
Terms for subject Cryptography containing 环AMP | all forms
信息共享information sharing environment
加、循移位和异或结构addition, rotation and XOR
可证明provable setting
多兀多项式multivariate polynomial ring
多变量多项式multivariate polynomial ring
对 RSA 的循攻击cycling attack against RSA
封闭安全closed security environment
reed-muller 代码cyclic reed-muller code
aliquot cycle
操作environment of operation
本原循primitive cyclic code
模拟analogue for ring
温和benign environment
上 LWE learning with error 伴错学习问题ring-LWE
同态ring homomorphism
LWE learning with error 密码学ring-LWE cryptography
的基本定理fundamental theorem for rings
wreath product
2 的幂次分圆power-of-two cyclotomic
系统循systematic cyclic code
纯循寄存器pure circulating register
良性病毒benign environment