
Terms for subject United Nations containing 环数 | all forms
向环境规划署全球资源信息数据库提供专家技术合作信托基金Technical Cooperation Trust Fund to Provide Experts to UNEP's Global Resource Information Data Base
向环境规划署全球资源信息数据库提供专家的技术合作信托基金Technical Cooperation Trust Fund to Provide Experts to the UNEP Global Resources Information Database
国际环境中的化学品数据登记处International Registry of Data on Chemicals in the Environment
敌对环境/被迫放弃系数,不超过湿租赁中所包括自我维持和备件构成部分费偿还费率的5%hostile action/forced abandonment factor not to exceed 5 per cent of the reimbursement rates for self-sustainment and the spare parts element or half of the maintenance rate included in the wet lease rate (或维持费率的1/2)
极端环境条件系数,不超过主要装备和自我维持费偿还费率的5%extreme environmental condition factor not to exceed 5 per cent of the reimbursement rates for major equipment and for self-sustainment
环境可持续性指数Environmental Sustainability Index
环境数据收集准则Guidelines for the collection of environment data
环境脆弱指数environmental vulnerability index
阿布扎比全球环境数据倡议Abu Dhabi Global Environment Data Initiative