
Terms for subject Technology containing 现行 | all forms | in specified order only
处理机现行优先级current processor priority
已发行公司债的现行价值carrying value of a bond issued
库存现金及银行存款账户cash on hand in bank account
现行价格计算calculated according to current price
现行市场价格at the current market price
流行色重复出现colour cycle
流行色重复出现color cycle
现在进行中的吹填工程reclamation works presently underway
现场行驶速度on-the-job travel speed
现场运行field operation
现场运行人员operational site staff
现场运行人员site operation staff
现场运行人员field operator
现行交通量current traffic
现行价格financial price
现行价格current cost
现行价格法going rate pricing
现行优先次序指示器current priority indicator
现行估计值current estimate
现行兑换率current rate
现行办法current practice
现行地下水水质风险评价法current groundwater quality risk-assessment method
现行地图current map
现行安全规程applicable safety procedures
现行定额current rating
现行寄存器actual register
现行工作制度current practice
现行工资prevailing wage
现行current market value (值)
现行current market price (格)
现行建筑规范present building code
现行成本current cost
现行折合率ar ruling rate
现行抵押existing mortgage (契据)
现行指令码current instruction code
现行支出机构the current pattern of spending
现行政策present policy
现行数据处理current data processing
现行方法current method
现行日本工业标准applicable JIS standard
现行条令current regulation
现行条例current regulation
现行标准standard in force
现行标准currently effective standard
现行水质标准current water quality standard
现行汇率current foreign exchange rate
现行汇率折算法current rate translation method
现行汇率法current rate method
现行法律law in operation
现行法律existing law
现行法律law in force
现行法律current law
现行法律条款Existing Legislation Clause
现行current edition
现行going rate
现行用途existing use
现行税制current tax system
现行船舶维修计划current ship's maintenance project
现行要求current requirements
现行规则regulations in force
现行规则current regulation
现行规章regulations in force
现行规章current regulation
现行规范existing code
现行规范currently effective code
现行规范current code
现行规范和标准applicable codes and standards
现行费用current cost
现行趋向current trend
现行转移指令current transfer order
现行运量current traffic
现行通令standing order
现行限度current margin
现行限度currency margin
现金及银行结存cash and bank balance
现金和银行出纳账cash and bank book
现金收支执行情况表cash operating statement
discount house
现行discount quotation
现行discount quotation
过程的现行记录current of run-unit
采用现行标准adoption of existing standards
银行现金保证函letter of credit
现行文件inactive file
非现金发行的股票non-cash issuance of stock
领域现行指示器realm currency indicator