
Terms containing 现值 | all forms | in specified order only
interntl.trade.一之现值present value of 1
interntl.trade.一之现值定期付款periodic payment with present value of 1
busin.一元现值present worth of one dollar
tech.一元现值present value of one Yuan
tech.一元现值定期付款periodical payment with present value of one yuan
tech.一元现值定期付款periodic payment with present value of one yuan
tech.一元现值系数present worth of one factor
econ.一次偿付现值因子single payment present worth factor
tech.一次偿付现值因子single-payment present worth factor
busin.一次偿付现值因数single payment present worth factor
tech.一次偿付现值因素single-payment present worth factor
tech.一次偿付现值计算法single-payment present worth computation
tech.一次支付现值系数single-payment present worth factor
expl.一次整付现值系数一次整付的终值资金换算为现值时所乘的系数single-payment present worth factor
fin.一美元现值present value of 1 dollar
fin.一美元年金现值present value of an annuity of 1 dollar
fin.一般物价水平现值会计general price-level present value accounting
fin.一般物价水平可变现净值会计general price-level net realizable value accounting
securit.与现金等值cash equivalent value
busin.个别价值表现isolated expression of value
econ., fin.1 之现值定期付款periodic payment with present value of 1
fin.人寿保险的现金退保值cash surrender value of life insurance
tech.人身保险退保现值cash surrender value of life insurance
busin.人身保险退保现金值cash surrender value of life insurance
commer.付现实际价值actual cash value
busin.以历史成本或可变现净值低者为准lower of historic cost or net realizable value
econ.以现行货币表示的国民净产值current money NNP
econ.以现金计的价值cash value
commer.价值现实reality of value
tech.价值的主观表现subjective expression of worth
econ.价值的外在表现external expression of value
econ.价值的货币表现the expression of value in money
econ.价值相对表现relative expression of value
econ.价值表现value expression
busin.价值货币表现的商品价格commodity price as a monetary expression of value
busin.估计可变现价值estimated realizable value
econ.估计可实现价值estimated realizable value
securit.股票价值低于现金值交易trading below cash
busin.保单退保金现值cash surrender value of life insurance
fin.保险现金解的价值cash surrender value
UN, econ.债务对于净现值出口150%的临界比率debt to exports in net present value terms 150 per cent threshold ratio of
econ.全部净现值full net present value
electr.eng.再现峰值电压recurring peak voltage
electr.eng.再现峰值耐受电压recurring peak withstand voltage
expl.现值-个工程在经济分析期中的历年效益的现值之和减去历年费用的现值之和后,所得的差值net present worth
econ.现值net present worth
econ.现值present net worth
fin.现值net present value (一种根据今天的资本成本折现未来现金流所得出的现时价值,评估未来付款之价值的方法)
busin.现值net value
econ.现值与投资net present value to investment ratio
fin.现值临界点使用期useful period of critical point at net value
securit.现值分析net present value analysis
interntl.trade.现值指数net present value index
tech.现值指数net present value ratio
econ.现值net present barrels
tech.现值模型net present value model
econ.现值模式net present value model
econ.现值与投资net present value to investment ratio
econ.现值比率the net present value ratio
met.现值net present value method
econ.现值NPV method
tech.现值net present requirement
commer.现值net present value ratio
tech.现值rate of net present value
securit.现值规则net present value rule
earth.sc.净受益现值present value of net benefits
interntl.trade.净变现价值net realizable value
tech.净变现价值法net realizable value method
earth.sc.净收益现值net benefit in present value
tech.净收益贴现值对成本比率ratio of discounted net benefit to cost
tech.净现金流量现值realizable value of net cash flow
econ.净现金流量的现值present value of net cash flow
fin.净销货与资产现值比率ratio of net sales to current assets
securit.利息现值系数present value interest factor
fin.利息收益率现值interest yield equivalent
busin.到期年金现值present value of an annuity due
