
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing | all forms
主发电机电压和频自动调节试验automatic governing test of voltage and frequency for main generator
主机设计功main engine design-power
亏载coefficient of unutilized cargo-carrying capacity
从价运费ad valorem freight rate
仪表识别概instrumental identification probability
使用功service rating
例外物品的特别运费exceptional freight rate
保证功guaranteed horsepower
倒车功船舶倒退功率backing power
倒车功船舶倒退功率astern power
偏转速deflection speed
储备功stand-by power
允许超负荷持续额定功continuous rating permitting over-load
允许超负荷持续额定功continuous rating permitting over load
充放电效efficiency of charge-discharge
冷藏货物运费refrigerated cargo rates
出口大功拖轮export uprated tug
分组频级数classified frequency series
利用utilized efficiency
因数自动调整器automatic power factor regulator
监控开关power monitor switch
计功率dynamometer horsepower
调整试验power adjusting test
加速功accelerating power
加速实验比accelerated test ratio
动力装置热效power-plant thermal efficiency
动力装置的热效power plant thermal efficiency
动力装置的燃料消耗specific fuel consumption of power plant
动力装置的燃料消耗specific fuel consumption of power-plant
动态持续功dynamic sustained power
化学有效chemical availability
升温速rate of temperature rise
危险品运费dangerous cargo rates
双极微功电路bipolar micropower circuit
发动机总效engine aggregate efficiency
发动机热效engine heat efficiency
发动机热效high engine heat efficiency
发动机综合效engine combined efficiency
发动机表观效engine apparent efficiency
受热面积蒸发evaporating rate of heating area
变压器功transformer power
吸收功absorbed power meter
固定频振荡器fixed oscillator
国际频登记局联合国International Frequency Registration Board
圆径概误差circular error probability
声呐发射功sonar transmitted power
声呐工作频sonar operating frequency
多余功excess power
大功冲模high power die
大功广播high power broadcasting
大功广播电台high power broadcasting station
大功扬声器high power loudspeaker
大功拖轮uprated tug
大功拖轮high-power tug
大功搜索雷达high power acquisition radar
大功整流器heavy duty rectifier
大功气体激光器high power gas laser
大功海岸电台high power coastal station
大功破冰船high-power ice breaker
大功high power valve
大功脉冲high power pulse
大功负载high power load
大宗货物运费base rates on large homogeneous commodities
天线功aerial power
天线效aerial efficiency
天线输人功aerial input
天线输入功aerial input
天线输出功aerial output
孔径型天线的天线效antenna efficiency of an aperture type antenna
定功发电机constant-power generator
定功电动机constant power motor
定期货船运费cargo liner rate
定期远洋船运费ocean liner rate
实际功actual horsepower
带信号频随机颤动broad band random vibration
巡航功cruising horsepower
带通放大band pass amplification
帧内频交错infraframe frequency interleaving
广播功broadcasting power
库存与销售比inventory-sales ratio
库存与销售的比inventory-sales ratio
恒功发电机constant-power generator
恒功电动机constant power motor
感应式功Induction type dynamometer
感应式功induction-type dynamometer
成品rate of finished product
成本降低cost reducing rate
手动频调整器manual frequency regulator
手调频frequency manual adjustment
扌旨示功indicated power
扩音器功microphone power
扭力功torsion-power meter
抓斗挖泥船生产grab dredger productivity
报复性税retaliatory tariff
拖曳功tractive power
拖缆功tow-rope power
拖轮功利用率coefficient of tugboat horsepower
拖轮马力利用coefficient of tugboat horsepower
持续功continuous horsepower
持续功sustained power
按货物价格计算的运费ad valorem freight rate
挖泥船生产dredger's productivity
振幅对频的畸变amplitude versus frequency distortion
振幅透射amplitude transmittance
损益比profit and loss rate
探测测量measurement of detectivity
控制效controlling efficiency
推进器功propeller horsepower
提高劳动生产raise labor-productivity
提高生产效raise productive efficiency
放大amplification rating
散装货物运费bulk cargo rate
数量折扣rates of quantity discount
整流器频变换器commutator frequency changer
整流速commutating speed
无功功自动分配装置automatic reactive-power distributor
无线电频导航系统frequency radio navigation system
智能化、自动化和高效生产系统intelligentize, automation and high-efficiency producing system
智能化、自动化和高效生产系统intelligentize, automatization and high-efficiency producing system
最低关税minimum tariff rate
最佳效螺旋桨propeller of optimum efficiency
最佳频通信frequency optimum traffic
最大持续功continuous maximum rate
最大概定位法maximum probability fixing method
最大输出功maximum output-power
最惠国关税most favoured nation tariff rates
有功功测量wattful power measurement
有功功wattful power meter
机械功mechanical dynamometer
极限功limiting power
横摇频frequency of roll
横遥频frequency of roll
正常轴功normal shaft horsepower
正常轴功normal shaft power
正车功ahead power
正车功船舶前进功率ahead power
残损货物百分percentage of damaged goods
每小时生产hourly production
差动保护biased differential protection
气缸功cylinder power
气间制动功air brake dynamometer
汽耗试验steam-rate test
波导管功分配器wave guide power divider
波效wave efficiency
泵的功pump power
泵的效pump efficiency
活动物运费live animal's rates
测热电阻功bolometric power meter
海上功裕度sea margin
消融ablation factor
润滑油消耗lubricating oil consumption rate
润滑由消耗lubricating oil consumption rate
漂移速drift speed
灯丝效filament efficiency
热交换器效heat exchanger efficiency
热效试验thermal efficiency test
热效high heat efficiency
燃料消耗单位unit of specific fuel consumption
燃气消耗specific gas consumption
燃油消耗specific fuel oil consumption
