
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
主要全指标Principal Global Indicators
一体化international integration
一体化的金融市场globally integrated financial markets
价值链global value chain
债券global bond
储备充足性的变化shift in the adequacy of global reserves
公司治理论坛Global Corporate Governance Forum
公地global commons
公益global public good
再平衡global rebalancing
减灾和灾后恢复基金Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR un.org 'More)
劳动力套利global labor arbitrage
合并global consolidation
咨询委员会Global Advisory Committee
基础设施基金Global Infrastructure Facility World Bank
失衡global imbalance
存股证global depository receipt
对补充储备资产的需要global need to supplement reserve assets
市场监测处Global Markets Monitoring and Analysis Division
性国际收支global balance of payments
性收支表global statement
性经常账户差额global current account balance
房价指数Global House Price Index
"全支付失衡"方法"global payments imbalance" approach
数据源Global Data Source
治理global governance
环境信托基金Global Environment Trust Fund World Bank
环境基金信托基金Global Environment Facility Trust Fund
疫苗和免疫联盟Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization
《全监测报告》Global Monitoring Report IMF/World Bank
监督global stewardship environment
global tax
稳定机制Global Stabilization Mechanism
管理global stewardship environment
经常账户统计差异world current account discrepancy
经常账户统计差异world current account statistical discrepancy
经常账户余额统计差异工作小组Working Party on the Statistical Discrepancy in World Current Account Balances
经济与金融展望global economic and financial outlook
经济模型Global Economy Model
艾滋病毒/艾滋病工作组Global HIV/AIDS Unit
财政透明度倡议Global Initiative on Fiscal Transparency
金融体系委员会Committee on the Global Financial System
金融安全网global financial safety net
金融稳定处Global Financial Stability Division
《全金融稳定报告》Global Financial Stability Report
预测模型Global Projection Model
食品政策新协议New Deal for a Global Food Policy
食品政策新协议New Deal on Global Food Policy
关于以成果为导向援助的全伙伴关系Global Partnership on Results-Based Aid
关于加强合作促进全经济扩张的宣言Madrid Declaration
关于加强合作促进全经济扩张的宣言Declaration on Cooperation to Strengthen the Global Expansion Interim Committee
具有全系统重要性的金融机构global systemically important financial institutions
《可持续全增长伙伴关系宣言》Partnership for Sustainable Global Growth, Declaration on Interim Committee
在全范围内融合的金融市场globally integrated financial markets
基于对全增长贡献的过滤器filter based on contribution to global growth
基金组织成员国的全universality of Fund membership
民间社会全政策论坛Civil Society Global Policy Forum
消除全失衡unwinding of global imbalances
银行金融电信协会Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
经合组织全税收透明度与信息交换论坛Global Forum on Tax Transparency and Exchange of Information
经合组织全税收透明度与信息交换论坛Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes
西半Western Hemisphere Division
西半Western Hemisphere Department