
Terms containing 现在 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.下列各项现在没有following items not available
environ.不在现场off-site Activities taking place or located away from the site (远离发生或现场的活动。)
telecom.不放在现场的备用设备off-premises standby equipment
commer.世界著名的阿玛尼品牌已无须介绍,但鲜为人知的是它现在成了首屈一指的家具设计品牌There is no need to introduce the world renowned Armani label, but what may be less known is that it is now a leading furniture designer
econ.丝绸手巾现在新加坡市场上颇受青睐,兹供你方参考For your guidance n., we would inform you that the silk handkerchiefs are now preferred in the Singapore markets
econ.为了实现我方诺言,我们现在向你方报送500袋巴西咖啡实盘We are now sending your firm offer for 500 sacks Brazilian Coffee in fulfillment of our promise
econ.为了实现我方诺言,我们现在向你方报送500袋巴西咖啡实盘We are now sending your firm offer for 500 sacks Brazilian Coffee in fulfilment of our promise
gen.也许吧。我 35 分钟前点了午餐,但你看,现在还没有来Probably. I ordered my lunch about 35 minutes ago. But you see it hasn't arrived yet
commer.买主要求这些细节,是为了符合本国在进口许可证、关税以及外汇管制等方面的现行规定The buyer requires these details in order to comply with the rules and regulations in force in his own country applying to such topics as import licences, customs duties and exchange restrictions
econ.五年前该公司将所述的机械出售获得周转资金,现在公司想回租这些机械The corporation sold said machinery to gain circulating funds 5 years ago. Now it wanted to lease back the machinery
econ.交付给我公司的产品现在正在实验室中进行试验These products delivered to our company are on trial in the laboratory
proj.manag.交易员指出、近期表现好于大盘的小盘股在临近收盘时出现跳水Traders noted a late sell-off in small-cap shares, which have recently outperformed the broader market
gen.交通拥堵在大都市里是个很普遍的现象,不过老实说,巴黎的交通形势已经糟糕透顶了Congestion is typical in most metropolitan cities, but to be honest, the traffic situation in Paris now is becoming ridiculous
gen.现在from now on
econ.现在是中国一家纺织品公司驻北美的代理He now represents a Chinese textile firm in North America
gen.现在有事,没办法接你的电话He is tied up at the present time. He is not able to take the call
gen.现在没有时间。我可以给他留话He is not available right now. But I can leave him a message
sport.现在适合参加重大的赛跑比赛He is in training now for the big race
econ.他们发现他们公司的代理商在销售他们竞争对手的产品时,其价格比他们自己的产品还要低廉They discovered than their agent was selling their rival's products at the price even lower that theirs
econ.他们发现他在叙述中有很多前后矛盾的地方They found a lot of inconsistencies in his account
busin.现在情况as far as it goes
econ.现在的情况as far as it goes
econ.价值的外在表现external expression of value
gen.但是,现在饺子更多代表了一种祝福,而不是求财But today, Jiaozi is considered more as a sign of blessing than of fortune
interntl.trade.现在产品上的先进技术转移transfer of advanced technology embodied in product
busin.现在产品中的先进技术转让transfer of advanced technology embodied in product
gen.现在可以 不可以you must not go now
gen.现在可以 不可以you may go now
gen.使出现在脑中conjure up
econ.侵占权注明在一份施工现场的土地调查证书上The right of encroachment is given on a certified land survey of the site
commer.促进我们在国际市场上目标的实现promote the achievement of our goals in the world market
gen.促销和品质保证都旨在实现利益最大化Both sales promotion and quality assurance contribute to gaining of maximum profit
securit.倒闭的机构负债现在已经落到纳税人的肩上liabilities of failing institutions loaded on the backs of taxpayers
gen.先生,您的麝香葡萄酒。我现在为您斟上好吗?Your muscatel, sir. May I serve you now?
gen.先生,我替你找一下。你好,还在吗?很不巧,陈先生现在不在,你介不介意稍微等一分钟?I'll just find out for you, sir. Hello, are you still there? Unfortunately, Mr. Chen is not available at the moment. Would you mind holding for one minute?