fin.到期年金的现值present value of on annuity due
tech.到期年金的现值present value of an annuity due
econ.制造商未实现的定货值the manufacturer's unfilled order
fin.即付年金现值present value of an annuity due
busin.即将出现的值forth coming value
tech.历史成本与可变现净值孰低lower of historical cost or net realizable value
tech.历史成本与可变现净值孰低lower of historic cost or net realizable value
fin.历史成本与可实现净值孰低lower of historic cost or net realizable value
fin.发现价值会计discovery value accounting
econ.发现价值法discovery value method
mining.发现大到产层所要求的达西值discovery allowable requested Darcy
gen.发现M很有价值find M to be of value
busin.变现价值liquidation value
fin.变现价值cash realizable value
econ.变现价值realization values
econ.变现价值the cash realizable value
fin.变现价值sales yield value
fin.变现价值current liquidation value
busin.清算资产销售变现价值liquidation value
securit.变现的超额价值realized surplus-value
busin.可变现价值cash realizable value
fin.可变现价值基础realizable value basis
econ.可变现净值net realizable value
busin.可变现净值法net realizable value method
busin.可变现的价值realizable value
econ.可变的现净值net realizable value
econ.可增加的净现值incremental net present value
tech.可实现价值realizable value
tech.可实现净值法net realizable value method
econ.囤积价值指存货而言,现存价值carrying value
expl.均等年金系列现值系数均等年金系列以各年年金换算为现值时所乘的系数equal-payment series present worth factor
securit.增长机会现值present value of growth opportunity
securit.增长机会净现值net present value of growth opportunity
securit.增长机会净现值net present value of growth opportunityNPVGO
securit.增长机会净现值模型net present value of growth opportunity model
econ.复利年金现值present value of annuity
UN, econ.外债对净现值财政收入的临界比率为250%threshold ratio of external debt to fiscal revenue in net present value for countries with a large export base, 250 per cent
tech.定值性出现generation occurrence
tech.定额序列现值因子uniform series present worth factor
telecom.现值implementation value
econ.实现价值realizing value
econ.实现价值realize value
securit.实现分解价值unlocking breakup value
busin.实现开发后应税价值chargeable realized development value
econ.实际现值actual present worth
econ.实际现值real present value
tech.实际变现值realization value
interntl.trade.实际现金价值actual cash value
busin.工程现值project present worth
econ.工程现值project present worth
tech.已发行公司债的现行价值carrying value of a bond issued
busin.已实现价值realized value
commer.已实现的价值realized value
commer.已折现值discounted present value
fin.已知现值及期款求算未知数given present value and rents compute unknown
fin.已知现值求算期款known present value compute the rents
commer.已贴现现值present discounted value
busin.已贴现价值discounted value
agric.平均表现型值mean phenotypic value
securit.现值分析成长股twelve-year-present value analysis growth stocks 12
telecom.年度费用现值present worth of annual cost
econ.年金现值present value or present worth of an annuity certain
interntl.trade.年金现值present value of annuity
econ.年金现值present worth of annuity
fin.年金现值present value of an annuity
tech.年金现值present worth of an annuity
securit.年金现值利息系数present value interest factor for annuity
tech.年金现值系数present worth of an annuity factor
econ.年金因子的现值present worth of 1 per annum
econ.年金因子的现值present worth of an annuity factor
econ.年金因子的现值discount factor for a stream of income
tech.年金的现值present value of an annuity
econ.应收票据的现值摊提present value amortization notes receivable
busin.应收票据的现值摊提present value amortization on note receivable
busin.延期年金现值present value of a deferred annuity
fin.延期年金的现值present value of a deferred annuity
telecom.开支的现值present worth of expenditures
expl.很多专家以前的研究也表明、如果单位炸药消耗量小于临界值、飞石现象是可以避免的Previous studies by many experts also show that flyrock can be avoided if the powder factor is smaller than a critical value。
