
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing 现场 | all forms | in specified order only
坝址调查现场调查工程地质调查site inspection
施工现场construction site
施工现场fabricating yard
现场作业operation on site
现场保安security of the site
现场修理current repair
现场养护field curing
现场初始压缩曲线field initial compression curve
现场勘探site exploration
现场勘测field investigation
现场土工试验in-situ soil test
现场拌制混凝土job mixed concrete
现场拌和field mix
现场拼装site assembly
现场拼装加工费用cost of site assembly and processing
现场指令site instruction
现场推裂试验in-situ thrust test
现场施工site operation
现场施工分包合同field subcontract
现场检查field investigation
现场检查field inspection
现场检验in-situ inspection
现场浇筑混凝土cast-in-situ concrete
现场浇筑混凝土job-placed concrete
现场测量on-site survey
现场清理general clearance (clearance of site)
现场监测field in-situ monitoring
现场管理management of construction
现场管理费site overhead
现场管理费construction overhead
现场观测on-site survey
现场试验on-site test
现场试验feld test
现场试验site test
现场试验in-situ test
现场试验field test
现场site inspection
现场调查on-site survey
现场调查on-site examination
现场调查site survey
现场道路site road
配合比设计现场铺筑试验trial placement of mix design