busin.关于现在消费量的数据data regarding existing consumption
tech.内在付现成本implied cash cost
interntl.trade.内在付现成本对资产的成本价值而言implied cash cost
tech.内在付现成本implicit cash cost
gen.M M 出现在 Moccur to
econ.现在后的货币增长额lagged money growth
tech.现在土壤上层 15cm 内present in the upper 15 cm of the soil
gen.现在电视上on camera
gen.M 出现在M面前be present to
gen.现在… 面前appear to one's eyes
gen.…出现在眼前come in sight of
gen.切勿把现金、信用卡、珠宝及昂贵电子产品等贵重物品放在航空公司托运的行李箱内Do not pack valuables, such as cash, credit cards, jewelry or expensive electronics in a suitcase that you will check with the airline
gen.现在by this time
econ.现在to date
gen.现在down to date
gen.现在为止so far so good
gen.现在为止thus far
gen.现在这里为止thus far
gen.现在为止up to now
gen.现在为止till now
econ.现在为止up to present
gen.现在为止so far
gen.过了好久现在at this distance of time
gen.劳驾,我们今天要离开了。我想现在退房Excuse me, we're leaving today. I'd like to check out now
dentist.医生现在正在看病人The doctor is now with a patient
econ.原料的新来源是在这个地区发现的The new source of raw materials was found in this area
commer.双方同意出现的争议必须在伦敦仲裁解决The both parties agreed that disputes shall be settled by arbitration in London
econ.发挥现有和潜在的优越性give full play to available and laten superiorities of
gen.发现〔觉〕自己在find oneself (处于)
proj.manag.可在银行贴现的票据bankable bill
expl.可见、炸药生命周期的最大影响出现在硝酸铵的生产过程中It is shown that the largest impacts in the explosive life cycle occur in the processes of manufacture of ammonium nitrate
econ.史密斯公司现在是布朗公司集团的一个成员Smith's is now a division of the Brown group of companies
econ.现在眼前suggest itself to
gen.to…现在M眼前suggest itself
gen.to…现在M眼前suggest themselves
gen.现在眼前meet the eye
gen.嗯,任何银行都会以我们现在的旅游支票购买率来兑换,我们在某些方面比酒店更便宜一点是因为服务费Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check buying rate, for which we're somewhere cheaper than hotels because of the service charge
gen.嗯,让我们设法同他们联系。现在请你详细地写下刚才告诉我的信息Well, let's try to get in touch with them. Now would you please write down what you have told me in detail?
archit.施工现场in situ
expl.在不少的农村地区、极端贫困的现象依然存在extreme poverty still exists in many rural areas
gen.M 在M中表现出来find expression in
gen.在…中表现出来expression in
gen.在…中隐约出现loom (through, up through)
busin.在产品中实现的劳动过程labor process realized itself in a product
commer.在伦敦贴现票据discount bills in London
gen.在决定之前,应该对比不同的航空公司。发现最适合你的那一个You should compare among several airlines before making the final decision. Find the one which suits your circumstance most
econ.在…出现figure in
econ.在出现危及生命和财产的紧急情况时,承包商必须采取必要的救助措施The contractor is to take necessary measures for relief during the emergency causing the danger of life or property
gen.在…出现的同时at the appearance of
proj.manag.在华盛顿住过两年以后、 我常常对好莱坞的现实主义和真诚的生活充满渴望After two years in Washington I often long for the Realism and sincerity of Hollywood
econ.在双方签署协议起3天内罢工者现在占据的全部车间必须撤空All workshops now occupied by strikers should be evacuated within three days upon agreement being signed by both parties
tech.在启运港凭单据付现cash against documents at port of shipment
proj.manag.在大多数情况现的、即一般所说的 CGIIn most cases, you'll find that these effects were achieved using the Common Gateway Interface, commonly known as CGI
econ.在实施这一条款时出现的任何争议,将以仲裁作为一种解决办法Arbitration will be an approach to settle any dispute arising from the operation of this clause
expl.在岩体内传播的应力波中断时、会出现不利形势Problem situations can arise when the transmission of stress waves within the rock mass are interrupted
commer.在收到货款现金之前The seller retains the property in the sold goods until he receives the purchase price in cash
econ.在收现金项目cash items in process of collection
proj.manag.在数据查找中出现一个不可恢复的错误A non-recover able error occurred during a database lookup
gen.在…方面表现得不屈不挠be tenacious in (+ ing)
telecom., lat.在施工现场in situ
tech.在施工现场at the construction site
tech.在施工现场at the construction field
tech.在施工现场制造的job's housekeeping made
expl.在有多重共线性的情况下、就会出现多余的自变量、这样会使自变量对应变量产生错误影响。多重共线性是否存在、可以通过对自变量的方差膨胀因子的计算来检验In the presence of multicollinearity,redundancy of the independent variables exists, which can lead to erroneous effects by the independent variables on the dependent variable. The existence of multicollinearity can be checked from a calculation of the variance inflation factor VIF of the independent variables
sport.在比赛的任何阶段、当运动员的行进方式违反竞走定义的规定、表现出可见的明显的腾空或膝关节弯曲时、均应给予严重警告红卡Competitors shall be given warnings red card when, by their mode of progression, they fail to comply with the Definition of Race walking by exhibiting visible loss of contact or a bent knee during any part of the competition. (注释:1. 国际田联竞走规则中较长时间使用 warning作为严重警告,因此,仍保留这种例句作为参考。2. 国际田联新规则(2006)更多使用红卡 red eard 例如,当裁判员观察到运动员表现出明显的腾空或膝关节弯曲时,裁判员须向主裁判送交一张红卡 red card)
tech.在潮湿冲积层中发现be found in alluvium
busin.在现场on spot
