying
无线电探空仪balloon radiosonde
测风图pilot-balloon chart
火箭rockoon (在气球上发射的)
系留场balloon bed
balloon cover
观测balloon observation
跟踪试验balloon tracking test
载探测器balloon-borne detector
载探针balloon-borne sonde
载紫外线恒星分光仪balloon-borne ultraviolet stellar spectrometer
载落舱试验balloon-borne drop capsule test
辅助起飞balloon-assisted take-off
飞行balloon flight
气象探测meteorological balloon
氢气hydrogen -filled balloon
漂移气floatation balloon
传播函数spherical propagation function
化退火sphere annealing
压式硬度试验ball pressure test
型电子传感器spherical electron sensor
塞马达ball piston motor
spheroidal-graphite (铸铁)
墨铸铁spheroidal-graphite cast iron
zone of a sphere
调和函数zonal harmonics
式倾斜指示器ball-bank unit
式硬度试验机ball tester
形压力受感器Q-ball (Q有时不大写)
形发动机spherical motor
形地面近似spherical-earth approximation
形壳体spherical shell
形天空辐射表spherical pyranometer
形天空辐射表ball pyranometer
形安全阀ball relief valve
形层结spherical stratification
形振荡spheroidal oscillation
形气瓶spherical tank
形气瓶spherical gas bottle
形注气式蓄压器sphere gas-injection accumulator
形温度计温度globe temperature
形界面globular interface
形药柱spherical grain
形装药spherical charge
形贮箱spherical tank
形转接适配ball adapter
形转接器ball adapter
形阀spherical valve
形阀globe valve
形阀门ball valve
形靶试验fragments spatial distribution test
形颗粒spheroidal particle
形风化spheroidal weathering
晶生长spherulitic growth
极平面投影stereographic projection
柱面双凸透镜spherocylindrical lenticular
栅阵列ball grid array (封装,集成电路的一种高密度封装技术)
ball bonding
状子系spherical component
状星系spherical galaxy
状次系spherical subsystem
状火药pellet powder
状爆炸波spherical blast
状石墨铸铁spheroidal-graphite cast iron
状石墨铸铁nodular cast iron
状组织globular structure (粒状组织)
状闪电ball lightning
窝喷管ball-socked nozzle
窝接头可动喷管movable nozzle with ball-socket bearing
窝轴承ball-and-socket bearing
Bowl Mesh (苏联舰载跟踪雷达的北约代名)
谐函数spherical harmonics
谐展开spherical harmonic expansion (式)
轴承ball bearing
sphere surface
steradian (sterad, 立体角单位)
面三角spherical trigonometry (学,法)
面三角形spherical triangle
面分层积分公式layered sphere integral formula
面反照率spherical albedo
面发散补偿spherical divergence compensation
面天文学spherical astronomy
面密封接头spherical-seal joint
面幅射强度areal radiant intensity
面度steradian (立体角单位)
面投影stereographic projection
面投影globular projection
面数据系统spherical data system (一种远程导航系统)
面极坐标spherical polar coordinates
面独光spherical candle power
面调和函数spherical harmonics
面近似法spheric approximation
面阵spherical array
用户地user earth station
第一代全导航卫星系统global navigation satellite system of first generation (欧洲研制中的)
第二代全导航卫星系统global navigation satellite system of second generation (欧洲研制中的)
紫外地敏感器ultraviolet earth sensor (航天器姿态测量用的)
紫外月敏感器moon ultraviolet sensor
紫外月敏感器ultraviolet lunar sensor (月球探测器姿态测量用的)
紫外月敏感器lunar ultraviolet sensor
航天月探测space lunar exploration
航空卫星地终端站aeronautical satellite earth terminal
航空器地aircraft earth station (用于卫星航空移动通信业务,设在航空器上的)
航空地aeronautical earth station (安装在飞机上的通信终端)
航空地aero nautical earth station
逃逸地轨道earth escape circle
通信和地资源站telecommunications and earth resources stations
通信地轨道卫星geostationary Earth orbiting satellite
速度椭velocity ellipsoid
速度椭分布ellipsoidal distribution of velocities
锁定地earth-lock (卫星上的敏感部件保持对准地球)
霍普勒落黏度计Hoppler viscosimeter
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