fin.怙计可变现价值estimated realizable value
tech.总成本现值present worth of total cost
busin.总投资现值present worth on total investment
econ.总投资的现值present worth on total investment
tech.成本现值present value of cost
gen.我可以把这三张支票分别换成面值100美元的现金吗?我想那就够了Well, may I cash these three checks for 100 dollars each? I think that will be enough
commer.所需投资现值present value of the investment required
commer.所需投资现值present value of investment required
econ.抉择资本支出标准的现值present value method as criterion for capital expenditure decision
commer.把票据贴现为现值discounting to present value
tech.投资现值time-adjusted investment
busin.投资现值time adjusted investment
tech.投资现值present value of investment
fin.投资价值或现行成本孰低lower of investment value or current cost
tech.投资净收入现值net present value of income from investment
tech.投资收入现值present value of income from investment
econ.投资收入净现值net present value of income from investment
tech.投资收入的现值present value of income investment
busin.投资收益现值present value of income from investment
busin.投资收益净现值net present value of income from investment
commer.现值evaluate in terms of present value
securit.折扣现值discounted present value
busin.折扣现值discount present value
busin.折换现值commuted value
econ.折算为现值discount to present value
fin.现值on current basis
busin.现值at the money
busin.现值核算的土地价值land value under current value accounting
tech.现值法计算的收益成本率discounted benefit/cost ratio
tech.现值计算回收法discounted payback method
archit.现值计算投资回收法discounted payback method
tech.现值计算现金流量法discounted cash flow method
econ.现值计算的投资the time-adjusted investment
securit.现值计算的投资time adjusted investment
econ.现值计算的收人time adjusted revenues
econ.现值计算的收入time-adjusted revenue
econ.现值计算的现金流量discounted cash flow
tech.按不变价格计算的资产现有价值value of the stock of assets at constant price
UN, econ.按净现值计算On a net present value basis
tech.按期定额支付现值计算法equal-payment-series-present value-computation
commer.按现时价格计算的国民生产总值GNP at current price
econ.按现行价格计算的国民生产总值GNP at current price
securit.按绝对现金数值in absolute cash terms
busin.收入现值time-adjusted revenue
earth.sc.收入需求现值present worth of revenue requirement
interntl.trade.收益现值present value of earnings
tech.效益现值present value of benefit
avia.数值再现numerical reconstruction
busin.普通年金现值present value of an ordinary annuity
fin.普通年金的现值present value of an ordinary annuity
earth.sc.最低现值费用minimum present value cost
tech.有价值的发现valuable discovery
econ.期望现值expected present value
econ.期望净现值expected net present value
econ.期望净现值expected NPV
econ.期权分析净现值options analysis net present value
econ.期权分析净现值options analysis NPV
securit.期货的现金等值futures cash equivalent
fin.未变现价值unrealized value
securit.未实现价值unrealized value
busin.未实现估价增值unrealized increment per appraisal
tech.未实现固定资产估价增值unrealized increment by appraisal of fixed assets
econ.未实现固定资产估计增值estimated appreciation of unrealized fixed assets
busin.未实现固定资产估计增值unrealized increment by appraisal of fixed assets
fin.未实现增值unrealized capital
tech.未实现增值unrealized appreciation
securit.未实现的升值net unrealized appreciation
econ.未实现资产增值准备reserve for unrealized increment in assets (value)
busin.未实现资产增值准备reserve for unrealized increment in assets value
securit.未实现资产增值准备金reserve for unrealized increment in assets value
tech.未实现资产重估增值unrealized appreciation from valuation of assets
interntl.trade.未来各期偿付本金和利息的折现值discounted present value of the future flow of repayments of principal and interest
securit.未来投资净现值net present value of future investments
econ.未来收益现值present worth of income
