
Terms for subject Refrigeration containing | all forms
低压侧浮low-side float
变暖潜值global warming potential
环境问题global environmental issues
外太阳强度extraterrestrial solar intensity
-太阳的距离earth-sun distance
夏季室外平均湿温度summer mean coincident wet-bulb temperature
夏季空气调节室外计算干温度outdoor design dry-bulb temperature for summer air conditioning
夏季空气调节室外计算湿温度outdoor design wet-bulb temperature for summer air conditioning
多通道塞阀multi-way plug-and-ball valve
式温度计globe thermometer
定干温度控制和干球温度差分fixed dry-bulb and differential dry bulb
室外湿温度outdoor wet-bulb temperature
温度差分节能控制系统的操作过程sequence of operations of a differential dry bulb economizer control system
干湿温度条件dry and wet bulb temperature conditions
干湿温度计dry and wet bulb thermometer
干湿湿度计dry-wet bulb hygrometer
弹簧schrader valve
插人式形恒温器insert thermo-bulb type thermostat
插人式形测温元件insert thermo-bulb type element
斜杆形阀inclined stem globe valve
旋塞plug-and-ball valve
最高干温度maximum dry bulb temperature
每一度湿温度的饱和比热容saturation-specific heat per degree wet-bulb temperature
水平表面上的全辐射或面辐射global radiation on a horizontal plane
活动型管接头flexible-ball pipe joint
测风pilot balloon
式液位控制器ball float level controller
式疏水器float trap
式疏水器ball float trap
调节float regulation
调节阀float regulation valve
float stop valve
ball cock tap
阀装置ball cock assemblies
湿常数wet bulb constant
湿温度常数wet-bulb temperature constant
外表面强度extraterrestrial intensity
头锤ball peen hammer
形喷口ball vent
形舱 LNG 船Moss-Rosenberg-type ship Moss
Moss 形舱 LNG 船LNG ship of a Moss type
形送风口ball diffuser
盘式浮控制器pan type control
磁性magnetic ball-joint valve
空气干温度air dry-bulb temperature
空气湿温度air wet-bulb temperature
等湿温度线equi wet-bulb temperature line
自动干湿湿度计automatic psychrometer
自由半浮式疏水阀free-semi-ball float steam trap
自由浮式疏水阀loose float trap
设计湿温度design wet bulb temperature
通风干湿湿度计aspirated dry-wet bulb hygrometer
温度计globe thermometer
温度计black globe thermometer