dril.在现场on the spot
interntl.trade.在现场at site
dril.在现场on site
gen.在现场on the job
gen.在现场upon the spot
tech.在现场on situ
busin.在现场ad locum
tech.在现场in the field
gen.在现场in normal situation
telecom.在现场的on site
telecom.在现场的备用应急设备on-premise standby equipment
econ.在现实情况下,最好等等再说Under existing conditions, it would be better to wait and see
el.在现实生活中in real life
econ.在现有债务偿清之后,剩下的余产应在合伙人之间分配After the current debt has been repaid, the surplus of the assets remaining should be divided between the partners
tech.在现有用户上补装retrofitting existing service
gen.在现有的有利的情况下under existing favourable conditions
auto.在现有间隙范围内移动free motion
gen.在现状下as things are
gen.在现行中with the manner
gen.在现行中in the manner
golf.在球的现状态下打球play the ball as it lies
gen.在电视中出现appear on television
securit.在线现金认购online cash subscription
fin.在线贴现经纪人on-line discount broker
econ.在该国上届政府期内,经济出现衰退The economy declined during the last government in that country
econ.在该船 1992 年 9月6日到达目的地时,发现有一箱短少8 打Upon the arrival of the ship at the destination on September 6th, 1992 one carton was found short of 8 dozen
econ.在谈判开始阶段我方已强调了准时发货的重要性,现在不再复述We stressed in the initial stage of negotiation the importance of punctual shipment and won't repeat it
expl.在过去的几十年里、人们对飞石现象进行了大量的实验研究和理论研究Much experimental and theoretical work about flyrock phenomena has been performed in the past decades
fin.在过现金cash in transit
proj.manag.在运现金cash in transit
interntl.trade.在运现金保险单cash in transit policy
gen.在这些部件中他们没发现任何缺陷no defects did they find in these parts
fin.在途现金money in transit (cash in transit)
interntl.trade.在途现金money in transit
interntl.trade.在途现金cash in transit
busin.在途现金指运送中的现金money in transit
commer.在银行兑现之前他必须在支票背面签字He had to endorse the check before the bank would cash it
gen.在饭馆吃饭点很多菜是一项传统习惯。要知道,过去人们可不像现在这样什么都能吃得起Ordering a lot of food at restaurants is just a tradition. You know, in the past, people could not afford to eat out like they can today
sport.在马拉松赛跑中、一名筋疲力尽的运动员可能岀现衰竭、脱水等症状In a marathon race an exhausted runner may display the following symptoms: exhaustion, or dehydration
proj.manag.在高度依赖计算机的现代社会、软件特别是大型实时安全攸关软件的可靠性成为计算机界和整个社会都非常关注的问题In a highly computer-dependent society, reliability of software, especially of big realtime safety critical ones, gains far-ranging attention from computer community and the rest of the world
gen.现在不在这里。请稍等好吗?She's not here right now. Could you hold a moment, please?
gen.好了,现在保持冷静吧。那辆车的司机过来了。你听我的,就这一次OK, keep calm now. Here comes the driver of the other car. Take my advice, please, for once
econ.如买方发现运来的货物与样品有差异,应在货到后15天内通知卖方If the purchaser finds that the delivered goods are at variance with the sample, he should notify the seller within 15 days after the arrival of the goods
el., tools如果现在订购电钻,我们将赠送与其相关的各种不同配件If you place the order of electric drills now, we can give you all the different attachments
gen.如果你现在就来,那更好if you come now, so much the better
gen.如果你要申请签证,那最好现在就开始准备If you want to apply for a visa, you'd better start getting ready for it now
econ.如果发现你方在业务报告中弄虚作假,我们将立即停止贷款If we find out any false statements in your report of business, we will stop providing loans
proj.manag.如果在计算机中安装有以前版本的 DirectX、您将发现所用的硬盘空间略有不同If you had an earlier version of DirectX installed on your computer, you will see little difference in used space on your hard drive
gen.如果您愿意,现在就可以打扫。我正想下去吃早饭呢You can do it now if you like. I was just about to go down for my breakfast
busin.存在国外现金cash held in foreign countries
chem.安装在现场的field mounted
fin.实在贴现true discount
gen.实验开始时我不在现场I was not on site when the experiment began
gen.客房服务员现在正在送熨好的衣服。非常抱歉衣服送晚了The housekeepers are delivering the laundry right now. We? re sorry for the delay
gen.对不起,打扰了,先生。您有要送洗的衣服吗?洗衣工现在过来收了Excuse me, sir. Have you any laundry? The laundryman is here to collect it
proj.manag.对于经济衰退可能对消费者行为产生什么影响、我在伦敦时装周上没发现多少一致看法I could find little consensus at London Fashion Week on the impact the downturn might have on consumer behaviour
gen.现在情况来说as far as it goes
gen.现在情形来as far as it goes
gen.把M现在N的面spread out M before (N)
cosmet.广霍香精油被广泛使用在现代香水制作中Patchouli has been used extensively in modern perfumery
gen.很抱歉现在才进行询问,但是我们需要尽快核实执行信I apologize for the late asking, but we want to make sure the correctness of our implementation ASAP
econ.很明显,在运输中此货物发生短重,所以我方现向贵方索赔一万美元It is evident that the goods were short in weight during transit, so we are now filing a claim against you for $10000
econ.很遗憾,本合同有两个条款在现行法律下属不合法,不能加以实施We regret to say that two provisions of this contract are illegal and unenforceable under the current laws
gen.忙果现在很贵Mangoes are very expensive now
dentist.现在感觉它是怎么痛的?What kind of pain do you feel now?