燃烧室效combustion-chamber efficiency
燃煤消耗specific coal consumption
特殊运费special rate
电压稳定voltage stability factor
电子亲和electron affinity yield
电子束功electron beam power meter
电子磁化electronic susceptibility
电子速electronic speedometer
电感应electric inductivity
电炉额定功electric furnace rated power
电解导电electrolytic conductivity
电风扇功electric fan power
研磨效grinding effectiveness
磁导后效aftereffect of permeability
磨耗abrasion ratio
稳定运行功stable operation power
空气消耗air consumption rate
空泡速cavity speed
等概测量equiprobable measure
累计功integrating power meter
红外光谱辐射infrared spectral radiance
红外功infrared power
红外线光谱辐射infrared spectral radiance
红外线功infrared power
纵摇频frequency of pitch
经济功economical power
经济持续功economical continuous rating
经营比指数index number of operating ratio
绝对曲absolute curvature
绝对曲半径absolute radius of curvature
美国海运协会运费United States Maritime Commission rate
《美国海运协会运费United States Maritime Commission Rate
耗气specific air consumption
耗汽试验steam-rate test
耦合量子效coupling quantum efficiency
自动无功功分配装置automatic reactive-power distributor
自动频调整器automatic frequency regulator
船模速ship model speed
船舶上航线rate of ships on operating line
船舶倒退功backing power
船舶倒退功astern power
船舶前进功ahead power
船舶正点coefficient of ship's punctuality
船舶满载航行laden sailing factor
船舶航行ratio of ship's sailing-time to ship's operation time
船舶航行ratio of ship's sailing-time to ship's operation-time
船舶航行ship's sailing factor
船舶航行效ship's sailing efficiency
船舶顶推功ship pushing power
蒸发效high evaporative efficiency
蒸发速vaporization rate
蒸发速quick vaporization rate
螺旋桨功propeller power
螺旋桨推力功thrust power of propeller
螺旋桨最佳效propeller of optimum efficiency
表观速apparent speed
装舱货物运费hold rate
规定免赔的保险cover subject to franchise
计数式频counter type frequency meter
计示功indicated power
计示功indicated horsepower
设计制动功designed brake horsepower
试航功trial power
货油泵功cargo-oil pump power
货油泵效cargo-oil pump efficiency
货物保险cargo insurance rate
货物分类费rates of classification
货物分级费rates of classification
货物装卸效efficiency of cargo handling
货种运费commodity rates
购买大功拖轮和驳船purchase uprated tug and barges
超声功测量ultrasonic power measurement
超速功overspeed power
跟踪带宽的频自控系统automatic frequency control system tracking bandwidth
轴系传动效shafting transmission efficiency
造成的损失recklessly caused loss
载客量利用coefficient of passenger carrying capacity
过境商品运费tariff for the transit of goods
运营效operating efficiency
运行功running power
逆功脱扣试验reverse power relay trip test
信号灯speed lantern
speed ratio
调节因数speed regulation factor
选择器speed selector
选择器开关speed selector switch
量热量式功测量calorimetric power measurement
量热量式功calorimetric power meter
铭牌功nameplate horsepower
铲斗挖泥船生产dipper dredger productivity
锅炉满功容量boiler full-power capacity
锅炉热效boiler heat efficiency
锅炉热效high boiler heat efficiency
锅炉装机功boiler installed power
锅炉装置效boiler plant efficiency
锅炉输人功boiler input power
锅炉输入功boiler input power
锅炉输出功boiler output power
阳极电流效anodic current efficiency
阳极输人功anode input power
降温速rate of temperature drop
集合数据传输aggregate transfer rate
零电阻zero resistivity
零部件故障parts failure rate
非生产停泊时间所占百分percentage of nonoperative ship's lay-time
非生产停泊时间所占百分percentage of non-operative ship's lay-time
下降drop of frequency
互补规则frequency complement rule
保护装置frequency protection
倍增电路frequency multiplier circuit
再生frequency reproduction
分割frequency splitting
发生器整形器frequency generator shaper
发生整形器frequency generator shaper
同步性frequency synchronism
向应frequency response
响应失真frequency response distortion
响应显示设备frequency response display set
固定frequency fixing
复合frequency multiplex
嵌入法frequency interleaving
frequency tape
干扰frequency influence
弛豫谱frequency relaxation spectrum
微调frequency trimming
控制回路frequency control loop
控制电路frequency control circuit
整形frequency shaping
无线电导航系统frequency radio navigation system
最佳通信frequency optimum traffic
松弛谱frequency relaxation spectrum
标志frequency mark
标志脉冲frequency marker pip
标示器frequency marker
校准度盘frequency calibration scale
校准记录frequency calibrated recording
校正器frequency corrector
比较器电路frequency comparator circuit
波长关系frequency wavelength relation
漂移自动抑制器automatic frequency drift rejector
漂移补偿frequency drift compensation
特性校正correction of frequency characteristic
稳定率frequency stability factor
突变frequency discontinuity
脉冲frequency impulse
脉冲frequency pulse
自动记录分析器automatic recording frequency analyser
自动调整器automatic frequency regulator
范围选择器frequency scale selector
装置和术语frequency apparatus and terms
记录器frequency recorder
遥测frequency telemetering
额定放电normal rate of discharge
驳船使用utilization factor of barge
高分辨图形high graphics
高应变成型high strain rate forming
高应变成形high strain rate forming
高效低消耗high efficiency and low consumption
高效和低消耗high efficiency and low consumption
高生产效high productive efficiency
高速旋转电弧焊具有效高和质量好的优点high speed circumvolving arc-welding with high efficiency and good quality virtues
高频波段high frequency band
高频电热模塑heatronic molding