
Terms for subject Technology containing 环流 | all forms | in specified order only
一次循环流程图once-through flowsheet
三线性理想化滞流环线trilinear idealized hysteresis loop
三重环流生物流化床three-recycle flow biological filter
不规则环流分布arbitrary circulation distribution
世界海洋环流实验world ocean circulation experiment
世界表层环流General Surface Current Circulation of the World
世界表层环流Chart of the World General Surface Current Circulation
中层环流intermediate circulation
中心集流环centre collector ring
中心集流环center collector ring
主相环电流main phase ring current
任意环流分布arbitrary circulation distribution
传统外循环流化床traditional exterior circulation fluidized bed
侧线循环回流pump back
信风环流trade-wind circulation
内循环流化床inner loop fluidized bed
内循环三相生物流化床反应器interior circulation three-phase biological fluidized bed reactor
环流润滑recirculating oil
再循环流recirculating mass
环流cooling water circulation
冷却水环流circulating pipe for cooling water
净化城市河流环境clean urban river environment
分环整流子split-ring commutator
分瓣式汇流环split collector ring
环流secondary circulation
副极地环流subpolar gyre
副热带环流subtropic gyre
半球环流hemi-spherical circulation
半球环流hemi-spheric circulation
单向环流single circular current
卷束环状流wispy annular flow
压力环流forced circulation
压流循环润滑法self-contained lubrication
环流double gyre
双向环流double circular current
双流体循环binary fluid cycle
反气旋式环流anti-cyclonic current gyre
反气旋式环流anti-cyclonic circulation
同心环形空气散流器concentrical ring air diffuser
同心环形空气散流器concentric ring air diffuser
哈得来环流Hadley cell
哈德来环流Hadley cell
喷流诱导的环流控制jet-induced circulation control
回流环转子collector ring rotor
环流动疲劳模型fatigue model of soil cyclical mobility
环流动疲劳模型fatigue model of soil cyclic mobility
地区性环流zonal circulation
垂向环流vertical circulator
垂直环流vertical circulation
外循环三相流化床external loop three phase fluidized bed
外循环三相流化床反应器external loop three phase fluidized bed reactor
外循环升流式厌氧污泥床反应器exterior circulation upflow anaerobic sludge bed reactor
多槽集流环multichannel slip ring
大气环流circulation of atmosphere
大气环流模式general circulation model of atmosphere
大气环流模式circulation pattern of the atmosphere
大气总环流general atmospheric circulation
大气总环流atmospheric general circulation
大洋环流oceanic circulation
大洋环流ocean circulation
大洋环流模式model of ocean circulation
大西洋环流Atlantic ocean circulation
天气尺度环流系统synoptic-scale circulation system
子午圈环流meridian circulation
季节性环流seasonal circulation
季风环流monsoon circulation
对流循环convective circulation
对流循环convectional circulation
对流环convectional cell
对流环路convective loop
对称环流symmetrical circulation
对称环流symmetric circulation
导流环anti-vortex baffle
射流反循环钻进jet reverse circulation drilling
局部环流tertiary circulation
工业环流供暖industrial space-heating
差动式汇流环differential busbar ring
带状环流zonal flow
带环状铁芯的电流互感器toroidal-core current transformer
带调整环的溢流管overflow pipes with adjustable rings
平均环境水流流速矢量mean ambient flow vector
弯道环流circulation current in river bend
强纬向环流high zonal recirculation
强西风环流high zonal recirculation
环流circulation flow (动)
环流circulation fluid
环流动性cyclical mobility
环流动性cyclic mobility
环流动性circular mobility
环流动计数器loop-line flow counter
环流化燃烧室circulating fluidized bed combustor
环流circulation process
环流rate of circulating flow
环流circulation volume
环流circulation discharge
循环水流circulating flow
循环水流recirculation current
循环水流recirculation water flow
循环水流recirculation flow
循环水流circulated flow
循环液流circulating current
循环附加流率additional circulating flow rate
循环附加流量additional circulating flow
微循环灌流不良inadequate perfusion of microcirculation
微循环灌流量microcirculatory perfusion
恒温流动循环法isothermic circulation method
感应环流induced circulation
整流子commutator ring
