
Terms for subject Electronics containing 环 的 | all forms | in specified order only
一体化的气体冷却剂循环风机integrated coolant gas circulator
乏燃料贮存竖井的环衬【核】spent fuel pit lining
人为的环境放射性man-created environmental activity
以环球网为中心的反潜战网络Web-centric ASW network
具有多个发电厂的环形系统ring system of stations
具有环境温度补偿的继电器relay with ambient temperature compensation
利用空气循环的空气调节air-cycle air conditioning
单独的环路【核】isolated loop
反应堆堆芯与压力容器间的环形下水空间[环隙]【核】annular downcomer space between reactor core and pressure vessel
反应堆堆芯和容器壁间的环形空间【核】annulus between reactor core and vessel wall
反应堆气体冷却剂循环风机的密封气体供应系统【核】reactor coolant gas circulator seal gas supply system
反馈环路中的反馈电路beta feedback circuit
可接近的环境accessible environment
可进入的环境【核】accessible environment
在可接受的环境条件下试验acceptable environmental range test
基于架构的环境framework based environment
基于环球网的企业管理Web-based enterprise management
基于环球网的多媒体管理信息系统Web-based multimedia management information system
基于环球网的管理Web-based management
堆芯围筒与压力容器壁间的环形空间【核】annulus formed between core shroud and pressure vessel wall
密闭空气循环和水冷的电机machine with closed air circulation water-cooled system
对环境的危害hazard to environment
带环形冷却区[空间]的反应堆【核】annular-cooling-space reactor
扩展到X视窗的中文环境Chinese language environment extended to X-window
拉西环充填的【核】Raschig ring filled
放射性向环境的排放【核】activity discharge to the environment
空气环的全封闭区totally enclosed area with no circulation
无定的环节floating component
最大可信事故的环室排气处理系统【核】annulus exhaust air handling system for maximum credible accident (MCA)
有利于环境、安全和卫生的设计design for environment, safety and health
有利于环境的设计design for environment
有电气危险的环境electrically hostile environment
隧洞掘进每班操作的循环次数rounds per shift
水的循环circulation of water
水的自然循环hydrological cycle
油的定向强制循环forced directed oil circulation
油的强制循环forced oil circulation
温和的环境mild environment
爆炸性气体环境的点燃温度ignition temperature of an explosive gas atmosphere
独立[单独]安装的环流电路元件separately-mounted circulating circuit component
环境影响判据的评价environmental assessment
环氧树脂灌铸的电路potted circuit
环球的round the world
磁滞环线中的返回线段hysteresis recoil curve
空气的强制循环forced air circulation
穿墙母线上的接触环stab finger
网络集成协商环境的业务现状service aspect of network integration consultation environment
网络集成协商环境的网络现状network aspect of network integration consultation environment
计算机支持下的协同工作环境computer supported cooperative work environment
误码环境下的恢复能力error resilience
轨道的滑动环track slip-ring
运输时用的耳环[吊钩]transport lug
连接器的操作循环cycle of connector operation
适用于计算机环境的可移植操作系统接口portable operating system interface for computer environment
通用商业语言环境中的速记程序设计语言shorthand programming language in COBOL environment
通过堆芯的强制循环【核】forced circulation through the core
面向初学者的简易德克萨斯仪器计算机环境easy-to-use novice-oriented Texas Instruments computer environment
面向对象的分布式计算环境object-oriented distributed computing environment
面向对象的多媒体集成化模拟环境object-oriented multimedia integrated simulation environment
面向对象的程序设计环境object-oriented programming environment
预应力混凝土中的锚环anchor loops in prestressed concrete