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世界经济论坛全竞争力指数WEF's Global Competitiveness Index
严重制约全复苏seriously limit the global recovery
为全经济提供资金finance the global economy
为全经济提供重要的支持provide critical support for the global economy
主导全经济dominance of the global economy
主导全货币体系dominance of the global monetary system
人民币全扩张renminbi's global expansion
人民币崛起成为全性货币renminbi's rise as a global currency
令全经济陷人"平衡的衰退"plunge the global economy into a "balanced recession"
使全化服务于人们的需求make globalization serve the needs of the people
使全贸易和投资自由化liberalize global trade and investment
使全金融体系发生痉挛convulse the global financial system
促进全经济增长promote global economic growth
促进更加开放的全贸易与投资foster more open trade and investment globally
保障全能源安全和粮食安全ensure global energy security and food security
修订全会计标准align global accounting standards
不记名认股权证global bearer warrant
主权财富基金world's sovereign wealth funds
主要储备货币key global reserve currencies
主要储备货币的发行国issuer of the world's main reserve currency
产业链global industrial chain
会计标准global accounting standards
信贷危机global credit crisis
信贷市场global credit market
债券universal bond
储备global reserve
储备货币global reserve currency
减贫global poverty reduction
制造业采购经理人指数global purchasing managers' index for manufacturing
制造业领先地位global manufacturing leadership
动荡global turmoil
化危机crisis of globalization
化压力pressures of globalization
化图景global landscape
化时代eras of globalization
化裂口globalization fractures
协调人global coordinator
发行global offering
商品贸易量volume of world goods traded
商界领袖business leaders round the world
国内生产总值global gross domestic product
基金global fund
增长global growth
增长动力motor of global growth
复苏global recovery
外汇储备global foreign exchange reserves
失衡global imbalances
存托凭证global depositary receipts (是银行在多个国家或地区发行的凭证)
宏观策略global macro strategy
市场global markets
市场力量global market forces
市场回暖global markets recover
干散货船运市场global dry bulk shipping market
性国际金融机构world-wide international financial tions
性宏观经济扩张global macroeconomic expansion
性挑战global challenges
性竞争global competition
性股票期货universal stock futures
性货币global currency
性问题global problems
性问题global issues
技术流动global movement of technology
投资表现标准global investment performance standards
投资银行global investment bank
报告倡议组织Global Reporting Initiative
排行榜global rankings
政治实力global political power
服务业采购经理人指数global purchasing managers' index for services
汇率战争global currency war
注册股票global registered share
流动性global liquidity
环境融通安排global environment facility
理念流动global movement of ideas
监管框架global regulatory framework
科技智力资源global technological and intellectual resources
秩序global order
稳定global stability
粮食价格的飙升spike in global food prices
纾困计划global bail-out plan
经常账户失衡global current account imbalances
经济中的重要参与者important players in the global economy
经济以不同速度增长的格局pattern of a multi-speed global economy
经济低迷global downturn
经济低迷international downturn
经济低迷downturn in the global economy
经济再平衡rebalancing the global economy
经济再平衡rebalancing of the world economy
经济前景global outlook
经济和金融活动global economic and financial activity
经济困境global economic woes
经济增长global economic growth
经济增长复苏revival of global economic growth
经济失衡global economic imbalances
经济实力global economic power
经济强劲恢复均衡增长strong resumption of balanced, global economic growth
经济恶化形势deteriorating economic conditions worldwide
经济持续衰退prolonged global recession
经济收缩global contraction
经济放缓global economic slow-down
经济治理global economic governance
经济治理体系global economic governance system
经济治理体系的弊端deficiencies in the global economic governance system
经济治理新变革new changes in global economic governance
经济治理机制global economic governance mechanisms
经济治理的参与者participants of the global economic governance
经济治理结构改革reform of the global economic governance structure
经济深度衰退steep global downturn
经济滑坡global slump
经济状况global economic outlook
经济疲软weakness in the global economy
经济的复苏revival in the global economy
经济的支柱fulcrum of the global economy
经济的长期进步long-term global economic progress
经济走软weakening world economy
股市global equity markets
营销宣传活动global marketing campaign
《全行业分类标准》Global Industry Classification Standard
衰退global recession
规则global rules
证券分类识别码International Securities Identification Numbers
财富再分配recalibration of global wealth
财富和实力的再平衡rebalancing of global wealth and power
贸易货币global trading currencies
资本流动global movement of capital
资本要求global capital requirements
通胀预期inflation expectations worldwide
金融global finance
金融中心global financial centre
金融体系global financial system
金融公司global financial firm
金融动荡global financial turmoil
金融危机global financial meltdown
金融市场financial market around the world
金融强国global financial powerhouse
金融改革global financial reform
金融机构global financial institutions
金融海啸global financial tsunami
