
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
不规则光体irregular pearlite
光体medium pearlite
中碳光体锰钢medium-carbon pearlitic manganese steel
中碳光体锰钢medium carbon pearlitic manganese steel
光体钢hypopearlitic steel
光体基体all-pearlite matrix (生铁的)
光体基体all-pearlite matrix
兰兹光体铸铁Lanz pearlite iron
兰兹光体铸铁浇注法Lanz-pearlite process
兰兹光体铸铁浇铸法Lanz pearlite process
共析光体eutectoid pearlite
内焊毛刺修磨装置inside bead grinder
cold shot
单排滚轴承single-row ball bearing
焊缝beading weld
焊缝bead weld
封闭式滚轴承enclosed ball bearing
层状光体lamellar pearlite
屈氏光体troostitic pearlite
带槽滚轴承grooved ball bearing
平板上焊焊缝bead on plate weld
径向滚轴承annular ball bearing
断离状光体divorced pearlite
光体钢pearlite free structural steel
极细光体troostitic pearlite
止推滚轴承thrust ball bearing
止推滚轴承ball thrust bearing
残余光体residual pearlite
铸件表面的sweat ball
sweat ball
状粉末tear-drop shaped powder
液态铝liquid aluminium globule
滑动与滚组合轴承plain-and-ball bearing
座圈钢ball race steel
滚柱轴承ball and roller bearing
用钢丝ball bearing wire
轴承圈钢ball race steel
轴承座圈ball race
轴承钢ball bearing steel
轴承钢丝ball bearing wire
热试金gum drop button
welding deposit
weld deposit
清理机bead scarfer
片状光体钢退火lamellar annealing
玻璃glass bead
岩混凝土perlite concrete
陶土nacrite (Al2Si2O5 (OH)4)
光体pearlite (【技】铁素体片和渗碳体片交替排列的层状纤维组织,是过冷奥氏体进行共析反应的直接产物。因为这种组织的试样在抛光蚀刻后具有珠母贝的光泽,故由此得名。: In grey cast iron most of the carbon is present as flakes of graphite, and there is usually a remainder which is in the form of pearlite; the fracture of this type is grey. 在灰铸铁中,大部分碳以片状石墨的形式存在,其余的碳通常以珠光体的形式存在,这种类型铸铁的断口呈灰色。)
光体区pearlite range
光体区pearlite region
光体区pearlite area
光体区域pearlitic domain
光体区域pearlite region
光体反应pearlite reaction
光体可锻铸铁pearlitic malleable iron (Pearlitic malleable iron can be produced by increasing the amount of manganese in white cast iron and heat-treating it 在白口铸铁中增加锰含量并进行热处理,即可生产出珠光体可锻铸铁。)
Z 光体可锻铸铁Z metal (0.3〜0.8 化合碳,2-2.6石墨碳,1Si,0.75~ 1.25Mn)
光体可锻铸铁pearlitic malleable cast iron
Z光体可锻铸铁Z metal
光体可锻铸铁pearlitic malleable cast iron
光体团pearlite colony
光体型铁素体pearlitic ferrite (即共析铁素体)
光体基体pearlitic matrix
光体带pearlite ghost
光体幻线pearlite ghost
光体形态pearlite morphology
光体显微组织pearlite microstructure
光体晶界pearlite grain boundary
光体晶界pearlite grain boundaries
光体晶粒pearlite grain
光体渗碳钢hyperpearlitic steel
光体灰口铸铁pearlitic grey cast iron
光体灰铸铁pearlitic grey cast iron
光体球pearlite nodule
光体生铁pearlitic pig iron
光体生铁pearlitic iron
光体生长pearlite growth
光体组织pearlitic structure
光体织构pearlitic texture
光体结pearlite nodule
光体耐热钢pearlitic heat-resistant steel (【技】在正火状态下显微组织由铁素体加珠光体所组成的一类耐热钢。此类钢合金元素含量少,工艺性能好,广泛用于 600°C 以下工作的锅炉管、气包、紧固件和转子。)
光体范围pearlite range
光体转变pearlitic transformation (【技】含碳量为0.77% 的共析钢冷却到共析温度约 727°C 时,由奥氏体到珠光体的固态相变。)
光体退化pearlite degeneracy
光体钢pearlitic steel
光体铸铁pearlitic cast iron
光体铸铁Lanz's cast iron
光体集合体pearlite colony
beading weld
bead weld
状凝结dropwise condensation
状增强塑料bead reinforced plastics
球状光体spheroidal pearlite
球状光体nodular pearlite
球状光体globular pearlite
硼砂borax bead
phosphide pearl
离异光体divorced pearlite
粒状光体granular pearlite (【技】颗粒状碳化物和铁素体组成的复相组织。球状珠光体可由含有片状珠光体的原始组织进行球化退火,也可在稍低于共析温度 Ac₁ 点长时间保温后缓冷获得。其韧性和切削性优于片状珠光体,是一种良好的淬火前预备组织。各种碳素工具钢、合金工具钢和滚动轴承钢均需先进行球化退火,获得合格的球状珠光体组织,以利于机械加工和最终淬火热处理。)
粒状光体beaded pearlite
光体coarse pearlite
粗片状光体coarse-lamellar pearlite
粗片状光体coarse-lamellar pearlite
索拜光体sorbitic pearlite
索氏光体sorbitic pearlite
索氏体光体sorbitic pearlite
光体基体all-pearlite matrix
光体fine pearlite
细片状光体fine lamellar pearlite
膨胀珍岩骨料expanded perlite aggregate
自动定位滚轴承self-aligning ball bearing
自动对位双列滚轴承double-seated in self aligning ball bearing
调心滚轴承self-aligning ball bearing
轴承滚bearing ball
光体钢hyperpearlitic steel
金属metallic bead
金属试test button
steel grit
steel ball
火花鉴别法pellet test (鉴别合金成分用)
cobalt button
shot iron
iron ball
铁素体光体基体ferrite-pearlite matrix
铁素体-光体基体ferrite-pearlite matrix
铁素体光体钢ferrite-pearlite steel
铁素体光体钢hypopearlitic steel
lead sweat
lead shot
copper shot
aluminium shot
magnesium globule
nickel shot
高硅光体灰口铁loaded iron (4Si, 2.5Cr,少量 Mo)
高硅光体灰铸铁loaded iron
高硅全光体铁loded iron