
Terms containing 环境 调查 | all forms | in specified order only
UN全球海洋环境污染调查Global Investigation of Pollution in the Marine Environment
org.name.全球海洋环境污染调查技术委员会Technical Committee for Global Investigation of Pollution in the Marine Environment
earth.sc.国际环境因素调查研究委员会International Committee for Research and Study on Environmental Factors
tech.国际环境资料调查系统International Referral System for Sources of Environmental Information
busin.投资环境调查investment environment survey
earth.sc.最终环境调查final environmental survey
life.sc.气象环境背景调查background survey on meteorology environment
tech.海洋环境调查marine environmental survey craft
China, law海洋环境的调查investigation over the marine environment
tech.港口环境条件调查port environment condition investigation
tech.灭火前环境状况的调查prefire situation inspection
geophys.环境背景调查background investigation
tech.环境卫生调查sanitary survey
environ.环境影响调查environmental impact study Survey conducted to ascertain the conditions of a site prior to the realization of a project, to analyze its possible impacts and compensative measures (计划专案展开前对确定的场所状况所进行的调查,用以分析计划可能带来的冲击和可采取的补救措施。)
tech.环境条件调查physical condition survey
tech.环境水文地质调查environmental hydrogeology survey
desert.环境水文地质调查environmental hydrogeologic survey
tech.环境流行病调查environmental epidemiological survey
tech.环境统计调查statistical survey of environment
tech.环境统计调查statistic survey of environment
hydroel.st.环境调查environmental investigation
environ.环境调查environmental research The study of the environment and its modifications caused by human activities (关于环境和由于人类活动发生的环境变化研究。)
met.环境调查environmental survey
manag.环境调查environment inquiry
tech.环境调查卫星environmental survey satellite
el.电子设备环境调查考察electronic equipment environment survey
tech.遥感环境地质调查应用种类category of remote sensing applications for environmental geological survey
tech.遥感环境地质调查应用种类category of remote sensing applications for environmental geologic survey
tech.遥感环境基础地质调查foundational environmental geological survey based on remote sensing
tech.遥感环境基础地质调查foundational environmental geologic survey based on remote sensing
tech.遥感环境矿产资源调查environmental mineral resources exploration based on remote sensing
tech.遥感环境综合调查应用remote-sensing applications for comprehensive environmental surveying
tech.遥感环境综合调查应用成果results of remote sensing applications for comprehensive envir on mental investigation