金融稳定global financial stability
金融规则global financial rules
金融风暴global financial storm
银行业恐慌global banking panic
银行业监管者international banking regulators
银行业监管部门global banking regulators
需求global demand
需求的引擎engine of global demand
领袖global leadership
风暴global storm
创造更加公平合理的全治理环境create fairer and more legitimate global governance
加强全金融体系strengthen the global financial system
在全性问题上协调合作work in concert on global issues
在2014《福布斯》全企业2000强排行榜中名列第114位]Assicurazioni Generali
增强全化的社会涵盖范围strengthen the social dimension of globalization
增长和就业全战略global strategy for growth and jobs
外汇战略全主管global head of foreign exchange strategy
实现全金融体系的必要改革achieve needed reforms in the world's financial systems
富时全股票指数系列FTSE Global Equity Index Series
富时环亚太日本除外指数FTSE All-World Asia Pacific ex Japan Index
富时环指数FTSE All-World Index
对全经济的健康有重要影响have a significant impact on the health of the global economy
对冲全信贷风险的套期保值hedge against global credit risks
巩固全经济复苏strengthen the global recovery
席卷全的金融风暴financial storm sweeping across the globe
帮助全经济恢复平衡help rebalance the global economy
应对全金融危机counter the global financial crisis
应对全金融危机respond to the global financial crisis
应对全金融危机deal with the global financial crisis
应对全金融危机cope with the global financial crisis
应对地区和全挑战address regional and global challenges
建立一个更加公正合理的全经济治理体系build a more just and equitable system of global economic governance
建立开放自由的全贸易体制establish an open and free global trading system
建立更加平等、更加均衡的新型全发展伙伴关系build a new and more equal and balanced global partnership for development
建设全经济治理新体系build a new system of global economic governance
开放自由的全贸易体制open and free global trading regime
强劲的全增长strong global growth
恢复全经济增长restore global growth
恢复全需求平衡rebalance global demand
承担与自己能力和在全经济发展中扮演角色相适应的义务undertake commitments consistent with one's capacities and roles in the global economy
抑制全经济活动depress global economic activity
抑制全金融危机curtail the global financial crisis
抑制全需求damp world demand
挑战美国在全货币体系中的主导地位challenge America's dominance of the global monetary system
推进经济全promote economic globalization
提高全生活标准raise the global standard of living
提高全经济治理improve global economic governance
支持全减贫support global poverty reduction
支持全增长和稳定support global growth and stability
支持全经济的健康发展support a healthy global economy
支持开放的全经济support an open global economy
支撑全经济support the global economy
改善全政治经济前景improve the outlook across the board would
新全秩序new world order
新兴的全秩序emerging global order
新的全储备货币new global reserve currency
标普全 200指数S & P Global 1200 Index
标普全 100 指数S & P Global 100 Index
型期权balloon option
型期限balloon maturity
汇丰新兴市场外汇策略全主管HSBC's global head of emerging markets foreign exchange strategy
式付款balloon payment
涉及全经济治理的机构institutions involved in global economic governance
深化全供应链合作deepen the global supply chain cooperation
混乱的全经济形势chaotic global economic conditions
渡过全信贷危机survive the global credit crisis
会计即多国公司会计global accounting
同业银行金融电信协会Society for Worldwide Inter-bank Financial Telecommunication (国际银行间非营利性国际合作组织,成立于1973年5月,总部设在比利时的布鲁塞尔)
《环金融杂志》Global Finance Magazine
瞬息万变的全行业global sector changing at lightning speed
确保全持续复苏ensure a sustained global recovery
积极参与全经济治理机制改革energetically participate in the reform of global economic governance
积极参与全经济治理机制改革actively participate in global economic governance reform
积极完善全经济治理actively improve global economic governance
积极抵御全金融危机的冲击aggressively counter the impact of the global financial crisis
积极推动建立更加平等、更加均衡的新型全发展伙伴关系actively promote the establishment of more equitable and more balanced new global partnership for development
《纳斯达克全市场交易规则》NASDAQ Global Market Trading Rules
纳斯达克全选择市场NASDAQ Global Select Market
经济全化的受益者beneficiary of economic globalization
缓解全通胀压力mitigate global inflationary pressure
脆弱的全经济fragile global economy
自由开放、公平公正的全贸易环境free, open, equitable and just global trading environment
荷兰全保险集团Aegon (成立于1983年,总部设在荷兰海牙。是世界上最大的上市人寿保险集团之一,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第207位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第151位)
营造有利于全经济健康发展的制度环境foster an institutional environment conducive to sound global economic development
营造自由开放、公平、公正的全贸易环境foster a free, open, equitable and just global trading environment
融人全经济integrate with the global economy
解决全经济失衡address global economic imbalances
解决全经济面临的迫切挑战address the immediate challenges faced by the global economy
评估全会计标准review global accounting standards
资金全流动性global mobility of money
走出全金融危机ride out the global financial crisis
造成全流动性create global liquidity
遏止全衰退stave off a global recession
道琼斯全巨人 50 指数Dow Jones Global Titans 50 Index
道•琼斯全股票指数Dow Jones Global Stock Index
重新设计全金融体系redesign the global financial system
金融全financial globalization