dentist.现在接受治疗了吗?Are you receiving medical treatment now?
gen.现在点菜吗?Would you like to order now?
dentist.现在看医生了吗?Are you under a doctor's care now?
dentist.现在身体状况如何?Are you in good health now?
gen.您到凯撒皇宫酒店后,我带您到接待台。现在,我先取走您的行李I'll show you to the Reception Desk when you arrive at Caesars Palace Hotel. Now, I'll pick your baggage
gen.您可以在这结账,用现金还是信用卡?You can pay right here. In cash or by credit card?
gen.您好,我预订了6月1日的房间,恐怕现在不得不取消了Hello, I have made a reservation for the 1st of June, and now I'm afraid I have to cancel it
gen.您的话对我来说就像止痛药一样,现在我感到没有任何事可以将我打败了Your words just like a pain-killer to me and now I feel nothing could defeat me
gen.现在就要赔偿吗?Shall I pay for it now?
gen.现在感觉不是很好,我感冒了I'm not feeling very well now. I have caught a cold
gen.现在要退房,并且需要一部计程车到机场。麻烦你帮我叫一辆,好吗?I'm checking out now, and I'd like to get a taxi to the airport. Could you get one for me, please?
gen.现在要退房,需要一部直接到电影院的出租车。麻烦你帮我叫一辆好吗?Yes. I'm checking out now, and want to get a taxi directly to the cinema. Could you get one for me, please?
gen.我三天前为一位外国客人预订了一个房间,但现在这位外国客人不能来了,所以我恐怕不得不取消预订I reserved a room for a foreign guest three days ago, but now the foreign guest won't be able to come, so I'm afraid I have to cancel the reservation
busin.我们现在可以签合同了We can get the contract finalized now
econ.我们现在和以后都要进行多次商务洽谈We'll hold a lot of business negotiations now and hereafter
gen.我们现在得去那儿we have to go there now
gen.我们现在邀请老年旅客及带小孩儿的旅客登机。请在登机时准备好您的护照,我们将在廊桥处做第二次护照检查。感谢您的耐心等待We would like invite elderly passengers and passengers who travel with children or infants to board the plane first. Please also have your passport ready for the secondary check in the jet bridge. Thank you for your patience
econ.我们发现合同草案中有些漏洞,应在签署之前加以消除There are some loopholes in the draft contract, we should close them before signing
busin.我们已经就所有讨论过的条款达成一致,那现在就签合同吧We have reached an agreement on all the clauses discussed so far. It is time to sign the contract
econ.我们应尽快地改正在检査中发现的有关设备的全部毛病We should rectify all the faults with respect to the equipment discovered on inspection as soon as possible
gen.我们打开货物时,发现木箱干燥,内衬纸没有一点水渍。可见损坏不是发生在途中When we unpacked the goods, we found the wooden cases dry and the inside lining paper stainless. Therefore, the damage didn't occur in transit
construct., tech.我们现有大量新旧混凝土搅拌车出售。在这里您就能购买到自己所需的混凝土搅拌车!We have a huge selection of new and used concrete mixing trucks for sale. Buy the concrete mixing trucks you need right here!
gen.我们能保证从酒店兑换出的现金全部是真的,因为每张纸币在给客人前我们都会用验钞机检查We guarantee that the cash changed by our hotel is genuine. We have closely examined it before we change it to the customer
econ.我们认为现在给你们寄样品很有必要We consider that it is quite necessary to send you samples right now
econ.我们认为你方报价不合适,因为这种手提包价格现在正在下跌We feel that your quotation is not proper because the price for the travelling bag is on the decline at present
gen.我40分钟前订了晚餐,可现在还没有送来I ordered dinner about forty minutes ago. It hasn't been delivered yet
gen.我半小时前点了菜,到现在还没上I ordered my dinner about half an hour ago and it still hasn't arrived
gen.我在阿联酋航空公司买了张机票,但现在行程有变。我该如何领取未使用机票的退款?I've bought a ticket from the Emirates. Now, I have to cancel my schedule. How can I get a refund on an unused ticket?