commer.未来金额折算的现值commuted value
busin.未来销售额总和的折现值discounted sum of future sales
fin.欧式现金或无价值二元期权European cash-or-nothing binary option
fin.欧式现金或无价值二元看涨期权European cash-or-nothing binary call
tech.残值折现值present worth of salvage
tech.残值折现salvage present-worth
tech.每元现值每期付款数periodical payment with present value of one yuan
tech.每元现值每期付款数periodic payment with present value of one yuan
econ.每年1的现值present worth of an annuity factor
econ.每年1的现值present worth of 1 per annum
econ.每年1的现值discount factor for a stream of income
interntl.trade.每月一之现值present value of 1 per period
fin.每期 1 元现值present value of 1 pes period
econ.每期 1现之现值present worth of one dollar per period
tech.每期一元现值present value of one dollar per period
busin.每期一元的现值present value of one per period
econ.每期间 1美元的现值the present worth of $1 per period
econ.每百元固定资产原值实现的利润profit realized from every 100 yuan of the original value of fixed assets
busin.比较现值comparative present-worth
fin.流动现金等值current cash equivalent
securit.清算变现价值disposal value
tech.现价估算值current-price estimate
tech.现价美元估算值current dollar estimate
econ.现值present-day value
econ.现值the original cost to date
interntl.trade.现值present value (worth)
econ.现值present sum of money (present worth)
tech.现值current terms
busin.现值cost to date
met.现值present worth
busin.现值现时价值current value
expl.现值一笔资金按规定的折现率,折算成现在或指定起始日期的数值present iroM
securit.现值present valuePV
econ.现值优越性present value superiority
busin.现值会计current value accounting
econ.现值会计下的土地价值land value under current value accounting
fin.现值会计法current value accounting
econ.现值估计率capitalization rate
econ.现值准则present value rules
econ.现值分析present worth analysis
tech.现值分析法present value approach
tech.现值分析法discounted cash flow analysis
fin.现值利息系数present value interest factor
econ.现值利润present value profit
account.现值和年金present value and annuity
econ.现值因子single sum present worth factor
busin.现值因子present value factor
tech.现值因子present worth factor
busin.现值因数present worth factor
econ.现值因数等额序列compound amount factor uniform series (F/A)
econ.现值因素present worth factor
securit.现值因素present value factor
econ.现值基础上的比较present worth basis for comparison
fin.现值成本present value cost
fin.现值成本核算accounting based on value to the firm
fin.现值成本计算current value costing
fin.现值或可变现净值孰大概念present value or net realizable value, whichever is greater concept
fin.现值折旧current value depreciation
fin.现值折旧present value depreciaton
tech.现值折旧present value depreciation
econ.现值指数present worth index
econ.现值指数present value index
agric.现值指示器currency pointer
agric.现值指针currency pointer
econ.现值收入present-day value income
busin.现值收益current value income
fin.现值效益present value benefit
econ.现值标准P.V. criterion
tech.现值标准present value standard
fin.现值概念present value concept
econ.现值比较法the present worth comparison method
econ.现值比较法present worth comparison method
econ.现值比较法present worth comparisons
busin.现值比较法present worth method of comparison
econ.现值discounted cash flow method
fin.现值current value approach
econ.现值present worth method
interntl.trade.现值present value method
econ.现值present value approach
econ.现值net present value method
tech.现值present value rate
busin.现值1的定期付款periodic payment with present value of 1
earth.sc.现值系数present value ratio
tech.现值系数single-payment present worth factor
econ.现值纯利润present worth net profit
securit.现值组成分析present value components analysis
busin.现值美元current United States dollar
fin.现值美元current dollars
interntl.trade.现值美元current United States dollars
econ.现值美元current US dollar