整流环ring cowl
整流环collector ring
斜轴环流clino-axis circular current
新鲜空气环流fresh-air circulation
无环量势流acyclic potential motion
无环量势流acyclical potential motion
无环量势流acyclical potential flow
无环量势流acyclic potential flow
春季环流vernal circulation
春季环流spring circulation
曲流环绕岛meander core
曲流环绕岛cut-off meander spur
曲流的环状河道meander loop
最小环境流量minimum environmental discharge
最小环境流量minimum environment discharge
极地环流polar circulation
横向环流transverse circulating current
横轴环流abscissa-axis circular current
次级环流secondary circulation
次表层环流subsurface circulation
环流direct circulation
气旋式环流cyclonic circulation
气流环流convective current
水位-流量关系环线rating loop
水位流量关系环线loop stage-discharge relation
水位流量关系环线loop rating curve
水流循环回路water flow circuit
水流循环系统water flow circulation system
水流循环系统water circuit
水流环量number of swirls of water flow
永久环流permanent circulation
汇流环collector ring
汇流环collecting ring
汇流环的滑轮套管trolley bush
汇流环的滑轮套管trolly bush
污泥循环流sludge recycle flow
河口环流estuarine circulation
河口环流estuarial circulation
河流侵蚀循环fluviatile cycle of erosion
河流侵蚀循环fluvial cycle of erosion
河流侵蚀循环cycle of fluvial erosion
河流冲积循环fluvial cycle of erosion
河流剥蚀循环fluvial cycle of denudation
河流地貌循环fluvial geomorphic cycle
河流水环境容量river water environment capacity
河流水环境系统river water environment system
河流环境river environment
河流环境容量river environment capacity
河流环境系统特征feature of river environmental system
河流环境要素river environmental element
河流环境质量river environmental quality
河流环境质量现状评价existing condition assessment of river environmental quality
河流环境质量评价river environmental quality assessment
波成环流wave-induced circuit
流动资产循环current assets cycle
流压环piezometer ring
流域水环境basin water environment
流域水环境保护basin water environment protection
流域水环境管理river basin management of water environment
流域环境valley environment
流域环境水文学watershed environmental hydrology
流域环境质量图environmental quality map of river basin
流水环境flowing water environment
流转环节intermediate link
流通环节intermediate link
浅层环流shallow circulation
浅海环流neritic circulation
海水环流seawater circulation
海洋环流模型oceanic general circulation mode
海洋环流模式oceanic general circulation mode
海洋的温盐环流thermohaline circulation of the ocean
海流侵蚀循环cycle of sea current erosion
海面下环流subsurface circulation
涡流环叶栅vortex-ring cascade
涡胞环流cellular circulation
润滑油环流lubricating oil circulation
深层环流deep circulation
深层环流abysmal circulation
深水环流deep-water circulation
深水环流deep circulation
深海环流abyssal circulation
温差环流冷却系统thermosiphon cooling system
温差环流原理thermosyphon theorem
温差热流循环法thermosiphon circulation
温盐环流thermohaline circulation
湖泊和水库的环流circulation of lakes and reservoirs
湾流环gulf stream eddy
溢流调节环adjustable weir ring
潮汐环流tidal circulation
潮流循环current cycle
环流thermodynamic circulation
环流thermodynamical circulation
环流thermal cycle
热力环流thermodynamical circulation
热力环流thermodynamic circulation
热对流循环法thermosiphon circulation
热带环流tropical cell
热带环流tropic cell
热带闭合环流tropical closed circulation
热带闭合环流tropic closed circulation
热水循环流hot-water circulating flow
热水循环流hot-water circulating rate
热流循环thermal convection cell
热盐环流thermohaline circulation
环向流水槽water slot
环围整流推进器turbine tunnel propeller
环境水流environmental current
环境水流ambient current
环境河道水流水力学environmental river flow hydraulic
环境流体力学environmental fluid mechanics
环境流体动力学代码environmental fluid dynamics code
环境流动性environmental mobility
环境流行病environmental epidemic
环境流行病调查environmental epidemiological survey
环境流速environmental velocity
环境流速ambient velocity
环境流量估计environmental flow assessment
环形对流cellular convection
环形射流circular flow
环形汇流条ring bus