gen.我很抱歉你现在是在只收现金的结账通道上I'm sorry you are on the Cash Only Lane
gen.我打电话是因为一个月前我订的东西到现在都还没到I am calling about an order I placed a month ago. It hasn't arrived yet
gen.我等航班消息已经一个半小时了。你们现在有什么新消息吗?现在那边的天气转好了吗?I have been waiting for the departure of my flight for one and a half hours. Do you have any further information about it? Does the weather change better there now?
gen.我要去旧金山参加个年会,现在就要订机票I'll have an annual conference in San Francisco. I should book the tickets right now
gen.所以您现在想改变预订,是吗?And now you want to change the booking, do you?
fin.把款项打在现金收入记录机上ring up
econ.把金额打在现金收入记录机上ring up
busin.承销账户在资产负债表上的表现consignment in accounts in the balance sheet
gen.抱歉打扰您,我现在可以清理房间吗?Sorry to disturb you. May I clean your room now?
gen.拜占庭帝国现在仅存君士坦丁堡和摩里亚地区The empire was left only Constantinople and the Morea
econ.现在的投资水平at the prevailing rate of investment
gen.按照传统,这些礼物会匿名送出,但现在我们更倾向注明发出者的姓名Traditionally these were sent anonymously, but nowadays we often make it clear who is sending each "Valentine"
gen.搬运工在出发机场将先托运的行李先装上飞机,所以现在就晚出来.The baggage checked in the first would come out later, for the porters put it in the airplane earlier than others at departing airport
org.name.《支持在国家粮食安全范围内逐步实现充足食物权的自愿准则》Voluntary Guidelines
org.name.《支持在国家粮食安全范围内逐步实现充足食物权的自愿准则》Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security
gen.放松点,盖伊,你现在已经是个男人了,不会太久的Take it easy. You are a man now, Gay. It will not be long
commer.政府现在实施的每公吨5,000铢的出口加价是大米的出口障碍The existing premium of 5,000 baht per metric ton imposed by the government was a hindrance to rice export
gen.新出炉的五谷面包现在特价。来一个,要吗?The fresh-baked multigrain bread is on sale. Would you like to have a try?
gen.旅行社所有员工现在都下班了All the staff of this travel agency is off now
gen.昨天下午到达里昂,然后叫一辆出租车到了喜来登酒店,当我收拾行李时,发现手提包不见了,我估计是丢在出租车上了Yesterday afternoon, I arrived at Lyon. Then I called a taxi to the Sheraton Hotel. After that, when I put my luggage in order, I found my handbag missing. I supposed I lost it in the taxi
gen.晚上好,先生。现在可以为您收拾房间了吗?Good evening, sir. May I do the turn-down service for you now?
dentist.最初的症状和现在一样吗?Were the symptoms you had initially the same as they are now?
avia.本年度到现在为止year to date
busin.本年度截至现在为止year to date
securit.本年度截至现在为止本年1月 1日至今天year to date
avia.所需材料现在缺货material requested is not available
gen.某些危险疾病如果在早期被发现,就可以成功地治疗Certain serious diseases can be successfully treated if detected in an incipient stage
econ.根据代理商在经营能力方面的表现,公司应授与独家销售权The company shall grant an elusive selling right to the agent relying upon the representation of the agent with the respect to his operational capability
gen.正是现在right now
expl.气体的形成在很大程度上取决于诸多因素、如现场实际爆轰条件、岩石类型、炮孔直径、有没有水以及炸药在炮孔中是否均匀等The gas composition is strongly dependent on many factors such as actual field detonation conditions, rock type,hole diameter,water presence,product homogeneity in the hole
expl.气候变化带来的巨大威胁、现在已被主流科学广泛地认知、且日益得到全社会的认可The enormous threat posed by climate change is now widely recognized by mainstream science and is increasingly gaining public acceptance
gen.汽车现在可以通过一条长堤,直接进入圣淘沙Cars can now be driven direct to Sentosa by a causeway
gen.汽车电子制动力分配系统在直接制动和转弯制动时,可实现不同的控制策略,具有较高的制动性能和制动稳定性The Electronic Braking Force Distribution EBD system can realize the various control strategies according to braking in line and in turn, and raise the braking efficiency and stability of automobiles under hard braking
econ.现在心中suggest itself to
gen.现在M的心中suggest themselves
econ.现在…的心中suggest itself to
gen.现在M的心中suggest itself
proverb现在眼前leap to the eyes
gen.涤纶复合丝织物在生产过程中很容易出现经柳疵In the process of producing polyester compound filament fabric, streaky warp is easy to appear