tech.现值美元current dollar
busin.现值美元会计current dollar accounting
econ.现值美元等值总额the amount aggregating equivalent in current US dollar
busin.现值美元等值总额amount aggregating equivalent in current US dollar
busin.现值美元等值总额aggregating equivalent in current US dollar
fin.现值获利能力指数present value profitability index
fin.现值present value table
econ.现值计算calculation of present value
securit.现值计算效应discounting effect (证券价格)
fin.现值财务报表current value financial statement
econ.现值贴现理论present discounted value theory
econ.现值资本present-day value capital
earth.sc.现值超差指数excess present value index
tech.现净值法net present value method
econ.现在折扣价值present discount value
econ.现在折扣价值a present discounted value
busin.现在折扣价值present discounted value
tech.现在贴现值present discounted value
econ.现在贴现价值present discount value
econ.现在资本价值present capital value
interntl.trade.现场交货价值,当地交货条件loco terms
busin.现场价值site value
tech.现场CBR值in-site CBR (California Bearing Ratio)
dril.现场值班房wellhead duty house
interntl.trade.现存价值carrying value
tech.现存值existing value
econ.现实价值real value
busin.现实估计值measure-of-realism value
tech.现实的价值actual value
commer.现打折价值present discounted value
fin.现时〔现行,当前〕值current value
fin.现时价值market value
tech.现时值current value
interntl.trade.现时资本价值present capital value
busin.现有价值existing value
agric., econ.现有使用价值existing use value
busin.现有存货价值carrying value
tech.现有机器的原价值original cost existing machine
tech.现有资产增值addition to existing assets
interntl.trade.现行价值going value
interntl.trade.现行价值current value
econ.现行价值carrying value
account.现行价值会计current value accounting
fin.现行价值美元current-sized dollar
busin.现行估计值current estimator
tech.现行估计值current estimate
busin.现行使用价值current use value
busin.现行国内价值current domestic value
securit.现行折扣价值present discounted value
fin.现行清算价值current liquidation value
busin.现行美元估值current dollar estimates
fin.现金价值cash valuation
interntl.trade.现金价值surrender value
fin.现金价值cash value
tech.现金价值value of money
tech.现金价值cash value
securit.现金价值保险cash value insurance
fin.现金价值选择权cash value option
agric.现金值cash worth
tech.现金净值net cash
commer.现金增值额cash generation (包括:纯利 (net profit), 摊提(amortization))
fin.现金或无价值二元期权cash-or-nothing binary option
fin.现金或无价值二元看涨期权cash-or-nothing binary call option
fin.现金或无价值二元看跌期权cash-or-nothing binary put option
fin.现金或无价值期权cash-or-nothing option
fin.现金或无价值看涨期权cash-or-nothing call option (若在到期时,股票价格低于执行价格,该期权一文不值; 当股票价格高于执行价格时,该期权支付一个固定数额)
fin.现金或无价值看涨期权cash-or-nothing call (若在到期时,股票价格低于执行价格,该期权一文不值;当股票价格高于执行价格时,该期权支付一个固定数额)
fin.现金或无价值看跌期权cash-or-nothing put option (若在到期时,股票价格高于执行价格,该期权一文不值;当股票价格低于执行价格时,该期权支付一个固定数额)
fin.现金或无价值看跌期权cash-or-nothing put (若在到期时,股票价格高于执行价格,该期权一文不值;当股票价格低于执行价格时,该期权支付一个固定数额)
securit.现金或无价值认沽期权cash-or-nothing put
securit.现金或无价值认购期权cash-or-nothing call
securit.现金等价物价值cash equivalent value
interntl.trade.现金等值money equivalent
econ.现金等值cash equivalent value
busin.现金等值市场价值cash equivalent value
tech.现金等值法cash equivalency
securit.现金结算价值cash settlement value
busin.现金解约价值cash surrender value
tech.现值法计算的效益成本比率discounted benefit/cost ratio
busin.由已知现值求算租费known present value-compute the rents
busin.由已知总值和现值求算未知数known amount and present value-compute unknowns
fin.由已知终值及现值求算未知数known amount and present value compute unknowns
tech.由已知终值和现值求算未知known future value and present value-compute unknown
econ.相当现金价值cash equivalent value
econ.真实现值real present value
securit.破产企业的财产清现价值breakup price
tech.税前现金流量财产价值before-tax cash flow to equity
busin.等额多次现值因子uniform series present worth factor
