
Terms containing 现状 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.一旦出现此种症状,呕吐物和粪便中就会带血Once this happens, blood appears in the vomit and feces
busin.主要股票平均价格现状current position of leading averages
gen.他出现食欲不振、体重减轻、非常疲倦、发烧和发冷的症状His symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive fatigue, fever and chills
wind.保护现状protection status
busin.保护和维持现状safeguards and standstill
busin.保持现状hold current
econ.保持和维持现状safeguards and standstill
tech.现状playback mode
surg.冠状动脉"无再灌注"现象coronary "no reperfusion" phenomenon
ecol.历史与现状history and actuality
met.发展现状present day development
tech.发展现状state-of-the art
tech.可靠现状security status
avia.合同数据现状报告contract data status report
econ.报表合并现状combined status
eng.geol.呈层状出现occurrence in beds
earth.sc.国家现状和发展趋势研究计划National Status and Trends Program
tech.土地使用现状existing land-use pattern
tech.土地使用现状existing land-use map
earth.sc.土地利用现状existing land use
tech.土地利用现状present land-use
tech.土地利用现状existing land use map
tech.土地利用现状existing land-use map
earth.sc.土地利用现状调查present land use survey
earth.sc.土地利用现状调查survey of land use situations
earth.sc.土地利用现状调查current land use survey
ecol.土地资源利用现状调查land use currency survey
gen.现状as things are
golf.在球的现状态下打球play the ball as it lies
sport.在马拉松赛跑中、一名筋疲力尽的运动员可能岀现衰竭、脱水等症状In a marathon race an exhausted runner may display the following symptoms: exhaustion, or dehydration
consult.城市现状existing urban situation
tech.基地现状示意图location map
manag.基本维持现状virtual standstill
textile备件现状调查spares status inquiry
busin.安全现状security status
agric.安全科学与工程 现状status of safety science and engineering
gen.就照现状at that
dermat.岛状表现的正常皮肤normal appearing islands of skin
manag.工作现状job status
auto.工艺现状水平state of the art
busin.工艺现状state of the art
econ.工艺现状现代化的state of the art
tech.市区现状urban capital diagram
econ.市场现状current market condition
tech.市政现状official map
tech.带状现象zone phenomenon
tech.建筑物现状location map
tech.建筑物利用现状existing building use
tech.建筑物结构分类现状existing construction map
archit.建筑结构分类现状existing construction map
agric.性状表现character expression
dentist.您现在身体状况如何?How are your health conditions now? (Excellent, Average, Poor)
dentist.您现在身体状况如何?How is your general health condition at present?
dentist.您现在身体状况如何?Are you in good health now?
econ.扩建还是保持现状expansion vs status quo
oil技术现状state of the art
tech.技术现状state of technology
eng.geol.技术学术现状报告state-of-the-art report
tech.技术现状报告state-of-the-art report
tech.技术发展现状state-of-the art
busin.现状tale quale
busin.现状talis qualis
interntl.trade., fr.现状tel quel
interntl.trade.现状as is
textile拉丁语商品现状tale quale
gen.现状as it is
busin.现状出售"as is" sale
textile现状条件tale quale
econ., fr., interntl.trade.按商品现状tel quel
commer.拉丁按商品现状tel quel
commer.拉丁按商品现状tale quale
lat., interntl.trade.按商品现状tale quale
commer.按商品现状条件tale quale
gen.按照现状as it stands
busin.按货物现状as is
UN教科文组织/环境规划署/粮农组织热带森林生态系统知识现状研究UNESCO/UNEP/FAO Study on the State of Knowledge of Tropical Forest Ecosystems
dentist.最初的症状和现在一样吗?Were the symptoms you had initially the same as they are now?
horticult.植物检疫现状phytosanitary status
UN, police欧洲刑事司法信息系统电脑化讨论会:现状、方法、前景和效果European Seminar on Computerization of Criminal Justice Information Systems: Realities, Methods, Prospects and Effects
China, polit.歪曲现状twist the status quo
commer.每日现状报告daily status report
avia.每月现状报告monthly status report
tech.水分现状moisture status
ecol.沙漠化现状sandy desertification status
tech.河流环境质量现状评价existing condition assessment of river environmental quality
avia.波浪状表现wavy behavior
desert.《热带干旱地区荒漠化现状图》Status of Desertification in the Hot Arid Regions (美国土壤学家 H.E. Dregne 1977年为联合国荒漠化会议编制的荒漠化现状图,比例尺为1 : 250万。荒漠化现状按植被变化、土壤侵蚀程度和盐渍化三因素划分为4级 — 轻度、中度、强度和极端强度。轻度荒漠化实际上是指荒漠地区、植被稀疏,薄层土壤贫瘠、并非不毛之地。中度荒漠化是指植被遭到破坏,不再适宜放牧,风蚀和水蚀严重、土壤盐渍化。强度荒漠化是指草本植物利用价值不高,灌丛不能用于放牧,土壤腐殖质层遭受风蚀,土地恢复极其困难。极端强度荒漠化是指盐结壳,沙丘和劣地,不可逆转)
tech.物料现状报告material status report
tech.环境现状existing environment
hydroel.st.环境现状评价present situation assessment of environment
earth.sc.环境现状评价assessment for ambient environment
tech.环状发展现象doughnut phenomenon
agric.环状现象zone phenomenon
space现代状态估计法modern state estimation methods
progr.现在状态present state
avia.现场准备状态审查site readiness review
space现场准备状态评审site readiness review
proj.manag.现场整洁状况cleanliness of site
expl.现场混制浆状炸药在爆破作业现场利用装药车就地混制的浆状炸药site mixed slurryexplosive
expl.现场混合浆状炸药Site-Mixed Slurry
tech.现时天然水状况present-day regime of natural water
tech.现时水体状况present-day state of waters
tech.现时水体状况present-day state of water bodies
space现时状态present position
