
Terms for subject Water polo containing | all forms
上臂挡upper arm block
上臂挡upper-arm block
不宜于传的情况non-passing situation
不正规的irregular ball
不看门射门blind shot
中线以外的ball outside half of the field of play
仰卧传layout pass
仰浮传layout pass
任意门球free goal throw
任意角free corner throw
到水wet pass
低头运head-down dribble
侧臂掷swing throw
侧起side lift
steal the ball
双手出水单手two-hand passing
双手触touch the ball with both hands
双手触touch the ball with two hands
反手吊backhand lob
反手起backhand lift
变向控turn with the ball
只向前传的队员pass machine
后拉转推射screw shot
向后掷back throw
四米罚penalty throw
夹击中颠converge and tip
block the ball
carry the ball
弧形射门loop shot
弧形高传loop pass
待争夺的loose ball
得分后开restart after a goal
得分后开re-start after a goal
循环传round pass
快速晃游进pump and swim sprint
手下偷underarm steal
手下偷under-arm steal
手掌触handle the ball with the palm
兜住cradling of ball
发球抛起throw up
门往下拉pull down the goal
门推开push away the goal
起球grasp and pick up
抓手封grab block
抛高起toss up lift
抢得中线win the sprint
抬头运head-up dribble
拧转screw the ball
拧转射门screw shot
拧转推screw throw
ball handling
入水take the ball under the water
入水take the ball under water
推人hand off
推进carry the ball
walk the ball
walking the ball
接空中dry reception
推进advance the ball
推进forward the ball
推进advance forward the ball
推进方法method of advancing the ball
出手release the ball
过中线throw beyond the halfway line
握拳击strike at the ball with clenched fist
握拳击punch the ball
守门员门上沿横移练习across the top
旋转起rolling pickup
dark side
pump the ball
游进pump and swim
曲线射门loop shot
有选择地运dribble option
本方的门线one's own goal line
式掷球baseball throw
式正球baseball pass
正手掷forehand throw
正手掷baseball throw
比赛开始时裁判员掷starting throw
water ball
water polo ball
playing pool
运动water polo
运动员water-polo player
水下起lift the ball from underneath
水面反弹射门ball shot on the water level
水面拨scoop pass
水面起top position ball lifting
游进时错过swimming past ball
运球时slice under ball
环泳传swimming round pass
环游传swimming round pass
环游传swimming-round pass
传进回出给中锋move the ball in and out
入水hide the ball under water
入水ball under
同侧占位ball side positioning
playing course
playing pool
play field
field of play
场范围precinct of the bath
门尺寸measurement of the goal
门柱尺寸dimensions of goal post
门横木高度height of crossbar
门装置touch board
门附近的防守inside mark
皮制leather-covered ball
皮制leather cased ball
直体传sitting pass
直接任意direct free throw
直立掷standing throw
直立掷erect throw
4米罚penalty throw
4米罚penalty shot
紧逼下传pass under pressure
罚任意penalty throw
罚直接任意penalty direct free throw
罚4米时的防守penalty defence
于水下hide the ball under water
水下hide the ball under water
裁判neutral throw
裁判员掷starting throw
corner throw
touch the ball
scoop the ball up
超越门线advance beyond the goal-line
跃起封lunge block
kick the ball
转体仰卧传layout pass and roll
轻扫spin the ball
swim with the ball
重新持regain possession of the ball
间接任意indirect free throw
pop and tip