econ.等额序列现值因子uniform series present worth factor
tech.累计净现金流量现值realizable value of accumulated net cash flow
econ.现值present net worth
commer.现值net present value
econ.经济净现值economic net present value
earth.sc.经济净现值比率ratio of ENPV
econ.经济净现值economic net present value ratio
econ.经济净现值economic net present value rate
econ.经济利润现值present value of economic profit
econ.1 美元之现值present worth present value of $1
fin.1 美元的现值present value of $1
fin.美式现金或无价值二元期权American cash-or-nothing binary option
fin.股票现值theory of stock present value
busin.表现为价值的劳动labor represented by value
tech.表现型比值phenotypical ratio
auto.发动机要求辛烷值增加的现象octane requirement increase
busin.证券现值理论theory of stock present value
tech.调整现值adjust present value method
tech.调整现值adjustment value method
securit.调整后现值adjusted present value
securit.调整后的现值adjusted present value
econ.调理现值adjust present value method
med.谷值现象dip phenomenon
econ.财务净现值financial net present value
econ.财务净现值financial net present value ratio
econ.财务净现值finance net present value rate
econ.财务净现值百分比finance net present value percent
tech.财务外汇净现值financial net present value of foreign exchange
econ.货币现值present value of money
econ.货币现值present value money
econ.货币的现值观念the concept of present value of currency
tech.discounted value
econ.现值discounted value
commer.现值discounted vale
econ.现值discounted present value
busin.现值discount value
tech.现值系列discounted cash flow
securit.贴现债券的增值accretion of discount
busin.贴现现值discounted present value
busin.远期票据的贴现现值present discounted value
busin.贴现现值discount back to present
tech.贴现现值present discount value
tech.贴现现值discount present value
econ.贴现现值标准discounted present-value criterion
econ.贴现现值discounted cash flow model
econ.贴现价值discounted value
fin.贴现后市值discounted market value
tech.贴现后的现值discounted present value
fin.贴现后边际价值生产力discounted marginal value productivity
econ.贴现率为15%的现值present worth at discount rate of 1 5%
fin.资产价值未实现增值准备reserve for unrealized increment in assets value
securit.资产价值贴现discount from asset value
fin.资产记账现值asset entry value
commer.资产记账现值entry value
econ.资本现值a present capital value
tech.资本现值present capital value
econ.资本化现值capitalized present value
busin.资本存量贴现值discounted value of the capital stock
econ.资本现金价值cash value of the capital
fin.现值excess present value
econ.现值指数excess present value index
tech.现值excess present value
tech.超收现值指数excess present value index
econ.超过现值excess present value
econ.超过现值指数excess present value index
busin.超额现值指数excess present value index
busin.超额现值excess present value method
tech.现值不利out of the money
tech.现值有利in the money
securit.返还现金价值return of cash value
busin.追加投资现值present worth on incremental investment
econ.追加投资的现值present worth on incremental investment
tech.追加投资的现值present value of the additional investment
interntl.trade.人身保险退保现值cash surrender value
fin.退保现金价值cash surrender value
busin.退役现值current exit value
econ.耗资产的发现价值discovery value for Wasting assets
commer.递延年金现值present value of deferred annuity
econ.递耗资产的发现价值discovery value of wasting asset
busin.1镑现值present value of £1 table
anim.husb.阈值栅栏性状出现率incidence of threshold character
gen.非常有价值的发现discoveries of great worth
securit.非面值支票兑现non-par checking
econ.项目价值的未贴现措施undiscounted measures of project worth
commer.项目净现值project net present value
securit.预期现金流的现值present value of expected cash flow
busin.预计实现价值estimated realizable value
electr.eng.额定再现峰值电压rated recurring peak voltage
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