tech.现有状态standing state
interntl.trade.维持现状status in quo
textile现状actual state
telecom.现状present status
archit.现状existing circumstance
bridg.constr.现状present situation
bridg.constr.现状existing state
bridg.constr.现状exist circumstance
tech.现状existing circumstance
tech.现状existing conditions
busin.现状existing circumstances
China, polit.现状status quo
busin.现状current position
tech.现状existing condition
tech.现状current status
lat., qual.cont.现状status in quo
gen.现状how matters stand
gen.现状how things stand
busin.现状current state
busin.现状status in quo
busin.现状standing situation
gen.现状current situation
tech.现状分区actual zoning
bridg.constr.现状分析analysis of existing circumstance
space现状分析actuality and status analysis
adv.现状分析situation analysis
tech.现状分析analysis of existing conditions
ecol.现状土壤风蚀量cumulative wind erosion amount
busin."现状就地"条款"as is, where is" clause
busin."现状就地"条款"as and where lies" clause
ecol.现状强度指数severity index of status
oil现状报告status report
busin.现状日报daily status report
interntl.trade., lat.现状条件tale quale
interntl.trade.现状条件卖方只负责装运时货物品质,运输途中一切耗损由买方负担such as it is
commer.拉丁现状条件tale quale
busin.现状条件tel quel
textile现状条款tale quale clause
tech.现状条款as they are
busin.现状条款as is clause
textile现状条款tale quale
econ.现状条款trade quale
lat., busin.现状条款指卖方只保证装船时货物品质符合合同规定的条款tale quale
commer.现状汇率tel quel rate
busin.现状汇率tale quale rate
tech.现状present pattern method (交通预测)
tech.现状测量original form survey
tech.现状测量land survey of present site
tech.现状调查survey of existing conditions
tech.现状调查survey of existing circumstance
ecol.现状调查investigating in current situation
textile现状质询status inquiry
econ.公司现状质询the status inquiry
tech.现状道路existing road
telecom.现用信道状态active channel state
space现行状态current state
agric.现行状态指示器currency indicator
el.现行程序状态字current program status word
busin.现金收支状况预测表forecast of cash position
fin.现金状况cash status
econ.现金状况cash position
busin.现金状况指手存现金、存款及贷款等cash position
securit.现金状况表cash position sheet
busin.现金状况预测forecast of cash position
busin.现金状况预测cash projection
tech.现金状况预测cash status prediction
corp.gov.现金短缺状况cash shortage situation
interntl.trade.生产现状production status
tech.生产现状manufacturing status
anim.husb.症状表现symptom expression
UN, polit.Strovilia 的现状status quo at Strovilia
dentist.直到出现症状时,您通常用哪侧咀嚼食物?On which side of your mouth did you chew until you felt the symptoms?
tech.矿山现状调查nowadays mine surveying
UN, polit.破坏Strovilia村军事现状的局面Military status quo violation of the ~ in the village of Strovilia
gen.稽延性戒断症状主要表现为失眠、烦躁、疼痛The main protracted withdrawal symptoms were dyssomnia, dysphoria and pain
market.突出优势与劣势分析、优势一劣势一机会一威胁分析、企业现状分析strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis
tech.站场现状present situation map of station
nurs.精神现状检查present state examination
tech.系统现状的保存system description maintenance
tech.絮状凝集现象flocculating phenomenon
econ.经济现状economic phenomena
interntl.trade.经济现状economic status
textile经济现状actual economic condition
tech.经济现状economic phenomenon
econ.维护现状的因素maintenance factor
busin.拉丁语 维持现状in statu quo
IMF.维持现状协定standstill agreement
busin.维持现状原则principle of standstill
interntl.trade.维持现状的预算neutral budget
market.维持现状目标status quo objectives
el.网络集成协商环境的业务现状service aspect of network integration consultation environment
el.网络集成协商环境的网络现状network aspect of network integration consultation environment
avia.航空航天遥感农业与资源现状调查agriculture and resources inventory surveys through aerospace remote sensing
China, law船舶现状current condition of the ship
psychol.现状况检核表Checklist of Performance State
gen.表现出最好的状态或品质look one's best
agric.表现性状expressed character
busin.装货时现状条件指卖方只负责货物装运时品质符合契约规定的条件such as it is
tech.规则现状regular shape
avia.计划和现状报告schedule and resource status report
agric.设施农业现状present state of installation agriculture
busin.请告现状advise states
textile货物质量的现状条件tale quale
busin.资料与现状documentation and status
UN赞比西河共同系统生态和环境管理现状诊断性研究Diagnostic Study on the Present State of Ecology and Environmental Management of the Common Zambezi River System
tech.路缘地带现状curb space map
heavy.eq.运动员训练现实状态present training state of athlete
cyber.运动状态的分散现象dispersion of behavior
biophys.运载火箭技术现状launch vehicle status
tech.进展和现状报告progress and status reporting
econ.鉴于他们的现状,给予5000美元的信贷是可以的Considering their position n., credit of $5000 would do
anim.husb.阈值栅栏性状出现率incidence of threshold character
genet.阈性状出现率incidence of threshold character
avia.高度现状altitude status
gen.鸡蛋白出现云状迹象是新鲜蛋的标志An egg white that appears cloudy is a sign of a fresh egg