环形汇流条ring bar
环形活塞流量计oscillating piston liquid meter
环形流ring current
环形流annular flow
环形流压计piezometer ring
环形涡流vortex ring
环形溢流堰顶circular spillway crest
环形电流计loop galvanometer
环极流circumpolar current
环流中心circulation centre
环流供暖space heating
环流保护circulating current protection
环流保护系统circulating-current protective system
环流分布distribution of circulation
环流分布circulation distribution
环流加热器recirculating heater
环流原理circulation principle
环流water circulator
环流定律circuital law
环流volute chamber
环流zone of circulation
环流异常circulation anomaly
环流circulation pattern
环流式溶解器recirculating dissolver
环流式灌浆closed circuit grouting
环流损失circulating loss
环流气体recycle stream
环流水冷却系统gravity-system water cooling
环流河曲scroll meander
环流河湾scroll meander
环流circulating flow method
环流circulating pump
环流circular pump
环流润滑circulation feed lubrication
环流润滑系统circulation system lubrication
环流电动机loop motor
环流硝化滤池cyclo-nitrifying filter
环流circulation pipe
环流管线工程circulation pipework
环流管道circulating line
环流箱槽circulating tank
环流系统cycle system
环流设备circulating equipment
环流通量circulation flux
环流circulation valve
环流circulating sub
环流阀瓣circulating sub
环流预报circulation prediction
环流预报circulation forecast
环状喷射流annular jet
环状空间返流速度annular return velocity
环状集流器ring header
环路检流计loop galvanometer
现金流循环cash flow budget
理想环流ideal circulation
生物循环流化床biological circulating fluidized bed
生物循环流化床biologic circulating fluidized bed
电流环流convective current
电流环electrical current loop
电流环electric current loop
盐水环流brine circulation
盘环形折流板disk-doughnut baffle
直流循环one-through circulation
直流循环open cycle
直流循环once-through circulation
矢量的环流circulation of a vector
磁流体动力循环magnetohydrodynamical cycle
磁流体动力循环magnetohydrodynamic cycle
秋季环流autumnal circulation
竖轴环流sagittal axis circular current
等环量流型constant circulation flow pattern
等速环流润滑constant circulating oiling
简单重力环流simple gravity circulation
管道环流系统pipe circulating system
纵轴环流longitudinal axis circular current
线性电流环linear electrical current loop
线性电流环linear electric current loop
经向环流meridional cell
经向环流指数meridional index of circulation
绕机翼的环流motion round wing
缓慢环流sluggish circulation
自动水环流automatic return of water
自流水循环artesian water circulation
自然环流natural circulation
自然对流再循环natural convection recirculation
自然对流式循环natural convection circulation
节流环throat ring (尾水管进口处)
表层环流surface circulation
表面环流surface circulation
计算流转环路calculated circulation circuit
谐波环流harmonic circulating current
贝纳尔德环流Benard circulation motion (运动)
赤道环流equatorial gyre
超声膜提式环流反应器ultrasonic airlift loop reactor
辐散环流divergent circulation
近岸环流coastal circulation
连续环流unending circulation
逆流循环counter-current circulation
逆流循环counter-current recycling
逆流循环counter-current circuit
环流through shake
重力环流gravity circulation
钻井泥浆在环状空间的回流速度upward annular velocity of drilling mud
铅直环流vertical circulation
锅炉环流boiler circulation
闭合环流unending circulation
闭合环流close cell
闭式环流冷却closed circuit cooling
闭式环流冷却器closed circuit cooler
闭式环流润滑closed circuit oiling
闭式环流润滑closed circuit lubrication
闭式循环磁流体发电closed cycle magnetohydrodynamical generation
闭式循环磁流体发电closed cycle magnetohydrodynamic generation
间接环流indirect cell
阻流环block ring
阻流环密封restrictive ring seal
陆坡海水环流slope-water gyral
限流环restrictor ring
非压力环流润滑non-forced circulatory lubrication
非循环水流non-circulatory flow
非环状流non-circulatory flow
面非点污染源流域环境响应模拟模型areal non-point source watershed environment response simulation model
风生环流wind-induced current gyro
风生环流wind-driven circulation
高空环流upper-air circulation
高空环流altitude throttle
麦克斯韦环流Maxwell's circulating current