
Terms for subject Environment containing 环 的 | all forms
健康与环境的关系health-environment relationship Relationship between the quality of the environment and the health conditions of individuals (环境品质与个人健康状况之间的关系。)
公司的环境经济environmental economics of firms The use of financial resources for the purpose of incorporating ecological principles in the operations of businesses and companies (指企业和公司为了将生态准则整合于用做工程中所使用的金融资源。)
化学、生物和环境的chemical, biological and environmental
合乎环境要求的技术environmentally sound technology
对环境破坏的惩罚penalty for environmental damage Punishment, varying from fines to withdrawal of government funds to economic sanctions, which is imposed for the harm or injury done to natural resources (惩罚,包括罚款、收回政府资助等形式,通常是由于对自然资源造成破坏而实施的。)
敏感的环境sensitive environment Any parcel of land, large or small, under public or private control, that already has, or with remedial action could achieve, desirable environmental attributes. These attributes contribute to the retention and/or creation of wildlife habitat, soils stability, water retention or recharge, vegetative cover, and similar vital ecological functions. Environmentally sensitive areas range in size from small patches to extensive landscape features. They can include rare or common habitats, plants and animals (通常对任何大块或小块的、私有或共有的土地做的补救性的行动,使其具有所希望的环境属性。这些属性有助于建保护区和/或建立野生动物居住地、土壤稳定性、水保护区、植物覆盖和相似的重要的生态功能。环境敏感地区的大小从一小块到很大。它们包括少量的或普通的居住者、植物和动物。)
最实用的环境方案best practicable environment option
渔业的环境冲击environmental impact of fishing Fishing may have various negative effects on the environment: effluent and waste from fish farms may damage wild fish, seals, and shellfish. Fish farmers use tiny quantities of highly toxic chemicals to kill lice: one overdose could be devastating. So-called by-catches, or the incidental taking of non-commercial species in drift nets, trawling operations and long line fishing is responsible for the death of large marine animals and one factor in the threatened extinction of some species. Some fishing techniques, like the drift nets, yield not only tons of fish but kill millions of birds, whales and seals and catch millions of fish not intended. Small net holes often capture juvenile fish who never have a chance to reproduce. Some forms of equipment destroy natural habitats, for example bottom trawling may destroy natural reefs. Other destructive techniques are illegal dynamite and cyanide fishing (渔业对环境有各种负面的影响:从养渔场排放出的废弃物和放流水可能对野生鱼类、海豹和贝类造成危害。养渔业者使用少量高毒性的化学物质来杀死虱子:一旦过量即会造成灾害。使用拖网常捕获非商业性鱼类,其排钩操作和长线捕鱼的方式是造成大型海洋动物和濒临绝种动物死亡的原因之一。有些捕鱼技术,如拖网,不但捕得吨计的鱼获,更杀死数以百万的鸟类、鲸鱼、海豹、和意外捕捉到的鱼类;小小的网孔经常补捉到尚未成长、还未来得及繁殖的幼鱼。 有些设备也破坏了自然栖息地,如拖网的底部可能破坏自然礁石。其他破坏性的技术如非法炸鱼和用氰化物毒鱼。)
灵活的环境保护方法flexible approach to environmental protection Plans, referred to in various rules as emissions averaging, or flexible compliance plans, allow facilities to undercontrol some emission points that are too costly to control to mandated levels as long as these units are balanced by overcontrolling other emission units that are more cost-effective to control (指代约束平均排放量,或弹性兼容规则,允许设施控制在排放临界点之内,这些临界点花费太大而无法回到可控水平,只要这些单元能够平衡控制其他更高效的排放单元。)
环境中的化学物质chemical in the environment The presence in the environment of any solid, liquid or gaseous material discharged from a process and that may pose substantial hazard to human health and the environment (由一个化学过程释放的任何固体、液体或者气体在环境中的存在,这些物质可能对人体健康和环境有害。)
环境、健康、安全与社会经济的environment, health, safety and socio-economic
环境和社会成本/社会的成本environmental and social cost
环境和社会成本/社会的成本societal cost
环境的外部性ecosystem externality
环境的外部性environmental externality
综合的环境评估integrated environmental assessment
贸易对环境的影响trade impact on environment Trade impacts on the environment can be direct, such as trade of endangered species, of natural resources, of natural products such as tropical timber, etc., or indirect, such as deforestation, loss of habitats, pollution from mining, from energy production, oil spills, global warming, etc., increases in transport infrastructures (贸易对环境的影响可以是直接的,如濒危特种、自然资源、自然产品(如热带木材)的贸易。也可以是间接的,如森林砍伐、栖息地丧失和因采矿、能源生产、石油泄漏、全球气候变暖等而引起的污染,以及交通运输基础设施的增加。)