gen.现在的样子is be
math.照我们现在资料来看as far as our information goes
UN, tech.爆炸物处理是指在部队处理爆炸物的背景下,对未爆炸弹药的探测、查明、现场评估、安全拆卸、回收和最后处理explosive ordnance disposal EOD means, in the context of force EOD, the detection, identification, onsite evaluation, rendering safe, recovery and final disposal of unexploded ammunition
gen.玛丽现在没空接电话Mary is not available at the moment
proj.manag.玛西一开始是当银行出纳员、但现在她是贷款员Marcy started as a bank teller, but now she's a loan officer
ecol.环境行政复议与现在应诉办法Measures on Environmental Administrative Reconsideration and Response to Lawsuits
expl.现代用的硝甘炸药可定义为雷管起爆型混合物。其中所含的硝化甘油敏化剂、或作为拓展能量的主要媒介、若适当起爆、雷管起爆型混合物则在爆轰速度下Modern dynamites can be defined a cap-sensitive mixtures which contain nitroglycerin as a sensitizer or as the principal means for developing energy, and which, when properly initiated, decompose at detonation velocity
gen.现在立即this very moment
relig.现在in our day
relig.现在in our days
gen.现在just now
dril.现在for the moment
gen.现在the present speaking
gen.现在this present speaking
busin.现在to date
gen.现在today (的)
gen.现在just now
gen.现在this minute
gen.现在at present
gen.现在不必了,我可以给您加到房费中去No. It is not necessary. I will add it to your bill
gen.现在不行了has seen its best days
econ.现在人口present in-area population
proj.manag.现在、 他正在一家电脑安全公司供职He now works for a computer security company
lat., econ.现在代替当时nunc pro tune
earth.sc.放射性年龄值现在以前的指1950年以前before present
textile现在价值法present value method
tech.现在位置present position
tech.现在位置距离range at present position
gen.现在你如果要去一个地方,骑自行车比开车快多了。这简直荒唐!It's ridiculous! I can get to places faster by bike than by car now!
econ.现在,供需两方面增长的比例失调Now the increase in supply is out of proportion to that in demand
auto.现在修理指示灯service now light
gen.现在,假如你不介意,请拉一下铃,再要一副刀叉碟子来,我们一同进餐吧Ring, then, if you please, for a second knife, fork, and plate, and we will dine together
gen.现在分词present participle
busin.现在到达now arriving
manag.现在到达以前prior to the current arrival
proj.manag.现在刷新你的Now re fresh on your FTP client and you should now see your files listed!
econ.现在原料价格普遍偏低Prices of raw materials rule low at the moment
busin.现在受益人present beneficiary
tech.现在坐标present-position coordinate
tech.现在坐标present coordinate
agric.现在增长量present increment
tech.现在天气present weather
tech.现在天气current weather
busin.现在对未来效用之理解present perception of future utility
gen.现在就在这里right here
proj.manag.现在、 就让我们在一些图片的帮助下研究骨骼动画系统的缺点Let's study about the drawbacks of skeletal animation system with the help of some images
gen.现在就跟我走吧,见见我的妻子和儿子。到我家去,一起吃饭Come with me now, and see my wife and son. Come and have dinner at our house
securit.现在岀售的证券off the shelf
gen.现在已经by now
sport., cloth.现在已经有很多时装品牌打入了诸如奥运会、温布尔登网球公开赛和美国公开赛等体育赛事We are seeing fashion brands getting more and more involved in sports like the Olympics, Wimbledon or the U. S. Open
shipb.现在市场钢板供大于求At present, the supply of steel plate exceeds demand in the market.
proj.manag.现在、 您就可以开始运行向导了、 它将帮助您设置数据收集过程You are now ready to run the wizard that assists you with setting up the data collection process
proj.manag.现在、 您已经准备好、 可以将数据文件中的信息合并到一个标签出版物中了Now you're ready to merge information from the data file into the label publication
proj.manag.现在您应该清楚了、恰当的密钥管理规程应该成为任何加密实现的核心设计部分As should by now be obvious, appropriate key management procedures should be part of the core design of any encryption implementation
gen.现在情况不同了it is another story now
commer.现在成员present member
fin.现在成本present costs
tech.现在成本present cost
tech.现在成果on-going results
proj.manag.现在我们已完成了对网关服务的配置、 并准备测试它We've now finished configuring our gateway service and are ready to test it
shipb.现在我们殷切期望扩大新造船舶的出口。Now we are eagerly desirous to enlarge export of new building ships.
