
Terms for subject Business containing 现有 | all forms | in specified order only
下列各项现在没有following items not available
外币现货净有额net spot foreign currency position
已实现持有利得realized holding gain
年终现有商品库存merchandise inventory on hand at year's end
我们已经就所有讨论过的条款达成一致,那现在就签合同吧We have reached an agreement on all the clauses discussed so far. It is time to sign the contract
改革现有企业upgrade existing enterprises
有抵押品贴现票据bills discounted with collateral securities
有条件票据兑现qualified acceptance of bill
未实现保有收益unrealized holding gain
现时占有immediate possession
现有业务live traffic
现有人口present-in-area population
现有人口existent population
现有价值existing value
现有企业existing enterprise
现有企业扩建和改建expansion and reconstruction of existing enterprises
现有企业的技术改造technical reform of existing enterprises
现有体制existing machinery
现有信托living trust
现有公司existing company
现有和潜在的优势available and latent superiorities
现有和潜在的容量available and latent capacity
现有和潜在的能力available and latent abilities
现有商品成本cost of goods on hand
现有固定资产额amount of existing fixed assets
现有头寸actual position
现有存货库存existing stock
现有存货库存stock in hand
现有存货inventory on hand
现有存货ready stock on hand
现有存货available stock
现有存货价值carrying value
现有工厂扩建expansion of existing production plants
现有库存available from stock
现有库存on hand stock
现有库存存货ready stock on hand
现有成果ongoing result
现有施工机械construction machinery on hand
现有法人existing corporation
现有at hand
现有订货量backlog of business
现有设备existing facilities
现有设备能力existing plant force
现有货物goods on hand
现有货物available goods
现有quantity on hand
现有项目items on hand
现有amount on hand
现金收支汇总表—所有基金combined statement of c.ash receipts and disbursements-all funds
非操作上的现有维修not operationally ready maintenance
非自愿现金持有额involuntary cash holding