gen.现在,我将带你们开启泰国旅行套餐Now , I will guide you a good package deal to Thailand
interntl.trade.现在所得present income
econ.现在折扣价值present discount value
econ.现在折扣价值a present discounted value
busin.现在折扣价值present discounted value
gen.现在报告新闻提要here is a news summary
textile现在收入present income
busin.现在收益present income
econ.现在数量quantity on hand
tech.现在斜距离present slant range
gen.现在是什么时间what time is it
gen.现在是六点差一刻it is a quarter before six
gen.现在是六点差一刻it is a quarter to six
gen.现在是六点钟it is six o'clock
gen.现在是旅游高峰期,我建议你在出发之前买一张回程票Since it's the high season of sightseeing, I suggest you book a return ticket before we leave
gen.现在是旺季,很抱歉,您这周晚些时候再打电话过来好吗?也许会有人取消预订This is the peak season. I'm sorry, but could you call us again later on this week? We may have a cancellation
cloth.现在是8月,秋装正上架It's August now, and autumn wear are hitting shelves
gen.现在是涨潮落潮the tide is down
gen.现在是涨潮落潮the tide is out
gen.现在是涨潮落潮the tide is in
gen.现在是特价It's on sale
expl.现在、有些大城市的供暖系统是天然气烧的At present, natural gas has fird the heating system in some big cities
gen.现在本应是巴厘岛最繁忙的旅游旺季It should be the height of the season in Bali
gen.现在来谈正经的and now to be serious
dat.proc.现在正使用的文件open file
dat.proc.现在正使用的文件currently selected file
dat.proc.现在正使用的文件active file
textile现在正流行in fashion
gen.现在,比萨是美国人的三大食品之一Today, pizza is one of the top 3 foods eaten by Americans
tech.现在气象条件present meteorological condition
tech.现在水平距离present ground range
interntl.trade.现在positive law
gen.现在济州岛的拍摄部分差不多快完成了,就要回首尔进行新的拍摄了The shooting in Jeju Island is now almost completed, and I will be returning to Seoul to start new shooting
gen.现在11点了,您要付夜间加价费You should pay night surcharge since it is
math.现在点坐标present coordinate
progr.现在状态present state
gen.现在生产的in operation
gen.现在of the time
gen.现在of the day
adv.现在of the hour
econ.现在的社会制度present social system
gen.现在的这棵国家圣诞树是1978年在椭圆广场栽种的The current National Christmas Tree was planted on the Ellipse in
gen.现在立刻right now
busin.现在能签合同吗?Shall we sign the contract now?
tech.现在航向present heading
avia.现在航道present course
tech.现在蓄积present yield
gen.现在讨论沿直线的运动we shall now discuss motion along a straight line or rectilinear motion
econ.现在证券交易所有大量的业务活动There is a lot of activity on the Stock Exchange now
proj.manag.现在、该行有意率先去除政府的"金脚镣"、即以优先股和认股权证形式存在的100亿美元The bank now intends to be the first to throw off the government's golden fetters一$ l0bn in the form of preferred stock and share warrants
econ.现在财货present goods
econ.现在贴现价值present discount value
tech.现在贴现值present discounted value
econ.现在资本价值present capital value
tech.现在距离present range
railw.现在wagons on hand
tech.现在车数cars on hand
tech.现在车计划plan of number of wagons on hand
gen.现在as yet
gen.现在还被人牢记着within living memory
proj.manag.现在、这个网络绝对不同于你所知道的受保护的局域网Now, the Net is an entirely different environment than you'll find 'within the protected walls of your LA
tech.现在进行中的吹填工程reclamation works presently underway
busin.现在预测current forecast
tech.现在高低角present elevation
econ.现开报我方第4号目录所列上海真丝印花绸每码包括包装费在内 XX 美元We're pleased to quote on Shanghai printed pure silk fabrics as illustrated in our catalogue No. 4 at $... per yard including packing
busin.现有和潜在的优势available and latent superiorities
tech.现有和潜在的优越性available and latent superiorities
busin.现有和潜在的容量available and latent capacity
busin.现有和潜在的能力available and latent abilities
econ.现金收支预算在现金流动的管理中很重要Cash budgets are important to the management of cashflows
econ.现高兴地公告,在本地几位有影响的出口商的支持下,我公司今天开业,经营五金代理业务We have the pleasure of announcing that under the auspices of a few highly influential exporters in this place, we have today commenced business as a hardware agent
gen.甚至现在even now
tech.用核子密度计在现场测得的重度in-place nuclear density
econ.bar 的现在分词barring
econ.bed 的现在分词bedding
econ.bottom 的现在分词bottoming
econ.die 的现在分词dying
econ.get 的现在分词getting
econ.give 的现在分词giving
econ.go 的现在分词going
econ.matte 的现在分词matting
econ.outlie 的现在分词outlying
econ.overdrive 的现在分词overdriving
econ.overlie 的现在分词overlying
econ.override 的现在分词overriding
econ.sit 的现在分词sitting
econ.taxi 的现在分词taxying
econ.underlie 的现在分词underlying
econ.vie 的现在分词vying
econ.see 的现在分词seeing
econ.tie 的现在分词tying
econ.lie¹ 的现在分词lying
econ.be 的现在分词being
gen.leave 的单数第三人称现在leaves
gen.的单数第三人称现在时 is 照原样is be
gen.wit 的第一、三人称单数现在wot
gen.的第一人称单数现在am be
taboo的第三人称单数现在does do
gen.的第三人称单数现在has have
gen.直到现在until now
gen.直到现在to the last
math.直到现在until the present time
gen.直到现在till the last
gen.直到现在up to date
gen.直到现在为止up to this point
agric.直到现在up to date
proj.manag.美国现在不再发行无记名债券In the US, bonds are no longer issued in bearer form
sport.美式橄榄球的护具本是保护球员的,现在反而鼓励球员更不顾后果横冲直撞,从而导致美式橄榄球比不用护垫与头盔的英式橄榄球更危险Sports equipment designed to make American football safer encouraged more reckless moves and ended up making the sport more dangerous than unpadded, unhelmeted rugby
watchm.股市价格一直停滞不动,现在又在上涨了Prices on the stock market, which have been static, are now rising again
gen.自由钟现在是一个主要的旅游景点The Liberty Bell is now a major tourist attraction
gen.节食可以,可我们都是要吃饭的。你现在想跟我一起去吃点儿东西吗?Dieting is OK, but we all have to eat. Do you want to get a bite with me now?
expl.虽说他20世纪是个无足轻重的工程技术人员、但在炸药乳化制作方面却有至关重要的发现Although as an insignificant engineering technician last century, he made a significant discovery in the making of explosive emulsion
gen.M 表现在Mfind expression in
gen.现在expression in
law证明被告当时不在犯罪现场set up an alibi
gen.证明被告当时不在犯罪现场prove an alibi
sport., psychol.词在唇边现象TOT phenomenon
sport., psychol.词在唇边现象tip of the tongue phenomenon
econ.该公司努力设法解决其长期存在的现金流通困难问题The company tried hard to solve its chronic cash flow problems
econ.该公司在这个地区勘探金矿,发现这些矿大有开采前途The company prospect-ed the area for gold, and found the mines prospect very well
commer.该服务热线发现,64%的男性和24%的女性咨询者在打电话前没有阅读产品使用手册The service hotline found that 64 % of its male callers and 24% of its female callers had not read the instruction manual before ringing up
econ.诸如打字、立档、打电话之类文秘工作现在已自动化了Such secretarial duties as typing, filing and telephoning are now automated
China, polit.基本原则贯穿并体现在整部法律的始终the basic principle run through and is embodied in this law as a whole
gen.迈克吃了变质的食物,现在需要急诊Mike has eaten something rotten, so he needs an emergency treatment right now
proj.manag.这些国家在危机到来前都已习惯了盆满钵满的出口和税收收入、 现在都面临着重新调整All had become used to swollen export and tax revenues and face readjustment
expl.这些技术在世界几个地方正在现场改进、并将大大降低炸药厂温室气体排放的总量R-of these technologies are underway at several sites around the world and will achieve massive reductions in overall GHG emissions of explosive manufacturers
gen.这些测试表明,她的子宫肿瘤是良性的,但她患有疟疾,并在肺中发现了炎症的迹象,这些病症可能是由肺炎或肺结核引起的These tests suggested that the ovarian tumor was benign, and that she also had malaria and signs of inflammation in the lungs, which could have been caused by pneumonia or tuberculosis
proj.manag.这似乎正是现在某类证券交易中发生的事This seems to be precisely what has now happened to trading in certain classes of security
gen.这矿现在已不开采了the mine is no longer being worked
expl.这种语法现象在哪种情况下适用?In which case does this grammatical phenomenon apply?
proj.manag.选择合适的结构表示图、在此基础上实现拓扑排序算法Choose a suitable structure that maps, in this based on the topological sort algorithm
expl.通常观察到达这种现象是用高负氧炸药在爆后向外展开This phenomenon is commonly observed with highly oxygen-negative explosives as post-detonation flaring
econ.遗失的那一箱后来发现被遗留在码头上The missing box was found left behind on the pier
arts.那些植物现在通过染色工艺被加到了布料中,然后这些布料再被加工成服装和床上用品The plants are now being added to cloth during the dyeing process before it is made into clothes and sheets
proj.manag.银行借出贷款一百万美元、 现在贷款人尚在偿还中The bank has one million dollars outstanding loan
econ.随函附上我方现在可供商品的目录单一份,请查收Please find herein a copy of our catalogue of the products available at present
gen.非常抱歉,但现在双人间都订满了I'm really sorry, but now the double rooms are fully booked
otorhinol.高原病在耳鼻咽喉的表现manifestation of high altitude disease in otolaryngology
gen.鲍尔,能不能去接电话?我现在不能接Can you get it, Paul? My hands are tied
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